The Speech

Transcribed and annotated by Scott Hinckley (Original Spelling)

The Speech

Apr 6 Wed-The wind is blowing like hek from the S.W..  I hav a bad headache & shal make me a cup of T.  Prof. Ward, Alma Larsen & Hy Dille cals & eats super with us & then we attend a democrat rally.  Barney Lavery ventilates taxes, A. M. Carter tariff, John Pincock ditto.  Then I am brot forward & read:

Mr. Chairman, Gents & Ladies:  As the morning star of Democracy is on the ascendancy, I propose to enlighten the juvenile minds as to its birth & progress, so that we can rise with & be comforted.  Webster defines Democracy as “A Government by the people”.  Let us now keep this in view, for wherever the people hav govern’d, since the days of Adam, there has been True Democracy.  There has been great prosperity, there has been such progress.  We can find many instances that wil prove this assertion.  When the cream of the old worl, overflowd & floated to our shores, they were ful of these self sacrificing principles.  Behold the weary exiles on their arrival-now escaped from Republican & Kingly rule—bend their knes to that Supreem power that had delivered, preservd & protected them in their dreary course & under that sublime feeling.  Is it any wonder that they bound themselves in solemn covenant to protect each other from the pursuing fiends & to encircle their faithful friends with such noble & grand sentiments as these.  “To establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provid for their common defence, promote the general welfate & secure the blesings of liberty, to ourselves & promote the general welfare & secure the blesings of liberty to ourselves & our posterity. The citizens of each State shal be entitled to al the privileges & immunities of citizens in the several States and the powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution nor prohibited by it to the States ar reservd respectfuly to the people.” “the rights of citizens of the U.S. to vote shal not be denied or abridged by the W. S.’s or by any State on act of race, color or previous servitutde & lastly “Taxation without representation is unjust & ought to be abolished for ever & ever.”  These were the safe guards of that galant noble few & ar good enough for us today.  These were the ”Democratic sentiments & Laws” that were fought for by the immortal Washington & 100s of others who folow’d in his noble wake.  But now Alas! Divers disentions arize, caus’d by diverging circumstances & local differences.  But George was equal to the occasion & task.  He was on alert.  He coud appreciate genius, so suronded himself by those of his own way of thinking.  The original Jeferson—as Sec. of State—the persistent Hamilton—as Sec of the Treasury—The Stern Knox—as Sec of War—altho it was 9 yrs before his services were needed.  And the irrepressible Randolf as Atty Gen.  Where since, I ask, has there been such a constellation of stars of the 1st magnitude.  But it took al their untied effort, to untangle the crooked skien of matters, even as erly 1789.  Now under the mild persuasion of a Washington who coud not tel a lie, hence he was not Rebuplican—the brilliant leadership of a Jeferson.  The U. States prosperd in area & numbers, not exceld in the History of the whole world.  In 1816 the Federalists were so demoralized that it’s candidate, Rufus King, only received 34 elect. Voted, while the Democratic Candidates Monroe & Tompkin securd 187.  The presidency of Monroe for 2 terms, ar known in history as the “Era of good feelings” owing principaly to the scarcety of ‘Bankers & Milionairs’ & tarif for revenue alone.   In 24 there were 4 candidates for the presidency—al namely Democrats and Adams was elected.  Here came a split in the party ranks & were know by the name of National Republicans, afterward Wigs.  And the other party stil caling themselves Democrats.  As the Wigs blew off, the Head appeard in the person of Andrew Jackson who now took the lines & by careful manipulation of the same, gave great satisfaction, especially in making France pay the 30 yrs debt, threatening to take enough F. ships to cover the bil.  Johny Crappo blusterd, swore, then paid it.  Becoming convinced that the U. S. Bank was a public enemy to the people he smashed it.  It was charg that this same Jackson was author of the doctrine “To the victors belong the spoils” but history says this is not the fact.  Al that he done, was like Washington surround himself with those of His own political faith.  In 36 Democracy rul’d in the persons of Van Bruen & Johnson.  The U. S. population during the last 50 yrs had increasd from 4 to 17 mil. With 4000 miles of R. R. in operation and a grand surplus in the treasury which was now divided among the several States.  In 1855 the birth year of Republicanism hapen’d.  The child was a cros between the “Northern Wigs & Northern apostate Democrats.”  And although strong & healthy looking coud only secure 42 elect. Votes out of 296.  The Democracy getting away with 252.  This caus’d the death of the Wig Party having been sick over 2 years under Bucannans Democratic rule.  The 1st Atlantic cable was laid but soon a split in the Democratic ranks gave Lincoln the easy road to the Presidential chair.  He was inaugurated 4 Mar 61 and soon comenc’d  the un civil war which coud easily hav been avoided, had Lincoln like Jeferson—who tried to provide for the gradual emancipation of the slaves—both white and black—Is recorded in sacred writ that “The wicked shal slay the wicked” but it was never supposed that the cermorantic greed of the Republican contractors woud take such pleasure in the horid blody carnage.  Out of this cruel work, millions of money was lavishly receivd & laid the foundation for the present Bankers, Merchant-Princes & Milionairs greed.  And who can sensure the honest rail splitr for leaning towards those who were able to help him in the prosecution of the terrible carnage he had been drawn into so for 16 long years they flourished & fattened on the poor man’s wage until the mases sikend & grew tired of such bare fac’d robbery.  It was then they look’d about for a pilot & lit upon the economic Tommy Tilden who had made the grandest record of al time & who won the popular vote of 184 against 166.  It was agreed that 7 to 7 from each party & 1 independent should count the el vote but Alas! Davis went to the Senate & 8 Rep & 7 Dem. put the milk & water Methodist Hays in the chair of State & the Honest Tilden was sent home to record the fraud of the Might against Right.  ( A little clarification here.  Samuel Tilden, New York governor, needed 185 electoral votes and 4 states were in dispute.  The Congress set up an electoral commission.  The congressional  party leaders cut a deal and the Democrats gave the Presidency to Hayes in exchange for ending reconstruction and  pulling Federal troops out of the South along with the carpet baggers and those States then went Democratic in their Senate and governor elections.  Known as the compromise of 1877.  The leaders hoped Tilden would run again in 1880 but he chose not to.)

The administration of Garfield was inaugurated by the most shameful servale of ar office with the Republican ranks, which finaly caused the death of that great man.  The election of 84 turned upon the question of low tarif or tarif for revenue only which was advocates by Democrats against the policy of Protection sought to be perpetuated by the Republican party.  Cleveland & Hendrix rec 219 el voted against 181 for Blain & Logan.  History records the development of legislation of a social & economic character by Cleveland, unknown for a long time, but greatly needed for the benefit of all.  But his time was short & the opposition was long & bitter from the greedy party who had so long been in power.  The chief feature is over!  Harrison’s reign was the operating, for campaign purposes of Litle Tanner as pompous & ignorant corporal who added so freely to the pension lists, that the exhaustion of the U. S. Treasury, including the 65 mil surplus  by Cleveland was seriously threatened.  From 1860 until now, with 1 exception, the Repub Gov has been in control of the taxes, tarif, bounties, subsidies & has increased the pension lists to an alarming extent surrounded by Semi Lawyers, of the slimiest mediocracy currying favor for the next votes, so as to retain their greedy cermorantic seats.  And what hav they don for us on this grand Western slope.  Why al the strikes of the honest wage workers has been causd by Repub tyranny & has cost Mils of dollars, billions of time and trillions of destitution & death.  Ye shades of Washington, Jeferson, Jackson & 1000s of others-heroes- who hav spent their time & talent for the people.  How long? shal tyrannical, rekles, hypocritical robers bear the rule.  Let us view nearer home & we need no telescope—what our county officers done for us.  (Ans)  Litle more than gather, count & fil their bloated purses.  Then swallow the treasury.  If we go to Kaintuck- 4- mile for a lov leter, we ar reminded by placard that the bridges ar unsafe & we get a county tremble.  If we start for Egin to se our Mother in Law we may go 8 mile round St. Anthony or drown.  Having provd that the Democratic party is as old as the hils, firm as pilars of god, philantrophic as the soil in which we tread, while the Republican party is the outgrowth of a sikly mother & a foster father—long since dead—ung in years but old in sin, iniquity & greed.  I shal leav this subject with U kind hearers at present hoping at an erly future, to ventilate & make plain the tru principals of Democracy which shal cheer Ur firesides, gild Ur alters & lead U forth in the grand & noble procession of the heroes of al time.  One word on Protection & I am thru.  The protection of coaxing Repub votes according to testimony Raum, the more  successful follower of the ignorant corpral—because he has been persuing the busines on the sly.  He has had to do with 2 clases.  Those he has tried to get on the pension rol (Repub) & those that he has tried to get off (Democrat) & before the investigating committee in behaviour & tone hav seemd to say it is non of Ur blamb busines.  But the investigating wil go on never les  .  Say Pat war ar glas eyes for? And sure U darnd fool it for the blind to se thru u greeny.”  (Commissioner of Pensions name was Green Raum)

I was pleas’d with the attention paid.  Joe Larson was Chairman, Am Belmap Sec & Barney Lanery Asst Sec.  Prof Warner made some uninteligable remarks.  Com Carter invited me to Rexburg & we adjurned until 16 inst.

Ap 10 Sun.  the clouds hang low & the wind has ceasd & I lay long facing the east.  A good number cals but I hav little room for them.  Mis Lydia Hopkins of Kaintuck cals & orders a trunk.  She brot a Mr. Smith with her.  So we goes.  It is Geo HB’s 35 birthday today so I get a bottle of beer (in tu’k) & it goes down like oil on the troubled waters of 3years ago.  How time has flown.

Ap 11 Mon.  My dear C.V.  Ur kind leter of the 8th ult came safe…I hav imported 3$ worth of wheat & given to each settler in Salem 1 pt & the 1 that raises the most from their pt wil receive fr me a new suit of cloths.  It is a hardy wheat & wil not rust , smut or mildew & is for the benefit of Salem; so that they can hav a beter kind of seed than they usually gro & be more careful with it.  I am getting along sloly with my little busines & am just got out of my winter shel.  GHB & Cy ar rank Republican but Ur dear old grey haird Fathr stil stays by the loyal old ship that has stood many a gale & is stil try to the old Democracy.

Ap 29 Fr.  A dear  little red brested robin came to my door & cheerd me with it’s sweet melodious song.  I crumbd it & it lifted its head in thankfulness & praise to us al.  the Salem Base Ballers were out in force yester mid-day & ar practicing for Sat. when they wil encounter the crak club of Wilford, upon their ground.  It is a fine game to make mussel.

May 2. Mon.  yesterday was Sarah’s 48th  I thot of hr many times & during the night I dreamt, wel never mind.

Eyes of deep blu with an inner light suggesting more than at 1st was seen;

Hair that is brown & a smile eye brite. A savery yet wholy bewitching mien.

Does she stil lov me? Perhaps.  Who knows? Years I have trying to find out.

But as I wonder the puzel gro’s, who may derive what she is about!

Yet thro al this queer uncertainty a stil sly fascination lingers;

What to some may be a mistery is found by fancy’s grooping fingers

Something into my heart seems clear;  if she be realy so cold hearted!

Knocking along from year to year how is it that we hav so long parted!

Twix U & me the reason lies beyond the power of transiet strif

For to state a fact which may cause surprise, that girl of mine used to be my wife.


May 3, Tu a leter from Ap 27:  GHAH Esqr. Salem: Dear Sir please note that the buter U furnish me last, which I commented upon at the time on act of its deep yellow color, is very inferior.  We must decline to receive any but of first quality.  It has been returned to us as being unfit for use, tis fild with bacon fat apparently.  Beware of inferior buter , Rexburg Store Co, W. L. Cowburn.

A let of a mes. But I don’t think it was made in Salem & I don’t think Cowburn can prove I sold it to him but it wil hav to go this time & we must be more careful…Yager has just cald & asses’d me for State & County taxes & as he was so gentlemanly & urbane I gave him ‘Sitting Bul” for his boy & 2 cups of beer for himself & he smild.

May 7 Sat.  A lovely morning.  Poor Waldrum has been cald to Blackfoot court for seling good whisky in seald bottles by Lyman who sels rot gut at high tarif.  I hav faith for Waldram as he is conscientious & Lyman is a , wel cal him what U like for me , a nin-com-poop.

May 14 Sat.  A fine sumer morning in the springtime gentle Annie.  There is to be a Primary Conference commencing at 11 am today at Rexburg and the Banock Stake Relief Society at 2 pm by orders of ‘President Temperance Hinkly”


When lovely woman dons pants, which no man denies her right to wear,

Shel be no fright, nor ere a sight to make the thoughtless stare

Yet wiked men stil sniker, when with absent minded air

She reaches bak to grab the slak of skirt no longer there.

May 30 Mon.  The an of my 2nd weding day (30 yrs of age) wel it hapend on a Fri evening at Mothr Loader’s house & if U want particulars most of it is written before.  My next weding wil be in eternity, I am thinking, but am not sure and I cannot tel U why  so I shal not try…a good many hav visited their friends graves today but mine ar a long way off but some kind hand may lay flowers & some symphated eye may drop a tear upon my M.D., A.C., R.A. and Ann.

May the last day 31 Tu.  The son’s Bern & Rol cald with their pleasing visags & a bottle of Bourbon to cheer up the old man after his anniversary.

June 1 Wed.  A lovely morning.  The magpies awoke me erly, chanting their songs of praise & satisfaction & why shoud the children of Salem be sad.  I take in quite a lot of buter & egs this morning so that I am able to sel Cowburn 56 lb but at 15 cents & I case of egs at 3$.  4$ scrip, 5$ G. Bak & a 5$ pure gold al on act U kno.

Mason City 1 June 92 My dr George.  I have enclosed a letr from John, which ar this morning.  He is having a pretty hard time with his wife, or rather without her.  Modern Women seem to hav lost al idea of a wife’s duty of a woman’s affection.  Domestic lov & happiness exhist only in poetry: or in the dictionary.  It is to me ap’aling to se this un-natural tendency of our modern civilization & is a quicksand, upon which so many homes ar shipwrekd .  Urs—My Bro– Shorland Harris.

No 4 Renie St. Wm Town  Dear Bro & Family.  I hav had another severe shaking for 3 days & nights, they were watching over me, but I thank god I am stil among the living but with the influenza.  I am left with Rheumatism in my left thigh.  Wel I hav had a good share of this lifes trials & pleasure, but now, I am compeld to take it easy I find it a trouble.  I told U of the amt. of my penson 101 pd, 14 sh, 8 p pr an & as I coud not fly about the country & Mrs. H. fearing I woud be paralizd took her departure on the 17 Sep & has refus’d to return.  I hav been 2 kind & indulgent, as I was so much fr home that I did not compel her to live with me at Gips Land & now I am receiving the gratitude with double interest.  Ur evr af. Lov. Brother John Harris.

June 6 Mon.  It is election day for school Trustees.  I attend but after hearing the Iron clad, unconstitutional disgraceful, vilonous, rascaly infamers test oaths administered Icerelanded, I didn’t car to vote.

June 25 Sat.  Altho this morning it is quite pleasant & cool, with al my windows & doors open.  Altho the Musketers ar very numerous & about 999 hav been feasting durning the night on a fat rump.  It is now ¼ to 8 & I hav both lids off my stove & nice curling smoke from both holes even then they ar buzing around anticipating a few bites. June 26 We make a smudge to kil the Miscoitoes & ner kil our self with head ache.  June 27 Mon. I hav quite a head ache with the micsoitios & smoke.  Don’t kno what is worse.  (He later fixes up netting to sleep in)

July 6 Wed.  On waiting for Bek until 11 & no sign of life, I improv the opportunity with John Radmal a Bro of a Sister who kept house for Swen H Jacobs,  while he was butchering last sumer at Ida Fals & while her husband (Nixon) was absent on a mission.  Wel we got to the Co-Op & we learn by the driver that it was Smiths old trik to report egs roten so as to get 2 prices for them & build up his branch of ZCMI at Il Fals.  Radmal says he has 30 cases spoil in his celar thro inatention & charged it bak to dif parties.  Wel we get a rec fer our 1 case of egs & hunt up Cowburn.  We find him with Bramwel & Rivers & escorts him down to setle .

July 10 Sun.  Sweet balmy day of rest.  A few goes to Sabeth school.  Eckleson, wife & daughter cald & wanted some tin ware on tik.  I thot on their neighbor Dan Walters & his wife who owd me 5$ for ner 3 years & thot it right to refuse cr.  I am sory but I cannot trust the majority at al.

July 15 Fri.  James Olsen brot my mail in which was 1 great squib:  “For real tru Christianity we comen’d U to the thoughtful care of Mr Geo H A Harris, th Salem Merchant.  He has a nice line of goods suitable for family use, at prices as low as the lowest.  This is not Yelp cal on him & our word for it, U wil ever after cal us bles’ed.”  Mc-Min cald & promis me either of his 2 unmaried sisters now living at Salt Lake City.  He made me drink 17 times to their health but I didn’t take much at a time, or now at 7 pm I should be on my back.

July 16 Sat.  The base balers bring up lots of the pesky musketeers, so I make a big smudge & fight them with smoke.  Bro Kepener & his darling daughter Latie Sprunger ( a nice buxom widow) cals & trades.  I give her a nice brest pin & read to her.  I made them some lemonade & gave them some cheeze & bread to keep it down.

July 25 Mon.  Today is my Frow’s B.Day.  Mariah is 55 yr. old today & it is 26 yr ago, last 14 of April since she was seald to me for All Time & Eternity.  How time doeth fly.

July 27, Wed.  Last year about this time, I agitated the necessity of Salem Folks getting a machine & thrashing Salem grain.  Again I feel ful of it & hav modestly advanced my theory, to a few, who ar not jealous of advice.  There ar enough in Salem who fully understand the process & hav had considerable experience.  They (5 of them) can get a machine on time 1—2—or 3 payments as easily as a Co. from any other settlement.  I can admit that there is not much made in  thrashing when the grain is low, but the convenience of doing our own work & after labor of hauling grain to a cash market when no other work seems pressing.  I get my Herald & about 16 photos of the Democratic party, they ar grand & I think kno’s enough to engineer the D. Party to victory next Novembr unless fraud & bribery hav power to rule.  Some Egin folks cal, among whom is Wyman Parker who shoots his wife & self with some good brandy.

Aug 2 Tu.  A comfortable night has gone into the dreary past & I go down to my neighbor’s for a little yeast & set a batch of bread.  I am delighted with so much reading.  Mothr Olsen cals & represents her neighbor buying cof at Durans at 25 cents in trade for egs at 12 cents while Cowburn charges me 28 & I sel at 30 cents.  Wel I tel her that her neighbor is owing me & ought to pay me up 1st, then trade where she has a mind to but some folks can only se  1 side or they don’t want to se the other.

Aug 3 Wed.  I am so pleasd with my comfortable loose overhauls I think next sumer if I liv I shal adopt the Chinese bagy underware, as I hav to pin my awls around the ancle to prevent Mr. Mis-cit-oooos busing under & biting over my pedals.

Aug 6 Sat.  I reflect that 1 bu of corn makes 4 Gal’s whisky, which retails at 16$:  of this the farmer gets 40 cents, the R.R. Co. 1$, the U.S. $360, the manuf 4$.  The vender 7$ & the drinker 60 days & sometimes the delirum tremers.

Aug 14 Sun.  A lovely cool morning.  I am delighted.  A few goes to conference.  Rhumer sayeth that Pro Clay & his lady attended fersembling today & was exhorted to repent & be baptized by Elder P. Fost in broken English & H.P. Miler in pure German.  It reminds me of coaxing Bro Abraham to attend a lecture by Henshaw, Pres of the Herfordshire Conf & it was the worst lecture I ever herd.  That was in 51.  Ed Beutler, having 2 much confidence in the smartnes of his juvenils, entrusted them alone in the Kanyon 12m distant.  They went in a hurry with team & wagon & returned slo on 1 horse hav snagged the other 1 in the leg.

Aug 18 Th.  A little chily.  Mr Drake of Egin cals & pays me 1 25 fr the ½ sk of flour I trusted him with so as he is on time I hand him bak 10 cents & he smiles. Dear Nancy Ro’k cals & trades a little on her father’s act.  I ask her which she likes the best Clem W. or Axel A. & she modestly blushes & says neither one.  Then Nels Nelson cals & reports a squabble between Atorneys Dye & Yager, before Justice’s Cohoen’s court in which they are each fined 10$ for contempt.

Aug 19 Fri.  Lovely & cool.  The Poet Tenyson can take a sheet of paper & by writing a poem on it make it worth 65,000$.  That’s genius.  Vanderbilt can write a few words on a sheet of papr & make it worth 5 Mil$.  That’s capital.  The US can take an 1 ¼ oz of gold & stamp upon it an egal bird and make it worth 20$.  That’s money.  The ditch digr can work 10 hrs a day & shovel 3 or 4 tons of earth or gravel & ern 2$.  That’s labor.

Aug 26, Fri. Petr Olsen sends over 48 lb of pot on act.  I sel 40 lb to Prof Clay on tick.  James cals & buys 1 silk 50 cents & trades me 8 lb of nice Smur at 15.  GHB gets 1 gal L. oil on tik.  Mrs Ed Larsen pays me 4 good egs & 1 notion 1 on act.  Mrs Eliza Beutler cals & buys another pr of shoes for Wil $1.15.  Bek comes home with out his load, coudnt find the timbr.  Mrs Cox cals & spends $4.25 in sundries.  Dav Bringhurst buys 1.50 groceries.  I gave him 13 ½ lb sugar for 1$ & he had 1$ worth from Durans that Wood sent for & it ony weighd 12 lb scant.  So I go to sleep.

Aug 31 Wed.  I enjoy reading the 1st speech of the Democratic campaign in Il by Adelia Stevenson.  It is profound.

Sept 3, Sat.  A lovely morning. I cald at Cowburns & bot 1 bx cig papr, tomatoes, thread, Mens shoes, womens shoes, total $8.34  Here I found 70 cents eror in addition so I ch’s it bak.  Wel I understand Bishop Parker sent in his resignation tho it was not accepted so I got a litle good Brandy & we took a good drink for he lookd very downcast.

Sept 7 Wed.  David Nelson cald with a cheeze 35 lb $4.37 & wil leave another if Flam does not need it…Dav Nelson cals & wants ½ cents more pr lb for the last cheeze so I change the price to please him.  I tel him when he roles in the cheeze & pay me up, I would as soon let him hav sugar at wholesale , as cash & so he goes.  And now I go riding behind Willy on a board.  I se some nice coal, the 1st fruits of Bro Muir’s mine.  I saw Sarah & spoke kindly to her & she kindly answer’d bak.  (Sarah Loader Harris Holman moved from Pleasant Grove to Rexburg with her husband who soon died.  She stayed in Rexburg) 

Sep 8 Th.  Ex bishop parker cals with a 2$ bottle of French Brandy & makes me drink.  I refuse the second & fixes his bugy with a piece of wire.  I suggest to him that he be ordaind a Patriarch.  He has a heart ful of blesings. (I assume his resignation of the 3rd was accepted)

Sept 13 Tu.  Bro Sharp cald & spent 1$ cash in salt & tikd Wh & Bran.  Wm Hil of Egin brot the 1st wheat of the season 390 lbs at 70 cents.  So I am preparing my saks to hold lots.  The best for wh & the others for oats.

Sept 27 Tu.  It is a curious way we trade.  If I give an order say 10$ on Cowburn, he wil accept it & allow me 1$ corn.  Then if the party don’t trade but 1$ & brings me 9$ in scrip that scrip wil pay for my order & I make 1$ clear.  Wel that is trade & not tricks & about the only way that we can keep even with them for if I buy 1$ worth of rice 10 lb with 1 turn of the scale I may hav to turn the scale 10 times for that amount.  Of course if the Farmers paid up I coud buy by the sack.  (scrip is a substitute or alternative to legal tender that entitles the bearer to receive something in return. Scrips come in many different forms, usually as a form of credit. Scrips have been used to compensate or pay employees, and in communities when money was unavailable or in short supply.)



Oct 2 Sun.  Mrs Eliot cals with 13-5 doz Egs at 15 Cents & wants 2$ worth of sugar.  I tel her I can spare her 50 cents worth as I hav othr customers.  I ask her if she is keeping her buter for higher rates & robing me as part of her act of 12$ now due, was clean cash.  She wants me to pay 5 cents pr lb more than I can get.  Oh! The unreasonable of people that U have tried to assist.  Many ar there who hav askd credit ‘til after harvest’ & now gro’s is so low they want me to wait until rises & when it rises they wil hav non.  I remember some that has kept me 4 year out of my pay evidently waiting for a rise.

Oct 15 Sat.  it is pretty cold.  We have quite a bit of trade & George HB arrives, so I accompany him to the Repub. Rally.  Cy is appointed chariman & Dy take the floor.  He gets things mixd on high tarif & quotes nails at 165.  I remember him of the last quotatins 225 & he get’s a little cros but I don’t care a heck & I pin him to the truth.  He is soliciting votes for the Legislature.  Prof Clay now takes the floor & in an eloquent maner tries to prove protection a benefit ( I answer to the bankers).  It is as cold as the theme they try to make warm so I am pleasd when they adjurn.

Oct 28 Fri.  A warm morning.  Prof Clay was my 1st customer for Onions, buter & soap.  Then John Barber cald & was little rild because on a former occasion I did not send 3 sks of tob fr 25 cents on tik so I had to explain –when I owe a man I wil pa him at cash prices & when it is tik, the least am’t of it the beter at any price.

Nov 1 Tu. (In a letter to his son Abner)   My dear boy,  I am doing very fair in my little biz considering the scarcity of cash & the low price given for farm products.  It would amuse U to learn of the many triks & turns of trade but Sodom I mean Salem is prospering…Polyticks is paralysing biz & the immense no of safes in our large cities loading down with the purloinings of 50 mil people & watch over by hirelings night & day (heavily armd,) impoverished th otherwise glorius & grandest country on God’s blessed footstool.  The immense wealth lockd up in these many vaults, does not giv hapiness to the present purloiner, nor to  any body else.  But if bankers were taxd 50 pr cent manufacturers 25 pr cent & large farmers 10 pr cent the poor man nothing, then al coud liv & happily make th most bare spot a veritable garden of Eden & the U. States woud become th garden of the globe.  Ur fond & loving father GHAG.

Nov 9 Wed.  last evening as I was cutting wood Martin Sorensen cald & we had a long char upon Democracy.  At about 9 James Loader Harris suprizd us by bringing us a Mr. Larsen—a brother to Gunda who married John Cab’al.  He invited us to drink & we coud not refuse but woud only drink with him once.  But Jim (the rascal) sent him out to a house & brot a guny sack ful of crab apple cidr, brandy & 1 botle of alcohol.  So we tapd th brandy & then I was in a reading mood.  So I pucturd my leaf on Centenal day & on democracy while they tapd al the cidr & al the brandy & then at about 2 in the morning they left on foot.  (James is now out of prison.  Moe on him later)

Nov 11 Fr. Judge Moor cals & reports the election of Cleveland & as he is off fr the burg I send my kea.  Moor also reports a sweeping change of th Democrats & popylust in favor of good government & that the Co. has gone flat down on Repub. Tyranny.  We ar sure of betr times

Nov 19. Sat    It looks springified & is so much nicer & warmr than it was last Wed. when the watr froze in the buket, the cofe in th pot & the dish cloth as hard as a brik…we shake & congratulate our new Legislator ‘gil Fletcher’ who has headed the Repub Dye by 6 som Dem Votes.

Nov 22 Tu.  It is very quiet this morning, Hy Jacobs cals & reports his mission with Joseph Larsen.  It reminds me of what Brigham said once, that he sent some to save them, some to damn them & some to preach the gospel.

Nov 25 Fri.  I herd the wagons rambling home from the dance about 2 this morning & felt glad I was not Ung again.

Dec 1 Th.  A terrible cold strong wind from the S. W.  It chils every thing.  Neva & Dille cals & purchases some supplies.  She looks very pale poor girl.  I think it must be 2 much dancing, these short nights.  Fred Saury & Clem cald & we had 1 eg-nog & then I fixd up some for them to take to the dance.  Fred has had a cancer cut out from his left upper lip & it is again taking root he thinks.

Dec 3 St. Dear little G.V. & Arthur brot out my clean clothes & I gave them a nikle each & 12 yds of eider down for 2 pr of garments that Victoria wil be kind enough to make for this erring son of Adam & Eve & Bathsheba & a lot of others that connects th link.

Dec 7 Wed.  Fatherlaws Dille & Valentine cals just after I hav eaten a nice pork steak presented yesterday by my dear Sady & sent by our darling G.child Alvin R.  J.R. Miserva cald with 2 doz wine, for some books I sold him so when Pa Bek cald at noon we got 1 drink each & started for the Burg.  We send a 5$ chek to the FHH Co & at th P.O. Cy gives us a 9$ du bil on Co-op for A. E. Hinkleys 3 yr S. W. Herald…Jay Gould died at New York and only 57 yrs old.  It is said he was worth 100 mils and al accumulated in about ½ a life.  Ah! One editor says of him, he livd, he died, unwept by a grand majority.  Perhaps his immense wealth coud hav purchased tears but that woud hav done him no good nor his family either.  Perhaps he  coud hav fed more hungry ones & clothed more nakedness and perhaps he coud not distinguish between the Lords poor, the Devils poor & th poor devils.

‘A pen’y for Ur tho’ts said he,

She sweetly smil’d, as maidens do,

They ar’ not worth that much, said she,

For I was thinking Sir of U.’


Au Revoir.

(His last entry)


(For all of James Loader Harris’s problems his FS page shows a James Loader Harris Veterinary Surgeon Certificate issued in 1922 by the state of Idaho.  He passed away in 1932)

(GHAH Family Search page shows a photo of the outside of his original building and an inside photo of the building built after he finished his autobiography)

( In 1893 Salem got its post office and he became the first postmaster for nine years)

(In 1904 a branch of the U&I sugar company built a company town, Sugar City, next to Salem.  It included company stores, houses etc.  GHAH calls for a local sugar processing plant to help the farmers and provide jobs were met, but the location was the eventual end of his store.)

(I believe the Salem Stake Center is on the property where his store stood)

(When the $ sign is first then it means dollars and cents. $365 is 3.65 and when it is last 12$ it means 12 dollars and no cents)








Bank Scrip - Refer to Sept. 27