WRH Diary 1960

Dad did not have much in the 1960 Diary so I will just transcribe it all in one entry. (William Scott Hinckley)

Jan 1, 1960

Red letter day-Red Ink Day.  Slept until 10:00 AM.  Had a quiet New Years Eve.  Helen invited the Voriseks and their 4 boys and the Herbert Edwards and their son Ross over for the evening.  A lot of conversation, some soft drinks, 35 mm colored slides of the trip to Idaho this past summer, lots of food and it was 2 AM.  I prepared a sausage-dressing for our 2-8lb chickens and dinner was ready.  Helen had baked a cherry and pumpkin pie.  Ice-cream was in the freezer as was quick frozen vegetables.

Enjoyed watching the football games on TV.  Was especially pleased with the University of Washington 44-8 victory over Wisconsin in the Rose bowl.  Ron and I did the dinner dishes.  At Teri Ann’s request we drove to Oyster Bay to see the full length cartoon feature 1001 Arabian nights with the nearsighted McGoo.  It was in technicolor and the children loved the movie.  The women of the family were off to bed early.  The boys and I played a 3 handed game of hearts before retiring.

Jan 2, 1960

Drove Scott and Ron to the boys’ club at 9 AM.  Spent the morning at my desk with just a little time out to watch Ron and Scott play an intramural basketball game.  Ron is quite a polished player.  He has been blessed with good athletic skills.  Scott was playing his first game after being side tracked since Thanksgiving with a hernia operation-his 2nd in four years.  He looked good-getting 5 points in the game.  He will be a good ball player if he works at it.

Had a stolen bicycle ring come to light in the form of confessions by three 12 yr old boys.  When they start to bare their souls boys bare everything.  Thus Scott, who had nothing to do with the bicycles, admitted taking 2 puffs from a cigarette last summer to see what it tasted like and a scoop ball from Bauers.  The last item although it occurred 4 months or more ago is the greatest concern to me.  (As the transcriber I get to defend myself.  Whenever anyone at the club got in trouble, they quickly learned to say that they were not alone but one of the Hinckley boys was with them.  They knew it distracted dad and his anger would be turned toward us not them.  I was with Richie V. at his uncles when we found his Cigarettes and decided to sneak one out back, I never told on Richie, I just said I did it.  As to Bauers, He ran a pharmacy and you may remember from earlier he was not a big fan of dad.  Well after what seemed like hours of interrogation I figured there was no way out unless I confessed to something.  The scoop balls were only 5 or 10 cents and I figured I had that much money to pay it back.  I was marched up to Bauers and dad watched from the door while I went up to Mr. Bauer and told him I stole a scoop ball and gave him a dime.  He looked at me and then at dad and said, son, I don’t sell scoop balls did your dad put you up to this?  I said yes and he muttered, figures.  He took the dime and said good luck.)

Back to January 2—Ron scored 22 points in a 46-48 loss to the Massapequa Biddy Basketball team.  Boys’ club staff scrimmaged against Locust Valley High School Basketball team.

Jan 3, 1960

The worst part of keeping a diary- I am just finding time to make an entry under Jan 3 and today’s date is Jan 10.  However with the aid of my appointment calendar I will attempt to make some late entrees.  Ron reminded us of the fast Sunday so all of the men in the family-fasted Saturday through dinner.  As a matter of habit I always fast Sunday mornings.  We had an enjoyable Sunday School.  All of our family enjoys going.  Our fast and testimony meeting was most enjoyable also.  It is held immediately after Sunday School.  Teri Ann started to bear her testimony only to be unintentionally cut off by Sis Christensen who didn’t see or hear Teri on her feet behind her.  Teri was reduced to sobs and tears.  I expressed some feelings in her behalf and I hope-made her feel better about it.  The ward clerk recorded it as a testimony born by Teri Ann Hinckley.  Ron was part of a chartered bus load from Uniondale ward to attend a youth conference in New York’s Manhattan ward to hear a direct wire broadcast from President McKay who inaugurated a gigantic series of fireside programs.

Jan 4, 1960

I wish there were more such Mondays in a week.  The boys club is closed Mondays and the staff are not required to come in except for the custodial staff.  On such days I love to spend 8 to 10 hours at my desk trying to reduce the pile of work but most of all just enjoying the opportunity of working in the quiet and solitude of an empty building.  Nothing can be quieter than an empty boys’ club.

Among things accomplished was a trip to the bank to make deposits of accounts that had accumulated over the Holidays.  Also on the agenda was a trip to the printers (Valley Press) to make arrangements for printing material  regarding our men’s club annual theatre benefit.  If sold out our benefit could raise nearly $1000 for boys’ club programs.  It is being held at the Glen Cove theatre on February 16, 1960.  Through Paramount Pictures we have been told that we can sneak preview the Vera Miles, George Sanders “Touch of Larceny” picture.  It is scheduled for a Feb 22 opening at the Normandy theatre in New York City.

Jan 5, 1960

Enjoyed a late sleep-about 9 AM.  Showered, shaved and dressed for a trip to New York City.  With a briefcase carrying an extra shirt, pair of sox and my shaving gear I shoved off from home.  Made a stop at the barber shop for a haircut ($1.50) the price of which reminded me of the terrible spiral of inflation our country is in. 

With the termination of the steel strike and an announcement by Industry that the strike will because of its settlement add increased costs to each ton of steel our inflation will go up again.

Two Christmas ties arrived late from my good friend Milt Spielburg of Champion knitwear, Rochester, NY.  Drove to Manhasset, left car overnight, ($2) took train to Penn station NY ($1.07)  enjoyed good sea food lunch (fish chowder-broiled mackerel)  attended a meeting of the BCA National Committee to plan the annual convention in NYC.  Spent the evening at Madison Square Garden-Philadelphia defeated Minneapolis (now the Los Angeles Lakers) Wilt Chamberlin scored 46 and the NY Knicks defeated Detroit.  I spent the night at the Biltmore Hotel, Shared a room with John Seagnelli.

Jan 9, 1960

The Reformed church of Locust Valley rented the Beaver Dan winter sports club rink for the evening.  The minister, the Rev John Dykstra invited the Hinckley’s to the ice-skating party.  Ron and Scott got their first opportunity to use their skates that Santa gave them for Christmas.  The girls were really excited and could hardly wait.  We had a ball!  Debbie skated on four runner bob sled type skates.  Teri used Scott’s old skates and I used some old skates found at the Boys’ club.  Helen didn’t get beyond the watching stage but we enjoyed ourselves.  We took a time out for a soda and a hot dog and went back to the fun at hand.  We skated for about three hours.  A very wonderful evening.

Jan 22, 1960

Cold-a slight skiff (1/4”) of snow fell in the morning-making the roads and footing very slippery.  Postponed picking up the bus at Mitchel field because of the weather.  Lots of paper work is piled up and as long as it is I’m chained to my desk for 8 hours a day.  Made a bank deposit for the club, addressed a dozen invitations to attend our annual theatre benefit at the Glen cove Theatre, 217 Glen street, Glen cove, New York on Feb 16,1960.

Picked Helen and the girls and Tommy Vorisek up at our house and drove to Oyster Bay to watch the Jr. High and Freshmen basketball games.  Locust Valley won both but only by a half dozen points.  Ronald certainly is responsible for making the 7th and 8th team work.  He scored 19 or 20 points in pacing his team to victory today.  He can be a great ball player if he will concentrate on working on some of his weak points.  Scott spent the night at the Voriseks.

Jan 23, 1960

Dorothy Horton McGee-Piping Rock Road-Locust Valley-author of historical works was at the boys’ club at 10 AM.  She presented a copy (inscribed) of her new work-“Herbert Hoover-Engineer, Humanitarian, Statesman”  to the Grenville Baker boys’ club’s library.  A photographer from the Locust Valley Leader was present to record the presentation on film.

Helen had as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul Koos from Manhassett.  Chris is the sister of Helen’s step-mother Jean Harris.  Chris’s mother-92 years old Mrs. Hodge (a real Mormon pioneer girl) came with them.  It was a thrill for the children to have a great grandmother (even though a step one) visiting with them.  She is very spry and alert.  Uses no glassed and no hearing aid.  Eats well and is a beautiful and lovely old woman.  She really enjoyed the fireplace and the cozy fire we had going.

Jan 24, 1960

Usual routine for the Hinckley house on Sunday is to be up at 7:30 AM and on our way to priesthood services by 8:30 AM.  While Ronald and I attend priesthood services Helen gives primary lessons to the other three children in the car.  We all make Sunday school and then head for home.  Today we brought two of the full time missionaries home to have dinner with us.  We all enjoyed the lasagna and meatballs Helen had prepared.  She is a very good cook and an excellent mother.  I’m certainly proud of her as my wife.  I wonder if this would come as a surprised if she read this-I don’t think so.  Back over the 15 mile route for Sacrament Service and to bed for an early and needed nights sleep.  (the reader must realize that the routes to church and into the city were never far in country miles but depending on traffic tie ups and people going to and from Jones Beach it could take an hour to go those miles)

Jan 25, 1960

Helen started a course of training for Girl Scout leaders.  The course is given on Mondays at the Glen Cove neighborhood YMCA.  I took care of Debbie.  Did some work at the club on compiling statistics for the Boys’ Club of America’s annual report.  Was shocked to discover that although our services remained the same (150,000 approx.) we had lost a lot of members in the 14 and over age category.

Took Scott to the Glen Cove community hospital for x-rays of his sinuses.  $15 was the fee charged to do the set of x-rays.  Played an NCABL basketball game at the boys’ club.  We lost to Floral Park.  My sprained ankle of two weeks is still very sore.  Weather has been a mixture of snow, rain and alternating temperatures.  Most of the last snow fall has gone.  Some patches of ice still remain.  Little or no chance for skating except at artificial rinks.

Jan 27, 1960

Had a 9 AM meeting at the club with Dr. Bob Vorisek and Archie Anderson re/ rotary programming for the balance of the year.  Following this Mr. Pratt arrived and he and Bob and I talked about Pratt’s camps in New Brunswick, Canada and our plan for 1960.  (nice letter from Kiah Copp)  At noon-just as I finished lunch-the Locust Valley Public School called and asked me to pick up Scott from the nurses office.  He had taken ill, thrown-up and was being cared for at the nurse’s office.  I brought Scott home and went over to Mitchel Field Air Base to pick up a 29 passenger government surplus bus.  Charlie Bonttelier towed the bus home using Perry Smith’s depot garage tow truck.  We plan to use it for camp transportation.

Returned to find Helen had received a call from Dr. Edmonds.  He had just read Scott’s x-rays and found his sinuses to be filled and infected.  Scott made a visit to his office with a 101 temperature and was put on antibiotics.  Ron stayed home with him in the evening while Helen and I took the girls to the Elder’s Quorum waffle supper.  I took a 16 mm projector and showed the film “Cockelshell Heros” with Jose Ferrar.

Jan 28, 1960

Had a board of directors committee meeting in the evening with Gray Colgrove, Ben Vander Pool and Alfred Shakins.  We discussed last years loss of older boy members vs lack of older boy’s facilities.  This may be the foundation for another capital funds drive and the addition of office space, older members lounge and games rooms, arts and crafts and shop area.

Jan 30, 1960

Saturdays are always busy.  Had Ronald at the club by 9:30 AM.  Scott is recovering from a bad sinus infection.  Ronald’s intramural team won its league game.  His team Georgia has only lost one game in the past two years.  Ron won the Jr. checker championship by beating Jack Zorski.  Home for lunch.  Dropped Teri Ann off at the library for her ballet dancing lesson and Ron and I drove to Woodbury (20 miles away) to get our last ward teaching visit done for the month of January.

Back at the club by 2 PM the Rotterdam boys club arrived from Schenectady NY for a basketball game with our biddy team.  They had us beat in size and easily won the game 67-43.  Ron stood out for our team getting 22 points, a lot of rebounds and good floor play.  Our mother’s club served a nice luncheon to both teams.  Overnight guests were assigned (Ron took 2 boys to stay with us) and we all went ice-skating at the Beaver Dam Winter Sports Club.  Everyone had a nice evening.  Teri and Debbie especially.

Jan 31, 1960

Our electric alarm clock brought me out of a deep sleep at 6:30 AM.  While I shaved and dressed for church Helen called our two house guests and then we both prepared breakfast for them.  They seem to be very nice clean cut boys -certainly their appetites are healthy.  Breakfast for them consisted of western style bacon (thick sliced) scrambled eggs, large glasses of orange juice, toasted English muffins and jelly and jam.

After getting our two guests plus George Gregory’s guest up to the boys’ club for an appointment to attend 8 AM mass I returned home and took my own family to church.  Priesthood at 9 AM.  I finished a year and a manual as elders quorum teacher (Roy West’s-message of the apostles).  Sunday school and home where lunch, home work by the children and a nap ate up the afternoon hours.  Back to sacrament service with a stop to pick up Sister Helen Bade.  Back home by 8 PM- a bit of supper and to bed by 11 PM.

Mar 3, 1960

Closed the boys club during the evening because of the snow storm.  My secretary’s  (Mrs.  Foss) car was snowed in so I had “Woody” Lewis drive her home.  The club’s Chrysler wagon has snow tires so it gets around OK.  Woody and I started for Garden City Hotel to attend a sporting goods show.  Kissed a guys rear end-bumper to bumper-at a traffic light.  No damage done.  Took one hour to drive 7 miles- traffic conditions getting worse all the time, so we turned around and came home-glad we did.

Mar 4, 1960

I’m finishing my first week back at the office after being confined to the house all of last week.  Chest x-rays show a spot on the upper right lobe of my right lung.  Tuberculosis tests have proven negative.  Dr. Vorisek now believes it is the result of a virus pneumonia.  Yesterday in a 14 hour period we received the worst snow storm I have seen in the 10 years that I have been in Locust Valley.  We had two feet of snow fall.  This raised havoc with metropolitan New York.  All schools within a 50 mile radius of New York City are closed-kids are happy!

Ronald earned $2.75 for two hours of snow shoveling at St, John’s of Lattingtown church.  He and Scott shoveled us out at home.  Weather is very cold.  Snow flurries this afternoon added another inch.

Mar 11, 1960

We still have lots of snow on the ground.  The storm of ten days ago left 12-24 inches and since the weather has turned cold very little of it has melted.  Millions of dollars are spent in the met. New York area by cities, towns, villages, counties, etc to remove the snow.  I would rather see them adjust to the snow and spend the monies on something more beneficial to the human race.  We are putting out 750 copies of our Boys’ Club newspaper.  Highlights of the paper feature Boys’ Club week, camp, baseball and summer programs.

Our club launched its second annual Biddy basketball tournament by defeating St. George’s of Bellrose NY.  Ronald Hinckley played a big part in leading his team to victory.  Our Rotary Club presented a talent night program before a packed house at the school auditorium.  It was our annual youth fund program and certainly helped to fill our coffers with the money necessary to continue our work.  Talent was local and very good.

Mar 19, 1960

Taped in the diary on this date is ..

“Here’s a tall letter to Daddy from Teri.  February 15, 1960.  Dear Daddy-The Brownie Father-daughter dinner will be held on Saturday, March 19th at 5:00 P.M. in the high school cafeteria.  I would like to have you attend with me.  Love Teri”

Mar 31, 1960

A newspaper clipping-“Rotary Speaker-Dr. Kenneth Beesley will speak on “Mormonism” at the Locust Valley Rotary Club luncheon meeting on Thursday, March 31 at the Log Cabin, Bayville”  (Dr. Beesley was a professor at Columbia for ten years and became President of the LDS Business College)

In the back of the 1960 diary but with a hand written date of Leader Jan 30 1958

Appoint William Hinckley—William Hinckley, executive director of the Grenville Baker Boys’ Club, has been appointed chairman of the committee on community service of the Boys’ Clubs of America.  He will head a group of national authorities on community service.  They will advise the 500-club organization on research and study projects, report on new ideas and trends and assist with continuing development of national programs.

(This sums up 1960)