Hinckley Military History
THOMAS HINCKLEY-Sergeant Plymouth Militia- King Philips War-1675-1678
SAMUEL HINCKLEY (Thomas’s son)-In the first Rangers Command in the Colonies. Served during the King Philips war under Captain John Gorham.
NATHANIEL HINCKLEY- Vermont Militia-Ebenezer Allen Regiment-Revolutionary War.
ERASTUS HINCKLEY- War of 1812- Sergeant
ARZA HINCKLEY- Private Mormon Battalion -Mexican War 1846-1847
WILLIAM RUSSELL HINCKLEY- Corporal Army Air Corp -82nd fighter control squadron-World War II -North Africa, Italy, Europe. Serving with Staff Sergeant Richard G Hanes of Winston-Salem, NC, Sergeant William M. Cozart (Radio) of Edenton, NC, Cpl Frank W Eggleson(Radio) of Kansas City, MO, LT. Krumrine (Controller) of Strafford, PA. Refer to WWII Diaries
Willis Clarence Holcomb-Chief Petty Officer first Class WWII- (Scott Hinckley’s great uncle)
ALEXANDER ROBINSON-Served under General Braddock in French and Indian War, under Col Bouquet in the Pontiac Indian conspiracy and a private in the revolutionary war. (William Vance Hinckley’s 3G grandfather)