August 1962

WRH Diary August 1962

August 1, 1962-Wednesday

Spent the morning at Leo Daly’s office.  We re-checked the Boys’ Club building for ways of upgrading it, i.e. ceramic tile in the swimming pool, electrical deck over games room etc.  Met Al Sorensen at the Sheraton Fontenelle for lunch.  He presented me to the Rotary Club and I was accepted as a Rotary member of the Omaha Club.  Enjoyed it.  Good opportunity for fellowship and getting to know people -more chance for service.  Program consisted of a talk on commercial gases-oxygen-helium etc., and a demonstration of liquid gases.  Back to the office for a session with Bob Schrader and the two cooks he had hired for camp.  We went over menus and determined quantities.  Staff meeting followed.  Last minute details were checked and double checked.  Looks like we are all set for camp.  Home at 6:15 after a stop at Callahan’s to pick up a corning ware piece for Sat’s wedding reception.  June Forsha’s daughter.  After dinner Helen and I worked until 11 PM on the boys’ bedroom.  I stained about 1/3 of the wood paneling.  Helen gave the cement block wall a good coat of water proofing. (Ha-that never stopped a bit of water) It takes time.  Hope we make it for the boys.

August 2, 1962

Another long day.  This one began at 5:15 AM  this put me at the Castle hotel at 6:30-downtown.  Caught a parking meter, a bell boy and a cart and soon had the equipment all set up to show the boys’ club movie to the breakfast Rotary Club.-good fellowship- young group.  Enjoyed myself.  Gave what I felt was a strong pitch for Boys’ Clubs.    All packed up and back to the office by 9:30 AM.  Stayed right at the desk until 3:30.  Dropped some envelopes off at the Woodman Circle and was home at 4PM.  Helen drove us out to Elkhorn, Nebraska where we had a 180 lb hind quarter of beef and ½ of a pig cut and wrapped for us.  We paid $4.99 for the ½ pig and 49 cents a lb. for the beef.  It jammed our freezer solid.  We had a few packages we had to refrigerate for lack of room.  Down to Hinky-Dinky for a big load of groceries.  Helen fixed dinner while I dropped the Chrysler off at the garage.  Our steaks -T-Bones were delicious!!  Looks like we made a good buy.

August 3, 1962

Late getting out of the house.  woke up at 5 AM but was too exhausted to stay up.  Consequently, it was 8 AM the second time I came out of a deep sleep.  Drove to the Woodmen’s circle and picked up some addressed envelopes-follow up on the talk Al Sorensen and I made the other day.  Next stop was the Castle hotel where I set up my projector and film for a noon engagement.  Walked up to the office -5 blocks away-after getting the Banquet manager at the hotel to keep feeding nickels into the parking meter where I left the car.  Signed some letters and talked to Mrs. Elgin Hicks (Husband is VP of the Union Pacific Railroad) about doing some volunteer work for the Boys’ Club. Sspoke at the “Square Compass” luncheon meeting- a Masonic group.  Had a tremendous spontaneous response.  Dozen people volunteered to send checks.  Picked up some 35 mm slides that had been processed- a spare lamp for the projector and the towels and aprons for camp.  Met an official from Hinky-Dinky stores and placed an order for our camp needs.  Home for some staining in the boys’ bedroom and then off to a stake Sunday school preparation meeting.

August 4, 1962

Helen was real nice to me so I was up and working on the boys’ bedroom by 8 AM.  We are putting on a water barrier and coat of paint over two cement block walls.  (the water barrier never worked)  We are sanding and fruitwood staining the pine paneling on two walls.  This is followed by a coat of varnish on the wood paneling and a coat of sealer on the cement floor.  It is a tough, pains-taking job.  We are both perfectionists, so our work goes slow.  We had a couple of interruptions as we took the girls over to primary and picked them up.  Good opportunity for Helen to get in some driving time.  Had lunch-good knockwurst and back to the varnish.  Helen finished the wall painting and painted the trim around the windows.  Worked until 7 PM.  All finished except varnishing one side of one door and painting the floor.  We will just finish in time to have it ready as they come off the plane on Monday.  Helen and the girls and I attended a wedding reception for Mona Forsha  at the church. 

August 5, 1962

Usual program for Sunday.  After priesthood meeting I returned to the house and picked up Helen and the girls for Sunday School and sacrament service.  Following sacrament service the Bishop approached me to do a service for him.  I agreed and asked Bro. Jack Lawson to assist me.  We spent the next three hours releasing Sister V. M.  from the Methodist Hospital and admitting her to the Lutheran Hospital’s private section for psychiatric cases.  I pray to God for her recovery.  She is a miserable and wretched soul.  What sad and tragic circumstances have led her to this point in life.  Broken marriages, alcohol, attempts on her life, insane jealousy etc.  she had joined the church-less than a year ago- and our Bishop is trying hard to help her.  After dinner Helen and the girls and I painted the cement floor in the boys’ bedroom.  We are very excited about their coming.

August 6, 1962

The start of 3 days at camp Brewster for 140 boys and staff of the Boys’ Club.  Camp Brewster had been rented from the YWCA.  It is located on the very edge of the city-bordered by a main thoroughfare-Bellevue Blvd.  yet because the Missouri river lies at its feet and because it is partially bordered by the Fontenelle forest it does have a certain “Woodys” and camp atmosphere.  We spent the entire forenoon shuttling cars back and forth from Mason and Horace Mann schools as we transported all of the kids out to camp.  Still disorganized we had a hectic lunch period but quickly adjusted and proceeded with program and swimming periods.  I left camp at 6:30 drove to the house and with Helen and the girls drove to the airport to meet the boy’s plane.  It was 45 minutes late.  But all it did was increase the joy that was ours when we saw them walk off that United jet.  They looked wonderful.  Great was our joy.  We thanked Father in Heaven.

August 7, 1962

I have assumed the camp responsibility of KP Pusher.  Picked out a half dozen negro boys and made them full time kitchen helpers with early chow and extra food privileges.  They worked out fine!  Found time between lunch and breakfast to take about 20 boys on a hike.  River bottoms have steep hills and deep gullies.  Rather amazed at the dense vegetation.  Little bird or animal life due to the noise of our group.  Used a hand lens to talk about snails, centipedes, etc. which we observed.  Stinging nettles caused a poison ivy rumor.  Long, sweat drenching climb up out of the Missouri river bottom brought us back to camp.  Took one boy back to town for smoking in the camp cabins.  Swimming pool is by far the most popular thing.  Mr. Sorensen visited camp.  Callahan was there practically all of the time.  World Herald sent out a photographer.  Prof. Ward and Shirley Hickey were our dinner guests.  Showed movies-Disney’s “nature half-acre” and Bob Boozer’s Kansas State Highlights of basketball 58-59.

August 8, 1962

World Herald gave us a back page picture story of our camp activities.  4 large pictures.  Had the city Naturalist out for a lecture to the boys.  He brought live snakes, a live owl he is training for falconry, live lizards, turtles etc.  he did an excellent job of interesting the boys in nature and had many questions asked.  After lunch and a good job of cleaning up we put most of the boys aboard a city bus the rest went in staff cars and we ended our regular summer camp and 1961 summer program. (his date 1961).  It was good to be home.  Enjoyed visiting with the family.  We went out to the chicken restaurant on Hyw 30 and had dinner.  Nice relaxing quiet evening.  House was in a turmoil- 5 men were laying carpet.  Finished everything but the stairs.

August 9, 1962

Drove Ron and Scott to the Westside high school.  We were in hopes we could register them but most of the teachers are away attending clinics, etc.   Weather is most enjoyable.  Warm days but not excessive.  Low humidity and very cool nights.  All of the Omaha natives tell us it has been a most unusually cool summer.  Not to be expected as normal weather.  Catching up with the desk work following 3 days at camp is not easy matter.  It will get back to normal in about a week.  Started Ron and Scott on various jobs around the yard.  We plan to cut out areas of the back yard and pour concrete to extend the driveway for a basketball and volleyball area.  We also have plans to pour a large patio in the back yard.  The east side of our house is to the backyard and the natural shade of our house creates an ideal situation for a patio.  This Nebraska soil is like concrete.  It is a tremendous amount of work to get a shovel into it or move it in any great quantity.  Played some bridge.  Helen and I vs the boys.  It has been years since we played.  The boys learned to play in Canada.

August 10, 1962

Brought the entire Hinckley family downtown.  It was Ron and Scott’s first daylight look.  Helen and the girls shopped while the boys walked around the downtown area and became acquainted with some of the men’s shops.  I attended the West Omaha Rotary club for a make-up.  Jonathan Lucas of Carnival- currently playing in Omaha-and of stage and director fame was the guest speaker.  Returned to the office to find it full of packages.  Helen and the boys were shopping while Debbie and Teri attended a movie “Tarzan goes to India”.  Ron’s champagne taste and beer pocketbook wound up with a $25 pair of Florsheim shoes.  He paid $7 of the total cost.  Shirts and pants for school were the big order of the day.  Girls bought slips and dresses.  Last item was a pair of football shoes ($15.95) for Ron.  After a quick dinner Helen attended a meeting at the church.  We men cut lawns at the church.  Used car lights when we ran out of sun light.

August 11, 1962

A day of family chores around the house.  There are so many things that require doing as the result of a move.  Among the many odd jobs I did was to hang several kitchen items such as knife rack, can opener, utensil rack, etc.  Hung and arranged a peg-board in the basement and hung all of my tools.  Cleaned the garage-swept and tidied up the various items of which there are a few boxes that as yet have not been opened.  We were interrupted a couple of times as we drove the children to Primary and picked them up again.  Also invaded the Hinky-Dinky store to get our usual supply of groceries.  It makes for quite a scene as 6 Hinckley’s grab six carts and scatter down six aisles.  As a special outing we decided to have a family night out.  Helen and Debbie went to see the Music Man while Teri, Ron and Scott and I went to see El-Cid a 3-hour extravaganza.  I think we were all pleased with our evening’s entertainment.

August 12, 1962

First day at church-Omaha 2nd ward- for our boys.  We were proud parents.  They are two very fine boys.  Neatly dressed, poised and full of a natural zest for life.  To us their parents, they were handsome.  I taught the gospel doctrine class.  Bro. Morris is on vacation.  Chapter of title was “Choosing a Career”.  Had a lively class and a good discussion.  Quiet afternoon-Ron and Scott caught a nap.  Evening services were a testimonial and missionary farewell for brother David Lawson who leaves our ward to enter the French East mission.  His older brother is on a mission in South America.  Very enjoyable services.  Current gripe of Helen is the narrow roads, pitted and soft shoulders which are characteristic of Nebraska roads.  She dropped a wheel off the pavement and was thoroughly and rightfully frightened.  Come bad winter weather she will have to stay with the few main streets.

August 13, 14, 15, 16 No secrets here-just forgot to write!!

August 17, 1962

Felt like a boy playing hooky.  Carefully avoided the office all morning by taking the boys over to Westside High School and registering them for their freshman and junior years.  Followed this by taking Scott to Elmwood park where the Omaha 2nd ward softball jr. team played the Council Bluffs ward for the stake championship.  Scott’s team won 27-7.  He hit a homer, triple and two doubles.  Stopped at the Hill Top House and set up the motion picture equipment for the Sorensen-Hinckley presentation to the West Omaha Rotary Club.  We enjoyed it and had a lot of good response.  We will follow up with letters of appeal.  Stopped by the office about 2:30 for a half hour to sign some letters.  Drove on out to the building site.  Am always fascinated by the doings of a building site.  Stayed around for an hour-located a sign for the building superintendent.  Headed home.  Grabbed the boys and took off for church.  Mowed all the lawns.  Ron drove the car all over the church parking lot.  Scott also.  Even Teri tried it but bumped her nose with too much brakes.

August 18, 1962

One of the worst hang-overs I have ever had- all because I stayed up until 1:30 AM playing bridge with Helen and the boys and eating dill pickles.  Ye gads -but I am getting old.  Teri and I took Ron to Westside High for his football physical.  We then drove over to church and picked up a load of lumber scraps to be used for forms for pouring our cement patio that I hope to build.  Next stop after breakfast was a trip to Sears.  Purchased several hardware items including a line level and a mason’s line to stake out the patio.  Didn’t get much done in the afternoon as we had the Read family join us and we drove to playland in Council Bluffs, Iowa.  I had a great many free tickets to the various rides.  Scott enjoyed it because Gail Reed was along.  Ron went to Lincoln with Bro. Farr to see the annual high school senior football game.  We all enjoyed ourselves!!

August 19, 1962

Priesthood at 9 AM for the boys and I.  I substituted for the regular Elders’ Quorum teacher.  Enjoyed teaching the lesson on Death and Resurrection.  Dashed back to get Helen and the girls.  Helen drove us over to Sunday school.  Ward is a bit depleted as the result of a great number of our peoples being gone to St. Louis to attend our annual youth conference.  Brought Bishop Eskelson home with us for dinner (fried chicken).  His wife and daughter are in St. Louis.  He had to run to make a hospital appointment he had made.  Scott and I followed to make our ward teaching rounds.  Saunachi family (Indians) are away attending an Indian Pow-Wow. (Pow-Wow or Powwow is what the Indians call them).  Visited with the Browns and Surbers.  Was told by one member’s father he was a practicing Catholic and now wanting to be rude didn’t want us calling.  Back to sacrament services where Helen and Ron had parts on the program.  Did well for themselves.  Following a snack we joined the Read’s and drove to Irving to get a good ice cream cone. It was.

August 20, 1962

At about 6 AM one of those good Nebraska storms blew up.  Vicious, quick fierce black clouds and loads of thunder and lightning.  Rained like fury for about ¾ of an hour.  We needed the moisture.  Rain clouds stayed on until noon with a few showers.  Helen passed her Nebraska State Driver’s license test.  She was certainly nervous but did a good job.  She scored 100% on the written test.  Even I couldn’t do better although I did as well.  Ron started “2 a day” football drills.  Boy was he pooped after the 2nd one.  He aggravates a groin muscle every year.  Wish he could find the basic cause.  Heavy load at the office.  We had an extra girl in all day.  Loads of correspondence.  Loads of people in all afternoon.  Architects, people looking for jobs, etc…  Helen had a delicious roast beef dinner.  We have certainly enjoyed our ¼ of beef.  We are still faced with a locker full.  It should last until nearly Christmas.  Attended the monthly stake leadership meeting at Omaha 2nd.

August 21, 1962

6 AM- clear warm day.  Shower, shave, cereal and cantaloupe.  Dark suit, white shirt and dark tie.  Off for the day.  Dropped Ron off at his 7:30 AM football practice.  Dropped my projector and screen off at the Omaha Athletic Club.  kept my nose to the desk all morning.  Current big project is to prepare a schedule of personnel Integration with building construction.  Lots of detail requires lots of time and attention.  Presented the Boys’ Club story to the Omaha Exchange club at their noon luncheon in the Omaha Athletic Club.  Felt that my audience was not real warm.  Worked hard and left them in a pretty good frame of mind.  More than an average number stopped by to say that they enjoyed it.  Leo Gordon gave the Boys’ Club a 6 X 12 American trampoline.  Set it up in my yard until the club is finished.  Boy oh boy are the kids happy and bouncing !!  Adults too.  Went with Brother Lloyd Redd to make some hard to reach ward teaching contacts.  Missed catching Vaughn Phelps-superintendent of District #66 at home.  Interesting experience these non- active members are the story of my own life just 10 years ago.  Tired and rather nauseated when I returned.

August 22, 1962

Six AM came fairly early-certainly.  Bless the therapeutic value of that morning shower.  Office load is very heavy.  I have 3 days mail stacked up that hasn’t been touched.  I have been working hard on projects aimed at presenting a coordinated staff hiring schedule to coincide with the building and program schedule.  After three full days I finally wrapped the project up.  Hope to get it stenciled and out to the proper board members by Friday.  Shirley is overworked and over worried.  She has financial problems.  She broke down and cried when she learned that her car bill from the garage was over $100.  I feel so sorry and yet so helpless.  Wish I could help, but my own finances are nearly as bad as hers.  If I don’t catch up with my work by tomorrow, then I will have to stay late tomorrow night.  Bishop Eskelsen dropped by the house.  Left some MIA books for Helen and enjoyed the trampoline a bit.  I hung the Wayne Davis picture plus the three kodacolors I took and Helen had framed and also hung the Mormon trail map in our house.

August 23, 1962

This was the day to get the work done.  Early at the office and staying late.  It was 8 PM when I arrived home from the office.  Weather has been hot again.  But a cold front is moving in again.  Nights are always cool, so sleeping is always good.  My feet are dragging a bit after a week of 12 hour days.  Plus, at 260 lbs., my weight is 20 lbs. more than I like to carry it at.  As I approach 40 I show signs of slowing down and this is not good.  Often think about a small place in the country with a few chores and a lot of outside work to do with food just the good, wholesome, basic items of life.  It would be better for an individual’s personal health.  However, one worries about financial security, children’s education, challenging careers, etc.  Maybe after 10 years in Omaha I will be able to take on a teaching profession in a small college town.  Here in semi-retirement perhaps there will be found the necessary time to read more extensively etc.,  Whenever I suggest this to Helen she gives me Hell about not having stick -to-it-iveness, being of a restless nature, always running away etc.  she loves the life of larger cities and is deathly afraid that we will wind up “back on the farm”.

August 24, 1962

Helen made her first excursion with the car last Wednesday-She drove down to the Blackstone hotel, all alone, to attend a luncheon for “newcomers” to Omaha.  She is not a joiner and just isn’t a club woman.  Her experience was good for her as she had to overcome her personal fears of driving and take over on her first “solo flight”.  She survived it well but gave all of us some good laughs as she related her personal story of fright and nervous shaking as a basic part of the ordeal.  Stopped by the building site.  Progress is a real part of Peter Kiewit’s way of doing things.  Nearly all of the footings are poured.  Back fill has started and steel will arrive in 10 days.  Such projects as keying the doors of the buildings, doing equipment lay outs etc. are occupying my time.  Also, the coordinating of the staff intake and training to the building program is a very real problem and has been a major project for this past week.  Evening activity for the Hinckley’s was a trip to church.  Helen attended a stake MIA meeting while I and the boys and girls cut church lawn.

August 25, 1962

A 5:30 AM rising-after a good send off from Helen-Scott and I were on our way to play our first round of golf in 1962 and our very first golf in Omaha.  We had a 6:45 date at Elmwood park.  Two foursomes of Mormon golfers.  Much to my regret and concern I found that my golf cart had been broken by the moving van people.  I will have to send a leg shaft back to the factory in Oregon for a replacement.   Scott and I and Bishop Alldred and President Hardy made up a foursome.  By giving Scott a stroke a hole he beat me 1 stroke in 18 holes.  I shot 108 and Scott shot 125.  Bishop Eskelsen found us on the course to report that his 15 year old daughter had run away with a boy.  My how my heart went out to him in his grief.  Missing since Thursday night and the only word a telephone message relayed through a friend that she was OK and would be back in a few days.  What a terrible ordeal for parents.  What a foolish thing for a girl to do.  Heart over mind.  Worked the afternoon in the backyard trying to put some forms in for a patio.  I certainly have my short comings when it comes to employing my mind in terms of levels, hammers, saws, lumber, nails etc.  Some progress was made.  There is question as to whether it will suffice.  Treated the kids to hamburgers and a milk shake at McDonalds drive in and a 3 feature move at drive-in.

August 26, 1962

7 AM came very early after a 3 feature movie.  I headed for Bellevue ward and a stake Sunday school visit.  Enjoyed priesthood meeting and my Jr. Sunday school visit.  The ward is doing a good job.  Following the hand book and being supervised by the priesthood.  Home by 1:30 PM.  All the family had had lunch and I ate by myself.  Franks and fresh fruit with sugar and cream.  Read a bit in the afternoon.  Wrote quite a bit in this journal.  Called to make a ward teaching visit but he wasn’t going to be home.  I am a ward teaching supervisor and have a full list of inactive Aaronic priesthood families.  Scott and I went to choir practice.  Our first ever!!!  I love to sing but can’t.  Scott is there only because of the girls!!!  Not a bad reason.  Ward teachers report meeting and home to bed.

August 27, 1962

Dropped Ron off at school for his early morning football practice.  Day was warm very early and went on to reach the low 90’s with a hot dry wind blowing.  Mrs. Hicks-wife of Elgin Hicks- VP of Union Pacific railroad started today as a volunteer in the Boys’ Club office.  A very sweet lady.  Helen made her first trip downtown in her car.  She picked up her drivers license and registered as a Nebraska voter.  Did a little shopping and met me for lunch.  We ate in the Golden Nugget at the Sheraton Fontenelle Hotel.  She left to visit the Nebraska Furniture Mart and return home.  I picked up some tickets for the pro-charity game.  Only ones left were $4 end zones.  Civic stadium is small is it shouldn’t be to bad. Stayed late at the office.  Wrote a long overdue letter to Mr. Pratt and enclosed a lot of clippings.  Arrived home at 7 PM.  Gave Ron a driver’s lesson and had a delicious stake (how could dad not write steak?) dinner.  Still enjoying that USDA choice steak for 49 cents a lb.

August 28, 1962

Dreamed of Bill and “Shump” Cozart.  Helen finished the dream.  By the time I had showered and shaved she had breakfast ready.  Ron drove us over to school for his practice.  He sure took advantage of Nebraska’s law that lets him operate under a learner’s permit.  He needs plenty of practice.  Dropped my projector equipment off at the Castle hotel.  Spent the lunch hour speaking to the Cosmopolitan club.  I felt they were rude-in using ten minutes of the speaker’s 30 minute program and walking out before concluding remarks could be made.  To top that off I received a letter from Al Sorensen that upset me quite a bit.  Wrote an answer, tore it up.  Called to talk to him but he was gone.  Spoke to his secretary-she is a sweet girl.  Felt better afterwards.  Stayed at the office until 7 PM.  Helen and Ron are at mutual.  Scott is at a Sunday school party.  I baby sat the girls.

August 29, 1962

Bad night thinking of Mr. Sorensen’s letter.  Warm muggy morning-shower was of little value.  Ron drove the car over to the school again.  Very cautious and stiff in his driving.  Going to need lots of practice.  Picked up the projector and screen I had left at the Castle Hotel.  Parked and walked over to the office by 8 AM.  Had a Council Bluffs visitor.  Wonderful man who has a 200’ by 300’ foot piece of property, surrounded by 1,000 poor boys to give to the Boys’ club organization.  He wants to see a Boys’ Club in Council Bluffs.  Rotary luncheon featured Keith Carter of Samorlick on a talk about lie detectors.  Urban League called on me.  Politely inquired about the racial make up of the Boys’ Club staff.  Also what qualifications staff members needed.  Squeezed in a building committee meeting with Fred Curtis.  Set up a larger meeting for tomorrow.  Sheldon Brodsky, our auditor, spent most of the day with us.  A lot of work goes into getting ready for a board meeting.  Tried to catch a ward teaching visit but party wasn’t home.

August 30, 1962

Have tickets to the children’s hospital Pro-Bowl game for Saturday.  Will take the boys and Bro. Farr.  Nothing left but $4 end zone tickets.  Had a lot of thunderstorm action last night but no rain.  Wind blew two Ferris wheels down only moments after the children were taken off.  Earthquake nearly as severe as the San Francisco  quake hit Utah, Wyoming and Idaho today.  Cache Valley in Utah was hardest hit.  Mormon Chapel was severally damaged and highway #89 was blocked by a landslide.  Big heavy rain all afternoon.  Good for this dry country.  Water runs off pretty fast.  Ground doesn’t hold too much moisture.  Had a fine meeting with Fred Curtis and Bill Garvey as a building committee.  Passed on some building additions which will add to the function of the building.  Good meat-loaf and baked potato dinner and then Helen and I drove back down to the Nebraska Furniture Mart and selected drapes and curtains for the house.

August 31, 1962

Dropped Ron off at football practice and stopped at Callahan’s office.  Visited for half an hour relative to our trip to Cal’s summer cottage with some Boys’ Club boys.  Picked up some film at Modern Sound “The sea around us”.  Found an hour meter near the bank and spent from 9-10 AM in the office.  Brodsky finished up the report and audit on our books and Shirley typed them so I could take a copy to show Mr. Sorensen.  Dashed out to the site of building construction to give Johnette and Ericksen their pay checks.  Flew out Dodge street and made a stop at the house.  Then on to Fremont, Nebraska where I set up the projector in the Pathfinder Hotel for the Rotary Club meeting.  Tremendous turnout of Rotarians to hear Al Sorensen tell the Boys’ Club Story.  I showed the film and spoke for 7 or 8 minutes in conclusion.  Drove on out to North Bend, Nebraska and Callahan’s cottage.  Certainly was peaceful and quiet.  By the time the staff arrived with the nine boys we had the fishing poles ready the charcoal hot and the potatoes baked.  Broiled rib steaks, baked potatoes and head of lettuce salad.  Kids had a ball fishing and stayed up all night with their bonfire.  I showed a movie to the kids and talked with the staff until 2 AM.