Merrill/Finley Emigration to Salt Lake Valley

These are the rules of the wagon train of which Charles Merrill (Merrell) and his wife Sarah Finley were members.  Second is the “business” of the Company, one incident.  Third is a list of those who passed away during the migration trip.  Of note Charles Merrill died two days into the trip and Sarah continued with their eight children.

Original Spelling

Rules to govern the Camps of Saints Emigrating to Great Salt Lake[.] Rule first prayers to be of served Morning & Evening[.] Rule Second Meeting to be held every Sunday if circumstances will admit[.] Rule 3 no swearing to be alowed[.] Rule 4 no man to retire and leave his fire burning[.] Rule 5 every man to tie up his dog while in camp or forfit his head[.] Rule 6 Waggons to be carrolled and horses to be tied inside and cattle outside and keep a good guard around them[.] Rule 7 no guns to be put into the wagons with caps on but to avoid accident put a piece of lether on the tube.

Buisness of the 21 Company of Saints that Emigrated to the Great Salt Lake in 1852[.] the case came up as to the proprety of traning the Widow Browns boy [Samuel]at Lariame [Laramie] and have his leg amputated which was broken the time he was blown up on. Satuda [Saturday] a counsel was called of the Offerces of the Company and it was unanimous in leaving him as it would cost her nothing nor the company as reported by Mr. Getchel who took great interest in the boys welfare and the boy was left August the 27 to the 29[.] the boy being satisfide to stay alone it was agreed that his Mother should stay with him and E[van] M[elbourne] Green agreed to tak her teems which was one Yoke of Oxen and too cows and agreed to see her taken thru the coming season and return her teem to her the Oxen and cows

Henry Okes Died July 12 1852
Charles Merril July 12
Ann Meckeswell [Mikesell] July 12 all of Cholery
John S. Huff [Hough] July 13
Amy C[ecelia Cooper] Aldrich July 13
Violetta P. Robeson July 24
Amelia Jane Nind July 24 one hour
Martha Ann C. Adams July 23 Aged 22 months with the ( brain fever
Martha Ann [Uttley] Adams July 26 Aged 20 Years and three months in Child bead [bearing]
Elizabeth [Rutledge] Utley July 27 Age 44 of Cholery
Wm. Walch [Welch] Died July 28 not a member of the Church
Wm Goodrich Died July 19 not guainunted [quarantined] after the where was recorded
Joseph D. Wilber August 19, 1852 Aged 14 months