Ron Hinckley Response to GHAH Entries-Life after Divorce

May 22, 2020

I tried to figure out who Nelly White was, but couldn’t.  I guess endowment house weddings weren’t the same as temple weddings if they could party afterward like that.  It looks like they were more exacting on what a full tithe was back in the day if GHAB was found to be only at 95%.  The way he said he’d get better so he could die and go to heaven might mean the tithing assessment was carried over your life and not just annually, so you could make up lost ground–kind of like the retirement accounts that let you make up contributions?

“1883 Mar 30 The Denver & Rio Grand Western R.R. was completed & communication established between S. L. City & Denver.”


When I left SLC for my mission, the airport was fogged in for 2 days.  Joann and Blair, who had come for the farewell testimony meeting in the Tabernacle, had stayed to see me off, but had to leave.  Our group missed plane connections in NYC, so after 2 days of being grounded, they sent us overnight on this railroad to Denver where we caught a plane to NYC.  We waited in the terminal all day then caught a plane to Brussels.  We were 3 days late arriving in the mission field and since one’s mission began, in those days, on the day one arrived in the mission field, 3 days were added to our release date, 30 months off.  So 82 years after this entry, his great-great-grandson rode on the Denver & Rio Grand Western R.R.