July 1962
WRH Diary July 1962
Sunday July 1, 1962
Tired but up. Nice to be in church again with the entire family. Last regular meeting in the Queens ward, New York Stake for the Wm R. Hinckley family. We drove our new (’58 Chrysler) to church. Several nice compliments on it. All thanks to the way Phillip kept the car while he drove it for Mrs. Pratt. (Note: this was the first family owned car.) Both Helen and I bore our testimonies in church. This was a first for Helen. It was a very sweet testimony. Stopped in at Chris and Paul Koos to say so-long. Also stopped at Dick and Elanor D—. Elanor was in bed ill. Dick was gone. Drinking???
Quick peanut butter sandwich. Archie Anderson came down to review some insurance. Decided to cash out our 5 cent Met. Life Ins. Polices and take out a straight life on Helen and the children. My program is in pretty good shape. Quick visit with the Nollman’s. I called Jerald Holley in Calif. Looks like Tyke is going to Calif. Poly Tech to school. Took the girls and Scott to the Rowsom’s pool for a swim. Worked with Helen at the house until 2 AM.
July 2, 1962
Up at 4:20 AM. The complete family gathered for prayer and we were off for the boys’ club. picked up Sandy Barclay and arrived at 4:50 AM. Large crowd had gathered to see their sons off. A lot were surprised to see me there. With a “hoop and a holler” they were off at 5 AM. One air force surplus bus and two station wagons headed for Canada. Ron and Scott were excited about being a part of it. Back to the house and a couple of hours of work. Drove to Cohen’s Chrysler agency at 8 AM. They didn’t finish until 1 PM. Regular service plus front and back transmission seals and a new transmission pan gasket. Back to the house after a stop at Howard Gises to pay a bill, the bank and Jim Egan’s. Jim had good news in the form of credits for me on my Blue Cross and Pension premiums. Drove to Huntington to cash some insurance policies. Again Met Life Ins. Co. made me unhappy in their service. We will have to wait until we reach Omaha. Pitched the Rotary Club “A” team to a 12-5 victory over the “B” team in a Steak and Beans game at the boys’ club. Dick D and Lisa and John were waiting to visit us at the house. We had dinner at the Pig N Whistle and worked a few hours at the house before bed at 11 PM.
July 3, 1962
Up at an early hour to set out throwaways for the garbage men to pick up. Surprising just how much a family collects. We threw away a mountain of things. Weather is beautiful. Cool nights and cool days. Movers were due to arrive early. Ran into under passes with their moving van and didn’t make it until 10 AM. I made a trip to the village. Spent some time at the boys’ club and stopped for a haircut at George Zivanow’s. Ran into “Doc” Curth -salesman for Bader Bros. who are moving us to Omaha. Picked up some sandwiches for the movers and took my family down to Frank Familette’s “Log Cabin” for lunch. We had a delicious lunch!! Moving van is 40 ‘ long 8’ wide and 12’6” inside height. It filled our whole driveway. Our personal belongings filled about 1/3 of the van. They finished loading by 6 PM. Helen finished the last of the cleaning by 7 PM. The house looked like a million dollars. She really left it shinning spotless!! We showered, packed and took one last drive down Milford Drive. We were off. First to Manhasset for a good Chinese dinner. Then we drove to Tarrytown NY where we stayed at the Hilton Inn.
July 4, 1962
The night manager of the Hilton Inn went to school with the Schimmel boy from Omaha, Neb. The Schimmel’s own some Omaha hotels and the New Indian Hills hotel-motel in Omaha. We drove for a while before having breakfast on the New York thru-way. Our next stop was Utica, New York. I tried to enter the Horricks-Ibbotson fishing gear factory but it was closed for the holiday. Left my rod with the Sgt. At the local prescient. He promised to drop it off. It needs re-conditioning. They will mail it to me. Howard Johnson’s provided lunch. North on Route #12 to Watertown, Clayton and the Thousand Island’s International Friendship bridge (US-Canada). Drove down to Gananoque and said hello to Walter Pullaw. He was surprised but very pleased to see us. On to Route #32 and Smiths Falls, Ontario where we stayed in a motel. Had an Italian dinner, took the girls to a carnival in town. I rode the Ferris Wheel with them and Helen rode the “whip” with them. The girls enjoyed both. Helen and I nearly fainted from fright. A few games of chance, a couple of prizes for the girls and to bed.
July 5, 1962
My watch is on the fritz. I seem to be very rough on them. I think I have jammed the stem. Helen gave it to me for Christmas about five years ago. I had the Omega Seamaster with me that the staff gave me so made a change over. The Omega is a beautiful thing. Our direction is a little West and a lot North. Routes #15 and #29 become #17 and then #11. Breakfast in Pembroke and lunch in North Bay. The farther North we get the drier it looks. It is definitely warmer. North Bay surprised us with a 20,000 plus population. The country is attractive. Lots of lakes. Less brush than New Brunswick. Very lush farm country. We drove 158 miles North and west of North Bay on #11 highway. Near Kirkland Lake Ontario we found a beautiful spot with an inviting look. Called the Red Pine Hotel it overlooks a large lake. We unpacked the car-we are about 850 miles from Locust Valley and about due North of Cleveland, Ohio. The girls and I had a swim. Water was delightful. This was followed by a large T-Bone steak dinner in the dining room. Caught up in my journal.
July 6, 1962
Off with an early morning start. Drove 89 miles to Cochrane, Ontario where we had breakfast. Town reminded me of Malad, Idaho. Strange plateau effect to this part of the North, thick but small tree growth. We saw some of the Pine Tree alert stations. Some ranching and a lot of pulp wood industry. Lonely and desolate stretches of country. 130 mile stretch between towns was the longest piece of road. We saw one sign stating that we were on the Arctic water shed and that all streams in that area flowed north to the Arctic ocean. Farther South route #11 brought us the prettier the country became. Drove over 575 miles today. Long sustained periods of 80 mph on lonely stretches of road. Helen drove about two hours- her usual daily quota. Weather is very cool today. Especially as we move South. Low 60’s when we hit the Port Arthur-Fort William area. Picked up a motel in Fort William. Everyone had a bath and we dressed for dinner. Occasion-Debbie’s 7th birthday!! Made reservations and went out to Uncle Frank’s steak house for dinner. Shot the works. Everything from shrimp cocktail to strawberry sundaes. Gert Vorisek had sent an envelope along for Debbie’s birthday. Debbie was really thrilled. When she opened it she found a lovely card and two $1.00 bills.
July 7, 1962
Lousy night’s sleep. Holiday Inn motel where we stayed was adjacent to a railroad track where trains were switched all night long. Further upset when the motel refused to honor my Diners Card. Mornings drive took us 40 miles south to the US-Canadian border. It is a beautiful section of country. Everything looking lush and green after the nights rain. We drove south toward Duluth, Minn. Our route #61 took us along Minnesota’s North Shore and the South shore of Lake Superior. We certainly enjoyed the beauty of the scenery. Our drive was also the route traveled by a bad storm. Very heavy rains fell at various times. Many cars were forced to pull off the road and wait for the fury to stop. However, we kept moving with the Chrysler. Our car has given us good service. We stopped in Duluth for Debbie to pick out a “Barbie Doll” as her birthday gift. Then south to the Twin Cities. En route South on #61 we were excited to find two small towns named “Hinckley” and “Harris” Minnesota. My name is Hinckley and my wife’s maiden name is Harris. Spent the night about 80 miles South of the Twin Cities at an Inn Towne Motel in Owatonna Minn. Excellent facilities.
July 8, 1962
The storm followed us down from the North. After heavy night rains it cleared to form a beautiful day. We drove South. In a couple of hours we were across the border into Iowa. Still moving South passed through Ames heading for Des Moines (spelled by dad as Des Demonies). First problem of the trip occurred. Left front tire blew. My first experience with captive air tires. I drove 15 miles on the captive air unit. There is no spare on the car. It was never built to have one. No place to carry it. Captive air tires by Goodyear are supposed to get you at least 150 miles after a blowout. It is a tire within a tire. Problem is I am short of cash. Have to buy a tire with a credit card and how do you get a captive air tire out of a warehouse on Sunday. We were blessed. Sinclair station was a real friend. After several calls we contacted a Goodyear representative and the wheels began to turn. Took three hours on a hot Sunday afternoon in Des Moines, Iowa and we were again on our way. Darn tires list at $50 each. With adjustment from the other tire I Paid $31 for my new one. We drove on to Omaha arriving at 5PM. Across the muddy Missouri and out Dodge. We took accommodations in the New Tower motel to await our furniture.
July 9, 1962
Left Helen and the girls at the motel and drove downtown to the office. Stopped at the Goodyear store and had my captive air unit mounted in the new tire I picked up yesterday in Des Moines. Also moved a new tire up from the rear to the front. Balanced both front tires and left with a better understanding of what a captive air unit is. Shirley was surprised to see me walk in. Things had gone pretty well while I was gone. Large pile of mail and correspondence was awaiting me. Looked through it in a bit of a hurry and spent my office hours preparing the invoices for approval so Shirley could draw checks for the monthly bills. Stayed at the desk right through the lunch hour. Shirley brought me a couple of sandwiches and a couple of root beers for lunch. Back at the motel to find the Hinckley girls having a ball in the motel pool. Second time today. They had walked up to the house and had watered the lawn. Helen likes the house very much. I am relieved. We had a good dinner and enjoyed the comfort of our air-conditioned room.
July 10, 1962
Left the Hinckley girls with a suggestion that they walk over to the Crossroads shopping center for a window shopping spree to help occupy their day. I stopped at the Nebraska Furniture Mart to meet Mrs. Blumkin. She was a real friendly and social person. A remarkable woman who although she can neither read nor write has built a fabulous business empire. She encouraged me to come in with Helen and look for things for our house. I believed her when she said she would give us a good price. Worked at the office for a bit and then drove out to Leo A. Daly’s office. Met with Al Sorensen and Jack Savage to open bids for the building. Total re-bids came in at $432,000. Add $30,000 architect fees and $50,000 for equipment and playground and we have over a half million dollar building on our hands. Drove back to the motel and took a swim with the girls. Followed this with a drive to church. Mutual night found everyone practicing for the “Road Show” and our girls loved the rehearsal. We were very late getting back to the motel and getting a bite to eat. Debs nearly went to sleep while we waited for dinner.
July 11, 1962
Good hard rain last night really did this dry country some good. Still a few sprinkles into the morning. Coolness turned into a steam bath as the sun broke through and the temperature rose. Funny I don’t notice the heat so much but Helen says it is much warmer than New York. She should know because heat doesn’t usually bother her. In fact, she loves it. I drove over to the Westside High School to register Ronald and Scott. Met several faculty members including the guidance man and the football coach. Westside has a very impressive plant. Lovely gymnasium, a little theatre for drama, debate etc. excellent football facilities. A 14 and under AAU track and field meet was under way for boys and girls. Good crowd was on hand. Drove back by the house to find Helen there and a van unloading our new GE washer, dryer and refrigerator. We purchased them through Mac Read who is general manager of appliances in the Omaha area. He is also a member of the stake LDS presidency. We bought 1961 models-pink-in original crates for less than dealer’s price. The refrigerator is an 18.8 cubic foot combination freezer and refrigerator. Helen and the girls rode downtown in the afternoon and saw Walt Disney movie “Big Red”.
July 12, 1962-Worried about our furniture. I called New York. They will try to get a location on our van and let me know where it is. I stayed close to the desk all morning. Slipped out to get checks signed by Mr. Millard. Current months operation ran about $7000. Drove over to Al Sorensen’s office about 2 PM and spent a very profitable two hours in going over boys’ club business with him. He and two other Board members are on their way out to the wilds of Wyoming for a few days of fishing. Back at the office no word from the Van Line and our motel bill is pushing the $150 mark. This is getting to be very serious situation. I picked up my laundry and drove out to the house. Helen and the girls were there-hot and pooped out. The Nebraska Furniture Mart man was out to measure all of the windows for curtains and drapes. We missed the man who called to measure for carpeting. Drove over to the park near Omaha University. Kids played with the playground apparatus. We waited but no LDS people showed up for softball. Drove on to the shopping center and did our laundry in the laundromat. Back to the motel. Had dinner and tried to reach Frank Curth via long distance but he wasn’t home.
July 13, 1962
Called Frank Curth in New York. He wasn’t in. Operator left a message for him to call back. Shirley went through the yellow pages calling Van and Storage people. She finally found a Hansen Van and Storage Co. that was agent for Bader Bros. Mrs. Hansen called King Bros. in Wichita, Kansas and found out that our furniture Van had broken down in Pennsylvania. About that time Frank Curth called and nearly fell over when he learned we didn’t have our furniture. Checked with his dispatcher and confirmed a major break down but didn’t know where. He was sending a wire and going to have Kansas confirm the position of the van. A telegram was sent from New York-said the same thing that Frank did over the telephone. Never did hear from Kansas. Visited the house and put the girls beds together. They have beautiful beauty rest mattresses. Furniture is really lovely. Dark-oil stained walnut. Too bad that one of the desk tops was finished and that the desk was split on one end in shipping. Last night in an air conditioned motel. Good relaxful sleep.
July 14, 1962
It is a morning of packing for the Hinckley’s. Made several calls to Mrs. Hansen but the driver had not contacted her at any time in regard to my van of furniture. Finally had the car loaded. Stopped in the motel office to take care of the bill. Motel bill of $80 and a restaurant bill of $41. We are really in hock!! Ron and Scott will have to walk from New York instead of fly. Moved in at home and drove back to Sears and Roebuck’s large department store. Spent $40 buying mattress covers, pads, sheets, pillows, blankets, etc. hurried back to the house and made up the beds for the evening. Helen and I will sleep on a ¾ size bed borrowed from the Smiths. Several times we road by the Reads but they were not at home. Stopped in the West Loveland shopping center to put some laundry through the laundromat. Had a combination Brunch while we waited. Did some grocery shopping at an OP Skaggs store. Our meals are eaten in a standing position. Drove the girls out center street to the A and W root beer stand. Stopped in at the Drive-in Movie for two out of 3 shows.
July 15, 1962
First Sunday for the girls in Omaha. Some fruit and cantaloupe made our breakfast. We live less than ten minutes from church. Really appreciate the air-conditioning in the chapel. Attended priesthood and joined Helen for Sunday School. It is Omaha 2nd ward conference Sunday. I was asked to sit on the stand with the Bishopric and stake leaders because of my position with the Stake Sunday School. Enjoyed Bro. Smith’s Sunday school class lesson. He does an excellent job as a teacher. Back to the house for a standup lunch. We are eating cold cuts and drinking fruit juice and milk. No tables or chairs. Helen and I spent the afternoon visiting 4 of my 7 ward teaching families. Special permission from the Bishop for Helen to go. She was amazed at the plight of these part-member, partial and senior Aaronic families. In the sacrament service the Bishop surprised several people by calling on them to talk. Helen was one!!!
July 16, 1962
Up at 7 AM. While showering the telephone rang and Helen answered to find the driver of our furniture van on the other end. Excitement reigned! Our furniture here at last. Just one week late. The van arrived shortly after the telephone call. He ran out of gas halfway into the driveway blocking up the complete street. Cars had to drive up on the school property to get by. I drove down to the neighborhood gas station and picked up some gas for him. Left the neighborhood in an uproar. Furniture van unloading, Helen running around, Cookie barking and the girls under everyone’s feet. I drove over to Leo Daly’s. Spent the morning pouring over blueprints. Big problem is to find out just what is left in the contract and to see what can be horse traded around to better ourselves. I wound up with 3 full pages of notes. John Savage could answer most of them. I left at lunch time and drove downtown and made a bank deposit. We worked at our budget last night. Tithing at the top and right on down the list. It will run very tight. But, we never had one that didn’t. Back to the house on 8614 Harney St. Helen was in tears. No mirrors or Wayne Davis Picture. The driver called to say they were still in New York and had never been loaded on his van.
July 17, 1962
The house is utter confusion and chaos! Packages, barrels, cartons, etc all over. But Helen is like the little ant-industrious and methodical. I was back at Leo Daly’s office by 8:30. John savage and I met with a Mr. Ronnie Pelcky of Commonwealth Electric. We discussed several things including florescent lighting in the gym, outside lighting etc. He turned from a belligerent position to a very cooperative position when I asked him to “work things out his own way!!” I think we will have a very fine and functional lighting system. Feel greatly improved after this meeting. Jack Savage was also satisfied. Drove Helen and the girls down to the grocery store. Helen and I applied for and received a Nebraska driver’s license and a Nebraska learner’s permit. I felt good about answering all 20 questions pertaining to the law of Nebraska as related to traffic without any mistakes. The girls bought two gold fish- a bowl, gravel etc. They were certainly excited. Helen drove to and from mutual to get in some practice licks as a driver.
July 18, 1962
Weather has become very hot. 95 today. Soft wind blowing felt like a draft furnace. Certainly appreciate the air conditioned office. It seems to be more trying for Helen than for the girls. This is surprising considering her expressed preference for warm weather. Mail volume has slowed down. Seems to be in direct association with the fact that Al Sorensen is out of town. He and AW Gordon flew to Sheridan, Wyoming with Peter Kiewitt in Kiewitt’s private plane. Mr. Gordon has a very fine summer place in a remote section of the Big Horn mountains. Fishing trip. Spent a few minutes with Jack Shonsey. He leaves tomorrow for two weeks fishing at his place in Colorado. Jack is a dry fly advocate who is a purest. He has brought his boy up to frown on anything but a dry fly. Me, I just like fishing, anytime, anywhere and place. Looks like for the first time in 8 years I won’t do any of it this year. Joined with Bro Pope, DeSanti and the Lawsons and fixed Bro John Surbers porch. He is a senior Aaronic we are trying to activate. John Lawson and I spent 3 hours with Sister M. in her apt. She is neurotic and alcoholic. Her husband left her destitute.
July 19, 1962
Pushed the desk work all morning. Took my lunch hour to run a few errands. Stopped by the United Air Lines office and picked up tickets for Ron and Scott to use on August 6 to fly from New York to Omaha. Stopped by the courthouse and picked up a Nebraska driver’s license. Also took the time to inquire about and register as an official voter in Nebraska. A walk to the Sheraton-Fontenelle to pick up “Advise and Consent” theatre ticket sale proceeds ended my errands. Dropped my Chrysler off at the service station for thorough inspection and service. Apparently, lack of use has dried up all rubber, seals, gaskets, etc. they will all be replaced. Will replace filters, lubricate, change oil, replace wheel brake cylinders, etc. left Teri to babysit with Debbie and Peggy Maybin. Drove Helen back downtown to the Nebraska furniture mart. We selected drapes and bedspreads for the girl’s room. Spent a long time looking at rugs. Mrs. Blumkin made us a $9.50 a yard installed price on a $14.50 quality.
July 20, 1962
Brought home a piece of the rug we liked. Looks good as it is placed about the room. We hope to be able to finance it. Very strange but Helen and I are always drawn to the finest of quality and just hate to back down. We believe that quality investments will produce greatest value over the years. Consequently we agree that we have a beer pocketbook and a champagne taste. A Mormon bishop from Palo Alto, Calif spent two hours in my office and took me to lunch. Reason, he is looking for successful and outstanding Mormons to head up a new mutual fund specialty Co. He wants an Omaha General Manager. Talked in terms of $2000 a month! I said No Thanks, I have a moral obligation to the people who brought me to Omaha. I am glad that I am not entirely motivated by money. But I like my work. (Glad dad avoided that sales pitch). Home early. Took Helen and the girls to the West Loveland shopping center. We ran a large batch of laundry through while Helen picked up $30 work of groceries at Shaver’s market. A nice supermarket but different from our familiar Bohack stores of New York. The weather in Omaha fascinates us. Beautiful blue skies-lovely white clouds and gripping vibrant thunderstorms that come about in just a short period of time. Helen was scared silly by a bolt of lightning.
July 21, 1962
Enjoyed a good night’s rest. We dressed and drove over to the crossroads shopping center. Bought a small level in Sears and some stain and waterproofing for the boy’s room. Walked through the center mall into Brandeis Dept store. Spent an hour debating and going over lawn mowers. Finally bought a slightly used 21 inch cut Toro for $80. It regularly lists for $99.95. Grass catcher usually an extra was part of the sale. Girls bought some new shoes in Sears. We returned home and met Mac Read. Mac came over and helped me hook up Helen’s new washer. Next time around we will put a pig tale on the dryer and we will be in business in the laundry room. I cleaned out the stairway closet and moved our wheat in preparation of starting our year’s supply of food. Drove the family to Robert’s Park in Iowa, Council Bluffs annual church picnic celebrating July 24- Pioneer Days. Attended the Road Show at the stake house. Violent storm dropped 1.94 inches of rain. Hail size of eggs. Got stuck and a wrecker pulled me out for $5. Mud, mud, mud!! All of the windows in our house were open and we really had a mess. Water ruined the finish on the dining room table and piano. New hard wood floors had about ½ an inch of rainwater on them. Beds were soaked, chairs were drenched- kitchen cabinet’s flooded.
July 22, 1962
Dawn came with a bright hot sun and a clear blue sky. I was up and off to attend 8 AM meeting of the senior Aaronic ward committee. The bishop seems pleased with the way things are going. Back to the house by 10:15-after priesthood meeting- to pick up Helen and the girls and get back to church by 10:30. Good thing we only live five miles from the church. I visited the junior Sunday school as stake Sunday school superintendent. Sister Smith did a tremendous job, Mary Lee Forsha also impressed me with her talent. Hope all of the Jr. Sunday Schools are functioning as well. Home for a little family dinner and then the four of us drove downtown. Helen and I visited one of my ward teaching families and the girls waited in the car. Back to church-sky clear and beautiful-but an hour later while in church it rained and hailed something terrible. But our house windows were up!!!
July 23, 1062
Again a beautiful morning. Can’t get over the way storms come up. They are violent and wicked. Lots of tornados in this area. Omaha world herald reports total damage from the two hailstorms as being in excess of $5,000,000!!! Over 100 special insurance adjustors have been brought in to handle and expedite claim loss. I bought a new screen for the boys’ club 16 mm projector. Back at the office just in time to catch Bob Kriss-a professional photographer- and drive 30 miles west to a state park and recreation area known as two rivers. We shot a lot of pictures of our boys’ club day campers in their activities of fishing, swimming, eating etc. very fine area. I will have to take the family out. Loaded the station wagon with 16 mm projector and screen. Hurried home and mowed the lawn. Dashed to Omaha 2nd ward to attend a stake Sunday School meeting. Didn’t get home until 10:30 PM. Went to check out the new 16 mm projector and found no take up reel, nearly fainted. Midnight and I am telephoning like mad. Finally found a 400 foot reel at Lloyd Redds. 1 AM before I got to bed.
July 24, 1962
Up at 5:30 AM. Showered and shaved. Shirley called at 6 to make certain I was up. Helen had her try to locate a take reel. No avail. I was down to the Tower motel at 6:30 AM and had my projector and film all set by 7 AM. Dashed back to Leo A Daly’s office on a hunch and located a take-up reel! Yippeeie-dashed back and Ed Shafton and I told the boys’ club story to the west Optimists club. Hauled the projector equipment back to the house and was down at the office by 9:30 AM. Stuck close to the office all day. Shirley brought me a sandwich and a cup of soup for lunch. The boys in the summer program made a field trip to Lincoln. I was out to the house by 5:30 PM. Raked the lawn. Teri helped me. We had let it grow too long before buying a mower and getting it cut last night. We use it for mulch in the back yard. Helen drove us over to mutual. Girls and I drove back to the house. I dried some dishes and browsed through the paper while the girls bathed and then we drove back to pick up Helen. She drove us home.
July 25, 1962
Loaded the projector equipment and dropped it at the Sheraton Fontenelle hotel on the way downtown. Parked at the Logan parking lot and walked over to the office. Pushed paperwork until 11:30 when I returned to the hotel and set up for the Downtown Optimist club’s luncheon. Had a good lunch and enjoyed the meeting. Lots of good joking and kidding around. I felt my speech and the boys’ club film had a good effect. Packed up my equipment again and moved back to the office for an afternoon session. A Negro-Mr. Vaughn- Maitre D at the Omaha Athletic Club-dropped in to talk to me about getting a job at the boys’ club as a custodian. Says he is tired of food and people. Returned home early. Helen had spent the afternoon and $25.00 with a beauty expert. All the women were excited about going out. We rode down and visited Peony Park. Girls enjoyed the rides. We had dinner out at a drive in. Helen drove home.
July 26, 1962 Slept late. Could be that it was because Helen and I were up late figuring out our budget. Here is what happens to our money over a period of one month in Omaha, Nebraska-Gross (yearly) salary $13, 500.
1-Tithing $120 2-Mortgage $215 3-Insurance $62
4-Clothing $50 5-Medical-Den $20 6-Music $15
7-Gas-Elec $45 8-Telephone $12 9-Charity $10
10-Savings $15 11-Groceries $200 12-House/yd $10
13-Car $25 14-WRH allow $40 15-RHH allow $8
16-WSH All $8 17Milk/eggs $25
We are using a “Kelly Girl” in our office to help get a large mailing out. Having some problems with our printing service. They are not giving us the color quality control we want. May have to do a little shifting. Bit upset over a couple of telephone calls regard our boys’ club building and some acoustical decking. Was unhappy over their lack of cooperation. I expected a better feeling. Car is in Rosen-Novaks being serviced. Rode home with the service manager. Picked up the Chyrsler. Helen had been working all day washing storm windows and put up 4 storms.
July 27, 1962
Met Art Dunning, assistant regional director-Midwest Region-boys’ clubs of America-from the Chicago office at 8 AM for breakfast. We ate in the Sheraton Fontenelle. Talked shop. Specifically about the Omaha picture as it relates to boys’ clubs. Drove out to 20th and Burdette to take a look at the building progress. I was amazed to see so much done already. It was my first trip since Peter Kiewitt started building. Met the construction foreman-Red- full of fishing stories and a good resource man for this part of the country. Dropped Art off at the hotel. He had a plane to catch. Was desk bound the remainder of the day. Have a Kelly girl in the office as we try to get a personal letter out to all of our contributors. Western printing has been giving me fits with its lack of color control on a couple of jobs. Home by 5:30. Jerry Greenberg drove the Chevy out from Rosen Novaks. We all piled in and drove him home and went on to the Maurice Smiths. Rained us out of a swim so we returned to their home for supper and a visit.
July 28, 1962
Up at 6:30 and started on the boys’ bedroom. Helen vacuumed while I plugged nail holes with plastic wood. Interrupted by a trip to the Reads to get the electrical pig-tail for Helen’s dryer. An hour later it was installed and Helen had her first load of clothes drying in her first dryer. Nearly 17 years of marriage to achieve that. Things are really looking up-our first car and first dryer within two months of each other after all those years. Next trip was to accompany Helen while she drove the girls to primary and drove us back to the house. She is progressing very well with her driving. She will soon be ready to take her examination. I sanded about 1/3 of the pine paneled wall in the boys’ bedroom. Came interruption #3. We showered and dressed for the Jr. League’s Omaha Horse show at the AKSARBAN coliseum. First visit to the AKSARBAN plant left us quite impressed. Comfortably air-conditioned we saw a very fine show. Beautiful spirited horses and quality riders and drivers. Kids loved Sky King and Penny current TV personalities. We were very disappointed that they didn’t win the pony that was given away. Shopped at Safeway and had a very delicious hamburger dinner fixed by Helen. Topped with sweet roll and ice cream. Teri mowed the front lawn for me. I studied Sunday school material.
July 29, 1962
Left the girls behind me-as the old song goes-and attended Priesthood meeting. I am teaching the teachers quorum while Bro. Forsha is in California marrying off his daughter. Returned for the women and Helen drove us to church in the Chrysler. She enjoys the power steering and the power brakes of the Chrysler. She drove us home after Sunday school. Helen and the girls dropped off at the house to prepare lunch and Jerry DeSanti and I made a ward teaching call. After lunch the girls and Helen and I fixed a fresh fruit compote using a watermelon shell as a bowl. Drove to Elkhorn, Neb. To see a place selling Black Angus beef at wholesale prices. Made an appointment to come back and cut some up and try it. After sacrament service Helen was set apart by Bishop Eskelson as the president of the YWMIA for the Omaha Second Ward. We invited the bishop and his wife and the Maurice Smiths over to the house for some fruit and sherbet.
July 30, 1962
Awoke early- 6:45 AM -was showered and on my way by 7:00 AM. Spent the entire day at the desk. Never left except for trip to the drinking fountain and the men’s room. Wrote Sherman Pratt and Chuck Lawley. BCPA welfare bulletin listed Chuck as home recuperating from surgery! Shirley brought me a sandwich and a cup of soup at lunch. We still have the Kelly girl with us. Putting out a mailing using a Founding Members Card. Also pushing camp Brewster registration among boys’ club members. All of these mailings are personalized and I must have signed my signature 1,500 times!! Home by 5:30. Quick change to working clothes and Helen had dinner ready. Girls are excited about their attending a local craft school. They have been doing some “gimp” work. Helen works during the day at washing storm windows, etc. and I put them up when I get home. After putting up six storm windows-they attach permanently to the window- I spent a couple of hours cleaning and sanding the wood paneling in the boys’ room. Getting it ready for staining and varnishing.
July 31, 1962
Dropped the projector, film and screen off at the Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle building. This is an all women Ins. co. A Mrs. Shugart is their president. Always have paperwork at the office. We are finishing up the founding members letters. Also had to push out a flyer for camp. Met at camp Baxter with Callahan and Shrader. It is a far cry from our Eastern camps. But it will suffice to our 3 day camp out. Did some shopping at noon. Picked up loose-leaf binders for Helen’s and my church duties. Budget book for our family budget. Al Sorensen and I met with all of the women of the Woodmen Circle. Al made a short boys’ club talk. I showed the boys’ club movie and then made a few remarks – slow process, but at least we are spreading the boys’ club story. Quick dinner and off to Omaha 1st ward with Helen and a load of girls. Heard a fantastic story from a boy about a gang of youths who are dope pushers.