January 1958

WRH Diary 1958

Jan 1, 1958

New Years’ resolution-only one made-try and make journal entrees in this diary within 48 hours of the day so as not to have a couple of blank months as occurs in my 1957 diary.  Helen and I had a midnight supper at Archie Anderson’s (neighbor across the street).  It gave Arch and Florence the opportunity to try out their new waffle iron-a Christmas gift.  New years caught me with a mouth full of sausage and waffle and egg.  About 2 PM all the neighbors on 4th street gathered at Zebrowski’s for egg nogg and cake.  I watched all the TV football bowl games.  Especially pleased with Oklahoma’s win over Duke and Oregon’s great battle against Ohio State.  Mormon elders played basketball and Helen and I spent the evening at the Henry Roslunds.

January 2, 1958

I can see where my new years’ resolution went to pot in a hurry-here it is Jan 8 already and I am just now making a few notes concerning Jan 2.  My desk is a current problem.  Work has back-logged to a fantastic degree.  With the holidays behind me I have spent a couple of days in getting to the office early and staying late in an effort to catch up.

My secretary was in today and we did a lot of preparation work for the Nassau County Amateur Basketball League meeting to be held tonight.  I have been elected president of the league in this its 25th year.  We have been faced with a re organization problem that hasn’t been pleasant.  The league has been deteriorating over the past few years due to lax management on the part of            (con’t on Jan 3)

Jan 3, 1958

Teams, individuals and delegates.  It has reached the point where Long Board Basketball officials have refused to officiate the league’s games.  So with a new broom hoping to sweep clean I have a new slate of officers and have launched forth on the job.  We dropped 4 teams from last year and made each team meet its cost ($185) in advance.  We are willing to operate a 6 team league if each of the six teams are well organized.   We have made a good friend and secured an interested backer in the form of Bob Zellner, sports editor of Newsday-a Nassau County Daily Newspaper.  I appointed Bob to the executive committee and have a promise that we will receive good local coverage in addition to a special 25th anniversary invitational tournament.  Don’t know why I always get these nasty re organization jobs.

(Next entry January 13, 1958)

Really trying to catch up with my desk.  Spent a full morning (stayed through lunch) and into about 2 PM.  Bill Cullum came in with the shocking news that his father had died about 10 AM  a stomach illness hospitalized him Saturday.  He had a severe heart attack Sunday morning-appeared much better Sunday evening-died Monday morning.  Cecil H. Cullum father of Wm H. Cullum.  My floor maintenance man called to say that his brother died this morning.  Mr. Alpy-general maintenance man- said his old boss of 13 years died yesterday.

Shifted to meet the new schedule as reflected with Bill’s absence.  Called to tell the Jr. Varsity of their 1st league game.  Took my boys-Ron and Scott to the Glen Cove movie-Kirk Douglas in “Paths of Glory” and Anita Eckberg in “Valerie”.  With Mr. Gonsowski driving his station wagon we hauled the Jr. Varsity to Plainview where we successfully launched the defense of our precinct championship in the PBC League by defeating Plainview team 49-38 after a hard fought battle.

Jan 14, 1958

A lot of snow on the ground.  Plus cold nights and rain by day and I’m hauling baskets of wet wash to the Boys’ Club to dry for Helen.  Picked up my 1958 automobile plates #103-503 and a hair cut at my favorite barber George Zivanow.  Back to the club and many hours spent with Mrs. Foss and two volunteer secretaries and the work flowed.  We sent a $25 check on behalf of the Board of Directors and the staff to the St. Francis Hospital and Sanitorium (cardiac hospital) in Roslyn, NY in memory of Bill’s father.  This was as per request of the family in lieu of flowers.

NCABL-Lincoln House at the Boys’ club.  Only 6 of us on hand.  We were soundly whipped 106-82.  Lot of ungentlemanly pressure from the Dumpson brothers about Tom’s suspension from the league for hanging us with $20 last season.

Jan 15, 1958

Teri Ann and I picked up the mail and went to the bank.  I picked up a Mrs. A and her son R, a club member and drove them to Adelphi College Mental Health clinic.  R has an IQ of 89 (dull normal), a speech impediment, is a schizophrenic (dad’s spelling was skeezaphrenic) and has parental problems to overcome in addition to having a sister married to an alcoholic who is currently doing a year in jail.  At 18 years of age he has a rough future ahead to begin with we will try the speech clinic and the rehabilitation division of the state education association.

Drove Helen to her sewing class at the singer center in Glen Cove and attended the memorial services for Bill Cullum’s father.  Picked Helen up and drove to the cemetery for internment.  Spent an hour at the Cullum house.  Mrs. Cullum was using whisky for courage in place of faith and knowledge.  If only she had the knowledge that we have and the comfort of Mormon doctrine and gospel.

Jan 16, 1958

Went grocery shopping with Helen and the girls.  Three medium boxes of groceries cost $60.70!  a 3 ½ lb sirloin steak, a 5 lb pot roast and 3 ½ lbs of salmon steak cost $12.83-all at 89cents a lb.  Drove on into Glen Cove and Helen bought Ron his scout uniform.  Complete uniform cost $10.  Had 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground this morning.  The kids and I love it-New Yorkers hate it!.

Picked up Rev. Howard Lowell of St. John’s of Lattingtown.  He fell while skating and broke his arm.  I drove him to Rotary.  Short open meeting with spaghetti and meatballs for lunch.  Worked at the desk on some important mail and had an early dinner.  Took the NCABL alumni team to Lincoln House.  Lost 91-71.  We ran out of reserves and after a 35-31 halftime score couldn’t stay with them.  My score for the evening was 19 points and a beautiful bashed lip.

Jan 17, 1958

Mrs. Rowsom (board member) spent the day at the club as a volunteer worker.  She is going to concentrate on our annual appeal and try to make a new card index file to properly care for our contributor’s records.  I spent the entire day getting out mountains of work and straightening out petty cash and monthly bills to be paid.  I’m pleased that a day like this only comes once a month.  Early dinner and back to the club for a meeting with a group of mothers of our club members.  Purpose-to discuss the possibility of organizing a mother’s club.  Lot of general discussion and distribution of material from other clubs.  Will meet again soon.  Called for Helen and caught the late show at Glen cove.  Movie was entitled “Peyton Place” – very well done-we both liked it a great deal.

Jan 18, 1958

Did some shopping (grocery) for the Aaronic Priesthood, under 21 party to be held at the Boy’s Club tonight.  Rescheduled some program to accommodate the scouts on next Saturday.  They plan a cook out.  We cancelled out our Biddy basketball league for that day. Donald Vance, an old high school acquaintance dropped in to see if I could help him approach Mrs. Lyon, a large estate holder about trading some property.  Don owns 6 ½ acres next to her.

Took Teri Ann to the doctor.  Bob gave her a good physical.  She is a very large strong and healthy girl.  53 lbs. at 5 ½ years.  I had a polio booster shot.  We had a roast goose for dinner.  Helen didn’t like the amount of grease associated with it.  18 Aaronic Priesthood holders and all 3 of the bishopric attended the party.  Had a lot of fun in the gym and had loads of hot dogs and soda and cookies afterwards.

Jan 19, 1958

At priesthood meeting by 9 AM.  Our ranks are reduced since the Independent Suffolk Branch was organized two weeks ago.  I was disappointed that none of our teachers and priests were present.  They all promised last night, that they would be at priesthood meeting. (glad to see the church has not changed over the years).  Helen and I sat together as man and wife in the opening of Sunday School  and in Sunday School class for the first time in two years.  Our lesson material for this year is taken from the discourses of President David O’McKay.  Brother Dale Macdonald is teacher.  Ron went home with the Egans, Teri Ann was a guest of the Macdonalds.  It was quiet around our house.  Helen and I had a pleasant nap as did the baby.  Bought a copy of Jesus the Christ by Talmadge-$3.50.  Stake High council representative spoke to us at sacrament meeting.

Jan 20, 1958

Took some personal mail and Bill’s check and drove to his house, he is very ill.  Confined to bed with a bad sinus condition and a bad attack of grippe or flu.  The doctors have been in to see him daily and have given him large injections of penicillin.  Spent the day making arrangements for the night.  Rounded up three station wagons and a father to transport and coach the jr. varsity team to Plainview.  They won 49-44.  Bill Kinnear and I took the varsity to Farmingdale.  We had a tight 1st half but had a good 3rd quarter and won by 10 or 12 points. Put out a lot of material for Ada Foss (my secretary) to do on the morrow.  Long 14 hour day by the time I returned home.  Helen’s day was just as long.

Jan 21, 1958

Like the old saying-when it rains it pours- B.. S….. the new physical instructor called in and has himself hospitalized.  B.. is a new addition to our staff.  He is an alchoholic anonamyous (sp) and is on a rehabilitation program.  The Smithers foundation is paying his salary while he is with us.  He apparently had taken too many pills that had been given him for a nervous stomach.  He went into a coma and was on the critical list at the hospital.  Stomach was pumped etc.

Busy day with Biddy league tournaments etc.  Bill Kinnear took the car into N.Y. with our table tennis team.  We beat Madison Square club 6 of 8 matches.  The alumni team hosted the Floral Park bombers at home in an NCABL game.  We took it on the chin 103-71.  We only had seven players.  Another 14 hour day Helen too.

Jan 22, 1958

Bill was in for a couple of hours but is weak as a kitten.  His mother isn’t well.  I left Mrs. Rowsom (board member) working on our annual appeal and drove to New York.  I had lunch with Mr. M. W. Martin (Boys’ Club Board Member) and Vice-President of Pepsi-Cola Co and Mr. Jack Gleason, national director BCA and Mr. Boyd Hinds-associate director BCA at the University Club.  We talked Boys’ Club-  Pete Capra and the NY Boys’ Club invading our territory with the big Pro-Golf tourney.  We also talked-a dream of mine come true- the forming of a Nassau County Corporation to be called the Associated Boys’ Clubs of Nassau County. 

Took the alumni , 5 strong to Floral Park.  We took it on the chin again 107-82.  Had 12 for my double figure average.  Arnold Linden, an old Boys’ club member went along.

Jan 23, 1958

The weather has warmed up.  Where there was ice-skating a week ago there is only water now.  I am concerned about our library program.  We just haven’t had any attendance.  Thought for certain that we could build it up.  I must work hard at it.  Mrs. Bartalotta, our part time librarian should be willing to do a good job if she is helped in getting started.  Helped with the afternoon program at the club and then shaved for an evening at the Swan Club in Roslyn.

Charter night for the Locust Valley Rotary club.  308 Rotarians present from Brooklyn-Queens-Nassau and Suffolk.  Lovely dinner (roast beef) lots of long and rather dry speeches and a formal introduction of each of the 28 new Rotarians.  I am a charter member and a member of the Board of Directors of the new Rotary club.  Dr. Vorisek drove Dr. Westfall and myself over.  Nice chat with Fred Bond and Mr. Shakuis-about Boys’ Clubs naturally.

Jan 24, 1958

A 9 AM meeting with Mr. Pratt to prepare an agenda for tonight’s Board meeting.  We hashed over several things and he drove on to New York.  I put a lot of things out with the help of Mrs. Foss.  Took time out for a sandwich-not a frequent habit- and went back to the club to help with program.  Had some table games taken to the Library.  Mrs. M… and her daughter were in to see me.  She is going in to the hospital and was in tears about asking me to help her son who is doing time for theft.  He is up for parole and needs a job to qualify.  I will do my best to help him.

What a historic Board of Directors meeting.  The first on the new plan using a Board of Overseers and a Board of Directors-meeting once a month.  Lot of squabbling-Mr. Martin upset several people I feel-but everyone loves him so and knows that his interests are true and genuine, so you can’t stay angry at him.

Jan 25, 1958

Registration at the Boys’ Club is approaching 600.  Program has picked up so that a couple of hundred boys a day use the facilities.  Wear and tear on building is great.

We took all four of the children to the Cove theatre to see Walt Disney’s “Old Yeller”  very cute show.  The children really enjoyed it.  Teri cried so when the little boy had to shoot his dog.  Debbie had a ball-going to the bathroom, moving from seat to seat-playing in the isle and keeping up a running conversation!  Upon returning home we put all the children to bed and I shined 7 pair of shoes.  Quite a chore getting footwear ready for Sunday use.  Boys do their own most of the time (what a mess) but Pop gives them a good job about once a month.

Jan 26, 1958

All the family to Sunday School.  But first while I attended Priesthood meeting Helen holds primary in the car.  With the Suffolk Independent Branch operating we are back on a one Sunday school session.  Large classes are the result.  Helen and I are together in the Gospel Doctrine Class.  Sunday naps help to make up for the loss of sleep during the week.  Sacrament Service featured the John Egan family.  Lt. Col. Egan is with the United States Air force.  He is being transferred from Mitchel Field to Clearfield, Utah.  John was re-activated in the church the same time I was.  We have a lot in common.

Jan 27, 1958

Spent the entire day at the club catching up on work.  Had to work out transportation problems with two basketball teams.  Sent two fathers to transport and coach the junior varsity team to Plainview.  They lost their first league game of the season 49-45.  I took the alumni to Freeport where we dropped another by a dozen points.  We lack bench reserve to pull games out in this league.  We play good ball and have a great potential team but can’t last against strength and depth.

Jan 28, 1958

Cancelled plans to buy a 1958 3 sear station wagon.  Price difference between the ’56 Ford and the ’53 Chevy wagons I want to trade in is too great-or at least my budget is to low.  (Boys’ Club Cars).  Talked  with Mr. Pratt and decided to take the Ford, Chevrolet and Pontiac back to Canada this summer.  Might pick up a new wagon when we come back from Canada.

Worked a lot at my desk and had a good staff meeting followed by a good discussion with my assistant and my games room Director.  Current staff includes =Lou Alpy-Fred Guenare-maintenance; Dick Ketcham-membership secretary-Ada Foss, club secretary; Jim Clyoner, shop; -Ben Street, physical instructor;-Ellen Bartolotta, librarian- Wm Cullum , Program Director- Wm Kinnear, games room Director.  Dale Macdonald and I did our ward teaching.  5 families on our list . About 60 miles to contact them all.

Jan 29, 1958

Met Russell Inserra, assistant Director, Kips Bay Boys’ club of NYC at my club and drove him to Glen Cove.  We met and talked at length with Rocci Fameletti about a new Glen Cove Director of Recreation’s job.  Russell is interested if all meets with the eye. We toured the new YMCA building.  It is a beautiful job.  Well done in its entire remodeling.  (It was formerly one of the Pratt’s tennis courts).  We lunched at Pattison’s-new luncheonette and ice-cream store in town.

Had a special program at the club sponsored by our career club.  Entitled “Newsday career night” we had a local newspaper present an outstanding film about a newspaper and its carrier boys and then talk to about 60 boys we had present.  Purpose-to create an opportunity for boys to earn job opportunities in local forums of employment.  We finished with sodas and all received a ball point pen as a gift from Newsday.

Jan 30, 1958

I spent the early part of the morning cutting stencils for the club’s newspaper.  Master stencils are cut by hand as art work is done and all column copy is cut in by typewriter.  I was late for Rotary Meeting-fined 25 cents (2nd week in a row),  enjoyed a film and lecture on the guided missile NIKE as shown and given by Captain Norman who is commander of the Brookville NIKE site.  A most interesting and fascinating subject.

Had a mother come to me in hysterics.  Her son-a dull normal learner-and badly maladjusted mentally -says he has stolen and sold all articles of value from their home in addition to forging checks against his father’s account to where the family has been reduced to poverty and is debt ridden.  I promised that I would help all I could- I think confinement with forced psychological treatment is the answer. Lost a tough basketball game, NCABL to Freeport.  Led for the first half but had a lousy 3rd quarter.

Jan 31,1958

Took Helen and the girls to the Glen Cove shopping area for groceries.  We had two push carts well loaded with items.  They completely filled three large boxes (not so large and heavy but what I couldn’t carry them to the car one at a time).  The total cost was $56.20.  this will feed our family of six with basic items for two weeks.  Additional items will include eggs, bread, etc.  that we will have to buy to supplement today’s purchases.

Worked at getting all of the stencils ready for the newspaper.  Ada typed all afternoon and completed them.  I drove to Westbury and met Milt Levitt.  We had dinner together at a Chinese restaurant.  Excellent food.  Over dinner we set the stage for our Nassau county Amateur Basketball League meeting agenda.  Finishing dinner, we drove to the Wheatly Hills Tavern where we had a long drawn out meeting but achieved some sense of direction and accomplishment.  USA successfully fired a Jupiter Rocket with satellite!