WRH Comments Re BookInside-Cover-to-Mormon-Trail-Note-to-Ron-Scott-From-WRHInside Cover Pathway to Happiness – David O McKay from Helen to WRHInside Cover Note From WRH,Helen Children to D&C CommentaryInside Cover A Diary of Private Prayer to WRH from Rev. Dykstra
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I knew Reverend Heeren and he wasn’t General Protestant but Dutch Reform Calvinist. He and Dad (WRH) played vicious hand ball and tennis on Mondays (they were the only 2 people in town not working that day) at the public library. Religious trash talk was the oral part of the matches. When we moved to Omaha, Ernie lit into Dad about living in a white neighborhood while trying to serve the black community
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I knew Reverend Heeren and he wasn’t General Protestant but Dutch Reform Calvinist. He and Dad (WRH) played vicious hand ball and tennis on Mondays (they were the only 2 people in town not working that day) at the public library. Religious trash talk was the oral part of the matches. When we moved to Omaha, Ernie lit into Dad about living in a white neighborhood while trying to serve the black community