I’d rather swim down the Snake River a good solid Democrat . . .
Transcribed and annotated by Scott Hinckley July 2020 (original spelling)
I’d rather swim down Snake River a good solid Democrat than to go into the White House a Republican to rob the poor
1891 July 29-Wed-a warm night. I kil 4 bugs this morning and breakfast on bread, butr and coffee. I buy in about 16 lb Butr but that does not fil my box. General Asima Gilespie of the Banock Stake, General Tything office cald and ventilated a little. He askd me where I stored my grain. I told him I had lots of bins, for every poor man in Salem had or ought to hav a bin and hav it ful.
July 31 Fri-light airs from the East, Bar at 50 at sunrise. Irving came and bought 107 course salt and invited me to “Ice Cream”. Then Wilard Ricks cald and traded 754 al in hard silver. Captn Heald has just returned from the Yelowstone Park. He reports an average of 200 each day of visitors.
1891 Aug 5 Wed. Lovely weather. I trade some little & foot it for town get ½ way & ride with Mr. Michel. He invites me to a drink, so I cant refuse to drink & treat (shal count 2 U kno). I learn that the Democrats of Utah has gained the last election.
Aug 6 th- At noon Olsen arrives with my salt, sugar leaf, soda & thread, but not a scratch of invoice. Jas says that Swen would only pay 15 cents for the egs & gave 18 cents for, so I lose 3 cents & freight.
8th Aug 91. Bro Geo HAH, Dear sir-in looking of Ur acct I find u have paid 10$ on the $16.80 note I hold against U which became due on April 1st this year. I hope U wil remit the bal due $6.80 at Ur very earliest convenience as I would like to close up the acts having sold al. Ur Bro. Sol f. Kimball
Aug 16 Sun- Rest, wash & clean clothes make me feel OK. Mary Basset, Christens & her sister , both Millars cald & spent 40 cents with us, after Sunday School Mary & I had some lemonade. The others were 2 toney. Ass. School Superintend cald & p’d me 86 cents cash. Christ Mortenson bought a 50 cent silk handkerchief so I shal soon have 7$ to sen to sol Kimball. A lot more is owing me, but I must pay up & hav patience to pay me although it is tough to stand 2 such fires, as the one expectin & crowdy and the other dilatory & lazy.
Aug 17 Mon-Lovely splendid weather just cool enough to be nice. I write Sol F. Kimbal &c. Dear Sir-Ur kind reminder of my indebtedness came safe. I am much obliged for Ur patience. Enclosed please find money order $7. Please endorse on my note & return at Ur leisure. Urs most respectfuly GHAG &c.
In a leter dated 12 Aug 91 from brother Sherland in Iowa. Hav watched the commotion in Utah very earnestly & se that the Republican ar as usual beaten at their own game. If my counsel had been asked should have suggested to vote the Republican en masse- until ful admission into the Union as a ful grown state, then never do it again. While not endorsing Mormonism as a faith to me—it’s real practices are much cleaner & more natural than the Gentile Adultry fornication Whordom & general venereal helishnes too dirty to write about to a decent man…did they ever bring you to trial for voting? Or was it just a case of intimidation?
I sought her hand, & won my suit and shortly we were married,
But as we started for our home, Sal at the chamb Door tarried.
Then suddenly the loverly bride did fal to copious weeping,
Such conduct in my new made wife, was surely not in keeping!
Why do u weep, my dear? I asked in tones of anxious look
I-I forgot to tel U George I don’t know how to Cook!.
Don’t grieve said I twil not estrange our love if Ud but know it,
I’l have no cooking for you to do as I am a foolish poet. (At noon I read poetry to myself)
1891 Aug 21 Fri-The wind is fair. We ar about to weigh anchor and start for Idaho Falls via M. Lake with 4 cases eggs, 8 lb buter, 6 sks potatoes, 1 of cabage, onions, peas, bean &c…we ar at M.L. about 5. We did not sel anything at M.L. as they get their supplies from East of the Snake by boat. We look’d into the saloon & felt thankful by the crowd, their playing card & swearing by the liquor they had drunk that we were not 1 with them…The next day we delivered the freight, ate a bite, wash’d dishes & got our receipts and an order for goods at wholesale. We then drives round behind the “Palace Meat Marktet” for our egg cases which we found exceedingly demoralized & on springing up to fix our load I slipt & fel on the hind tire, plum on my lower ribs a little below where I was previously hurt, tho the pain seemd to be about the same as before…At home I unload and take a dose of Pain Conquorer.
Aug 27 Th-Don’t feel ½ wel today with broken ribs & a severe cold: but Mary C.B. kindly sent by Annie 1 doz green roastin ears so I puts them in a skillet & soon has them in shape of poultice on the inside.
Aug 28 Fri-Am very little beter. My side bruise reaches al around my abdomen & my cold is dry & feverish. My appetite is not so good.
1891 Aug 31 Mon-it has been a sultry night. I cook a poultice of green corn & put it on the inside & it is nearly as good as cider (they make good rum from corn u no).
Sep 7 Mon- Hav had a nice shower of rain during the nite & this morning the air feel balmy. Bro Beck cals with 6 lb of buter at 16 cents on acct. He talks 60 min. & interest me 5 min.
1891 Sept 10 Th-So we get on our best togs, load up on Bro Buetler’s wagon, egs, butr, cabage & green onions & weigh anchor & set sail. Camp on the west side of the S.R. bridge over which the steam thrasher had just pas’d & as they are ready to proceed north, we watched them & named her Columbus. One team furnished her water & another wood, then they got up steam & started…We eat and drive to the big bend and travel about 1 mile to the corner of the fence & ty up feed with 1 bundle of hay. Eat, drink, & turn in. I sleep for about an hour & am awakend with the snooping sharp bark of a wolf who is telling his comrades of our whereabouts. I cant se him bu by my mares ears I kno she does for she watches something as they soround us. I grasp the neck yoke & am prepared but the sharp cry is last in the distance, perhaps owing to the arrival of the Flyer with lights a burning.
“It was a pitiful mistake, an eror sad and grim;
I waited for the railway train the light was low & dim.
It came at last & from a car There stepd a dainty dame
And looking up & down the place she straight to me came,
Oh, Jack she cried, Oh dear old Jack! And kisd me as she spoke
Then looked again & frighteded cried, Oh what a bad mistake.
I said forgive me, maiden fair, that I am not Ur Jack
and as regards the kis U gave I’l straight way give it back.
And since that night I’v often stood on the platform lighted dim,
But only once in a man’s whole life do such things come to him.”
Oct 4 Sun. After a refreshing sleep, breakfast & a wash in the tub, Clark the photographer cal’d….I saunter up to the meeting house & am pleased with the remarks of Bro. Gadies & Cluf of S. L. traveling missionaries in the interest of the ZCMI. Their chief remarks were “The necessity of example as wel as Oral teachings to our Ung & rising generation.”
Oct 6 Fri-This morning Valentine finished thrashing then Billy Ricks then GHB & at 10 Cyrus cal & buys our supplies as he expects the same machine at 4 oclock & wil hav to cook super & breakfast…it seems pleasant to hear the hum of 3 thrashers. It furnishes about a score of hands employment & that makes present trade dul.
When a girl of 16 is disappointed in love, she is likely to kil herself, but a woman of 30 in the same fix is more likely to kil the old man.
1891 Oct 12 Mon-I rose erly & prepare documents. The following answer Mr. GHAH bought ZCMI to 27 ½ dox egs, roten to 20 ¼ egs. In opening the cases U sent us, we found that many roten. (it is a blasted lie, for the Salemites ar too poor to keep that No. so long, out of 60 doz to rot. It is a blackmail) so I load up Bro Beutler with 2 cases more egs-roten- & about 200 lb grain & start him for Eagle Rock advising him to steer clear of ZCMI & try Anderson or some other honest merchant.
Oct 23 Fr-Replace my shelves with new arivals. An Arabian peddler cals & seems surprised at my tasty little corner. I trade him some hankerchiefs for one p. of sigars. I make him give me his autograph-he writes from the right toward the left. I find he packs everything that is light in weight and heavy in price so he canot make much in this dry country.
Oct 21 Sat-Pacific co. Portland Or. Mr GHAH &c Sir- We ar referd to U as to the responsibility of Mrs. Kristine Jenson, Berry Idaho, who has attested her name to a leter of credit for the sum of 200$ as garantor, in respect to merchandize to be supplied by us to a party in Idaho Falls. We should esteem it a favor if u will kindly let us know in th enclosed stamped envelope, wether in ur opinion Mrs. Jesnon is responsible to that extent…Information that u give us on this subject wil of course be held strictly confidential. A. L. Latham
- P. Co. Portland or—gents Ur kind favor of 26 Oct 91 came safe. In answer wil say Mrs. K Jenson has neighbord with us for more than 2 years..in conjunction with her husband considerable property here & elsewhere. To my certain knowledge she has been a truthful, honest & kind woman.
Nov 8. Mon — I am favord with a visit from Widow Jacobs (Swens, Ejeks, Hys & Neuts Mother). She is a refined good natured lady. She brot her 9th daughter Martha with her so I had to hunt up some candy.
Nov 26 Th-Thanksgiving day by Josh! (I mean by proclamation). I am busy making a rest for my paper bags & straighting up same. Hy Bel arrives with sugar from ZCMI and letr. Mr. GHAH Rexburg. Dear Sir: I am sory to say I canot possibly setle with U at present. I am going to giv my accts in the hands of a collector today & perhaps that wil bring the bils in & as soon as possible wil setle with U. Most respectfuly Urs. S. H. Jacobs.
Nov 27 Fri- I dine on fried potatoes. They ar cheep, U know ½ cents pr lb. I hav always a good super, a quart of new milk & 2 slices of bread that is only $18.25 a year for milk & $3.65 for bread. Total $21.90 for the best super afloat for a year & a letle les on leap year. So we need not starve if trade is slack.
Dec 7 Mon- I am delighted with a visit from my oldest Son-the Bishop of Jeru-Salem. He buys 2 led pencils with rubers theron for 5 cents cash & vites me to a Ward meeting in which he expect Pres. Ricks & Conn. Rigby. My bread has not rizen so I canot entre, but many of the dear Brethren interview’s my bottle as it is my 61st B.day U know.
Dec 9 Wed- I write Swen H. Jacobs and Co. Gents-Ur kind favor of the 23 inst came sage. Am very pleasd with the kind spirit it breaths. Ur act on that date was $24.24 Cr by cash pr Hy Bel 50Cents, but due us $23.74. please help us some as we hav many crowding us at this time. Sincerely grateful for past favors, we ar as every Urs most truly Geo H. A. H. & Co.
Dec 12- Sat- 10 below zero. It would make u laf to se me put on my clothes so quick. Then buton up my coat & put on my gloves to make my bed, while my b-fast wa on the go.
Dec 20 Sun- Ba is 20 above, which makes it pleasant. Although I had put on sacks to wade thro 2 ft drifts this morning to my chicken coop & still snowing. Wm Anderson cal’d, also Billy Ricks, Amaso Belnap, GHB & John Millar. We had a little confab with Amaso who was braging up Apostle Taylor’s doctrine at the last special, of puting a cruper on some of the slo ones & forcing them to Heaven. I difer’d in believing it tru doctrine, although from an apostle, it was not from God. It rather dampened our friend’s ardor. (Cruper or crupper was a term for part of a harness that went from a saddle through the hindquarters of a horse that kept it moving. It also referred to a swat on the hindquarter)(John Whitaker Taylor was the son of Prophet John Taylor, an Apostle at age 25 and excommunicated in 1905 after rejecting the second manifesto declaring polygamy not a tenet of the church)(I do not know what his talk in the Oct 1891 conference was about)
Dec 25 Fri- Xmas day in the morning & a very cold morning indeed. I believe the coldest I ever endured as the mercury was down to 22 below at sunrise this morn. At 8 inside the starboard window. I straiten up & Beutlers boy brings me a pie and a half & a piece of cake. I give them a choice of presents & each take a jack knife. Then Bert cals & I share with a pt. of bottle of honey wine that Santa Claus stuck into my left sock & it had frozen as stif as a post & it was lucky for Bert or he might not have had any. Then Billy & Rol cald the former bringing me a nice pie & cake & Rol a pair of crutches. He had sprained his ankle with a wagon box but would come to c his Pa. Then GHB & Cy cals with their darlings in a sleigh wrap’d up singing in a dozen blankets on their way to North Salem to hav a dance. Bring some roast stufd chicken, pie, cake & plum pudding so I started for the chicken & could not eat much Plum pudding as I had 5 frozen egs boild for my Bfast. Then Neut cald & gave me a good drink of sweetend ale & so I spend Xmas day in writing this.
Dec 29 Tue-another Cyclone from the SW is now on or the tail end of the other one. It is blowing very severe & snoing & drifting and all I have to do is fetch wood and read. “thet the average cost of steam power is about 65$ pr horse power while that by water is only 20$ a saving of 45$ or 2/3 of a horse…2 Denver dudes are scrounded, who drugged, & photographed a Ung lady in the nude. But the ruling topic is the lectures of Mrs. Joplin Rowe, the best known woman artist in London, on anatomy & to satisfy the eye as wel as the ear she has Sandow the famous, strong & symmetrical, manpose & make statues, before a large body of ladies for at least an hour & ¼ with nothing on him, but a pair of socks & a roman scarf. It is said he went thro the ordeal without flinching, & drew a great crowd around of those who admired Anatomy. (Also known as Louise Jopling, She joined the Royal Society of Portrait Painters (1891); she became the first woman to be admitted to the Royal Society of British Artists (1901). Eugen Sandow was the father of modern body building. The newspaper story is that female artists were not allowed to paint nude male models while male painters could paint nude female models. So she gave lectures, not paintings to women painters using a nude Sandow the Magnificant. Of course he was not totally nude as that was forbidden so he wore socks and a scarf tight about his neck)
1892 Jan 1 Fri-I forgot to mention my trip yesterday afternoon to Rexburg with Eras Jenson, on his front bob. It was biter cold & no road brok in about 2 ft of snow but we got there & I maild 10$ to Juv & 5$ to Herald Co…Cy brings me a New Year’s diner & Geo & him persuade me to visit. Enjoyd a real good supr & then readings, recitations, storys, spellings &c..it was near midnight when George fetched me home & I soon retired, but was not long asleep when Bern, Rol & Otto Anderson drove up & saluted me with an empty bottle that had had wine in & a ful bottle of brandy and a ful bottle of gin so I had a drink to the health of al my boys & girls and it was near day break when we had b-fast.
“When Amy died the house was hushed & stil,
A nameless presence seem’d to enter there,
A spectre we coud neither see nor hear,
When Amy died, When Amy died,
The birds forgot to sing and nature sympathizes in tears of rain
It seemed as tho our hearts were rent in twain when Amy died, and the summer cool.
If husband & wife ar one, is the husband beside himself when he stands by his beautiful adorable wife.”
Jan 10 Sun- it has been a cold night & day. Ba at zero when I got up. Cy cald with his darlings for Sunday School al wrapd up warm, U Bet! & bringing me my mild & a skind rabit…I draw a pail of water & am delighted with the Heavenly show of the Moon, Jupiter & Mars also the fixd stars in the firmament to rule the night also.
Jan 13 Wed.-Ba is at 10 below. I sel my egs at 22 Cents as they ar a bother to keep them warm this cold weather…I trade for a few things & then we steam up to Kaintuck. I get my Patent from Washington with the President’s seal, via Blkfoot per favor of Bro Brower so I hand him 2 bits to get a drink. (Someone else will have to discover what the patent was for)
Jan 14 Th-Dear old Bro Beck cals & trades some egs for cof. & tob. He forgot to pay any on the old debt. Joseph Larsen increases his store bil in starch & salt peter 30 cents. I gave the rabit the boys hung on my door to James N Bacon who packd him home as proud as tho he had clubd him after chasing 3 mile. Cy Mary & Milta goes to the Rabit Dance at N. Salem, at 10 I go to bed.
Jan 19 Tues -Cyrus brings me a leter from Ilfracombe from my dear Niece. My Very Dear Uncle, I hav intended writing u for a long time & hav wonderd why I hav not herd frm U or my counsins, but today Father brot me a paper from the R. Hotel which I knew directly came from U…Father is beginning to look very old, much older than he realy is. He wishes to be kindly rememberd to U. I am not married nor any prospect of it at present, neither do I intend unless I can se a chance of betering myself. I am not one of those Ung ladies who marry for the sake of being married…Ur loving niece, M. E. Gibbs. (Mary Elizabeth Gibbs was the daughter of GHAH sister Christianna Harris who married to a Gibbs. The 1891 census shows her 26 in her father’s household. FS shows a marriage in 1882 but census shows her in her father’s household in 71, 81, 91. It does not show any other marriage for her and I believe it is a wrong entry but that is FS for you)
Jan 20 Wen-Oh! That load of wood is the pretiest picture out of doors. It seems so patient waiting for the saw & ax….I get a leter from the Roten Eg Idiot at ZCMI.
Jan 21 Th- the sun smild this morning as it arose. GHB cals & ventilates Tything. I tel Him I woud rather pay 10$ pr year fast oferings than 5$ pr year to go to the rich “City of the Saints”. And although there is a great deal owing me in the county of Bingham I wil not follow suit, but gave 5$ cash which the Bishop gave me back for a 5$ store order & which I shal be pleased to pay on demand.
Jan 31 Sun. the warm night admonished me to leave of 1 blanket or quilt & then I take pleasure in washing my anatomy & put on clean cloths. I am as Godly today as others for the sno is drifting so that there is no Sunday School or meeting. It was terribly quiet here until Geo H.B. arrived to setle up. I find he has erned $5.45. 7.28 & 9.71 on his last 3 trips to M.L. & I. Fals. This is a deal more than I make and a great deal harder work.
Feb 1st Mon-The ar of my beloved Mothers birth 101 yrs ago…The English papers ar rather sarcastic on President Harison’s mesage to congress on acct of Chilie. The Globe says it is covered with Spread Eagleism & that he makes out as poor a case for war as any nation ever advance. I suppose he has forgoton the late massacre of Italians in New Orleans by an American Mob, & also to make us apology & indemnity to the nation, but as the old fable goes It makes a little difference whose “Ox is gored”. (March 1891 New Orleans was full of Sicilians to replace former slaves. Sicilians were not considered ‘white’ like Norther Italians. A policeman was killed and the police rounded up 45 Sicilians in the neighborhood. The first 11 were put on trial but found innocent and a mob broke into the jail and hauled out 11 and hung them)
Feb 17 Wed- Ba 20 abov. I seems saluberous, am glad for the boys sake Geo, Ed, Willy & Hetty al 3 rides to school on 1 horse, half of the Beutler family…Pete Eliot & Hy Newbold cald- was beging hay. I was glad I had none, for a yung man to pretend to be a good trader & be out of hay ought to be a leson for him to trade mor in bus.
Feb 22 Mon-Washington woud have been 160 years old today had he not died. He never spoke to me because he died 31 yrs before I was born or we might have been very intimate friends. I get quite a bit of trade today as the folks crowded to the burg & found the stores locked on acct of G. W. so they return to me, but I did not take advantage of them but secured their custom for a future time.
Mar 1 Tu-My Polygamist Boy’s 25th Birthday. I owe him a leter, I must pay so here goes. Abner Britnel Harris Esqr…I am rather surprised to hear of Ur leaving Montana without a line to me, bu suppose U was in a hurry…Salem is rejoicing in anticipation of having a new large rock meeting house in the near future. The boys that is the best of them, ar hauling the ro’k on a good sno road, partially formd by our Heavenly Father & is Angelic whitnes…our little busines is on the increase having weeded out some unscrouplous unreliable, uncertain, unworthy, dishonest customers from the list which is quite as much a benefit for Salem as for Ur humble servant…I wish U cou’d get out of that notion of working underground. I woud rather climb the masts of a ship 150 ft high al my life than go under the treacherous, caving, smokie, damp soil…ever believe me to be your fond & loving father, GHAH.
Mar 4 Fri- Another unnecessary meeting is cal’d of the Salem Meeting House share holders & they decide to build the house 60 by 35 outside. It reminds me of a boy sent after the mail who went ½ way & returned asking if his master meant it. So with the committee, they were appointed to build the house & put in use the S.H.’s donations & they now ask if we meant it. I did not go but shal help al I can.
Mar 11 Fri- Am invited out to a quilting party by the Relief Society but as I brok my needle, it is not worth while to go, merely for the fun of seeing them sew & talk. Reas. Jenson brings our Press, mine & Dr. Peter Olsen who dined with me this day & who enjoyd himself reading &c & read that the cost of ladies garters alone in N. Y. city is not far short of 250,000$ pr anum. They woud reach near 400 mile & some of them further than that & the cost would support 500 families of 1500 souls, on 5000 egs.
Mar 14 Tu- am invited to the R.S. Jubilee at Rexburg on Thursday but respectfuly decline as I am afraid to change cloths this biter time & hate to go in those I hav on. So I must gratefully postpone the grand pleasure. It wil be more fun for the rest. The program announces a song by Rolla Harris, a comic reading by B. Harris & organ solo by their sister Zilpha.
Mar 18 Fri- I am seriously unwell & lay an hour longer & making fire I feel very chily, so I take ½ t. of P.Q. & 1 t. of B.E. & 2 cupfuls of coffee & a dry crust, but with the cof &c I feel a little beter. Cy cals for me to make out a bil of lumber for his house but I am demoralized, he excuses me & goes up to Dalline.
Mar 20 Sun 1892 – blooms into view & we have a good many calers especially the dear little ones who rejoices in candy, crackers, root liquirish & gums. Mother in Law Pfost cals & trades us 10 dozen egs & we fil up our case & although it is on Sunday we hav to fix another…I near forgot that today is my dear Ann’s B-day at Linton Parish Herefordshire Eng. By her acct 59 yrs ago today, and she has been resting now these 31 years in peaceful solitude while I have been bufiting the world, the flesh, & the devils & cruel fate such as was never thot or dreamt of. But it wil not be long before we again meet for Annie is the rose for me.
Apr 1 Fr – it was very cold this morn but I had a good run of trade & that kept me warm & busy. At Sundown C.B.Hawley and the Bishop of Salem cald inviting me to a Repub. Rally. I kindly beg’d to be excused as I did not think Repub. Doctrine woud repay me for the toil of riding in his bugy to the Dist. S. House to hear the harangue. So I read & read & went to sleep & thot of the sublime policy of hawling a Mormon Bishop around to secure Repub. Votes from the unsophisticated, after refusing them their suffrage for years, because some of them had committed a suposd crime. Shades of Jeferson, Tilden & Cleveland seround us & word of the Repub. Robers. They cal’d after their meeting so I got up in my night cap & waited on them. Ben was braging on their putting Sugar on the free list. I told them how it was to favor the Repub. Milanares & the bounty paid the miloniar manufacturs was wrong in taxes from the poor widow, on her house lot, & cow when she coud not afoerd 1 teaspoonful in her tea. There is but 1 step between the sublime & the ridiculous & they follow the latter. Democracy is good enough for me & I am pleased to appreciate. I’d rather swim down Snake River a good solid democrat than to go into the White House a Republican to rob the poor.
Apr 2 Sat- Pa & Clem Ward came with a good team & a beter bugy so I ask to ride & jump in…I goes over to B. Hibert & Altho very cold I get shingled & shaved as I had 4 months beard on. Wel that cost me 40 cents. Bern & Rol & Wil & lots of others were there loafing. GHB’s wel is now finished 30 ft deep & lots of water, only the curb is not quite finished. Wel I go to bed.
Apr 3 Sun. the 8th anniversary of GHB & VJL Harris weding day. How time has flu. It was Cyrus Arthur’s 3rd birthday on the 31st Ult (3 days ago) It’s quite a job to keep trak of them.
Apr 4 Mon- Today is dear little Myrtles Bday. I am studying Democracy and hav to put egs down to 10cents a dozen. It makes me mad for I never gave les than 12 ½ cents last year, tho I never got my pay from Swen near 25$. It discourages a man to do busines with such shirks but I must keep my patience. I do believe the 3 Rexburg stors coud avoid such low prices if they had a mind to but I wil not grumble.