George Henry Abbott Harris Life In A New Home, Salem, Idaho

Transcribed with original spelling by Scott Hinckley, June 2020

(Salem Idaho is west of Sugar City and East of Hinckley and Hibbard  and North of Rexburg.)

1888 May 29th Tues.  Geo Vic 2 babies & self went visiting to Prof. Geo P. Words & and found him a  Jolly conversationalist.  On Wednesday May 30 we went a fishing on North Snake River.  I took along 2 news papers, while George anxiously caught nothing.  James Henry Wilson & family accompanied us & Cyrus drove.  We visited the narrows & Cy shot a hen.  There is a beautiful country in that direction & can be easily watered & wil maintain 1000s of Saints.

1888 May 30- this is the 26th anniversary of my marriage, with Grandmother of my last grandchild (James Ray) & how many joys & sorrows, ups & downs, times of pleasure & times of pain hav I been the recipient of.

1888 June 1st Friday- I caught a severe cold & went over to Cy’s with the pinchers for him to take off the shoes of my horses.  Roylo Howard cald to see me, but I was 2 sik to return & was bed fast for 4 days with bilious fever & stoppage but thro the kind nursing of Geo Cy & James & their dear girls I soon recovered.

Sat 9th went a fishing with poor success.  G V lost my whip. On returning we found Bro. Nick who had preceded us stuk fast in a slu,  Geo. Cy & Henry unhitched the little mares & went to his assistance, but as Geo Victor has lost our whip & Dok knew it she laid down in the mud & refused the help necessary.

 Sunday June 10 went to meetin & gave in my recommend, was unanimously received & apointed Secretary of Salem Ward.

I did not expect to se so much civilization & improvements in this northern locality.  There ar bout 5 stores in Rexburg (3 m. from here) but noe as yet in Salem.  I hav took up 1 city lot ( I wanted 4 but they thought I was a little hoggish) on the corner of Centre & Water streets.

29 June 88  I am pretty near bankrupted, settling up in Pleasant Battle Creek,…but shal not stay that way long if I hav my health & the usual good luk.  Geo. hauld me a load of house logs yesterday & today Jim has gone along with him, so tomorrow I expect 2 more load, then  Cyrus wil help me put her up 7X 9, I mean 18 X 25.

1888 July 5th– today is Thursday (Fastday) & Victory’s 23rd birthday.  James Henry son of James L & Mary An Harris was bles’d today.  I gave him my last dime.  We had a splendid meeting see ward record.  Geo H A Harris Secretary.  (in those days fast day was on a Thursday)

1888 July 19 Thurs- Went to Rex P. O. I rode home with Jim on his running geers.  He always drives fast & it was al I could do to hold on to the hind ends with my basket on 1 arm & the coal oil can on the other & I had to keep the break bar from the hind wheels.  I decided that the next time I rode like that, I would rather walk.

1888 July 30th Monday -Irving helped me finish & square the celar.  Cyrus plow’d out my water ditch & Geo H B hauld me 3 l. of rock from Rexburg Quarry.  We had cucumbers & green corn for

Salem B. Co. Id-26 Aug 88-My Dear Vivian-I am building my shit house on the corner of Fare & Main streets & hav got her up 7 logs high.  Geo has hauld 4 loads of logs & some saw timber for lumber & rok for my celer.  Cy is helping me build & Jim hauld me 1 load of logs so I hav a plenty to do & I can keep busy & u kno that Satan don’t find any mischief for busy hands to do.

Salem Idaho 7 Oct 88-My dear James—I hav al my house up to the sheeting on & shal commence to shingle next week.  We haven’t had any frost to hurt til last Thursday but it didn’t catch our corn, squashes or melons.  Our wheat thrashing is closed.

Salem Idaho 27th Oct 88- My dear Benny-I shal soon move into my new house which is situated on the main road from Rexburg to Egin, Wilford, St. Anthony & Teton & I wil be able to catch a deal of trade & cash that now passes our door & I wil be ruled by ur prices & equaly divide the profits with ur.  Al the Mormons  9/10 of them here hav resigned, registered & intent to vote on election day.  I am 1 among them & I feel the old patriotic, merchantile spirit hovering over me. My motoe wil be, small profits, quik sales, & prompt payments.

Salem Bingham Co Idaho 7 Nov 88—My dear Edward.  Urs of the 27th ult came safe & I should hav answerd before bu for our resignations, registrations & poleations.  We had to be on the underground 4 days but yesterday we left the willows & rolled into Rexburg in a patriotic style & cast our united vote for the nominee of the Peoples party.  The deputies tried to blok the sheels but we got there nevertheles & when they became 2 oficious the U S Marshal arrested them.  Deputies drove off our boys & sent them underguard to Blackfoot.  So the cloud of Reublican Tyrany had dispersed for a while to give room for democatin freedom to the honest, industrious & patriotic voter.  G H A Harris.  P. S. Poor old John Holman died on Monday morning last at Rexburg unwatched & unwept by the wives & children of his uth.  He wil be shipped or buried to day.  (John Holman was the man Sarah Loader Harris left GHAH for when GHAH had a business failure in PG.  They had moved to Rexburg but did not do well there before he died)

Secretaries Office of the resigned, registered & voted outlawd Mormons, Salem B. co Idaho 11 Nov 88- My dear Sam- Urs of the 4th came safe yesterday.  We are al wel, have just passed thro those direful scourges usualy known as whoopinig cough & election fever but we are al OK at present.  Have just finished the 1st round of the political ladder & ar 1 step ahead.  We hav won our Democratic Commissioner, Justice of Peace & Constable…Geo & family ar now about the only ones in the Mormon Church in Salem.  Cyrus & self having apostatized (in order to vote).  We were 4 days on the underground but we got our poling privileges nevertheless & helped the 102 votes in favor of White Democracy.

Salem B. Co Idaho 15 Dec 88- This certifies that I have sold to Mr. Edward Wadley of P. G. Utah 2 colts, 2 steers, 2 heifers on terms agreed between us in leters received.  Witness my hand this day & year before mentioned.  Geo H A Harris .  I am employed to teach Day school here at 40$ per month.  ((  Reference in Salem L.D.S. Ward History 1883-1972)- Kindest lov  to al. 

Salem B. Co. Idaho 18 Jan 89-  Fri – Eve.  Ur kind note of the 27 ult came safe.  I was much pleasd to hear from u my dear Farnk & to se such good writing for u.  I have been very busy fixing up the school house 2 weeks before Xmas then buying a stove & moving in to my new house on the 28th ult & on the 29, I cooked my 1st meal for a long time.  Victoria had almost spoiled me for a cook.  So I started school on Mon, the 7th.  I hav 31 scholars & they keep coming.  I was down to Alex Whites at Xmas & had a good time.  We took down a gal of wine & Emma Fox White put us as good a diner as I ever tasted on New Years…who should drive up but Geo H B & Family, Cyrus & family, Alex White & family etc…an overcoat for Pa, a plush cap for Pa, a pair of overshoes for Pa, a rocking chair for Pa and Geo H B read in a clear kind tone:

Welcome father, welcome father to Snake River U hav come

Welcom to ur children’s table, welcome to ur children’s home.

Yes dear father u ar welcome, we ar happy now with u

With dear husbands wives & children with dear father kind & true

Time has rol’ld with heavy motion since we left u far away

But the past is al forgotten in the pleasures of this day.

Al the sad & loney feelings which our bosums have oppressed

Vanish like the shades of midnight while with ur sweet presence blest.

Now our pulses beat more freely, now the valey looks more fair

Natures self receives new vigor sweetest fragrance fils the air.

May u in this suture Salem be supplied with every good

And be crownd with every blessing, health & peace & quietude. GVH

Salem B. Co. Idaho 11 March 89—Mr. James Peterson- Ur note of the 1st inst cam to hand in Sat last & astonished me with the il feeling therein displayed because I lent u the posts & poles to protect Ur bit of hay from the ravages of the marauding cattle & horses & then leaving Utah asking u to pay for the same.  I told u at that time that I paid Sam Radmal 30 cents each for the posts & that I had sold poles like U had to & I told u to pik out the best & count them urself at 25 cents each.  In the city last May I offerd U before a witness to throw off 1$ & the interest due on the 1st note 86 days if U would pay me then & there & I told u that I would endorse the bal of the 50$ on the note when I could geat at it as it was packed up.  Now there is nothing for  u to get Woolfy about but seeing that we have been a long time good neighbors & friends I wil enclose an order on Halversen for a light chain I left in a mistake.  Hoping this may be satisfactory & subscribe myself ur wel wisher.  Geo H A Harris.

Genl Ty Store P O B 164 Salt lake city 21 Mar 89—Geo H A Harris,  Dear sir- I wil send u a note concerning that debt.  I hav got to settle.  I am trying to make a little now.  I think I can pay a portion of it.  I can send u an order from Bishop Preston’s office to Ur tything office in Rexburg to that effect that U can draw from there grain or anything they got or if that won’t suit U then I can get the grain in P G & sel it in the store & sen u the script but U must send my note to Bishop Brown…there is not much il feeling about the posts 7 poles.. we wil not hav any trouble about it.  The sooner we ar even the beter it wil suit me.  My regards to Ur boys, yours respectful Jas C Peterson.

Pleasant Grove Mar 14 89-  Mr. Geo Harris, my dear old friend—as I had received your leter, I shal answer urs.  We ar al wel I hope the same to ur.  We ar very busy with our grain, hav sowd our wheat.  My Uncle Joseph is one here at present, he is watch-making.  He is dropping some few words to ur.  I shalt tel u the George Harry is almost kild.  He was drunk 1 night & was running a horse & it fel & Geo came of on his head & he has not noticed anything since.  They ar looking for his end any time.  I shal tel U another thing that there ar more cider that they can drink they ar almost drownding in it.  Old Halversen kisd his wife Sid the other day, he is scraping & scratching & kissing al the time.  I shal close for this time Ur old friend James c Jenson.

23 Mar 89- I hauld my winters wood in 4 days 2 loads a day & hav ½ of it now left for sumer use.  We hav good wel of water al over the Island from 20 to 40 ft deep.  Mine is 34 feet & cost 25$ in labor.  Geo Cy, James & self ar wel but very busy farming.  We hav 640 acres between us.  Georges is South of James Mine is north of his & Cy’s is West of his.

1889 Mar 31-Cyrus Arthur 2nd Son of G H B  & J V Harris born at Salem B. Co Idaho.  Am employed sowing & harrowing for Geo, Cy & Bern planting trees & burning brush. (Cyrus Arthur is my grandfather)

1889 Apr 11-Harrowing for George A.  2 AM went to town Thursday with old Rug Howard & had an old time chat with him.  He bought a large plow from Flamm on time & we each had 3 drinks of gin at Lambs.

Today it is blowing a blamed blizzard but I hope it wil blow out by morn as B want to sow his oats & lucern.  The Rexburg Grist Mil burnt up & down last week.  So it is not use to lie in bed waiting for the whistle for it is no more heard in the land.  Flour went right up from $225 to $290 & we ar expectin it higher before harvest..  Geo has a fine new boy a 10 lb whopper 2 wks old today. ( As information when the $ is first then it is dollars and cents and when it is last it is just dollars.  So $225 is 2.25 and 100$ is 100)

Salem 4 May 89.  We organized on Sat May 4th with the following results:  James H Wilson, President, Chas Valentine P. Pres & G H A Harris Sect & Treas of School board district No 40 B. C. Idaho.

On Thursday July 4th 89 we had a gay time at Prof G P Wards Grove.  He kindly put in a bowery & swing.  We had a splendid time & picnic & lots of Bro Anderson’s beer fresh drawn by the tender hand of sister Hannah.  After dishwashing we concentrated our circle & had singing.  I read “the dear Old lady with her Green Spiktacles.”

Salem 11 July 89- I hav just finished taking a Ward & District School Census.  I find we hav about 30 sections of land of 640 acres each or 19, 200 acres in our ward.  Some if it yet unclaimed with any amount of water for the same.  We now have 75 families or about 350 in al.  We hav 121 children of school age between 5 & 21 yrs old.

1889 15 July Mon- I travel in the interest of the Contributor, Instructor & Historical record- I take along some spare books & commence pedling also.  I walk’ed about 12 or 15 miles (U may laf) but Salem is 5 m long from N to S & 7 m wide from E to W & the houses from ½ m to 1 & 2 m apart.

1889 Friday Aug 9—Took Mary C & Victoria J & their darling babes to a rag sewing B at Hy Jacobs & then went to Teton Canvassing, but got only 1 subscriber for the Ins. & sold 1 bk of Mormon.

1889 Aug 14-Went after my Mares, hitched up & got.  Ar at Wilford in the usual time went fr Miler Nelsons to David Stevens- who was minus cash but I traded him 4 bks for 6 then went east to dear old mother Miservies from Jersey Island.  I stayed for dinner & gave her a coy of H T King’s poems.  Next the bishop was out but his kind lady aloud me to put down his name for the “Life of Joseph”…I then visited the Mil.  The owner although a milionair in books, purchased 2 of me & paid me 1$ cash.

“Tib Ad”  Harrison Lake resort.  Battle Creek Utah Lake wil open to the public Aug 1st.  plenty of bathe houses bathing suits & good bathing steam & now look bassball ground, lots of room for large parties.

Salem &c 22 Aug 89- Ed Henderson Esqr, Dear sir- Urs of the 16th came safe also the 9 premium in good order and condition. U forgot Sumer’s acct to me & to send his premium with the others.  He wishes “Joseph on Horsebak” if its al the same to ur.  The set of “MIA” I sold to the YMM Assn & they ar off in Montana most of them erning money.  When they return I shal be after them with a sharp stik.  U can depend on my indefatigable efforts in behalf of the Contributor & in the payment of al dues entrusted to my care.  Money is exceedingly scarce just now but wil briten when thrashing is over & the Boys return.  Urs truly GHA Harris Agent.

1889 Sep 5 Wed- After breakfasting on coffee, heart & taters I started up to see, Jim, Sady & Bern.. Jim had gone to the canyon, Sady had gone to washing, Bern had gone to Rexburg with a load of hay buyt dear little Alvin & Amy knew me & was so tickled to see grandpa that I stayd to dinner.

1889 Sept 18 Wed.  got 2 nice load of wood & hauld Beutler’s cave to larsen’s Molasses Mil.  Geo allowed the wheel of the horse powr to mash & take off the nail from his right toe.

1889 Sept 19  Registered- took the test oath (Idaho had a legislated oath test to be taken in order to register to vote, designed to prevent “Mormons”/polygamists from voting and participating in government until the US Supreme Court in 1890 in a 9-0 vote affirmed the rights of qualified voters.) & then voted on election day.  Another Horible Murder accord at Whitchapel Sept 10th by ‘Jack the Ripper”.  The head & legs carved away.

1889 Oct 3rd Thurs- hav been gathering up potatoes for GHB.  They ar few & far between in 2 patches & the other patch is small one—On Friday with Cyrus’s team & wagon I start for market Lake to haul machinery for the new mil on GHB’s acct as he turns it on what he owes for the Troop Mare…I hauld 1600 lbs each time & forded the river .I am glad that dusty freighting is done so I jump into the tub & ½ take a swim.  Then I attend to Book biz.  On my return from market Lake last night, I am surprised to find that my rear under light of my starboard window has been ruthlesly smashed by some unknown unprincipled sneak.

Oct 12 Sat-Am busy arranging my few books & marking them in the absence of an invoice as my employers has neglected to sent it but time & tide waits for no man, so I try to be ready for any emergency.  At noon I strike out for Rexburg.  Bro Olsen slowly overtakes me so I ride with him more for the sake of a chat than of speed.  On arivig I am told that Jim yesterday got as drunk as Hell & tried to win a horse in a race but lost the one he tried to ride.  I deliver 2 books & receive part pay for 4.

Monday struck out for Wilford to deliver & sel books.  Bad luk for me.  Al hands there were exercised about getting enough money to pay for their city lots or lose them.  But I visited the Mil, stuck a board across the corner of the inside & while the Miler was perplexing his machinery I sold quite a few books to the boys.

1889 Oct 19-I awoke early & turned over, would like to hav had a longer snooze but age forbade, so I jumps out, chored &c & went to Rex.  Sold some books on the way.

1889 Oct 20 Sund-  Nice weather prevails, am busy reading.  I was offered 160 acres naked land for 300$, close to the river.  I should get after some (women) myself but my Sunday School Teach , over 50 yrs ago) told me not to put old wine into ung bottles for fear there would be an explosion & u know I think a great deal of my old teacher.  I hav been canvasing & seling books for the Juv Instr Co.  haf sold 30 of the “Life of Joseph Smith” by Cannon-hav done wel but am always short of money.

1889 Oct 21 Mon- I find by visiting that Mary C B Harris is exceedingly unwell & is in bed.  Jas had another spree last Sat. night & was thrown out of his wagon & severely hurt on the neck & face but declares he was not drunk but ful.

26 Oct Sat- James visited me to get E N Wilson’s water right turned in his favor.  He has traded off his plow, harrow & black smith shop & I asked him for the log house that Nick Wilson lived in & that he had promised to me.  He said that he had partly bargained it away.  I asked him how his conduct to me agreed with his promises before I left Battle Creek & he said we had no busines to be down on him in geting the Saloons to quit giving him liquor.  If a boy could be more unkind to his poor old grey headed father & friend he ought not to live.  I bought some glue & made a glupot.

1889 Nov 14th-While on my knees fixing a nail in my sho, Geo H B apeard right from his house with the pleasing intelligence that there was a parcel & leter for me at his place left there by Cy.  Why didn’t u bring it with u asked I..  Oh! I for got it.  Yes said I U’l forget to get in to the Kingdom of Heaven sometime & hav a warm berth outside.

1889 Nov 18 Mon-Yesterday & today is Bannock Stake conf.  tomorrow is mail day.  I go to town & meet Bern who has just ar. Fr. Market lake & has my honey.  He would not take freight in cash darn him but would turn it on my book so I help him unload 2 bar of whisky & of course got a drink while he got a cigar.  I left the honey at Flams.

1889 Dec 1st Son G V said that his Pa had gone to rebabtize Uncley Cy.  A few of the resigners ar returning to the fold & I am not sory this morning I felt like singing “The Spirit of God like a fire is burning”…Lysander Daton & Odd Roy by Howard called about 11 BN & having some soup on I just purd 2 qrts more water in & soon made a dinner for 4.  I sold Mary my No 6 stove & pipes for 2 quilts 1 on demand & 1 in 12 months, value 6$.  She wants the stove for her bedroom & I wants the quilts for my bed stead.

Thurs Dec 5th– got a shingle & a shave today nearly al over, also got my mail. Fri visited Laveries, Wards Larsens, Andersons & sold some books & got in some pay on old accts.  Sat-My 59th birthday & don’t feel very wel, having severe cold.  Cooks bfast but did not eat.  I hav swet my blankets so I have to dry them.

Dec 24 89- Christopher Pfost cald with his team so we had diner & we loaded up what wheat I had on hand 1270 lb.  for Durans & co. store to pay on my stove.  I hav to wait on the mail so footed it home bringing Geo. Cy & Wilson & Roylance’s papers.  Neut Jacobs overtook me on horseback & because I would not ride behind him he shot me with a bottle of whisky, which shortened the distance to my humble cabin slightly.  I sun a Xmas Carol with no audience & went to sleep quietly & happily until dawn of.

1889 Dec 25 Xmas- After some preliminaries & putting on my best rig, Cy & Geo with their families cald, purchased a few more Xmas presents & drove us to the assembly Hal where a large tree was loaded bery creditably by the Salem Donors.  The bright eyes of the S. S. Children shone like stars of the 1st magnitude….The Juniors then receive their presents & we are speedily wafted to the habitation of our Host the Superintendent where turkey, spare rib, beans, catuflo, pickles, plum puden, pie & cake & near everything else was dished up for our epicurean appetities.

1889 Dec 30 Mon- it has been very pleasantly warm of late until the night before last & last night when it froze in the house 1 in.  My new No 8 stove with a No 9 fireplace is laid and paid for so I am feeling more comfortable.  Today I read from John Steward Mils essay on Liberty.

Bus Man juv Instr. SLCU—Dear Sir- Urs of Nov 28th came to hand a few days ago.  As money is very scarce here just now & as I have 100$ worth of books unsold & over 75$ due me from different parties who are trying to scrape the amt together- I send u my note in hopes that I can setle in a few months.  Please credit the same & oblidge Urs truly Geo H A Harris, Salem &c 31st Dec.