Last Years in Pleasant Grove 1886-1887
Transcribed (original spelling retained) by Scott Hinckley, June 2020
Last Years in Pleasant Grove- 1886-1887
Jan 6th Wed. Hav had a very quiet Xmas & Newyears. Felt like enjoying myself at home, had a plenty of eatables & drinkables, but did not unwisely indulge. Wm Ryler Howard our old neighbor of /54 spent 1 night with me & wak’d up old reimisiences. I divided my beding with him & we both slept cold.
Mr G H A Harris Dear Friend
If it be so I suppose U ar aware that I hav been keeping Sarah E Harris company for some time. And am going o mary her, if U wil give Ur consent which I rrust U wil. She is my taste & I think the beauty of the world. Being a stranger to U I wil not write much this time so I wil close with the hopes of receiving a favorable answer from U immediately of return of male. I remain Ur ever sinceer friend Wm Davidson.
Mr William Davidsen
Sir Ur rather familiar leter of the 19 inst is receivd contents noted & in answer I am forcd to wonder at Ur audacity in supposing that I the lucky father of a bright, intelligent, good, virtuous & loveable girl (over whom I hav prayd & watchd with extraordinary care for over 20 long years) should be so foolish as to sever those tender ties at the selfish request of an utter stranger. But sir if U hav good standing in the church of J.C. of L. D. Saints & hav been assiduous in helping along Gods holy work & can get a recoment from Ur Bishop, her brother James & her Mother & go thro the usual ordinances in the proper place, at the proper time, than Sir I hav no earthly objection. But shal be forcd to wish U both al the prosperity & hapinbes U can carbe out for each other in the eternity of worlds to come. With respect I hope to remain Ur wel wisher. Geo H A Harris.
(In a letter to Son rolla in Jan/86)
Came very near having singd Cat for New Years. I wil explain, UC Bro Peter came over and his feet were cold so I put them in the oven on a board to war. Kitty folowd suit. Next morning at break of day I emergd, laid fire & proceeded to feed stock before I lighted it. So on returning, I struck the fatal match, then went down celar for potatoes, carots, parsnips, cabage & onions where I heard 1 unearthly yel. Whers Pussy sais I, looking round, no se em any where. I then comencd washing & cooking when another yel 10 times harder than the 1st helpd me open the door * there was the little immaculate, poisd on the warm board in the middle of the oven with 4 warm feet & her tail a smoking.
Elder Moroni Pratt on mission in Nottingham meets considerable opposition from the apostate ex Mormon Priest, Jarman, whose service tho in the opposite direction, causes many to reflect & come forward to receive babtism.
Jan 22 /86 Friday
We had a good sober time thro the holidays, we were not aloud to buy so I borowd 5 gal & I hav a little left. I haven’t many chores to do this winter 1 mare 1 cow 1 steer 1 sow 2 shoats 1 dog 1 cat & about 40 hens to feed.
Feb 5th /86 in letter to George H B.
I hav had a real nice quiet winter & can appreciate it. I hav a plenty of coal & flour & other things to mix in. Am glad you have more recruits for Ur thriving settlement…Ur a young bishop to hav so many wrds to preside over but Grace shal be equal to Ur day.
Feb 21 this is James birthday he is 23. He attended a Valentine dance last Mon. with his cousin A. R & noon Tuesday he went to a treater with A S & tonight he has gone to meeting (like a good boy) with another girl. The weather is so delightfully warm & pleasant & now we commence to work out doors wich is a happy farmers life.
Robert Loader, Heber Rawlings, Thos Hilman & Joseph Radmal also visited James & I in our humble domicile & greatly helpd us in keeping our cider from turning into vinegar. During the holidays we had about 50 Gal, of which were kindly presented us by Father John Harris of String town, in condsideration of helping him on his water privileges on Provo Bench but he seemd the only 1 to remember a favor.
Mar 8th /86
Dear Father and James, the doctor of Lehi City has decided to operate on my leg, Tuesday Mar 9th 1886 at 11 oclock AM. He thinks it is best not to leave it any longer for it is getting worse every hour. I wod hav likd to hav U & James over but this wil not reach U in time to come if U wishd. Thanks for Ur kindes & also thanks for the meat and may God bles U & James. From Ur son &c with love S. D. Radmal.
It is now just 5 oclock PM. Doctors Wadmorth of Lehi & Allman of A. F. city had a consultation with Sam & told him that the operation might cause his death, but it woud kil him any how. Sam said with his usual grit “let her rip” “cut it off”. & he showd the hero every time & al the time but it certainly was a trying time. His brothers Alma, Henry & Joseph were with him during the operation & after word James L. , Thos Hilman & others kind boys sat up with him until he fully recovered.
Apr 11 ’86 Saml Radmal is much beter, he drove me to his fathers today in his bugy. He looks extremely wel when we consider what he has suferd . (In an attempt to help with this entry, Saml married Emma White. Emma was Maria Loader’s daughter from her first marriage and was raised by GHAH when Maria married him. Saml was his step son in law.)
Mar 22 /86 Rexburg, Binghan Co. I. Ter.
Mr Geo H A Harris, Dear Friend. My intentions are, if it is agreeable with U as it is with Sady & her mother & I can get Ur consent, I would like to hav Sady for my wife. & I woud like to go this conference as we intend going thro the Temple. Hoping to receive a favorable answer from U soon I wil close. From Ur friend & wel wisher. Wm Ricks.
Mar 27 /86 Sat Noon. P. G. cityu. U. C., Utah
Mr. Wm Ricks. Dear sir. Ur epistle of the 22nd is recivd & noticed & in reply I wil say if U have Sadys & her mothers consent as U say U have, U can hav mine: by persuing the couse U mentioned, that of going thro the Temple ordinances. James speaks very favorably of U. curious enuf this is the anniversary of my 1st wedding day 32 years ago & I feel inspird to ask U to be prayerful, humble & attentive in storing up the counsel U may receive in the Lord’s House that by putting the same in practice, U & Urs may receive an abundant entrance amont the celestial sanctified. Shal be pleasd to receive Ur Photos taken on Ur weding day or as soon after as circumstances may permit. Urs ever truly Geo. H A Harris.
March 29th 1886
Salt Lake City, Mr Geo H A Harris. Dear Father. Feeling it my duty to write U a few lines to ask U if U ar wiling that I shoud hav William Ricks for my Husband. If U ar wiling to consent, we intend to get married at Logan. I cannot tel U what day we wil go thro the temple but wil write to U again when I get in Logan. From Ur loving daughter Sarah E. Harris.
April 25/86 Sund AM
Yesterday I was ditching & got wet thro & on arriving home, thought best to be saving, so lit the fire, put on some water, done chores, jumpd into the tub & as I had been soakd it took but little rubing to releive my skin of 2 weeks dirt & then O the comfort of clean clothes on a Saturday afternoon.
(The next letter is from GHAH to his son Rolla. Rolla wanted to come live with GHAH and his mother Sarah found out and wrote Rolla a “how could you do this to me letter”. He enclosed his mother’s letter to GHAH and the following is the reply to Rolla)
PGCUC, Utah Apr 30th /86
My Dear Rolla, Pleasd indeed was I to hear from U & to peruse Ur intelligent epistle which gave me great delight. But when I read Ur Mother’s leter to you I thot that she surely had forgotten the time of her Uth & the solem injunction ‘ to cleave to one & to none else”. That was given to the females for reasons U may learn hereafter. May Jehovah hav more mercy on Ur dear Mother than she has had on me. I was working for my families & furnishing them board & cloths while Ur mother was receiving the fond embraces of that vilian on my feather bed. But I preceeded him & shal thro out eternity. I don’t remember of ever trying to alienate Ur feelings against Ur mother, but U know that her Angelic luv was soon turnd to Devilish hate & I think I kno the reason why. I was counseld to keep away from her & that gave a chance for the Traitor to show himself. Pardon me my dear boy if I am wrong. Take Ur Mother’s counsil & help her to get a hom; for that is the prominent feeling of her heart. I should not hav noticed Ur mothers splene, but it shou’d have been kept from my dear children whom we hav unitedly fondled on our brest. When U write to Ur mother my boy kindly remind her of the Saviors advice “Cast the beam out of thine own eye, then shalt thous see clearly to cast the mote out of others”. God bles U my boy, stick to Ur mother & help her; God knows she needs help ( although she is too proud to acknowledge it) So she shal never need for friends in U or me. May God bles & preserve U my dear boy with long life & ability to decide on & cleave to the truth, is the prayer of Ur fond & loving Father. Geo HA Harris.
June 13th /86 Hav been working for Bro Wm Wadley 9 days house building so I also hav been pretty busy. Up at 4, eat & chore then comenc to work until 6 PM. Then chores until dark sup & go to bed. Had a blizzard yesterday & it snowd on the top of the little mountain & rained down here so today it is quite cold…. The deputy Marshals hav raided & capturd Wm Wadley, Victor Sandgren & Orlando Herron & supeoned most of their families. The spotters ar thought to be Old Olsen & Johan Hendrix as the deputies made strong enquireys about Leveson & her child but coud not find them. ( from his June 20 entry No news of interest since the deputies raided Herron, Wadley & Sandgreen. The former was caught in bed with his 2nd W. The next in his bar & the 3rd at home, they were taken to S. L. city & bonded in 1000$ each to appear when wanted.)
Nov 15 /86 Sady my remaining twin was lately married to Wm Ricks & lives at Rexburg & I am alone in this great world but I am the happiest urchin U ever saw. I spend my summers in clerking & farming & my winters in reading & book making. Hav written over 1400 pages of history & poetry & have 500 more to engage my time upon this coming wintr if al goes wel.
- G. C &c Jany 25—87 Tuesday morn 9 oclock
My dear Jim (son James) I arose this morning at daybreak put on my woden shoes, hat &c lit the fire put on my bacon, potatoes & onions, fed my pig, dog, cat, Mairs, cow & milkd her, calf, sheep & chickens returnd prepard for breakfast, had a good appetite put out my beding to air in the early sun, washd dishes, swept up & now U kno what was glad to hear from U…I don’t think with U that U ar 2 yong to mary I wishd I had married at 17 instead of 24….i am glad you are out of debt. I am only owing about 5$ to Johny besides what I owe U & Geo. I am very careful this winter as I do not want to work as hard next sumer as I did last.
Mar 18—87
On Sat. morning last, the 12th about 11 Cyrus brought me a leter from PGPO written by CRJ Harris of Salem & a bottle of good corn whisky from Mortons & so we idulg’d, stopd plowing, unhitchd, got out ate diner & then went over & got his team &c & was wel pleasd with the same. He afterward sold his cow, gave me a nice calf to mate him, staid with us until Wed morn the 16th.
(In a letter dated Apr 10th to GHBH is the first mention of GHAH moving to Rexburg)
Cyrus was saying that Morton intended buying a farm away from his present residence, so I told him to sel this place for about 2000$ & I woud vacte & help U rustle in Ur new burg. I thought I woud be able to help U some on Ur cash debrs then get a grist mil by paying some down then get some Merchandize on similar terms to & grease the way & then we coud soon clap up a Mil that woud be untold advantage to Ur ward…I fully appreciate Uncle Sams generosity in allowing her sturdy pioneers to Homestead 160 Ac of her choice domain, & am afraid she woud feel slighted if in the near future, I shoud not avail myself of his kind ofer…
Apr 4th 1887 9 AM
(James had written his father asking to borrow 1025$ as he bought out a hauling company and needed his father to mortgage his farm and lend him the money on a sure thing. This is GHAH reply)
I was over to Provo my dear James & Bernice on Saturday last & went to the Provo N. Bank, but they woud not take real estate for security, so I got a mortgage made out by Benny & came home, as I coud not get any 1 to endorse my note at Provo. So Wm has ednorsd my note for 1031$ & I hav maild the note to Benny this morning & he wil forward U the check with int. of 1 pr cent pr mo. Of 90 days. It is the best I coud for U. now U must send me security on Ur outfit so as to satisfy Bro Wasley as he is the only one I coud get (& I asked a score). We shal not cramp U but only want him to feel sure. I made my mortgage to him so as he should feel safe, but as he says the whol Farm & improvements worth now 2000$ woud not fetch 200$ cash down at auction as money is scarce & every one feels scard to promise cash.
Hebe Clark oferd to put up Horse flesh but woud not endorse Antone & Ed Ward refusd. Bakman & Roberts of Provo refusd & lots of others, even old friends but Wm Wadley has always been our friend & I wouldn’t hurt him 1 cent. Now my dear boys go slow on repairs & economize Ur time & expenses for if U fil this bil at P. Bank on time it might be an everlasting bendfit to U or Us. I am glad U ar branching out, but U must not too much or U may lose the sap from the parent tree & don’t get too many Irons in the fire at once. Go slow, go careul, go sure & may our Heavenly Father bles & preserve U to be an advantage to Him & Urself & others, is the sinceer prayer of Ur fond & affect Fathr, Geo H A Harris
On June 23 /87 James wrote that things were not as great as he wanted and would need more time on the note. )
30 June 87
My Dear James: Ur k. leter of the 23rd inst came safe to hand on Tues the 28th & pleased was I to learn of Ur success in matrimonial blis…On the same day I rec the following. First Nat. Bank Provo city 25 June 87. Mr GHAH Ur note for 1031$ is due at this bank on 2nd July 87. Urs W. H. Duzenbury Cashier. Now I feel bad, if I do not get any money from U tomorrow to pay the interest or any on the principal. I shal hav to ride little Kit over to Provo on Saturday & tel them so & face the music without any dancing. For after telling them what U wrote to me, that U coud clear 30$ a day, 3 months ago, 90 days at 30$ = 2700$. I don’t know what I can tel them but thers 1 thing certain, that everything that I hav got shal to before I wil hurt Bro Wadley 1 c for he has trouble enough already. Id sel the place today & take the money over if I coud find any one with enough to cancel the note for im sure it wont fetch that much under the hamer. It seems to me that with Ur contracts & teams at Era where U ar known U coud borrow 500$ & with that endorsement on our note I might be able to get 6 mo. On the remaining but as it is I am tied hand & foot & don’t kno which way to navigate. I am very busy at present but think it beter for me to go over as perhaps I coud not explain things in a leter in fact I don’t know what to tel them. Try & help me some way soon. Lov to al every believe me. Ur affect Father Geo H A Harris.
6th July 87
Dear Benny: enclosed is the check $30.50 & US stamps for 50 cents. Please pay the interest on that note at Provo N Bank & do the best U can for us. If a new note has to drawn try & get 6 mo. On it & send it over & we wil sign it, but I don’t se but the old one is good enough. I think Jim may left it in 2 or 3 weeks. I am very busy watering or I woud come over. Respectfuly Urs GHAH.
16 Dec 87
My dog is dead. He set up a long howl in the middle of the night & that was the sign of death so I axd him to die & he died, he closd his eyes to mortatlity….On Tues even at 8 oclock Neils C. Jenson, N W of us died. I sat up with his pretty corps for 12 hrs last night & today we must consign him to his deep tomb. He was nearly 10 yr old & wel developd & a good quiet boy. Which of my boys think Yu did I not think on during the long watch of last night by his cofind remains. I coud hardly hav felt worse if it had been 1 of my own.
Yesterday afternoon John R Roberts who has resided in the 15th ward for a number of years was brought before Com. Noril on the charge of fornication. He is 45 or 50 yrs old while the girl Alice Lashom is but 15. Both parties confesd an intimacy for mor than a year & Roberts excaped punishment by marrying the child.
Marshal Frank H Dyer was appointed Receiver to take chare of church property 7 Nov. 87. He was given extraordinary powers on the 8th in regard to handling church property.
27 Dec /87
I coudnt get any cider for Xmas so I had to content myself on a little good wine, which made me think of old Chums. Clark sons & co finisd plastering their Hal on Sunday last & had a large Ball in it last night. Our N. Sabath school ar having a grand Jubliee today, the commence at 9 AM.