April 1962

WRH    Apr 1, 1962

Up early and off to church.  Enjoyed priesthood meeting.  Pinched hit as a teacher.  Sunday School was enjoyable.  Fast and testimony meeting.  I took the opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation to the ward members for our wonderful association over the past year.  Missionaries want to come out on Monday .  OK for 1:30 PM

Hurried home and started dinner.  We had Bill and Millie Guests and son Robbie over.  Gee but we enjoyed them.  Robbie is 3 ½ yrs old and at 39 lbs is a little brick.  Helen prepared a lovely steak dinner.  Big delicious rib steaks, salad, baked potatoes with sour cream and chives beans and carrots.  Apple pie and ice-cream for desert.

Took Bill and all the kids to the Boys’ Club.  gave Robbie a boys’ club tee-shirt.  He really loved it.  Called it a basketball shirt.  Rained hard all day.  Flowers and lawns needed it.  Kids ran and played in the gym.  Had a ball.  Guests left about 7 PM and we retired early.

Apr 2, 1962

Everything was okay until I rotated my back in a normal movement to put on my shoes.  Suddenly had an excruciating pain in my back.  The rotational disk slipped and I am in misery.  Hobbled off to the club.  Desk work all morning.  Bob Zellner former sports editor and now a public relations man for Newsday (350,000 circulation) dropped in and took me to Caminairi’s for lunch.  A lovely luncheon.  Bob is always ideal company, took him back to the club and talked and showed him Boys Club of Omaha.   Let the missionaries in to work out in the gym.  Ron and Scott came down and we all dressed and played basketball.  Showered and worked pizza’s for the missionaries.

Rod Pellet dropped by to see me.  He had an interesting time meeting the missionaries.  He invited them to present an assembly program to Friends Academy.  A private Quaker school of which he is principal.  Home and in bed by 7:30 PM.

Apr 3, 1962

My back has me in sad shape.  I find it most difficult to bend.  But to put any rotation movement on the small of my back is even more difficult.  Slowly but surely I am working my way through files, drawers, bookcases etc in cleaning and getting ready to make the move to Omaha.  Closed out several miscellaneous checking account and placed the receipts, stubs etc on file.  Pushed out several letters and drove to the Nassau Country Club to attend Rotary with the Glen Cove club.  This was a make-up for me having missed my regular Rotary club meeting last Thursday because I was in Omaha.  Woody came in with a big patch on the side of his face.  He had been in the hospital overnight having plastic surgery done to remove the scar from being hit in the face with an automatic pitching machine.  50 stitches!!! Abrasive treatment!!

Took the Banquet of Champions programs to the printers to be prepared.  Helen and I attend the men’s club’s annual theatre benefit at the Glen Cove theatre.  European picture dubbed in English and distributed by Paramount.  “Forever my Love”  color and scenery were great.  Story—all love-was weak.  Women liked it most.

Apr 4, 1962

My back is still bad and continued throughout the day.  Sorry in view of it being a special family day.  All excited, the children were up and dressed early.  Jackets and ties for the boys.  Special dresses for the girls.  Mom and dad real proud of our rapidly maturing family.  The Lord blessed us with a beautiful spring day loaded with sunshine.

Drove to the city.  Visited the Herbert Hoover Building-Boys; Clubs of America.  Just 12 years ago we had stopped at the old boys’ club building on our way to Locust Valley.  We had no girls then and the boys were young.  Said hello to Jane Constable, Iris Vinton, Alex Maleski, Bill Montgomery and Howard Gibbs.  Walked across the street and toured the United Nations building ($4), two hours parking ($2).  Drove to the west side of town.  Lunched at Howard Johnsons ($9.60), candy for the theatre ($1).  Saw Martha Wright in “Sound of Music”. ($28.80)  It was divine.  Children really enjoyed it.  Bought record for a family souvenir ($5.08) Tolls ($.50) Dinner on Long Island at a Chinese Restaurant ($18.50) .  Home-happy-exhilarated and broke!!

Apr 5, 1962

Due to my back I decided to work at the club instead of spending the day in the yard.  Helen rode into the village with me.  She had an appointment to have her hair done.  I dropped her off at the shopping center in Glen Cove.  It is going to be a tight squeeze to finish and get everything taken care of in time to avoid panicking at the last moment.  Still an awful lot of little things to do.  Worked at the desk until twelve noon.  A little worried about Woody.  He is carrying a big load on his shoulders.  He has lost his smile.  I will have to spend some time with him.  Was late for Rotary.  Cost me a quarter fine.  Enjoyed a nice fish fillet luncheon.  Had a short meeting.

Stopped at the house on the way back to the club from the Log Cabin.  Only Ron was home.  He stayed out of school with a bad head cold today.  Called for Helen at the shopping center.  She was a knock-out.  New permanent and a very cute hair style!  Could hardly believe she was my wife!!!  Scotty had a hair cut.  Good butch cut.  Put in a good night shift in anticipation of not coming in tomorrow.  Had a two hour conference with Woody.  I think it will help him relax and be more understanding.

Apr 6, 1962

Beautiful day.  Off to an early start in the yard.  We have 1/3 of an acre.  Could just leave it but would much rather leave it the way I would have liked to have had it were I to stay.  Put a new fence post in the post and rail fence. (Br. Hand took it out last winter with his car)  Followed that with the spading of the front flower bed.  Trimmed and pruned rose bushes and other shrubbery.  Sprayed and picked limbs from the lawn.  Boys had raked the lawns last week. Transplanted about two dozen items, magnolia tree, rose bushes, Cuban laurel, chrysanthemums etc.

Took a short lunch break.  My back is sore-muscularly speaking-but not painful from the slipped disk.  Back to spading, digging and cleaning of lower beds.  Transplanted a lot of Lilac bushes.  Was really bushed by the time I knocked off at 5:30 PM.  The Pontiac had been in the garage all day getting preventive maintenance, new plugs, points, tune-up, wheel bearings packed, transmission fluid changed, etc.  $72.00 total.  Took John back to the garage.  Put in a good night shift at the club.

Apr 7, 1962

Woke to a soft steady rain.  Regular April soaker.  Set in to saturate everything and took all day and night to get the job done.  Took a load of girls from our street to the Boys’ Club movie, “Snow White and the Three Stooges”, Helen rode along.  I left her shopping at Vera’s and took a second load of boys back to the movie from L.V..  Bought Teri a pair of shoes.  Picked up the laundry, (shirts) and returned to the club.  Beautiful letter awaiting me from Dick Roslund.  Helen came in and too was moved to tears when she read it.  Helen bought a lovely new Sea Green spring suit at Vera’s.  Looks very nice.

Picked the kids up from the movie and dropped the girls off home.  Prepared news releases on American-Korean foundation and Bill Posch $100 Reader’s Digest scholarship “Boy of the year” award.  Home with the boys for Scott’s music lesson and prepare to go out with the Vorisek’s for dinner.  Boy-what a shock we got!!  Ran into a 200 person testimonial dinner at the Reformed Church for the Hinckley’s.  Came as a complete surprise.  We were bowled off our feet-Helen and I, the boys, Ron and Scott knew about it.  Tears flowed freely.  Friends and associates from all walks of life were on hand.  City editor of the NY Times (Joe Durso) M.C.’d the evening.  It was a delightful catered dinner followed by an evening of “Bill and Helen this is your 12 year life in Locust Valley”  we were thrilled!!

Apr 8, 1962

Off to church as usual.  Still caught up in the emotions of last night.  What wonderful things were said about us and the fine way we lived our religion.  Boy were we proud.  Gifts were given us in a lavish whirl.

1-Engraved 14 “ silver tray–Board of Directors

2-Engraved silver candy dish–LV elementary parents

3-Engraved Sheaffer desk set—LV high school parents club

4-Engraved Plaque—Rotary Club

5-Engraved Plaque—Boy Scout Troop #135

6-“Helps” badge—Nassau County Girl Scouts

7-Engraved Omega watch—Boy’s Club staff

8-Testimonial letter–John M. Gleason Ex. Dir of BCA

9-Camping tool (quad knife)—John Dykstra

10-14 x 14 camp photograph—Bob Faller

11-Lower Forks water Color–Wayne Davis  (commissioned to do this)

12-Bound book of copies of all the Locust Valley Leader’s carrying Boys’ Club stories over the past twelve years with signatures of all our friends to attended.

13-Stereo Recorder—Men’s Club of the GBBC.

I did lunch dishes while everyone napped.  We then drove to Uniondale (our old ward) and attended sacrament services.  Saw a lot of old friends.  Bishop asked me to make a couple of remarks.  Spent the evening visiting with the MacDonalds.  Enjoyed a lite supper and a lot of visiting.

Apr 9, 1962

Sun is shining brightly.  Day has arrived in a beautiful setting.  Stopped at Mr. Pratt’s to return a book.  Stopped at Mr. Martin’s to pick up certificate for B. of C.  Mrs. Martin paid my lovely wife Helen a beautiful compliment in remarks as to the “poise, confidence and thoughtful words” Helen had used in speaking to the group the other night.  She also thought son Scott had done a magnificent job-“the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  In to the club.  squared things away for “Mike” to get out some important work and left for Glen Cove.  Ordered a tire for the Pontiac and dropped shirts off at the laundry.

Finished cleaning files, desk drawers, etc.  gathered up copies of GBBC literature, forms etc to take with me to Omaha as a guideline.  Home for a bite of lunch.  Woody and Nancy arrived at 1PM to go over the house and look at the furnishings.  Back to the club by 2:30.  The elders were there playing basketball.  It had started to rain and rained very hard until about 7 PM.  Ron and Scott worked out at the club with the elders.  Boys and I brought a lot of books etc home.  Stopped at the butcher shop for hamburger and rolls.  After dinner Helen and I spent a wonderful evening visiting with Jim and Edna Egan and Florence and Frank Rowsom at the Egan’s.  What wonderful people to have as friends.

Apr 10, 1962

Truly-my cup runneth over!! My heart is filled with great joy over the expression of love given to me and my family through the community testimonial dinner.  It is being followed by great letters and personal expressions from many individuals.  Happiness and love doth filleth my heart-as Jesus taught.  John Dykstra presented me with a lovely little daily devotional prayer book with a beautiful and warm inscription.  Pulled the certificates, Batterman gift etchings, diplomas, etc from my office walls.  Took the pictures from under my glass desk top and attended to several other small details of moving out of an office.

Checked the house out with Frank Curth of Baker Bros. who is going to handle the details of moving furnishings and fixtures to Omaha.  Big father and son night at the Boys’ Club to launch the National boys’ club week program.  Bill Posch made the Long Island Press with a picture and story of his $100 Reader’s Digest scholarship.

Apr 11, 1962

This was a day of check and double check.  Mike-Woody and I went over our banquet of champions list to check errors on invitations and award certificates.  It was rewarding in that we found where we had made several mistakes.  Now, no boy need be disappointed.  Helen and several mothers’ club members appeared at the boys’ club kitchen to prepare dressing for the 10 turkeys we will use at the banquet of champions.  They worked through lunch hour, so, they heated the pizza oven and we all ate pizza for lunch.

It made it easy for me to put a lot of time in at my desk.  The last piece of correspondence are on their way out over my signature as Executive Director.  Helen was stricken with some kind of illness last night.  Very nauseated-weak etc!! she retired early last night.  Back to her old self today.  In fact even better than her usual!  After a delicious chicken dinner (one of Helen’s specialties) I slipped back to the club and then returned for Helen and we spent an excellent evening visiting our old and dear friends Archie and Florence Anderson.  Wonderful hours of conversation topped with hot pecan pie and vanilla ice cream.  We love the furnishings of their home.

Apr 12, 1962

Rain, rain and more rain!!  Over night into the day and showers forecast for tonight and tomorrow.  Helen has made plans with Gert Vorisek to take Scott and the girls into Madison Square Garden next week to see the Barnum and Bailey and Ringland Bros circus.  We are wondering what happened to Geo. Newman.  He is supposed to be Woody’s replacement as physical Director.  Mixed up in an automobile accident two weeks ago and we haven’t heard from him since.  Can’t reach him in Valdosta, Georgia.

I packed everything from my desk and shipped it parcel post to Nebraska.  Two 20lb cartons.  A little worried about its wrappings.  Didn’t have the best.  Artie Arifero of the Valley Press helped me.  After dinner (lunch at Rotary) Helen and I drove   to Nick and Claudgh Carter.  Nick is home for two days having spent a week in the hospital with a hernia operation.  We enjoyed the visit and believe they were pleasantly surprised to have us drop in.  We followed with a quick trip to the Voriseks to show them the beautiful set of pictures taken at our testimonial dinner by our photographer friend Bob Faller.

Apr 13, 1962

Weather is cool.  Morning is full of showers.  Scott and Ron rode into the club with me.  Ron went on to the Voriseks and to the Polo Grounds with Robbie-Tom and friends.  I started up the bus, bought gas and with B. Cullum, Dick Deuel, L. Della Veccia and Bill Posch and Archie Anderson and 24 boys we shoved off for the Polo Grounds and the first game of the New York Mets in the National Baseball League.  (Casey Stangel and a bunch of has-beens and cast offs)

We had our moments of trial in reaching the Polo Grounds.  Circled Yankee Stadium first, finally arrived.  Cold wet and hungry.  Big to-do about Catholics and hot dogs- good laughs!!  Mayor Wagner was soundly booed when he threw out the first ball.  Pittsburgh Pirates won 5-3.  Game was played in a downpour.  Baseball players looked like football players in a muddy game.  Very cold and raw day.  Bus gave out on the Triboro bridge on the way home.  Was pushed off and made it to a service station.  Real dirty gas.  Filter cartridge was plugged.  Carburetor wasn’t getting enough gas.  One hour and $2 later we were on our way.  Home by 8 PM  worked until 11 PM setting up chairs and tables for banquet of champions.

Apr 14, 1962

Continued cold and raw.  Woody and Lou handled the baseball try-outs.  Bird, Dick and I worked on the finishing touches of the gymnasium-dressing up for the BofC.  By 4:30 pm it looked like a million dollars.  Tables set, flowers arranged, banners up, certificates and awards ready.  Took Debbie over to Ginger Wood’s for the night.  She will stay all night and visit Ginger’s Sunday School tomorrow.  Quick shower and shave and Helen, I and Ron and Scott were off to the Grenville Baker Boys’ Club’s eleventh annual banquet of champions.  House full of special guests from Mrs. George F. Baker to Bob Zellner of Newsday.

Held a 6:30 photographers conference for newspaper people to photograph the special American-Korean award ( a hand embroidered silk scroll)  presented to the Grenville Baker Boys’ Club.  We had a delicious turkey dinner prepared and served by the mother’s club.  Passed out awards to the boys and turned over a $100 check to Bill Posch as a Reader’s Digest “Jr. Citizen” winner in the national boy of the year contest.  Turned the microphone and keys over to Woody to present the alumni award and things started happening:

1-Mother’s club-Mrs. Faber presented me with a Kodak Carousel 35 mm slide projector.

2-Men’s club-Mr. Birkins and Mr. May presented me with a copy of the 1959 championship midget varsity football film.

3-Jr. Citizen’s club-Bob Mollitor presented me with a sterling cuff link set.

4-Jr. Staff-Dick Mollitor presented me with a propane gas lantern for camping.

5-Alumni-Bill Carl- presented Helen with beautiful bouquet and me with the Man and Boy award.

6-Archie Anderson presented me with a check to establish a Bill Hinckley memorial annual award.

Seems like all 250 people came forward to shake hands and say good bye and good luck.  Lots of tears in lots of people’s eyes-Helen and Bill included.  Wound of the evening stopping at the Henry Roslund’s for milk and cookies.

Apr 15, 1962

Cold-rain and even show late in the evening.  Usual day at church.  Quiet and peaceful.  We had lunch at the Howells (LDS family who recently moved from Salt Lake) who live on our street.  Deb’s enjoyed her visit with Ginger at the Reformed church.  Picked up the last of my things at the Boy’s Club.  Said a little prayer and walked out.

Apr 16, 1962

1st day of a week’s Spring vacation for the public school children.  Helen and I were in NYC by 9:30 AM. $200 shopping spree for pop.  Overcoat and a top coat.  Sport coat and two pairs of slacks. (all bought at a clothing wholesalers down on 22nd street and Broadway)  6 pair of ripple knit sox and four new shirts at Macy’s.  Helen bought a new raincoat at Irving Katy’s-228 West 38th St. (a wholesaler of women’s clothes)  half a dozen new ties topped it off.  We were home by 5:30 PM  After picking up shirts at the laundry and groceries at Bohack’s.

Ron had spent the day at Friend’s Academy with six missionaries who presented the devotional assembly and then spent the entire day at the school meeting with classes and small discussion groups to talk about Mormonism.  Ron said he was shocked at the number of young people who proclaimed their belief that there was no God.

Took the family out to the Log Cabin in Bayville for dinner.  We enjoyed ourselves.  Drove the family home and returned some things to the Vorisek’s.  Stopped to talk to Jim Egan about Geo N. and his police problems and drove over to Woody’s to discuss bringing Dominic in from Utah.  Packed and went to bed by 12:00.

Apr 17, 1962

Up at 7:00 AM.  Shave, shampoo and a shower and shine found me ready for breakfast.  After which we gathered and had Ronald give us the ward teaching lesson.  Followed by family prayer we left Scott to go back to bed and the rest of us took off for the Vorisek’s.  Transferred all luggage and passengers and dropped the Pontiac off at Woody’s.  Dom Giovinazzo’s draft board would not defer him.  I called him in Utah and broke the news.

Gert Vorisek drove Helen and I and Ron and the girls to Idlewild airport.  I had 25 lbs extra luggage at 40 cents a pound.  Parted with a quick $10.  After a short visit I boarded and had a nice flight to Chicago-Convair 960 jet.  Enjoyed a delicious luncheon.  Read and slept.  Flew DC6-B from Chicago to Omaha.  Real chopper.  Didn’t enjoy the flight.  Checked in and unpacked at the Logan Hotel.  Walked about town getting a feel of places in downtown Omaha.  Spent the evening at the Civic Arena watching the Harlem Globetrotters and their Cab Callaway review.

Apr 18, 1962

Up at 7:00 AM.  Dressed and out into a beautiful day by 8:00 AM clear, blue sky and a high of 70 made it a most beautiful day.  Stopped to see Bob Millard, Omaha National Bank, and took a look at the office in his bank building he is making available to the Boys’ Club.

 Next stop Ed Shafton-boys’ club lawyer.  He put insurance on the boys’ club car and I stopped for hot chocolate and toast before picking up a lovely 1962 Bel Aire 9 passenger Chevy station wagon.  Drove down to Al Sorensen’s office.  Chatted for a while.  Callahan dropped in.  Al and I dashed to meet and lunch with V. J. Skutt Pres. Of Mutual of Omaha and the heads of other Omaha insurance companies and investment bankers 

Mr. Sorensen told the boys’ club story.  We were looking for $7,500 to $10,000 as a gift.  I think we will get it.  Moved things into the new office.  Worked late, dinner alone and worked far into the night writing thank you and in my diary.

Apr 19, 1962

Awoke at 6 AM Omaha time. 7 AM New York time.  Had no trouble turning over and going back to sleep for another hour.  Had an 8:00 AM breakfast meeting with Board member -Mr. Callahan.  He lit the fire that started Sorensen burning.  He is a salesman for Corning Ware.  We went over the Abe Lincoln, Mr. Ward story.  Also reviewed the summer programs, personnel, facilities, etc.  even found time to talk about hunting and fishing.  Followed with a session in Ed Shafton’s office.  Payroll, office equipment, supplies, etc.  picked up some letterheads from his secretary and took them to the boys’ club office.  Spent a few minutes unpacking and then made my way to KQAL-FM and a conference with Jack Katz, Al Sorensen and Jim Lipsey of Universal advertising.  Jack wants to plug boys’ clubs.  We worked out a good format which can also be used for AM stations. Had a tour of Universal with Jim.  Very impressive.  Had lunch with Jim at the Diplomat Hotel.  Very good food!!  Afternoon at the office putting out a half-dozen letters.  Brought some groceries up to the room.  Leisurely went through the paper and cooked my own dinner.  Wrote and read.

Apr 20, 1962

Cooked my own breakfast-juice, milk, B/B and eggs and sausage.  I walked back and forth from the hotel Logan to my office at 1160 Omaha National Bank Building.  US Check Book co. delivered a file and some office supplies.  Bldg superintendent brought a desk and took a work table away.  Had a very interesting interview with John Johnette a local man who has had teaching experience and is looking for a job. Dashed off to KMA TV meeting with Al Sorensen, Jack Reilly, Owen Sadder and Don Jeffry.  Very encouraging work meeting.  They are doing a Sunday TV show on the boys’ club and want very much to do a  continuing thing.  They are very excited about the boys’ club.  Dashed from here to the Kewitt Plaza  and had lunch at the very fashionable Plaza Club on the 12th floor.  A man by the name of Handler was host.  He wanted to make a $100 contribution.  Returned to the office to interview a Bob Booker.  A man who after 18 years as a grain elevator administer quit because he was converted to God.  Went to Bible school for three years, works in an open mission and wants to work with boys.  Big summer program conference with Callahan, Shrader, Rose and Boozer.  Had dinner with Mrs. And Mr. Al Sorensen at Sam Nisi’s Sparetime.

Apr 21, 1962

Not sleeping well.  Contribute it to a strange bed and various nights-city and traffic noises.  Very warm with a very strong wind blowing.  The temperature went from a low of 59 at midnight to a high of 85 at 3 PM.  I had my face wind and sunburned while out house hunting with Bob Rasmussen of N.P. Dodge Realtor Co.  Didn’t like the old houses but loved their locations.  Finally after four hours of house hunting we decided that the Hinckley’s (at least William) would be happy in new property, new home and somewhere in the vicinity of the Mormon churches near Benson (North) or the ward out West.  We visited the two chapels and spoke to people in each.  Talked about homes, etc.

Back at the hotel I talked to a young man from Sioux City, Iowa (Roger Erickson) who wants to work for the Boys’ Club of Omaha.  He worked for 3 ½ years with Jim Nolan and at a boys’ club in Alameda, Calif.  Looks like a very strong candidate.  He is sincere, dedicated and has a very good background.  Talked to a young window washer Buddy Gwinn who wants a crack at being our building engineer when he gets out of service in August.  Showered-heat is real sticky- and drove back out to 110th st. to the Mormon church for dinner.  They were having a primary dinner.  Enjoyed meeting the people.

Apr 22, 1962

Woke early-couldn’t get back to sleep.  Shaved and dressed.  Sent down for Sunday papers and fixed a large breakfast in my apartment.  Drove out to 52nd street and Fort St. (Omaha’s LDS 1st ward)  via as many homes as I could find.  Looking for a house.  attended Priesthood and Sunday School and then started driving around in circles looking at and for homes.  Drove and looked- drove and looked!!  Wound up back at the hotel at 4 pm.  Fixed a sandwich and showered.  Am praying for guidance in the selection of a home.  Read homes for sale ads until I was blue in the face.

 Dressed and was talking to Jack Reilley at KMTV at 5 PM.  Al Sorensen arrived and we talked over the format of the program.  We were on the air at 5:30 finished by 6 PM.  My first on TV!!  Mr. Sorensen was good enough to say I handled myself like a pro.  Drove to Mr. Sorensen’s home-went through same and drove to Omaha Country Club for a delicious roast beef dinner.  Back to hotel and more houses for sale!!

Apr 23, 1962

Shave, shine, shower followed by a glass of orange juice and I’m walking to my office by 8:30 AM.  I sense the same qualities of blue sky and feel the freshness of air that is associated with my memory of beautiful days in my Idaho youth.  Several early telephone calls.  My phone is as busy as it was in New York.  Some board members placing calls of “Good Work” re-last nights TV show.  I spent the day getting out a dozen pieces of mail and unpacking and filing two boxes of fileable data.  Took a 10:30 break to take checks over to Ed Shafton’s office, chat with his girl Penny, catch a Northropes and Jones sandwich and hot chocolate.  Back to 1160 (my office) and straight through to 6 PM.

Very fine interview with John Johnette.  I am very impressed with this young man.  I hope to make him my physical director.  Interviewed a Mrs. Alberta W. for the position of executive secretary.  I think she would be an excellent secretary but goodness she is homely.  Shopped and fixed my own dinner.  Oyster stew and a large cottage cheese and fruit salad.  Looked at a home at 9:30.  Beautiful tiled finish.  Called Helen.  Have prayed a lot about buying it.

Apr 24, 1962

Up early.  Morning prayers and off to look at last nights house in the day light.  Stopped at Mr. Sorensen’s and picked him up.  Enjoyed the drive out.  Mr. Sorensen was very impressed with the house.  Feels that it will return its investment at a later time if it has to be resold.  Bought some stamps and picked up some letterhead and envelopes.  Found Bob Rasmussen of N.P. Dodge realty waiting on my door step.  He drew up a contract of sale and I have him a $1,000 check as earnest money.  Called Helen in New York and told her to catch a plane to Omaha-arriving thur. night or Friday morning.  She was shocked but she will be on her way.

Plugged away at the old office routine most of the afternoon.  Wrote cards to all of my Nat. Citizenship Ed. Comm members about a meeting in Philadelphia in May.  Weather is clear, dry and in the high 80’s.  most pleasant.  Edwin F. Van Billiard, regional director, Chicago came up to the office.  We had a good heart to heart and straight forward talk about a lot of things.  He is very easy to talk to.  I like Ed very much.  We walked over to the hotel, picked up Art Dunning and drove out to Sam Nisi’s Sparetime café for dinner and a long delightful evening’s visit.

Apr 25, 1962

6:30 awakening.  Nervous over the speech I have to make today.  Knelt in prayer for the strength and wisdom necessary to make my debut to Omaha.  Moved on to the office where I handled the morning mail.  Had a brief chat with Dunning and Van Billiard and typed out the notes of my speech.  Came the time. 12 Noon! Place-Fontenelle Hotel! Occasion-Rotary! Number-300 plus special guests!!  I fired away with both barrels- nervous as could be.  Left them laughing. Governor’s rep rose and made me an Admiral in the Great Nebraska Navy.  I was very thrilled.  It took a while for the adrenalin to stop flowing but I finally wound up back at the office doing routine Boys’ Club work. Interviewed a Mrs. Hickey for the position of Secretary to the Boys’ Club.  Woman with two small boys-husband overseas with the army for two years.  Callahan picked me up and we drove west out of town to a fine fried chicken restaurant.  Enjoyed the chicken!  We looked at some new homes in the area.  Talked a lot about the Abe Lincoln Boys Club set up.  Had an 8 o’clock Board meeting with Abe Lincoln Board.  Prof. W., Dr. C., Sgt and Mrs R. and Callahan.  Real pathetic case-love-bought friendship, senility, jealousy.  I feel sorry for Prof. W.

Apr 26, 1962

Hotel has finally turned the air conditioning system on.  Nebraska is hot and dry.  Sure could use a rain.  Dressed and out to Leo A. Daly’s Co. by 8:30.  Some beautiful homes in the Indian Hills area.  Spent the entire morning with John Savage and team #3 mass listing all of the equipment necessary for the new boys’ club.  we worked hard until 12:30 noon.  John Savage and I had lunch together and then drove out to his home area to look at homes that were for sale.  Met a nice Realtor named John Jenkins.  Not too excited about what he showed me.  People living in all the homes.  Back to Leo Daly’s for a couple of hours and then Jack Savage and another Realtor named Bob Burns of Jack Metz and Co. and I drove out to see the home I put a $1,000 deposit on.  We couldn’t get in.  the lady wasn’t home.  Bob then took me to see three homes in South Western Omaha.  They were very fine homes.  Of course like all good salesmen he saved the best and most expensive home until last.  Net result, he showed me a $37,000 home that I wish I had but know I can’t afford.  Drove back to the hotel.  Dead tired.  Hot, dry and dusty.  Cooked my own dinner, read, wrote in my journal and retired.

Apr 27, 1962

Temperatures dropped.  Rains came and Omaha cooled off.  I worked hard all morning to clear my desk away.  May only have been in town for one week but my mail and telephone is as bad as it was in Locust Valley.  Bob Shrader spent a couple of hours with me planning summer program.  He is ass’t director Omaha city Jr. high schools physical Ed. Dept..  He is a very sharp young man. Very impressed with him. We picked the program up and put it into a moving , planning stage.  Ran a check over to Ed Shafton’s office.  Caught a sandwich and a hot chocolate at Northrop-Jones.  Interviewed a 57 year old Mrs. W. who wants to be my secretary.  Tragedy has marred her face.  Her husband died a year ago of cancer.  One year ago prior to the date of her husband’s death her 16 year old son drowned. Picked up my raincoat and car at the hotel, stopped for a minute at Al Sorensen’s office and then drove to the airport to meet Helen’s plane.  Her plane was 10 minutes late.  She was sure a site for sore eyes.  Cute as a button.  Ticketed both of us back to New York, picked up her luggage and drove to the hotel.  Met Bob Burns-Jack Moritz reality and saw three houses.  Helen’s choice was the big home near the church.  We had a delicious steak dinner at Sam Nisi’s.

Apr 28, 1962

We were awake by 6:30.  Took an hour to get out of bed and moving through showers, shaves, dressing etc.  met a board member, Jim Lipsey at the gas station when we stopped for gas.  We had breakfast at the pancake house on Dodge St.  started through houses.  We looked and looked and looked.  Went through about 20 homes in 6 different parts of town.  Worn to a frazzle.  We didn’t finish until 5 PM.  Took our first break and caught a sandwich.  Talked everything over and selected two houses that were our choices.  1st choice by the Mormon church.  2nd choice by the schools.  Drove out to our 1st choice.  Lightning hit the out house.  The home had been sold.  Some man paid $39,000 for the house we were talking $37,000 about.  We were broken hearted.  But, what could you do?  We looked for a couple of more but had no taste for it.  Drove back to the hotel.  Freshened up and walked downtown.  Caught a snack at the new Diplomat Hotel and caught a movie-John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart “the man who shot Liberty Valence”. Restless over our housing problems, came home and prayed for help in getting things straightened out.  Cool all day.

Apr 29, 1962

Helen and I awoke early.  Both tired we rolled over and went back to sleep.  Then, we had to hurry to get in our morning wrestling exercises, shower, dress and get to church on time.  I attended Priesthood-Helen sat in the car and read the Sunday papers looking for homes.  We both attended Sunday School.  Very fine teacher in the gospel doctrine class.  We left a few minutes early to meet Mr. and Mrs. David Monen, vice-president, Omaha National Bank.  We chatted for a few moments in Leo Daly’s parking lot and then drove over to look at the home in Indian Hills we are interested in buying.  Went through the home carefully and feel that it is the home for the Hinckleys.  One block from the Swanson elementary school and a half a dozen blocks from the Jr./Sr. West side High School.  Took Helen out to the Fried chicken house Callahan introduced me to last week and we had a good chicken dinner.  Drove into downtown Omaha looking for a laundromat.  Found one by Creighton University.  Washed and dried our temple garments and then drove out to 20th and Burdette to show Helen the location of the boys’ club.  Drove south across Omaha to “L” st. then west past the stockyards to the interstate hi-way and then north to church.  Back by way of Indian Hills and stopped to look at a beautiful 3 bedroom home for sale by the owners.  Back to hotel and out for dinner of Steak.

April 30, 1962

Dog tired but we rolled out of bed at 7 PM.  Weather took a cool turn.  Some rain last night.  Helen packed her bag.  We had ½ grapefruit each for breakfast and dashed.  Out to John Jenkins office -quick look  at a $40,000 home.  Belongs to some lumber baron who is now ready for an apt.  His family is all grown.  Even if we had the money we would not take the house before 3rd or 4th choice.  Back to office and a call to Gert in New York.  Arrangements to get the children home and someone to meet Helen’s plane.  Helen did some shopping.  I drove to the Blackstone where a realtor took her out to look at another home.  I had lunch with and then spoke to the Dundee Kiwanis club told the boys’ club story.  Met Helen downstairs and drove her to the airport.  She was real pretty in a light green suit.  We shopped and bought an autograph pup for Teri. Placed Helen on the 3:15 jet to New York.  I drove to town stopping at Sorensen’s office.  He has a very sweet and sensitive secretary.  Put in a long stretch at the office.  From 4 until 8PM.  Interviewed a strong candidate for secretary.  Clare Phelan Harris.  Bite of supper at Davis Café and home to bed.