The Gem of the Mountains Vol 3 1920
(Published in History of Idaho: The Gem of the Mountains Vol. 3 by James H. Hawley 1920)
One of the most important business enterprises of Rexburg is that conducted under the name of the Farmers’ Implement Company. Its ramifying trade connections cover a wide territory, for branch houses have been established at various points. Thus, at the head of this business are most enterprising men, active and alert to every opportunity, and their labors have been productive of most substantial and gratifying results. One of the officers of the company is Cyrus A. Harris, who is the manager, secretary and treasurer. He was born at Salem, Madison county, Idaho, March 30, 1889, and is a son of George H. B. and Victoria J. (Sandgren) Harris, who are mentioned at length on another page of this work. The father was for many years a most prominent figure in agricultural circles in Madison county and is now in the employ of the Farmers’ Implement Company, not from necessity but from choice, as through his farming interests he accumulated a valuable property that now returns to him a most gratifying annual income.
In the acquirement of his education Cyrus A. Harris attended the schools of Salem and the public schools at Sugar, Madison county. He completed a high school course in the Ricks Academy and was graduated with the class of 1909. He then went upon the road for the Spaulding Manufacturing Company, traveling in Idaho and Utah in 1920. He afterward became timekeeper for the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company at the factory in Sugar, where he remained during the winter of 1910-11. In the spring he was appointed manager of the Utah Implement Vehicle Company at the branch at Rexburg and occupied that position until the spring of 1912, when the Farmers’ Implement Company was organized, he being a factor in the organization. He became one of the stock-holders and in fact the business was promoted by Mr. Harris and Mr. McKinlay, who is the president, while Mr. Harris became the manager, secretary and treasurer. Since then a business of very substantial proportions has been developed, the trade interests covering a wide territory, and the enterprise is today one of the foremost commercial concerns of this section of the state. In partnership with his brother George, Cyrus A. Harris owns and operates four hundred acres of dry land four miles east of Rexburg and recently hey have installed a 15-30 Titan Tractor on the farm.
On the 19th of June, 1912, Mr. Harris was united in marriage to Miss Zina Cole and to them have been born four children, namely: Ross C; Don C; Zina F., who passed away September 11, 1916, at the age of three months; and Arthur Paul.
Mr. Harris is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has served as counselor to Bishop H. J. Flamm of the second ward and has held various other offices in the church. His political allegiance is given to the republican party and for two years he served as a member of the city council. In community affairs he is deeply interested and lends the weight of his aid and influence to every movement calculated to benefit the community and promote the upbuilding of the district. His worth as a business man and citizen is widely acknolwedged.