January 1962

WRH Diary 1962

Jan 1, 1962 (Monday)

The day was spent in a joyous fashion.  Ron, Scott and I drove to the Boys’ Club at 9 am.  Scott returning an even dozen books to the club library that he had brought home and read.  By 10 am the gym was full of happy, shouting LDS (a term no longer in use) missionaries.  They are all full-time Eastern States missionaries.  They brought a few of the Aaronic priesthood ward (Queens) .  after basketball in which the 3 Hinckleys looked sharp it was down to the games room for table tennis and billiards.

Down to the house by 1 pm and a wonderful buffet lunch served by Helen and the girls.  Leisure afternoon watching TV football games.  Went to Oyster Bay-Pine Tavern- for two pizza pies for the family.  A game of scrabble for the boys-Dad and Teri and off to bed.

Jan 2, 1962

Up at 6:40-weight 255 lbs.  juice, scrambled eggs and toast and down at the post office by 8:20.  Mrs. Carle O’Connor (Mike) was waiting for me at the boys’ club at 8:45.  She starts today to work as club secretary, replacing Mrs. Ada M. Foss who was killed in an auto accident while enroute to the club on Thursday Nov. 30, 1961.  Ada had worked for me for 6 yrs, 5 mos.  Called Omaha, Nebraska and talked to Mr. Sorensen-I will see him tomorrow re/ Omaha job.  Spent most of the time helping Mrs. O’Connor get her questions answered.

Replaced a rebuilt motor in our BC laundry extractor.  Hit the desk work hard.  Small crowd at the boys’ club-due I think to 1st day after Christmas Holidays.  Scott went to Mutual with Howells.  Ron had late scrimmage at school in basketball.

Jan 3, 1962

At the post office and back to my desk at 8:30 am.  Library is full of used clothing gathered by club members for the Do-Bong orphanage in Korea.  Weather is cold.  Kids have been skating at Beaver Dam.  Small amount of snow is on the ground.  Put in a good 3 hours at my desk.  Mr. Sorensen called from New York-I agreed to meet him at Manhasset at 11:30 am.  Returned to Locust Valley.  Took Mr. Sorensen through our boys’ club.  Then, to Caminairi’s for lunch.  By the house to meet Helen and back to my office.  Mr. Sorensen wants me to come to Omaha as the Executive Director of their new boys’ club operation.  He offered me the same fringe benefits as I have in Locust Valley, plus a $3,500 salary raise.  I think I will accept.  Talked with Helen and Mr. Pratt and Mr. Martin.  Both men felt I should go.  Helen loves Locust Valley more than any other place she has ever lived.  I appreciate her reluctance.  God bless her-she is woman enough for any man.

Jan 4, 1962

A Red Letter Day for the Hinckleys!!  A day of decision and a complete change in our lives.  Omaha, Nebraska!!  Here is how it happened.  Up early-boiled eggs, toast and juice.  A quick stop at the post office and an early arrival at my desk.  Mail and paper work behind me I had a conference with “Woody” Lewis.  If I go to Omaha what did he want to do?  I knew what he would say but had to make certain that he wanted a crack at being Ex Dir of the G B boys’ club.

Mothers’ club members in to address invitations for their second annual dance.  Off to Rotary with projector and Edgar Monsanto Queeny film “Silver Lightening”. (He was chairman of the Monsanto industrial company for about 35 years and was a conservationist.  The movie is about the life cycle of the Atlantic Silver Salmon) well received by fellow Rotarians.  A quick, short to the point, conversation with my special good friend Dr. Robert Vorisek and my moment of decision was behind me.

I called Mr. A V. Sorensen and said yes to his proposal to come to Omaha.  $13,500 base salary with rich fringe benefits.  Now we will see what history does and what we do to history.  Alumni basketball team went to Huntington.  We lost 54-62.  I still go through the motions-not much of a player at 38.  Ten points tonight.  15 last game.

Jan 5 1962

At work by 8:30.  Steady desk routine except for a conference with “Woody” and the club’s custodians regard the mothers’ clubs’ tea for the faculty of the school to be held later this month.  Weather is raw-fairly cold and wet.  Helen called an I met her in Glen cove.  She had been shopping.  We had lunch together in the local Chinese restaurant.  Picked up the meat order from the butcher, made a stop at Rabkin’s dept. store and home.  We enjoyed watching some birds in our feeder.  We were excited about see our first Fox Sparrow!  Others included, Grackles, Starlings, White-breasted Nut Hatch, Black capped Chicadees, Downy Woodpecker, slate colored Junco’s and Cardinals and Blue Jays.

Took Helen to watch Ron play JV ball at school.  He played 12 minutes and scored 15 points-3-3 point plays.  Rebounded and fed well.  Looks sharper all the time.  Took Ron and his girl-friend Maureen Stamola (I think her name was Stimola) and Scott to Bayville to a party.  Picked them up at 11:30 and took some extra youngsters home.  Told Ron about Omaha-he didn’t say much.

Jan 6, 1962

Rained all night.  Ground is frozen so rain can’t seep into the earth.  This means lots of surface flooding.  Conference with Woody regard the new job the Board hopes to work out with him.. opened the morning’s mail and wrote and posted my official letter of resignation to Mr. Pratt.  Picked up Ron-Scott and the Howell boys.  Dropped Scott at the club took the others on over to Uniondale High School for a church basketball program.  Suffolk didn’t show so we scrimmaged our Jrs. against our Srs.  We had a good 1 ½ hr. work out.

Storms continued all day.  Lots of rain and a good amount of fog on the north shore.  Scott and Teri had their weekly piano lesson.  Bro. Lorus Hand from the Queens ward is their teacher.  They do very well under his kind patient tutoring.  Helen has promised Scott a certain Bowl he likes if he stays with it.  Had an excellent chat with Mr. Joseph Durso, city editor of the New York Times.  He lives in Lattingtown and has four boys in the club.  His very good friend is editor of the Desert News-church paper in Salt Lake City.

Jan 7, 1962

The heavy rain of yesterday continues.  We were on our way to the Queens Ward chapel-15 miles and 30 minutes from our home by 8:15.  I am currently group leader of the Queen’s group of the New York Stake’s 3rd Quorum of elders.  I have very capable and fine assistance in the form of my leadership associates, Bro. Barth, Bro. Teurpe and Bro. Hillier.  Bro. Hillier is one of the finest and most competent Sec-treas. I have ever seen.

Just one week after a family tithing settlement I had to inform the bishop of our Omaha plans.  I certainly appreciate the work a Bishop does.  After a fine Fast and Testimony meeting we returned home.  Following lunch I met with Mr. Pratt and Mr. Martin for 2 ½ hours relative to a discussion about Woody Lewis replacing me as Executive Director at the GBBC.  Debbie planned the family hour program.  We did fine except for the family singing.  Helen is a little rusty at the piano and none of us are much at carrying a tune. (an aside here, Joann told me that when grandpa remarried Jean,  she told the piano teacher she wanted to include her daughter Betty in piano lessons with Mom and Joann.  The piano teacher told her no, that she had to pay for each one and she did not give a group rate.  Jean then told her that no one from that household would take piano lessons then.  Our singing ability needs no further explanation)

Jan 8, 1962

Away at an early hour to get at my desk work.  Kept my nose at the grindstone until noon.  Not bad when one considers that it was my day off.  But I so love my boys’ club profession that I have never felt like I was going to work.  I look forward to every day and every facet of my responsibilities.  Helen isn’t well today.  Nothing more than the calendar and the years of physiological change crowding in on her.

Jean Post was at the house.  I took her and Helen to Glen Cove for a sandwich lunch.  Dropped some shirts off at the Chinese laundry and talked to Jean while Helen picked up some groceries.  We left the girls with Jean and drove to the school to watch the LV vs Syosset basketball game.  Varsity won 48-46 in an overtime.  We saw Ron and his JV’s play a fine first half and then had to leave.  As always-Ron then came alive and scored to finish with a 25 point game.  I took the alumni team to Huntington where airborne instruments beat us 45-38.  6 for WRH.

Jan 9, 1962

Spent the greatest part of the day preparing monthly bills for payment.  Used it as an opportunity to show Woody how the GBBC handles its bills.  These are long drawn out procedures but thank goodness Woody is a fast learner.  Dropped by Ralph La Bella’s office with the bills.  I have had a long and fine association with Ralph in his capacity as accountant for the boys’ club.

Lit the first fire of the season in the Library fireplace.  The kids loved it.  Don’t know why the staff doesn’t burn more fires.  Had an emergency Rotary club Board of Directors meeting in the BC library.  Sherman W. pulled out as chairman of our talent night program. After the meeting I told Archie Anderson-as I had done earlier with my BC staff-of our Omaha plans.  Archie complimented me by being most sad at the thought of my leaving.  A lot of mixed emotions on both sides.

Jan 10, 1962

No snow on the ground.  Cold and dampness hangs around.  We have been quite fortunate not to have had any severe storms to date.  Actually there have been a lot of heavy storms throughout the USA.  Frost has taken a very heavy toll of citrus fruit crops in the South and Southwest.  Elsewhere, heavy, deep snows!  News and weather analysts say that for the majority of the country it is the worst winter for many years.   Another fireplace fire at the boys’ club.  Snappy old weather makes it appreciated.

Men’s night in the gym and our volleyball league got off to a good start.  I don’t play as long as there are others to fill the teams.  My desk is constantly covered with work.  Dr. Vorisek informed me that he should not be counted upon to help run Pratt’s camps for the coming year.  But, I think Woody, Rev. Dykstra and Dominic will be able to handle it.  How I have come to love Pratt’s camps.

Jan 11, 1962

Finished totaling the services the boys’ club has extended its members during 1961 and found the total to be over 175,000.  Up 25,000 over last year!  Total membership list has grown by 80+ members.  Rotary club meeting was enjoyable.  I am a founding member of the Locust Valley Rotary club.  Also a board member for past four years, currently serving as vice-president and was secretary last year.  Small club-30 odd members- and we have a lot of bantering and practical joking fun.

Board meeting after luncheon to decide on ladies night.  Best prices for a reserved dinner and music at a nice restaurant is about $20 per couple.  New York prices are among the world’s highest.  Took the alumni basketball team to Huntington.  We lost by 7.  Hinckley had 4 and a bad night.  Our GBBC biddy team defeated Hempstead 57-15.  These under 13 year olds are a great team and wonderful bunch of boys.  Scott’s friends. (Scott not a member of the team)

Jan 12, 1962

Up at 6 am and into New York City by 8:30.  Went direct to national headquarters, Boys’ clubs of America (Herbert Hoover building-across from the United Nations).  Nice chat with my old and dear friend Jane Constable.  A conference with Al Maleski and then we moved into the premier meeting of the national committee on Citizenship Education of which I have been appointed chairman.  A slow but productive meeting carried on until 4:15 pm interrupted by a luncheon at which or committee members were joined by John M. Gleason, Boyd Hinds and Howard Gibbs of the national staff.

Traffic en route back to Locust Valley was very heavy.  It took me two hours to drive the 30 miles.  Helen was ready and together with Teri we drove to Oyster Bay to watch the high school basketball game.  Scotty baby sat with Debbie.  Both games were exciting.  Ron excelled for the jr. varsity.  High scorer with 16 points.  Very aggressive rebounding.  He fouled out with a couple of minutes left to play.  Varsity lost their game by 1 point after making a great comeback.  John Galasso is hurt-bad hip.

Jan 13, 1962

Met Archie Anderson at the boys’ club at 8:30 and we spent two hours putting Rotary program (talent night) solicitation material together.  Picked up and went through the morning mail.  Home for lunch and back to the boys’ club.  Ron and Scott spent their Saturday at the club.  Ron took time out to wash and wax his mother’s kitchen floor.  Had a short conference with Mr. Pratt.  We spent most of it outside going over the area and discussing the need for a building enlargement to accommodate older boys and to replace facilities lost through earlier building modifications for younger members.

Quick shower and shave and Helen and I picked up the Robert Fallers and the Robert Voriseks and we were off to NYC, a Rotary function, to the Stockholm Restaurant for a smorgasbord dinner and then the theatre.  Phil Silvers in Do Ra Me.  The play was only fair.  I left my car lights on in the garage.  Battery was dead.  Cost me $5 to get it started.  Home and in bed by 1 AM.

Jan 14, 1962

Car started ok so we had no trouble getting off to church.  Wet, cold day.  Hard rain.  Our quorum presidency attended our elders group meeting.  Meeting went well.  Our current efforts are aimed at a good group organization and then efforts are to be directed toward re-activation of un-active quorum members.  We followed our group meeting with a business meeting with the presidency.  My going to Omaha was of major importance.  We stored and inventoried our elders’ group supplies.  We sell dry milk and dehydrated Idaho potatoes as a fund raising project for the Queens’ group.  Between Sunday school and sacrament service we Hinckleys travel (15 miles one way to church)  eat and do some reading.  Because of travel not much time is spent at home.  New York Times and Journal American are our Sunday papers. (You may remember the reference to the two hour trip home two days ago.  In New York one never knew how much time it would take to travel)

Jan 15, 1962

The big push this week is the Board meeting on Wednesday and the Bill Posch-“Boy of the year” project.  I had such high personal standards about nominating a boy to compete in Boys’ Clubs of America “Boy of the Year” junior citizenship contest that I never thought we would ever have an entry.  However, five years with Bill Posch has changed my mind.  Bill is truly an outstanding boy.  I hope he finishes high in the competition and picks off one of the scholarships.

Helen and I did some shopping in the afternoon.  Very heavy rain falling.  Had a late afternoon nap-until Helen came up to disturb me.  Bad storm caused several minutes of electrical power failure.  Lost the power at the boys’ club and had a furnace failure.  Also had an electrical fire when the 12 volt emergency lighting system burned out.  We won our first basketball game in the Huntington league.

Jan 16, 1962

All of our efforts are aimed at tomorrow’s board meeting and the Bill Posch project.  All of the staff have worked hard to research Bill Posch.  I wasn’t going to get too deep into it until I became convinced that I could do a better job with the written presentation.  Our presentation is a lovely book-imitation Red Leather- gold tooled design and acetate pages.  We have worked out, thanks to Robert Faller, a very nice layout of pictures, clippings, and story material.  we feel we have a winner.  At least on the regional level.

Western Union confirmed a wire from Omaha.  It completed all of the details except my writing them.  This I will do before the day is over.  It is exam week for the children.  We hope Scott’s extra efforts will produce grades that will give him the psychological help he needs.  He does well but always questions his own ability.  Lack of self confidence.

Jan 17, 1962

Board meeting-sad in many ways!  Mr. Pratt was very kind and generous as he expressed on behalf of the Board of Directors appreciate and regret at my going to Omaha.  However all board members were quick and sincere to wish the Hinckleys all the luck in the world.  Elwood C “Woody” Lewis for three years my Physical Director (He replaced Bill Cullum) was appointed to take over the position as Executive Director of the Grenville Baker Boys’ Club, Inc.  The board of directors also agreed to buy my house for the $29,000 I paid for it and to make it available to Woody and his family on a rent free basis.  Also Woody improves himself over his $6500 base salary by acquiring the club automobile and a $600 allowance to operate it. (As of 2018 the Director of the GBBC stills uses that house)

Other board action included the approval of the Ada M. Foss memorial (Front landscaping, new walks etc.) and the OK to have the architect go ahead and make some plans to enlarge the main boys club building.  I advised them not to do this without planning to add another full time staff member to do the work.

Jan 18, 1962

Had Woody as my guest at Rotary. Caught a lot of people by surprise when I introduced him as the new boys’ club director.  I have had some wonderful experiences in Rotary.  I was a founding member, board member, secretary and vice-president  of the Locust Valley Rotary club.  Had I stayed I would have been president next year.    I had program for the day so had my good friend Sid Macy as the guest for the day.  Sid showed his 1961 colored movies of the Boys’ Club football (midget varsity) games.  They were very good and well received.  Some very good shots of Scott in action on a pass interception and quarterbacking in the North Carolina Turkey bowl Game.  (my recollection was losing 49-7 and being intercepted twice)

Bob Ahern joined our alumni basketball team.  He played for the boys’ club a few years ago with Don O’Rourke, Whitey Martine (of the Knicks) and others.  We lost-against the 1st place team by 2 points.  Bill Cullum played his last game with us.  He is leaving for California.  Says he will be back in the summer.  He was surprised at my leaving Locust Valley.

Jan 19, 1962

The Bill Posch project was wrapped and sent certified mail to Ed Stapleton at BCA.  We all have great expectations.  Bill is a great boy.  Emphasis is on making Woody aware of administrative responsibilities.  I show, talk and make aware as many items and jobs as I possibly can.  Today most of us are digging out from under the back log effected by spending a week on the Posch project.  Bob Faller took pictures of Woody and myself that we can use for news releases.  I have to write all releases for the papers and the national office.

Home for an early dinner.  Dropped Scott and Bart and Mike Howell off at the church for an Aaronic priesthood pizza pie party.  I took Helen and the girls and went on to Floral Park high school to watch the high school games.  Ron and his Jr. Varsity teammates really put on a show.  They won by about 25 points.  Good bunch of ball players with lots of heads-up hustle.  Varsity lost by 4 points after leading through the first half.  Little scrap in the bleachers when Grover Sauschgrin and a Floral Park fan exchanged a few blows. (not an uncommon event in those days.  At one game the entire fan section from our school was tossed out of the gym)

Jan 20, 1962

Saturdays are always big days at the boys’ club.  We handle nearly 300 boys on a given Saturday.  Today is no exception.  Scott spends as much of his Saturday time at the club as possible.  Loves coaching and playing basketball.  Scott doesn’t seem to have the personal and competitive drive and hustle that Ron does in athletics.  Yet Scott has loads of talent in other capacities that Ron never exhibits traits of.  (Hmm seems Dad forgot to list any of those “other capacities”.  Maybe he is referring to the scoop ball incident)

Ron, I And the Howell boys went to Uniondale to play church basketball.  M-Men lost our game 4 points in an overtime.  Ron and the junior team ran away with a 60-15 score.  We two Hinckleys must have had 25 points each.  Its quite a thrill to play basketball with your son. 

Problems.  Rod E. has stolen the family car and ran away.  Believed to be heading for Idaho.  Janet and Tony are nearly out of their minds.  We took Tony and Ralph to priesthood meeting.  Talked to Tony for 1 ½ hours.  He is flying west to try and find Rod.

Jan 21, 1962

Up and ready for our 15 mile trip to church at good time.  Teri Ann’s good friend Picket Post (yes, a real name) went to church with us.  The Post’s are friends we have recently come to know.  Joe is in Calif.  His wife and children are going out as soon as they sell their home.  Joe is an engineer in missile work.  Routine morning at church.  Priesthood meeting followed by ward teacher’s report and Sunday School.

We drove home and enjoyed a very fine chicken dinner.  Helen had baked the chicken yesterday using her special recipe of seasoned bread crumbs.  All she had to do today was warm it up and make gravy while I fixed a large bowl of instant mixed Idaho mashed potatoes.

Spent the afternoon preparing my federal and state income tax returns.  Tithing payments over a year make it a pleasure to do tax returns.  My income tax paid to the federal government this year will be about $750.00  I don’t begrudge it one moment.  My country has provided me with far more returns than my returns will provide them with.

Jan 22, 1962

Our alarm goes off at 6:30 am every morning except Saturday.  Lots of bounce to our family and things start popping early.  Children to feed and clothe.  Buses to catch.  Husband to get off.  As that husband I’m off to Bayville elementary School for a day as substitute teacher for Mr. Wansor as Physical Education teacher.  It was a good experience.  A day back at the fundamentals of tumbling.  However I must be truthful and admit that I am very grateful that my personal fortunes have lead me into my present work and into the challenge of an administrative assignment.

Returned to Locust Valley for a haircut.  On home for a shower and a shave.  Picked Ron up at school after his basketball practice.  Had dinner with the family and took Helen with me to Huntington for a basketball meeting.  Over early so we drove back to Glen Cove and saw James Cagney in the motion picture 1-2-3.   Good Comedy.

Jan 23, 1962

Last of the paper work completed regard getting the news release out concerning my going to Omaha and Woody taking my place at the boys’ club.  Pushed notices out to board members regard official news release on Woody.  Dropped into printers (Valley Press) for some material.  they are moved into their new location, several blocks closer to the village.

Woody and I drove over to Stewart Johnson’s “Kaintuck Farm”.  They have an old billiard table they are going to give to the boys’ club.  They have another old family estate house that is just going to “rack and ruin” because no one is living in it.  So typical of many old Long Island Homes.

Had a meeting with Brothers Eight club.  We were planning a Wisconsin canoe trip.  Now we are going to settle for a day in New York City.  Lunch, shopping, dinner and pro basketball at Madison Square Garden.  Ron is a member of this club  it was 10:30 pm by the time we reached home.

Jan 24, 1961

Debbie stayed home from school.  First time for a long spell that any of the Hinckley family have been under the weather.  Among our fine and many blessings is the one of health.  I took shirts to the Chinese laundry and spent a couple of hours talking to Rocky Familetti.  He doesn’t really think I’m going to Omaha.  Looked at some new football equipment he is handling.  Talked of his family problems and he has plenty of them.

Bart Howell and I did our ward teaching after dinner.  We did the Howell home first then on to Center Island and Sister Stiens home.  She was already retired at 7:30 pm.  Missed the Rollicks.  They were not home.  The house had a no-lived-in look but we came to the conclusion that someone must be living in it.  Home early and to bed for a good night’s rest.  It has warmed up although we had a slight skiff of snow fall this afternoon.

Jan 25, 1962

Excitement in the morning’s mail.  A set of plans for the Boys’ Clubs of Omaha, Inc.  no details just a space allocation layout.  Hurried through my other mail, grabbed Woody and spent a couple of hours re-arranging rooms, controls, functional design etc.  after chewing the fat a bit we came up with about 20 changes to be made.  Some major and some minor.

Hurried to the butcher shop for Helen and then dashed to the Log Cabin and Rotary.  Found my program and people waiting.  They did a very fine job. (Dick Deuel and his boss)  Several of the Rotarians made appointments to re-evaluate their communications equipment.  Hurried back to the club for a final go round at my desk.  On home for a quick shower and shave and some dinner with the family and I was off for Idelwild airport.  Caught an 8 pm flight to Omaha.  Delayed in Chicago so didn’t arrive in Omaha until 1:30 am.  Right to the Fontenell Hotel and sacked out.  Not much chance for sleep.  I’ll have to be up at 6 am.

Jan 26, 1962

A busy schedule for today.  Omaha has warmer weather and less snow than when I was here Dec 12-13, ’61.  Mornings coat of ice makes everything very slick.  Took a cab out to Indian Hills and Leo A. Daly’s firm.  Met John Savage who is the architectural engineer handling design for the new boys’ club project.  Two hours of the morning was spent in a press conference.  Radio station KOIL taped interview, 3 TV stations took film footage for local new programs, 3 news paper men did interviews.  Attached clipping is an example of what one of the end results was.  (Article from Jan 26, 1962 Omaha World Herald “New World aim of Boys Club Boss”  describes dad as “a former college athlete, Air Force forward observer and semi-pro basket ball player….big [six feet, 250 pounds] Boys club executive)

Hurried on to the site location and had another picture taken and then moved on to the Hotel where a luncheon with the board of governors awaited me.  Delicious steak sandwich-some matters of business and my first five minutes of getting to talk to the board.  First impressions are important.  I hope mine was good.  Back to the drawing boards with Jack Savage.  Three hours later we had things looking improved.  Back downtown to the Omaha club and dinner with Mr. Curtis and Mr. Gordon.  A lovely leisure roast beef dinner and off to bed absolutely bushed!!

Jan 27, 1962

Made some journal entries  and took a leisure shower, shaved, dressed and met Ed Shafton in the lobby at 9 am.  Checked out of the hotel and was introduced to Northup Jones (Omaha local coffee shop).  On to Ed’s office for a short business chat.  Out to the children’s hospital center and a drive through look.  Magnificent facilities.  Speaks well of Omaha.

Ed drove me out to Leo A. Daly’s plant and John and I put the finishing plans on the sketch drawings.  Looks good.  John will bring a finished and re-vised drawing with him when he comes to New York in a couple of weeks.  Back on Dodge to the Blackstone hotel and a lovely lunch.  Nebraskan’s are proud of their meat products.

Out to the NP Dodge real estate office.  Met a Bob Rasmussan who had been appointed by Mr. Dodge (of the Boys’ Clubs board of directors) to show me homes.  We took a quick look at two homes in the $30,000 category and hurried to the airport.  I caught a 4:30 jet-changed in Chicago and rode a Jet Stream home to New York.  Was home (Idelwild) by 9:30 pm.  Closed the garage door at 3 Milford Drive by 10:15 pm.  Good trip!!

Jan 28, 1962

Off to church on schedule.  My elder’s group teacher had a sore throat so I had to do a quick pinch hit job as class teacher.  On to ward welfare meeting and then to Sunday school  Tony E. is back from the west coast but no word of Rod.  Our Sunday school class was very good.  Outstanding were contributions made by Dr. Driggs (a visitor from California) and by Sister Petrone who sang two beautiful hymns.

From Sunday school we drove to Paul and Chris Koos home in Manhasset.  Chris is Jean Harris’ (Helen’s step mother) sister.  We had a lovely luncheon.  Fried chicken and all the works.  Back to church for sacrament services.  Large crowd and fine program.  Back to Locust Valley.  Fed the children had a bit of supper and off to bed by 10 pm.

Jan 29, 1962

Weather has turned very cold.  New York city is very fortunate this year, to date.  Heavy frost in the South.  Snow in Alabama and Georgia (enough to close schools) bad storms in West, up-state New York and New England-but just a little snow in NYC.  I drove to the boys’ club about 8 am.  Spent four hours catching up on mail and other paper work that had piled up while I was away in Omaha.  Broke away about 1:30.  Drove home and had some lunch (hot consommé, baloney sandwich, fresh brownies).  Shaved and returned to the club with a pan of brownies.  Helen was contributing the brownies to the mother’s club tea.  The tea was in honor of the Locust Valley School District #3 faculty.  It is a brain-child of mine.  I invented it to bring the school and the boys’ club closer together.  I want the school to learn to use the club’s resources.  We had an excellent turnout.  I spoke about 15 minutes, introduced staff members and answered a few questions.  Our mother’s club really does an outstanding job!!!  Took the alumni to Huntington to play basketball.  We lost to Norton AC 86-84 in an overtime period-mental mistakes and bad fouls beat us.  Light snow shiffs fell.

Jan 30, 1962

Publicity is breaking on the Posch and Omaha papers  attached clippings are examples of the way papers treated them.  Both papers are dailys in the 350,000 a day circulation rate.  I worked at home getting slides ready for the camp reunion program.  Drove Helen into glen cove for a little shopping.  Spent about an hour at my desk and then met the 11:59 train. 

Mrs. Arnold of “Youth and work” field staff was aboard.  I showed her our club and then drove her to the Villa Ciro in Bayville for lunch.  I was pleasantly surprised to find a well prepared, deliciously served continental luncheon.  We both enjoyed our food as Mrs. Arnold suggested ways in which I could launch a program in Omaha that would encourage youth to stay in school and also to help them to learn skills that will qualify them for jobs.  Drove Mrs. Arnold to the station in Manhasset.  Stopped at Eyrings.  No one home.  Met with Alumni committee regard man and boy award.  Ron went back to club for free play while I worked at the desk.

Jan 31, 1962

Worked at home for a couple of hours to bring my 35 mm colored slide file up to date.  After 12 years comes the time when I must separate the boys’ club slides from the Hinckley slides.  Mr. Pratt stopped at the office.  He has been in Florida and South Carolina for a few days with Brinkley Smithers.  Told of hunting birds and nearly stepping on a very large rattlesnake!  He was frightened but not so much that he didn’t “blast him with my shotgun.”  I stayed at my desk until 2:30.  Home for a sandwich and then drove Helen and the two girls to Glen Cove to see the new Walt Disney picture “Babes in Toyland”.  I picked up the shirts and returned to the club for a staff meeting.  Evening taxi route was to call for Helen and the girls and pick Ron up at the school.  Home for a lovely roast leg of lamb dinner and back to the boys’ club for our camp reunion program.  Sid Macy showed day camp film.  I showed slides of Canada (1961) and the Monsanto Queeny “Silver Lightning” salmon film.  About 250 in attendance