George Henry Abbott Harris: Comments, Impressions-World Events

John D. Lee Sitting on Coffin
John D. Lee Execution

Mountain Meadow and other Historical Writings

(From the Diary of George Henry- not the photos.  There is no indication that he was present for the execution and this is most likely taken from newspaper accounts)

“Monument Park Mountain Meadows, Mar 23rd 1877-12.25 PM-The selection of this place as the scene of the execution of John D. Lee, meets with gen’l commendation, on account of it being the identical spot where his crime was committed….A coup of soldiers at Fort Cameron formed escort for the oficials & furnished a guarantee that no interception would take place…Lee’s coffin was placed 25 ft in front of a corall formed by 3 wagons behind which 5 men were armed with needle guns.  Lee was brought forward shortly after leaning on the arm of Pastor Stokes & was seated on the end of the cofin….the marshal asked Lee if he had anything to say, Lee arose, his countenance exhibiting no trace of fear or any other emotion & stated that he was not afraid to die…

“I have but little to say this morning.  Of course I feel that I am upon the brink of eternity & the solemnities of eternity should rest upon my mind at the present.  I have made out, or endeavored to do so, a manuscript & an abridged history of my life.  This is to be published, sir.  I have given my views & feelings with regard to al these things.  I reel resigned to my fate.  I feel as calm as a sumer morning.  I have done nothing adversely wrong.  My conscience is clear before God & man & I am ready to meet my Redeemer.  This it is that places me on this field.  I am not an infidel.  I have not denied God or his mercy.  I am a strong believer in those things: the most I regret is parting with my Family.  Many of them are unprotected & wil be left Fatherless.  When I speak of those little ones, they touch a tender chord within me ( here Lees voice faltered perceptabley)  I have done nothing designedly wrong in this affair.  I used my command to have averted this calamity.  But I could not.  I am sacrificed to satisfy feelings & I am used to gratifying parties, but I am ready to die.  I have no fear.  Death hath no terror.  No particle of mercy hav I asked of the courts or oficials to save my life.  I do not fear death.  I shal never go to a worse place than the one I am now in.  I have said it to my family & I wil say it today that the Government of the U.S. sacrificed their best friend & that is saying a great deal but it is true.  I am a true believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I do not believe everything that is now practiced & taught by Brigham Young.  I do not agree with him.  I believe he is leading the people astray, but I believe in the Gospel as it was taught in its purity by Jos. Smith in former days.  I have my reasons for saying this..  U used to make this Man’s wish my pleasure & did so for 30 years.  See how & what I have come to this day.  I have been sacrificed in a  cowardly & dastardly  manner.  There are 1000s of people in the Church, honorable, good hearted that I cherish in my heart.  I regret to leave my family.  They are near & dear to me, these are things which arouse my sympathy.  I declair I did nothing wrong designedly in this unfortunate affair.  I did everything in my power to save al the emigrants, but I am one that must suffer.  Having said this I feel resigned.  I ask the Lord, my God, to extend his mercy on me & receive my spirit my labors are done.”

“…The marshal bound a handkerchief over Lee’s eyes, but left his arms unbound by Lee’s request.  The word to fire was given precisely at 11 AM & the 5 guns were discharged almost simultaneously.  Lee dropped back upon the coffin & died instantly.”

(He later quoted from an article in the New York Herald that discussed what happened to the 16 small children who were survivors.)


Queen Victoria’s Coronation

“Some things I can never forget, for instance when 7 yr. old attending Queen Victoria’s coronation, we, (that is the dear little fellows Abraham & I) with our tin plates, cups & spoons were regaled at the Eqiscopal Church with roast beef, & plum pudding, tea & cake in profusion.  It seemed a fortaste of Heaven.” ( coronation was Thursday, 28 June 1838)


Death of President Brigham Young

“At 1 min past 4 oclock this afternoon (Wed. Aug 29-1877) Prest.   Brigham Young departed this life serounded by his family & friends.   The Pres’d was born 1st June 1801 at whitingham, Windham county, Vermont.  He was consequently 76 yrs 2 month & 28 days.  For further particulars see Des. Semi Weekly Sat. Sept 1-1877 & his likeness on last page.  For pure sentiment see E. R. Snow Smith’s poems  even the     Gentiles revered his name & remarkable talent for leadership.”

“Dead is the Patriarch & Prophet- Nay smile not at his title now;

U do not hold them good- what of it?  Leave the dead laurels on his brow.

For there are those who have revered him, whose firm belief

From every taint of matial weakness cleared him, respect, at least, their grief.

What tho we though himself deluded in many things that he has done?

Shal he, for al time be denuded of honor, he has fairly won?

The waste which he has filled with flowers sings in his praise

The usefulness we recon, but by hours lasts til the end of days.

We sneer at thing which he held holy-Are we then certain of the fight?

Is there not truth, but in us solely-can we alone be right?

It may be-but who knos the morrow Faith may be strong,

And yet the strongest may find to his sorrow

That he alone is wrong!


San Francisco News Leter.

(I think this was composed by Apostate James Linforth.)”


THE SALVATION ARMY – this is the name of a new fangled, orthodox, ‘soul saving’ organization recently imported into the U.S. from England, which is now attracting great attention in eastern cities.  It is composed of traveling bands of pious vibranting fanatics of a dozen or two in a band about equaly divided between the sexes, who by their excentricties & grotesque oddities, such as wearing uniforms, marching thro the streets, with Baners flying, singing ludicrous & comic gospel songs- manage to attract large crowds & claim to be making many conversations, but whom I think to be in league with namles individual whose salamderic propensities, toward Sulphur, brimstone & salt petr they argue.  Nothing can be more ridiculous than the pious harangues, made by the ladies of these bands strolling fanatics & their songs of the same general style as wil be seen by the following, which is a fair sample of the rest.”

“Satan’s mad & I’m glad a litle more faith in Jesus

He’l mis the soul he thought he had A litle more faith n Jesus

Its al I want its al I want its al I want.

A litle more faith in Jesus. Oh, stand back Satan, let me by

A litle more faith in Jesus I must go by, I wil go by

A litle more faith in Jesus

Its al I want  its al I want  its al I want

A litle more faith in Jesus”     (June 1880)

“Proposed R.R. across Isthmus of Jehantipek”

“The intr ocean R.R. Co across the isthmus of Jehantepek, (actually Tehuantepec)

Are sending out their surveyors.  It wil shorten the rout between New Orleans & San Fransisco 2300 miles of 7 days as compard with the Darian or Panama rout.  The estimated cost wil be 6,000,000$. Which includes building a harbor on each side.” (there is such a railroad across the 125 mile isthmus in Southern Mexico)

Death of President James A Garfield

“James A Garfield has paid the last debt of nature…the moan of the restles ocean mingled with the sobs of the lovd ones, as the lamp of life flikerd & went out for ever at 10:30 P.M. Sept 19/81.  He was near 50 yr old.  Peace be to the remains of the inductrious boy, the egar student, the wise preceptor, the galant soldier, the prudent statesman, the strong president, the suffering patient, the victims of a miscreant’s hate, & may God bles the widow & children now weeping over the irresparable loss.”

Polygamy Arrests

November 1885- “Apostle Lorenzo Snow was arrested this morning, Nov 20, at his residence in Brigham City for the somewhat antiquated charge of unlawful cohabitation.”

Berlin Treaty

“Austria & Germany has warnd Turkey that the Berlin Treaty wil be an’uld if she allows either Rusia or Eng. To Dardenells.” (It should be noted that George Henry had a subscription to the Chicago Weekly and shared it with many but it kept him up on world affairs.  The Berlin Treaty was the dividing up of Africa by the European powers)

Labor Disputes

“1885 Mar 27th Fri.  300 operatives of the lace works in New York ar on a strike & come into collision with some French operatives who just came over to take their places many were wounded on both sides.”

Presidential Election 1872

“Horace Greely’s last letter”

“New York Nov 8/72- my friend (Col M. W. Tappan of Bradford N. H.)

We have been terribly beaten.  I was the worse beaten man that ever ran for the high office & I have been asailed so bitterly that I hardly knew whether I was running for President or the Penitentiary.  In the darkest hour my long suffering wife left me, not too soon, for she had suffered too deeply & too long.  I laid her in the ground with hard dry eyes.  Wel, I am used up.  I canot see before me.  I have slept little for weeks & my eyes are stil hard to close, while they soon open again.  But no more of this.  U my friend went into  this contest with me.  U knew as I did that we must stop fighting the rebels sometime.  But it is now settled that we never shal…..i need not speak of my wife.  U know’ the story of her long ilnes & painful death.  Her suferings have been so great that I rejoice that they were ended.  Remember me kindly to Mrs. Tapan.  I am faithfully yours, Horace Greely.     ( the …denote omission of passages relatin to public men now living)”

(A side note.  Grant was running for a second term and a wing of the Republican party that wanted to end reconstruction formed the liberal party and the Democrats joined with them.  Horace Greely the New York publisher was their choice for President.  Horace’s showing was bad, a better writer than orator and he lost decisively, a rout.  Broken hearted with the death of his wife and his showing he too died November 29, 1872 before the electoral votes were cast.  This was his last letter)

Oscar Wild

 “The gentiles of Salt Lake are making eery faces & the saints are smiling quietly over Mr. Oscar Wilds remarks in N York.  He said ‘The Mormons are the most unintellectual people I have met in America’  there were only 6 or 8 Mormons at his lecture in S.L. city while a large audience of languishing gentiles turnd out en mass to visit Oscar.” (1882)

“Glove Fight”

“The longest, gamest & most stubborn glove fight, was fought in Philadelphia between Sherif the Prusian & John Welsh for a finish of 250$ only 8 men witnesd the battle which lasted 5 hrs & 6 m.  73 rounds were contested, but ended in a draw, boxers being so deat at the end, that they could scarcely stand up.  Both were badly punish’d”