GHBH Letters to his father – Vol 2
Transcribed by Scott Hinckley, August 2020 (original spelling)
George Henry Burraston Harris
(Letters to his father-Vol 2)
Ketchum Alturas Co Idaho May 10 /83: Dear Father. James & I ar in good standing as regards health, laziness & our good wil for a continuation of the same. Our R R Job was rather shorter than we anticipated. So we drew our pay for about 14 ½ days labor & continued our journey til we ar at the above name place. In the so cald Wood River Country, where al is in peace & quietness. From what I can learn the spring time has surprised the inhabitants of these regions as it is 6 wks earlier now, as the say is, than it was last year at this time, so for that reason there has been no preparation made to speak of as yet for enterprize. The snow has most al gone on the flats & the grass has just started. We came here the day before yesterday & haven’t seen anything to speak of, on the laboring line. Wages ar very low here 1 ½$ & board is the regular price for laborers. We ar as far N. as we can get with teams at present, as there is too much snow. Wel Father as far as I can hear, there is as good a chance here as any where. We shal be glad to hear from U as we haven’t heard from since since we left. Please write soon as U get this as we may not stay here long. I hav written to Shoshone to the P.M. for our mail if any has arrived. We ar 75 mile further north. P.S. Wil send 20$ please pay Jos W. Smith $6.90 for hay. U may work my pole tax & pay my Ter & Co taxes from the money & send me receipts for both as taxes ar away up in this country. Keep the remainder Yr Self & cr on act. Wil close with luv to al by Geo & Jim.
Kechum Alturas Co Idaho May the 24th /83. Dear Father. We hav been chopping ties to the tune of 2$ a day & now James is left alone at the bis’ as Geo got a job hauling ore 20 miles at the rate of 7$ pr ton & if we can do beter to work the teams single we wil get another wagon & split them up.. things look very dul for a sumer’s work but they wil get beter after a while I hope. When u write to either of us sign our ful names as there is lots of Harrises in this country. Kind luv to al & believe us to be ever Yr loving sons James & George.
Ketchum Alturas Co. June 24/83. Dear Father. As circumstances now permit I am glad to send U a little money to help me pay my indebtnes. Wil enclose 30$. I am owing Clark Brothers…I am wel & hearty & Jim is fat. Hav been working my team very hard this month. In this mo. Up til yesterday hav made 8 trips, total amt hauld 38,590 lbs rate pr ton 7$. So U can average that & see after the wear & expenses ar taken out there is not much profit left for poor old Joe. I askd the Boss for a raise on hauling & got an answer NO!. So I puld off for another job. I went up & loaded then found that there was a very steep hil of about 200 yards long, to desend where they always use a ruf lock on each hind wheel. I rufd 1 wheel & smooth locked the other as I hadn’t enough chains along to ruf both. Started down the hil anticipating no danger tho it may hav been ever so dangerous. Every thing went lovely for about 50 yds when a rock struck the ruf shoe & knokd it from under the wheel. Bil & Bowley tried their damdest to stop but al in vain. (they are horses). It piled the horses al in a heap & shot us al down the hil, like a shot out of James sharps. I got off with a slight sprain in the ancle where the ground flew up & struck my foot sideways.. Today is Sunday & James and I ar going out for a ride to see the country. James Joins luv from yr son GHB Harris.
Vienna Sept 9th/83 Dear Father Am owing U a leter, so here goes. Today is Sund with us, the 1st one since 2 weks. Should hav workd today, but thought the horses needed a rest…have been hauling wood pretty steady since we came to Vienna. Expect to get thro tomorrow then we J.L., J.W. S. & self expect to take in the eastern borders of Idaho to view the various ranching localities & if the country suits we expect to make some locations. I received the receipts OK & thanks for yr trouble. Heard from Eliza some little while ago, shal answer today. Expect to be down South some time before long. Closed with luv from yr son George.
Rexburg Oneida Co Idaho Nov 4th/83 (original counties were quite large and as the population grew they divided them into more smaller counties) Dear Father I am pleasd that an opportunity presents itself, so I can make good my promise to U. I gues U hav thought that I had forgotten that I had a Father. Wel I don’t think U would be far off. I hav been very busy hauling logs. Shorland & James have their houses up to the square. I havnt started to build yet but hav my logs al hauld, shal haul some corner stones to-morrow then slap her up. Hav just receivd our acknowledgments from the Genl Land Office at Oxford for our filing. We hav some very nice locations. There is a township location laid off joining Jim’s quarter & mine joins Jims on the south Shorlands is 2 ½ mile from ours. The township has no name yet. I expect I shal be round to see U some time before Xmas.
Shorlands house is 22 by 17 inside & James 17 X 20. We hav a splendid Kanyon road don’t hav to use any break, no rocks at al. U would be delighted to see the beautiful bunch grass al covered over the land & beautiful water. Father how much hay hav U got off my land & what is hay worth a ton & what is Oats worth. It may pay me to buy hay here & feed my team. Wel I hope to hear from U soon, wil close with luv from yr Son George Harris.
1884 June 5th Rexburg Oneda Col Idaho (GHBH had returned to Pleasant Grove for the Winter and in early April (3rd) had married Victoria Sandgreen) Dear Father & Bro. wil write U a combind letr as it may avoid a repetition of sentiment to each of U. we ar here last Wednesday & I tel U it makes me feel good to be in such a beautiful country, tho the water is 2 high to cross the Tea-Ton. We ar stoping in a house in town for a few days, while we prepare to cros. Viv & I start for the timber in the morning after a log to make a boat (or lumber for a boat) so we can get home. Viv & I were over on horse back but the horses had to swim. We had plenty of grass for the teams on the way here, but some very bad roads thro Cache co. The wheels would go down to try & find the lower road & so got stuck but would double & put out of mud clear up to the hub. The horses look as wel as when we started. Hav bought a fine cow & calf for 40$ in aples at $11.20 pr 100. Victoria says she never had such an appetite in her life as she has had since we started. The chickens done wel & laid from 1 to 3 eggs daily. I am surprizd how the town had grown since I left. Apostles Woodruf & Grant has been here about 10 da. I had the pleasure of an introduction to them. They preach’d twice today & wil again this evening. Was working water taxes yesterday for city lots. We ar al wel & send our love to al G.B. & V. Harris.
Rexburg Oneida Co I-o Aug 3rd /84. Dear Father: Long since we rec yr leter & paper O K. We ar al wel, hav been up in the timber getting out poles for fencing hav got about 700 good ones from 16 to 24 ft long, also some house & saw logs. We ar camping in our house, while we wait for part of the flooring to season at the mil & some sheeting to put the roof on. Wil hav her 13 logs high to the square. Vick says she likes the place & feels at home & for myself, I like it beter every time I look around. Prest Taylor & some of the 12 ar expected here on the 17th inst. I hav sent to S. L. City for a mower & rake, expect it here next week if it don’t come I wil hav to go off to work so as to buy hay. Hav worked about 75$ water taxes since we came up. If I can get the money soon I can save 3$ by sending to Provo for my tax receipt. Thanks for sending the notification. I lost the Carlson horses for 1 week they look wel, havnt done anything with them for some time. We hav had fine weather here since we came up. Al the grain looks wel, corn is tasled out. Think there wil be good corn raisd here this season. Hav lots of wild fruit here. Please excuse more for this time, may write les on more paper another time. Love my al, George.
Salem Sept 11th /84. Dear Father. Yours was thankfully received. Have sent U bil of sale of AM F. Kanyon shares, do what U like with them, they ar no good to me now. Hope U ar wel as this leaves us at present wel in health & ful of life & freedom. Have been making water ditches the last 2 days. Bawly has left us & gone on a visit to Rexburg for a few days. He bit a small boy on the leg so I gave him a good shaking up for the 1st time in his life. He is a dandy for stock. Love by your sons & daughters Geo., Victoria, & Vivian.
Dear Father, as space is more precious than I’l write what I can without making rhyme…Vivian goes to school, says he likes it pretty wel, Abner has been working considerably at the carpentr trade on his Uncle Rick’s Grist mil. We ar al wel & hope U ar likewise. Woud hav writen to U before, but hav been expectin some penys to send U. wil enclose 5$ to U on act. Wel father time flies. We would like to join U & hav a jolly Xmas but circumstances alters cases U know, but as soon as circumstances wil permit, we shal be glad to send for or hav U come to see us. We ar 10 or 12 families settled around Salem, but none on the City lots yet.
I hav a plot of Salem presented to me by the county Surveyor. We the Democratics elected our county officers by 600 majority, that is in Oneida Co. Wel Father we find lots to do in this new country & the little experience I’v had in this life has learnt me to an extent that time is precious. I believe that the Lord helps those that helps themselves. Now & then a dollar slips in which helps to get a new pitch fork, shovel or window blind, al helps to make home cheerful. Wel father good night with love by Victoria & George. Write soon. Thanks for the news-papers GHBH. (no date but assume late November)
Salem (via Rexburg) Idaho Jan 11th /85 Dear Father, we received yours , enclosed in the parcel with paper &c by Cyrus. We were pleasd to learn of yr welfare in al respects. We ar al wel as usual. Cy ar last Tuesday al sage & without any extra charges for our carpet, fruit &c. We was glad to see him, also James who came 2 or 3 days later. We enjoyed Xmas & N. years in good style. On New Years I fasted & went to meeting I gues for the 1st time, since my dear mother or U carried me there. Bore testimony to the gospel of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. (He was just appointed Bishop of the new Salem ward) Then went & dined with Viv, Abner, Cyrus & may dear Victoria at Aunt Ramers, then went to a nice bal in the evening at about 10 AM Santa Claus brought us a nice bul calf al complete except the tail, which is as good as an ear mark. The weather has been remarkable fine here of late. Sno is about 8 in. it’s good sleighing for those who hav sleighs, we havnt any yet but hope soon to hav. It’s a clear cold night tonight, haveny fed much hay yet. The horses does 1st rate without. Jim & Cy intends to start for Market Lake for a few days at the Ice loading on cars for the U. N. R. R. Co. I wil take them down tomorrow if the word comes. Neighbor Wilson started on a hunt a week ago tomorrow & return this evening reports he has kild 8 elk, brought part of them home & wil go after the rest tomorrow. Gues we wil hav a fry as I have been tending to family duties during his absence, chopping wood &c & so on. U ask my preference of the 2 papers, wel either wil be appreciated but as we intend to farm, perhaps the “Farmers Home” woud be of more interest to us than the “Times” as I am not much on politics &c but for that reason perhaps I ought to take such a paper so as U ar older & more experience I wil leave it for U to decide. Am joind in love by Victoria and Cyrus from yr son Geo H. B. Harris.
Salem via Rexburg. Bingham Co Idaho Feb 19th /85. Dear Dad, we were pleasd to learn of yr welfare in yr epistle of the 28th ult that U were wel & had not lost yr only little caffee. Ours grows fast but gues he’l never hav a tail. Our dog Bawley is a fine looking but mischievous Son of a Methodist. He has eaten 3 whips for me. I caught him at it the other day & I needn’t tel U what he had close to his ribs next but I think he wont do it again. Lost our yearling but as I was on my beat to gather subscriptions to help establish a defence fund in the stake, I found Mr. calf & turned him over to my 2nd counselor to winter for 2 hundred & 50 cents. Hav sent to the Stake clerk at Rexburg a statistical report of Salem Ward numbering 61 souls. The 1 I sent in 3 mo previous contained but 30 od so U se we ar multiplying rather contrary to dictionary rules, but just as true John Dallin said 3 from 2 makes 5. Jim, Cy & Bub hav dug a splendid wel for the Bishop 35 ft deep & lots of water of the purest quality. During the 1 to last 4 weeks, we Salemites hav chopd & hauld logs & built a meeting house 16 by 21 ceiling from 10 to 11 ft from floor. The 1st house on the Town sight. Expect within 1 month later to hav dubd & held meeting therein. Hav been steady at it for the last 6 working days but wil quit & haul poles for a few days. Hav subscribd for the S.W. News. Was pleasd with the poetical strand U sent it is very good. Last Sunday Cy, Jim, Ab, John Dallin & family, Mis Ry Ricks, Victoria & self al took diner together here. We hav had a very mild winter here. A number of stockmen havnt fed a spear from hay & wont this winter. We ar having a big thaw. Quarterly conference wil be held at Rex. On the 21st & 22nd inst. Expect to attend. Wel father U may think I am getting stingy but space from here down finished al the rest. Please excuse mistakes, love from al pr yr loving Son George Harris.
Salem Mar 21st /85 Dear Father, your wel woven sheet of the 4th inst. Was carefuly perused. Was pleasd that U were al wel. Am thankful to report us al wel. Am sory Bro Wadley has been so sick hope he is beter by this.
Marta is a good one. If they coud keep up with local time in educating their produce in principles of civilization I woud say “Go it Marta while U last for local time may soon be past.” Our wel is 35 ft deep, the surface soil is a mixture of clay, sand & gravil, 4 ft then comes loose sand & coars gravil mixd for 10 or 11 tf. Next comes black sand, quite free of any other earth. We had to start our curb & let her follow us down as we dug & black sand followd to the debth we went & we tried to get thro it but the water came in so fast we coud not reach the bed rock. You wil hav to gues again as regards the male of our yearling, then I may say, somebody told ye so as U please.
Salem soroundings ar looming. Bro C. R. J. Harris has erected a fine dweling house with front to the east facing Salem Town sight but no town by a long sight. On the S. of the town sight is a fine building being erected by James L. Harris with 2 fronts N. & W. just preparing for busines. Woud not be surprizd if he should take a partner before long. Our Bil Horse has folowd little Jim horse to the great beyond. Haven’t put in any grain yet, if the weather had kept fine we should hav commenced last Monday but it is snowing tonight (Sat). Expect to fence 20 acres this spring. Front fence with double 4 pin posts & centre fence with single posts. Cyrus expects to move his folks up as soon as he can get the crops in. wheat is worth 1$ pr bush & oats 1 ½ cents pr lb now. Katuflo 1 cents pr lb. expect to hav S. School & meeting at the bishops house tomorrow. Cy. Viv. & self hav been hunting today kild 2 nice chickens saw 15 deer just a mile from here this evening. The ducks & geese hav come back for the sumer. They ar very numerous here & tasts very nice now & then or I may say tomorrow for diner. We hav 6 hens & 1 rooster & get 5 or 6 eggs pr day at 15 cents pr doz when we sell em. Cy. Viv & Victoria joins me in love to U by Ur affectionate Son GHB Harris.
Salem Rexburg Bingham Co. Idaho May 27th /85 Dear Father: I suppose U ar impatiently awaiting the news of the safe arrival of Captain C. Harris’s train. Al came to the burg Saturday at 4 PM where Messrs B. & H. stop’d unhitched left Sady & Zilpa with the wagons, then R. & R. came on horseback to find their Mother & her 2 youngest, who had come by rail 1 week ahead & stayd with us to wait the arrival of the teams. Mother Sandgren came al the way with the wagons, she was much beter on her arrival than when she left P. G. & said she enjoyd the trip very much. So the next day being Sunday, we had visitors, Sarah, Jas, Sadie, B & R. Y. J. & A. Cyrus & family, A. B. Harris, Vivian, Alexander & wife with the baby, John Dallin & family making a total of 20 including Mother S. Victoria & I. Cyrus has movd on his place & wil soon hav his house cominable. James & I hav just closd in 20 Ac. Each with joint fence. We witnesd quite a heavy frost last Sat. night but by reports in the news it was not so bad here as at Cache Valey & Ogden. Haven’t done any water as yet but expect to soon. My Lucern & grain looks wel. (Lucern is also know as alfalfa) Hav got 2 nice China pigs (blk) 7 weeks old. Vic set 1 Hen with 13 eggs so she hatched 11 one was born unlucky so he died, the rest ar doing wel. Our Quar. Conf was wel attended by the Non Poligamists. See D. N. of May 28th for report. S. Smith has got him a good place not far from us. It’s in our Ward. Pedr Larsen Sen. & family came here, got scard or mad, because there was not place prepard for his especial benefit so when I wouldn’t give him 80 acres of mine for 100$ he gave me to understand he came here for my sake, so I lafd & told him we didn’t need him very bad & that he had beter go back to the N. field again so he is on his return south perhaps to P. G. We had some nice pea vines. The cow helpd self so green peas wont be quite as early this year with us. Cy says U think of coming here to live. We should be very happy to have the pleasure to giv U a hearty welcome. Most of yr family ar here now & I’ve no doubt the rest would come if U were here, but don’t be in a hurry to come for we hope to be able to make U more comfortable shortly. Victoria joins me in love to U & may god Bles U that U may pas thro this life victorious in the cause of truth is the prayer of your loving Son GHB Harris.
Salem &c July 25 /85 Dear Father: its ½ past 12 AM but I wil write U for I kno U ar anxious to learn of our welfare &c. we ar pleasd with yr last epistle to learn by it that U were wel &c. On the 23rd Ins at 6 AM an emigrant 7 ½ lbs came to light & I am happy to say Victoria has & is doing wel. I gues the next wil be a pare of shoes and a name for the lad. How do U like Geo Victor for a name for that wil be his Father’s & Grandfather’s names. (George Victor served a mission to the Eastern States 1907-1909) Hay crop is light here this year owing to lower water this season than usual but 1 good thing we have no miscetoes when the water is low. I expect to start gleaning hay soon. The so cald ground squirrels ar raising ned with my wheat, they bite the heads off & pile them up by their holes. They ar not so bad on Oats. Mine wil be ready to harvest in about a week. We Salem folks had a 1st class celebration by the way we had a liberty pole 46 ft long 6 in at the bot & 4 at the top with a nice flag on it, but no ½ mast this time. Had a program for the exercises of the day & al who were requested took an active part. So our celebration was a grand success. We had 3 sitters, the length of our meeting house, servd with picknic of very neat cookery & I came near being like a stufd toad as I was place at the head of the table & had to tast some of each kind. After picniks, the children danced til they were tired about 5 PM then the old folks dancd til 7 PM & dismisd by a few remarks & benediction by our Bishop. James & Rolla came from Rexburg & joind our dance. Cyrus & family ar at Bear Lake spending the 24th. Don’t hear from Shorland for a long time. We hav lots of water of the best quality in the wel now. We hav our Boom nearly finishd, nearly enough timber at the bank of the river above for a drive. More next time, from yr affect Son with love from al to al. Geo H B. Harris.
Salem Rexburg B. Co. I-o Sep 15-85. Dear Father, no doubt U ar anxious to learn of our welfare as its been some time since U wrote us. I was very sory to learn by yr last that the lumbago was troubling U, but hav good hopes U hav long since recovered. Am thankful to say we ar al enjoying very good health, except Mother Sandgren, tho she is much beter than she has been. She has had a very bad spel of her old complaint & but for her faith in administration by the Elders & their gift of healing, she said she woud surely hav died & I also think so. I can but acknowledge the spirit of healing in her recovery. Our harvesting is over except what the squirls ate off in the spring which has come along again, since the squirrels hold up for the winter, but it is very short. The crops in this ward ar generally good considering. Cy & I helped neighbor Wilson thrash last Mon. to the tune of 250 bu 1st clas grain but rather small per acre. The storm that U had so sever came on up & reached us here & wet the wheat shocks in their ear. And some folks think twil make good beer. N. Wilson & family has gone to Logan to visit so the premises ar left in our charge with 2 fine cows that gives nice milk, also a fine melon patch. I wish U had some. We ar having quite a reformation here, last fast day 5 were rebabtized. So U se a good spirit is prevalent with us, in 1 sence: but I tel U we ar growing warm regarding our political afairs: our taxes ar 3 to 1 higher this year than last. I think the dirty scoundrils ar taking advantage of us: principaly on act of the expressions of Prest. Cleveland & regarding Polygamy. Suppose they think that gives them a right to do as they please with us. So I think al wil hav a chance to learn something before we ar thro with the outside element. Good night with love G. V. & G V Harris as yr son, daughter in law & grandson. More next time.
Salem nr Rexburg G. Co I—o Nov 4th /85. Dear Father: as time permits the pleasure to write, I’l say were pleasd to learn by yr last, of Ur good health & prosperity in raising so good a crop. My calculations in farming has been out rather short this year. Our wheat stock thrashd 19 ½ bu & oats 32 bu. Wh 2nd class, Oats 1st class. Our misonary farm produced 17 ½ bu 1st clas wheat. My potatoes patch yielded to the tune of about 75 bu. We hav 2 ripe swine of this summers raising, the female we hope to keep over for a fine breader, but her brother must hav his hide scrapd about Xmas. Cy & I hav just finishd roofing a tip top potatoe celar by the way weve joind the gable on the south in the N end of the half bails granary. We shal continue raising the granary as time permits. Our next job wil be to build a stable for Cy’s Boss Cow. I attended conference at Logan, had a good time, stayed at John Rosas. He is doing wel in his way, such as horse shoing. The fair by rail & return was 5$. Very fair I think. Victoria says its hers & G.V.s turn next spring, to which I shal gladly consent if circumstances permits. I must say we hav reason to thank God for blessing us with such a promising boy. We rec a leter from Amanda the day before yesterday, was sory to hear that Mother Sandgren was sick in bed, hope she is beter ere this. The Banok Stake Quarterly Conf. wil commence on Sat the 15th inst. In Tything barn at Rexburg. The Stake has had a little more or les than 50,000 bu of grain thrashed this year. So I think we wil hav nearly enough for bread & seed by using economy unless we hav too many emigrants. Father I hav been thinking to send U a horse ever since Cyrus movd up, if I coud see by chance one who was going down. I or Cy was going to send 1 by the boys but Jug thought he woud make the drive & leave the boys here. So he sneakd off unbeknown to any of us. I can spare 1 very wel if U need. Am glad to say we hav plenty of hay for a cmon winter & perhaps a few ton to sel at 6$ or 7$ pr ton. Wheat fr 60 to 70 cents pr bu &c. from your loving Son & family Geo HB Harris.