February 1962
WRH Diary February 1962
Feb 1
Hurried the children off to school. Helen and I drove to the club and picked up Woody. Dropped Helen off at the Bohack shopping center. Woody and I continued on to Glen Head and Mr. Shakins’ office at the professional center. We spent an hour with Mr. Shankins planning a new older boys addition to the present club-house. All of our plannings were functional-lay out plans. Very preliminary-just shifting space areas around for best functional use.
Stopped in Glen Cove and had the car washed. First time since Ada Foss’ funeral early December. Hardly recognize the car after all the dirt comes off. Carried Helen and the groceries home. Attended regular Rotary meeting. Pushed some paper work across the desk. Put some smoked pig-knuckles on to cook-entertained Helen and back to the office. To Huntington with the alumni basketball team. We ran into 5 men averaging 6’5” and were bombed by 20 points.
Feb 2, 1962
Woke to find a slight snow covering the ground. Total depth never exceeded two inches. It packed as a wet snow and turned out to be quite slippery. Emphasis is on paper work. I’m trying to keep ahead of daily load, turn items over to Woody and do a few projects for Omaha. Had an appointment with Dr. Raymond Olson our family dentist. My first visit to his office in 3 years. NO CAVITIES!! It’s been nearly five years since I have had any teeth with cavities. Just about the same for Helen. The kids also seem to have good teeth (word of wisdom).
On to Dr. Garrett Duryea’s office for a physical exam for insurance (pension). Blood pressure 110/70, 243 lbs. Good shape !!! twenty game seasons of basketball for 30 consecutive years has helped. Back to the house and picked up Helen and girls for shopping. We purchased two pairs of shoes for Debbie and one pair for Teri Ann. While Deb and Helen were shopping for slips and tights, Teri and I slipped away to buy a pair of red, ski, flannel pajamas as a birthday gift for Helen from the girls. Helen and I enjoyed watching the LVHS basketball teams defeat Carl Place. Jr. Varsity romped-Ron looked good getting 19-Varsity pushed the panic button but hung on to win by 2 points.
Feb 3, 1962
Ron, Scott and I headed for the Boys’ Club at 9 am. All of us are starting our fast-a monthly procedure. We did some shopping for a birthday gift for Helen. Finally settled on a pair of corduroy slacks. Boys soon lost themselves in the club’s activities. I tried to stay hidden in my office. Did a pretty good job except for a couple of parents who slipped in. lots of desk work accomplished and was successful in getting started on cleaning our files for Woody to take over.
Slipped out long enough to drive Helen to the club. She helped the mother’s club committee serve the Saturday luncheon. She then watched Scott’s team play and win their basketball game. Scott is off to a party at the Milton Weiner home. Ron and Tom Vorisek washed dishes and baby sat. Helen and I were off to Voriseks for dinner. Shrimp, steak, salad, baked Idaho with sour cream and chives and apple pie. We love the Voriseks. They have been most wonderful friends. We enjoyed an evening of chatting and visiting. Sorry to hear of their problems as they pertain to their son Robbie.
Feb 4, 1962
After picking Scott up at the party and taking Billie Johnson and Tommy V home it was 1 am before I hit the bed. The alarm went off mighty early. But we struggled out and were off to church in good time. Priesthood meeting went well. We finished our course of study for the year and started a second year of Book of Mormon study. We had a very delightful Sunday School and a truly outstanding fast and testimony meeting. One of those truly rare days when all testimonies were outstanding.
Back home we enjoyed a very fine home cooked dinner of spaghetti. One of Helen’s specialties. Following dinner we had cake and ice-cream at which time we sang Happy Birthday to Helen ( her 39th tomorrow) and the children gave her their gifts. Pajamas from the girls and dad and slacks from the boys and dad. Rest of the day spent quietly at home. Weather is moderate- in the 40’s. the entire family took naps. Mine was interrupted by a vixen name Helen just before she moved out to prepare the children for supper and their prayers and bedtime.
Feb 5, 1962
After prolonging the task for several months, I have finally come around to tackling the job of going through my 35 mm colored slides. In addition to filing all slides from last summer (Calif. Trip-Audubon camp-Canada etc) I have to separate the Hinckley slides from the boys’ club slides. Took Helen’s clothes to the boys’ club for drying. Weather is warm, high 50’s but a lot of moisture in the air – took a B.C. deposit to the bank-long over due ($7,759) – caught a sandwich at Cal’s coffee shop. Everyone I meet shows genuine interest in our going to Omaha and express sincere remarks of good wishes for our future.
Put in a couple of hours at the desk and had one of those good heart to heart talks with Woody. He is running into small town gossip and has to adjust to it in his new job. Home for dinner-place a mad house- Helen is taking care of Jean Post’s kinds while Jean is with a friend whose husband has been in an accident. Alumni team to Huntington. I collected 18 points but all were in a losing cause as we went down 7 points.
Feb 6, 1962
Late getting away from the house. Enjoyed the luxury of sleeping late. Mrs. Fergeson, school nurse, called and asked me to pick Teri Ann up at Killsbeg School. Teri has had, past two weeks, seizures of stomach pains. No explanation. They come and go. She loses color and comes close to vomiting-faint and nauseating. Brought Teri home by way of the post office and the butcher shop. Spent a half hour home and then took Teri to Dr, Vorisek. He found nothing except a tenderness in the area of her bladder. Took urine sample and he put her on an anti-spasmatic medicine.
Helped Woody approve the January bills for payment. He struggled with them but it is the only way he will learn. Pushed the paper across the desk. Loads and loads of it every day. Back to the office after dinner for an hour and then home early to pick Helen up for the late show. Two reruns of past greats. “King and I’ and Carousel”, both great Rodgers and Hammerstein musicals. We enjoyed both pictures.
Feb 7, 1962
At he boys’ club by 7:30. Loaded nine people (Hinckley, Lewis, Della Vecchio, Kinnear, O’Conner, McCloskey, Birkins, Hahn and Deuel) into the station wagon and drove to the Pitt St. boys club on the lower east side of Manhattan. The occasion was the annual boys’ clubs of America-metropolitan boys club workers associations annual institute. I presided at the opening session. All of us enjoyed the stimulation of well prepared speakers. We were back in Locust Valley by 3:30.
Shipped correspondence file, old letter heads, film etc back to Sherman Smith at the Bar-Bell ranch in Lewiston, Idaho. Too bad we didn’t get a chance to develop this. Kids would have loved it. Revised set of blueprints arrived from Omaha. Lot of work to check them out carefully. My desk work still provides many hours of daily challenge. Special letters, setting up jobs, salaries, job descriptions etc for Omaha, had to go out to the president there. We are working against the time table of the National Boys Club convention in Philadelphia in May.
Feb 8, 1962
Shave, shower, shampoo, shine and snuggle with Helen set me up for a good days’ work-at least a good start. Woody and I did the petty cash vouchers and finalized all monthly bills for January. We had a long 1 ½ hour talk on the problem of personnel last night. We carried it a bit longer today. Broke Woody in on the routine of taking the bus to Hendrickson’s bus corp. in Bayville for a regular 6 month state inspection. Woody was nervous but came through in good style.
Stayed at the Log Cabin on Bayville Beach and attended Rotary. Enjoyed a fine talk by a commercial artist who lives in the community. He has a background of England, Canada and New York. No matter what the day offers a good many of those hours must be spent at a desk. So my afternoon was spent. To Huntington with the alumni team. Ron went along for the first time. We lost by two points. I picked up 19 points. It was a sad exhibition of juvenile ballplayers losing their heads over bad officiating. I hope Ron took it all in. it is a lesson I have been trying to teach him for a long time.
Feb 9, 1962
I spent the early morning hours at home preparing a mailing to members of our Elders group, advising them of our party at Queen’s Ward on March 2, 1962. Down to the village. Stopped at Bob Meyer’s park east fish market for a quart of home made clam chowder and a nice package of fresh fillet of flounder for tonight’s dinner. Stopped at the post office and then to the club for a couple of hours. Lunch time found me stopping at the butcher shop to pick up some things Helen wanted. A quick sandwich at the house and back to the club just as it started to snow. Heavy wet snow that continued on until midnight. As the temperature dropped it failed to melt and we wound up with about 3 inches of snow on the ground. Past Nick Carters home to drop off the club checkbook for his signature. Quick dinner and Scott and I took in the high school basketball games. Ron’s coach surprised him by moving him up to varsity status. JV’s won easily and the boy who took Ron’s JV position scored 20 points. LV varsity won over Oyster Bay in a thriller 60-58. Ron played nearly a half. Although he didn’t score his floor game looked very good. LV came from 12 points behind to win.
Feb 10, 1962
A veritable winter fairyland. Heavy white snow hanging all over trees, fences, buildings, etc and a sharp cold spell that makes your breath vapor hang heavy in the sharp, tingling, crisp air. Scott and Ron are with me on my early rounds. 1st to Glen Cove to pick up some shirts from the Chinese laundry. Dropped Scott at the club. Picked up the mail and dropped Ron at Dr. Vorisek. He has two warts he wants Dr. Vorisek to take off with acid.
Club is a mad-house. Mother’s club has transformed the gym into a beautiful ball room. Valentine theme-red and white crepe paper canopy. 38 tables, 10 chairs to the table. Trellises and lattice work with twinkling lights behind the orchestra. Boys took care of the girls. Helen and I stopped at the Voriseks. Cocktail party-ginger ale for Mormons! About 20 people at Gert and Bobs. On to the dance. What a ball!! Danced and danced and danced. Even took a crack at the twist!! Helen won a door prize=-bottle of bath soap. Exhausted and home and in bed by 3:30 am. Dance still going strong when we left. Gym fan so strong that it pulled fire place smoke into the gym. About 375 people present- they love this big annual mother’s club dance.
Feb 11, 1962
I’ve lost my bounce. I don’t snap back anymore. To bed at 3:30 am and up at 8 am, isn’t for me. But, we struggled out and pushed off for stake conference on schedule. 6 degrees last night. Real nippy! Too much twist for Helen-her back is very sore today. Fine conference session. We took a lunch so we wouldn’t have to come home between sessions. I helped the Elder’s group sell ice cream, milk and soda as refreshments to the conference crowd-a very large crowd.
Bro. Bruce Wallis and I ate our sandwiches together in our car. He told me a remarkable story about himself and his personal history of church re-activation. Good afternoon session, outstanding youth speaker! Magnificent testimonies reflecting beautiful faith. Home and a few simple items for dinner, fire in the fireplace, nice comfortable three hours at home. Helen has developed a miserable back ache. I went back to the club for teen-age dance. 140 boys and girls. Half-a-dozen parents were chaperones. Lovely party. Our boys dated two very attractive girls from Bayville.
Feb 12, 1962
Helen is in very severe, acute pain. I rubbed her back last night-no help. I gave her two codine pills and two aspirin and left her in bed with instructions for the boys to take good care of her and the girls. A couple of hours at the club and on to the Garden City hotel for a Rotary District conference luncheon. Left early and drove to the children’s shelter to visit J N. J has been there 6 weeks at the request of his parents as uncontrollable. He certainly was glad to see me. We had a nice 45 minute visit and I drove back to Locust Valley.
More time at the desk and then after a stop at the grocery store I went home. Cooked dinner for the family. Helen is still in great pain. Boys helped with the dishes. We ran the girls through the bathtub packed them off to bed and put Helen down with more codine and aspirin. Informed Dr. Vorisek of Helen’s condition and played a game of hearts with Ron and Scott. Ron won.
Feb 13, 1962
Debated on children’s court. While I was making up my mind Jean Post called and asked if I would bring her home from the village at noon. Her mother had the brakes burn out on Jean’s van. Bad combination of wet snow and heavy rain. Woody and I spent the morning working on budgets to present at the next board meeting. Jean came in and after a short stop at the grocery store I drove her home and stopped at the house for lunch. Have a very acute chest pain that makes one worry about ulcers. Heavy indigestion. Food doesn’t get down into my stomach.
To the printers with our second notice of appeal. Heard from Mr. Pratt that he had come up with a movie for our men’s club theatre benefit. Helen is still in a great deal of pain. I was out after dinner to get Helen’s clothes from the laundry and off to school to appear on a panel on physical fitness.
Feb 14, 1962
Helen is still down with a very painful back. Dr. Vorisek feels it is a very deep muscular pain, cause unknown. The children left for school all excited about Valentines day. They had lots of fun putting names on the valentines I brought home for them. They brought scads of valentines home from school-friends and teachers. They had made a valentine box for our family and were disappointed when Helen and I asked them to wait until tomorrow. Reason=we hadn’t had a chance to put any valentines in the box for the kids.
Had a meeting of the Bro’s 8 club. Finalized our planned trip to New York next Tuesday. Shopping, dinner and pro-basketball at the garden. Big problem in that one of the boys was suspended from the club for a month and consequently will not make our trip. I had to write a letter to his dad explaining all the problems.
Feb 15, 1962
Helen’s first day out. Her back still hurts but she can at least walk a bit. Dropped Helen off at the shopping center and took some shirts over to Glenn Cove. Chatted for a bit with Rocci Famaletti. Picked Helen up along with four boxes of groceries and three bags of groceries. Our average once every two weeks load. Runs about $40-$50 a trip. We follow this up with a stop at the butcher shop where we usually pick up a $15-$20 meat order. Big job back at the house unpacking and storing our groceries. Caught a sandwich and drove to the boys’ club.
Finished a budget draft with Woody and put it through for stenciling. Dropped down to the printers to pick up our appeal reminders. Dropped them off at Mrs. Faber’s on the way home for dinner. Attended a staff meeting. Tried to square everything away to leave the staff in the very best of psychological position. Alumni team to Huntington-lost by seven. Lots of accidents. Roads a solid sheet of ice. We pussy footed home.
Feb 16, 1962
Up bright and early and caught a 7:15 train to New York. Long Island railroad engineers pulled a wildcat walkout and all trains were running late. But it was train or nothing-roads were much too icy to fool with. We have about a foot of snow on the ground at the present. Walked from the Pennsylvania station to United Nations on 1st ave. Our Boys Club national office is just across the street. Met John Savage-Omaha architectural firm of Leo A. Daly Co-and from 9:30 to 2:30 we went over blue prints of the Gene Eppley boys club. we had a most productive time. Walked to a nearby post office and mailed the blue prints back to Omaha. Caught a sandwich and a bowl of soup in an automat and caught a cab to the Rhinelander boys club (Children’s Aid Society) at 88th st and 1st ave. took a close look at the building from a functional point of view. John took pictures and I took notes. I left for the train-John for his hotel. Hurried home from the Locust Valley station. Picked up Helen and Teri and attended the Locust Valley high school basketball game. Ron’s second game with the varsity. LV beat Floral Park-Floral Park’s first league loss.
Feb 17, 1962
Again I was up bright and early. Drove to Long Island City and met John Savage at the Queen’s boys club at 8:30. Charles Burt, Ex. Dir. Was waiting for us. Again we did a complete tour-John taking pictures-I was taking notes. I’m really excited about the Omaha club. I think it will be one of the most functional and beautiful in the whole nation. If not it certainly won’t be because we haven’t given it lots of personal attention. Drove John to the GBBC. He paid me a real compliment by saying, “your club has more heart and spirit to it than any club I have ever visited”. The old GBBC was really jumping. It was loaded with kids. More pictures and more notes and then a quick drive to Bayville beach and a stop to meet Helen and see our house before catching a train at Manhasset took John back to the city. Buzzed home, showered and shaved. The Hinckley’s were off to the Queen’s ward Green and Gold ball. Ron asked Bill Posch and they took dates from Bayville. Nice time but the orchestra was very slow and dull.
Feb 18, 1962
Icy conditions still prevail. Although today is truly a beautiful day, blue sky-sunshine and warm (45) day!! We all made priesthood and Sunday school although Debbie and Helen are not up to par- both have slight colds. Bishop wanted to talk to me about Rod E. and we were an hour late getting home. Thanks to Helen we had roasted two delicious chickens on Saturday we had a real scrumptious Sunday dinner. Kids all hit the sack for a nap!! Helen did dishes and I finished sorting 35 mm colored slides. Finally succeeded in getting all the boys’ club shots together to turn over to Woody. Helen and Debbie stayed home while the boys and Teri and I went back to sacrament services. Good services. Interesting talks by Werner Tuerpe and James Scott. Because the children all have next week off as a school holiday week the family all stayed up until 10 pm watching a western on TV.
(the following letter is taped in February 18)
Dear Mr. Hinckley,
What a pleasure and an honor to have you as a panelist on our recent physical fitness program! Your wealth of information on the subject and your ardent interest were self-evident as the discussion progressed we are most grateful to you for without your kind cooperation the program would not have been such a tremendous success. Locust Valley will suffer a great loss in April, lets hope we can withstand it.
Most sincerely,
Marie Gaddis
Program Chairman
Feb 19, 1962
This is the beginning of a week of school vacation. I do not agree with a vacation schedule of this type. I much prefer to see constant school scheduling during the winter and the children out of school earlier in the summer. Took the boys with me. Dropped Ron off for an early practice at the high school. Scott had called some friends who met him at the boys’ club and they played basketball in the gym. I caught up on the past mail and finished by 1:30 pm. The missionaries came at 11 am and worked out until 1:30. Ron came down from school and took his second work out of the day.
Boys and I went home for lunch. Took Helen’s clothes to be dried. Dropped Ron off at John Cock’s house (poker game!) and took Scott and Ken and Tom Vorisek to Glen Cove to see Ernie Kovacks in “Sail a Crooked Ship”. I spent the time at the office and picked them up at 6 pm. Debbie used Scotch tape and mounted scads of old photographs in two photo albums. Ice storm left roads in very bad condition. Driving to Huntington was rough!!! Varsity basketball team won by 10 points. Ron went along.
Feb 20, 1962
Showered-shaved-dressed and had Ron and Billy Posch at the high school for basketball practice by 8:30. Spent the morning hours pouring over blue prints of the Omaha boys’ club. called John Savage in Atlantic City yesterday and will meet him prior to his returning to Omaha. Enjoyed all the human emotions, all the patriotic thrills and all the technical awesomeness of Col. John Glenn’s orbital flight. I am grateful at being a TV spectator to such a historical event.
Picked up Tom Vorisek and the other Bro’s 8 along with Bill Anderson, Ron’s varsity coach and we are off to the city!! The boys went shopping. Bill and I walked across to 5th ave and the Acme Visible Records office. Spent a delightful hour and a half with Walter Gugman in working out a record keeping system with basic uniformity for starting Omaha operations and for general application to all boys’ clubs. Met the boys at the Stockholm restaurant and had a delightful 1 ½ hours of smorgasbord. The boys really worked the food over. Anderson and Hinckley didn’t do so bad!! Bursting at the middle we walked to Madison Square Garden and watch the Philadelphia Warriors beat the Chicago Packers and the Knicks beat Detroit in pro basketball. Chamberlain 48-Bellamy 44.
Feb 21, 1962
Jack Sommer (my step brother) his wife Emily and her sister (Mrs. David Janson, principal of UCON school) came in to New York last night from Switzerland. Both Emily and her sister are from Switzerland (their father still lives there) and Jack served an LDS mission in Switzerland. Angelo Giovinazzo and Helen drove into Idlewild and met them at the Swiss Air terminal last night. We visited for a while and enjoyed a fine breakfast of eggs, toast, bacon, jam and orange juice and hot chocolate prepare by Helen. ( excuse my Swiss Bill Hinckley but WTH, enough of the food description what news did they bring of family and their trip?!!)
Took my girls plus Gretchen Post and the three visitors to see the Boys’ Club. Drove about Locust Valley a bit, showed them the Long Island Sound and the view of Connecticut and drove to Oyster Bay. Made a few purchases in Oyster Bay and back home for lunch. A couple more hours of visiting, a few slides of our trip west and it was time to move on. Baggage and guests and Helen aboard the Pontiac wagon we drove to Idlewild where I held a conference with John Savage prior to his flight back to Omaha. Next stop “Times Square” and a good look for Jack and the girls. We had dinner at Lindys (chicken in a pot) and a fabulous desert of strawberry short cake. Next stop west side air terminal and a bus for Newark and Idaho for the guests. Home at 1 am.
Feb 22, 1962
Bushed from early rising and late night hours. This is a school vacation week. Ron played varsity high school basketball last night. Locust Valley defeated Elmont. I put in a few quick early hours at the club to catch up on the paper work that has been stacking up. Call from Omaha and John Savage and I were deep in boys’ club plans again. Attended Rotary at the Log Cabin. Small crowd due to the holiday. (Washington’s Birthday was celebrated by itself back in those days). Had a meeting of the nominating committee to select a slate of officers and a board of directors for Rotary for 1962-1963. Had I not moved to Omaha I was due to jump from my vice-president’s position to the office of president.
Boy Scout benefit movie day at the boys’ club. I always loan the scouts our projector and the library and they usually raise $150 for their years operating fund. Film this year was “The Mouse that Roared” in color. This ends my 10th year as a boy scout committee-man and merit badge counselor in Nassau County. Boys went back to the club with me at night. Ron to play basketball and Scott to see the movie. Woody and I had a good discussion. He is just back from a week’s vacation.
Feb 23, 1962
Weather is a mess. Alternate spells of frost and thaw. Roads are mush and slush or they are icy and slippery. We still have two or three inches of snow on the level. I did some mimeographing in preparation of tonight’s board of directors meeting. Lot of material to present to the board as it is the first budget meeting of the year. It will also be Woody’s first board meeting. Had a couple of private sessions with Bird and Woody. They were at each others throats a bit. Simply a point of misunderstanding and a bit of professional anxiety. I hope I have poured enough oil on the water to keep things calm until everyone can adjust to their new relationships with each other.
Small but exciting board meeting. Of course Mr. Martin and I locked horns over the size of the budget. However, it will work out to the satisfaction and best interests of the boys’ club. it always does! It has been a very good year for the boys club financially. Our portfolio has increased by about $100,000. Our cash budget income has raised about $30,000. Our 1962-63 budget will be about $60,000. I am satisfied that the GBBC is very sound.
Feb 24, 1962
Left Ron home with a request to clean some of the ice away from the walks and drives. Scott went with me to the boys’ club. Mail was exciting. John Savage’s new space plan for Omaha was a part of it. Worked out about 10 minor and major changes and tried to call Savage but he had left his office did some shopping for Helen. She is having 12 dinner guests tonight-mothers and fathers club officers. Dick Deuel’s little two year old baby is staying with us. She arrived last Thursday. Her name is Lisa. Her older sister 3 ½ is dying with a brain tumor. She is reduced to constant and continuous care on the part of her mother. She is fed by an eye dropper. Very tragic situation. She is down to her last few days.
Scott and Teri had their regular weekly music lesson from Brother Loris Hands. It turned out that his son was a missionary companion to Jack Sommer in Switzerland. Small world-What?
Tremendous crowds at the boys’ club. the place is really jumping. Shop, games room and gym going full blast. Helen and her house looked and shone like a million bucks. All the kids bathed and ready for bed. Dinner party with beautiful ham and lasagna went over like a million bucks. Everyone for seconds and a few for thirds. Good time by all.
Feb 25, 1962
Last night’s dinner guests were the Bob Knox’s, J. K. Fabers, Bernard Neuhaus, John Wieboldt’s, M. Edwin Birkins’, Bud Luscomb’s, wonderful people all!! Ward conference Sunday. I gave the invocation for the priesthood session. All of the messages were rich and warm and of inspired people. We will do well to follow the admonitions of these words s delivered by God’s chosen leaders. Sunday school was followed by ward leadership meeting which Helen and I attended.
Returned home and had a delicious Sunday dinner from last night’s leftovers. Not much time to do anything except turn around and go back to sacrament meeting. Lisa just made it through sacrament meeting service and started to howl like mad. I took her to the cry-room and heard the rest of the service from there. Spent a couple of hours at home catching up in the writing of this diary. I always seem to get about 3 or 5 days behind. Ron scored his first 4 varsity points against Wheatly last Friday night.
Feb 26, 1962
(the following was taped inside the diary on this date)
Monday-Dear Bill-How sorry we all are to lose you-however I wish you all luck in your new endeavor. Please express my regrets at missing still another board meeting-we are departing for Chile on Feb. 22nd! Cleary Pat.
From the diary
We are finding Lisa Deuel a challenge at two years of age. She shows more stubbornness and determination of character than most people at five years of age. She has met her match in Helen (Lila) Jane Harris Hinckley. Slowly but surely Helen is winning although Lisa went on a 24 hour hunger strike because she couldn’t put her own butter and sugar etc on her food. But the desire to eat overcame the desire to play in food.
Rain all day. Has caused a lot of water damage. Water in the boys’ club basement-an old problem. Talked for half-an-hour to John Savage in Omaha about revised plans for the Gene Epply Boys’ Club. He had a full 30 man architectural team ready to go to work as soon as he hung up. Dropped postage stamps off for Mrs. Faber to mail follow up appeal letters with. Took Helen and Lisa to Glen Cove Bohacks for groceries. I stopped to chat with Rocci and pick up shirts at the Chinese laundry. Back to the club to meet Bill Lynn of Ohio who is here to interview for the job of physical director. A very likely looking candidate. He is a boys’ club fellowship student. Prepared some camp pictures for mailing to boys-had an early dinner and Bart Howell Jr. and I did our ward teaching.
Feb 27, 1962
Still the weather persists with rain, fog, ice and variable temperatures. Surprising that the snow doesn’t melt faster. I think the reason being that it is a solid sheet of ice with a white snow crust on top. I put Woody to work making a deposit. He worked until 12:30 before it was ready. We took a quick lunch break and then went together to the bank. He has just about been around the full cycle of invoices, billings, deposits etc.
I put my efforts into high gear and had my desk cleared by 3:30. Drove over to Carl Place High School to watch an afternoon basketball game. Locust Valley could have been assured a tournament berth had they won. But, showing a complete lack of interest and hustle they easily lost by 12 points. Even Ron’s few minutes of action in the third and fourth quarters were without his usual high degree of hustle. Woody, Bird and I were at the club until 1:30 going over Omaha plans and chewing the fat. Helen was mad and upset at my late hour!!(awe women)
Feb 28, 1962
Pay day! Although I make a good salary ($10,000 yearly) and we don’t entertain , go out, smoke, drink etc our money goes fast. Thank goodness for the blessings of tithing. Helen, Lisa and I bought $40 worth of staples at Bohacks. (milk, bread and meat are always separate purchases). No complaints- we enjoy life, have all the basic necessities and manage to build up a small financial future of security through the purchase of our home.
Still the rain and fog persists with below freezing temperatures at night. I ran across the attached clipping while cleaning old files. Certainly brings back warm, wonderful memories. Routine I’ve slipped into is one of handling mail, staff meetings, correspondence, building up Omaha material and cleaning out files for the new administration. Bird took our checker team to the city and 1-won the team championship for the metropolitan New York area and 2-collected a $15 parking ticket for violating a non-parking area. Helen served at the school as a room mother helping with a high school program. (I will make an effort to copy the article from the Newsday, Aug 3, 1955 and send out)