June 1962

WRH June 1962 Diary

June 1, 1962

Up at 6 AM.  Haven’t any scales to check my weight but feel like I must be pushing 260 pounds.  That is 15 pounds above my fighting weight.  Will have to watch it!!  For breakfast I had a glass of orange juice and two bowls of frosted flakes with bananas and fresh strawberries.  (Way to watch it dad)  Was at the office at 8 AM.  Pushed paper work as hard as I could but I didn’t catch up.  A new GESTETNER duplicating machine was delivered to the office this morning.  It is a beautiful machine.  Left the office at 11:15 and picked the wagon up out of the hotel parking lot and drove to 49th and Dodge-Hilltop House- where I was the guest of Bob Fienburg, the local Pepsi cola bottler at West Omaha Rotary.  Didn’t get back until 2:15.  The Gestetner man came back to demonstrate the machine for Shirley and I.  Joe Kelly from Western Printing dropped by to show me some proofs.  I had an interesting talk with Kelly.  He could be a good contact man.  Shirley came to me with a personal problem.  She admittedly lacks self confidence and worries about doing things wrong.  I stayed at the office until 7:15 PM trying to catch up.  Jerald Holley is willing to help “Tyke” and give him a scholarship at Calif. Poly. Tech.  Cooked my own dinner-sandwiches and soup.  Stayed in the hotel. Temp low today.

June 2, 1962

Rose early and was at the office at 7 AM.  Nice and quiet and a good chance to get some work done.  I wrote about half a dozen personal letters and went through the morning mail.  Left the office at 11 AM.  Temperature is in the low 60’s.  My flannels felt quite comfortable with a wool sport coat.  Had a letter from Ron.  Enjoyed hearing from him.  Was sad to see the bit of selfishness that his letter conveyed.  He wants his own room and our house here in Omaha just doesn’t allow for it.  Wrote a letter and chewed him out a bit.  Hope it will help.  Nothing worse than a selfish person.  Shaved and read from my priesthood manual.  Shoved off for a meeting with KOIL people and other’s who turned out to be Charles Mancusso, Director, Civic Auditorium, Don Romeo, a talent booking agent, Paul Reinke a famous swimming star from Michigan State, now with KOIL and Steve Shepherd of KOIL.  Planned the entertainment of the 1st annual KOIL-Boys’ Club picnic to be held at the civic auditorium.  Expect about 6,000 boys to be on hand.  Some picnic!!!  Drove out to the state police station and talked about getting a Nebraska license.  On to the house and looked around.  Read the paper and then drove to the church to eat a building fund dinner.  Drove out to Bro. Forsha’s home and visited with them and the Redd’s.  hotel by 10 PM.

June 3, 1962

Was a bit late getting out of the sack.  Started raining-slow steady soaking type- last night and rained all day.  Hurried to the church house to catch Priesthood meeting.  Bishop announced that while a missionary was performing a baptism last night in Council Bluffs some one stole his wallet-  he had over $100 in it having just received his monthly check from home.  I gave $5 toward a collection being taken up to help his survive this month.  Large attendance at Elder’s Quorum meeting.  Good lesson.  One of the visitors was a Gilbert S Shaw- President of the national school of heavy equip. operations, in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Only school of its kind in the world.  He is also stake missionary president.  Good Sunday school.  Excellent lesson. Bro. Smith used a unique approach with 3 major questions and answers from the class.  Excellent sacrament-fast meeting.  Very fine testimonies born by a lot of people.  I especially felt that the remarks made by the girls who are back from school out west was very good.  As a result I was moved to bear my own testimony.  Was invited to the home of Lloyd Redd and his good family for a very fine dinner.  Roast beef-gravy-etc.  A Sister Hasset was there.  Stake missionary on sick leave from the telephone co.  Saw some unusual film of Jeep Trips in Southern Utah and some lovely slides taken by Bro. Redd.

June 4, 1962

Sure is a lonesome life-living alone in a hotel.  Miss my family very much.  Sure look forward to mail from them.  Big smile when I found a letter from Helen waiting for me downstairs in the hotel mail rack.  Hurried to the office and eagerly tore it open.  She wrote about Memorial Day and the church picnic and house cleaning and packing.  Finally found what I am looking for. “miss you and love you”!!  Wrote a few letters.  A very close and personal one to Mr. Pratt.  Gee but I miss him.  I have grown so very fond of him.  Hope he stops in Omaha on his way to the West coast.

Sheldon Brodkey of our accounting firm spent the entire day at our office.  I slipped out at 11:30 and had lunch with Frank Gibson and a miss Pru (sp) from the public library.  Had lunch and then visited two of the Omaha Library centers.  Gibson thinks he can supply all the books for the Boys’ Club library, index them and handle overdues.  I have to get money for book shelves and furniture and pay for a staff member.  Back to the office to meet Bob Shrader and Roger Erickson.  Over to ? and Wilheim hardwood wholesalers to meet Mr. Connely, Pres.  Nice visit.  He gave us $300 worth of athletic and arts and crafts material.  Took Roger down to meet Lloyd Redd and purchase some crafts supplies from Lloyds Tandy Leather Store.

June 5, 1962

Cloudy and possible rain.  Picked up some shirts from the laundry.  Dropped off a suit and a raincoat to be cleaned.  Want the raincoat water-proofed.  Sheldon Brodkey was supposed to come back and finish setting up our books.  Seems that the stork got in the act.  His wife gave birth to their first child.  Buried on the 11th floor of the bank, Shirley and I worked away at mountains of correspondence.  First thing we realize it is 12:30 noon and hunger is upon me.  Walked up to the key cub.  Very good roast rib sandwich.  But it was lousy service.  Clouds wore off temperature rose to mid 80’s and blue sky and sunshine poured forth.  Roger Erickson dropped in to cut some stencils.  Shirley finally finished with books and started on the paper work.  I pushed a letter out to Hy Hunsaker of Utah State about Tyke Nolman.  Left about 3:30 and took the car from the hotel parking lot.  Stopped by Al Sorenson’s office.  Picked up letterhead and brochures.  Drove out to Leo A. Daly’s office for some blue line prints of the boys’ club floor plan.  Stopped at Guarantee Mutual to see Ralph Kiplinger.  Back to the hotel for a salad dinner.  Walked downtown and saw the movie “Ride the High Country”-color and enjoyed it.

June 6, 1962

At 8 AM the day was as dark as if it were midnight.  Cars drove with lights on.  Dark threatening clouds.  I just made it to the office when the heavens poured.  Nearly .60 inches of rain fell in a couple of hours.  Sheldon Brodkey came to finish with the work on our books.  He gave me a cigar and a big smile.  At 23 years of age he became a father!  6 ¾ lb boy!  By Hypnosis his wife was on her feet 15 minutes later talking to him.  Moved the paper work along.  Called Jack Shonsey of the bank and my Board of Governors and we had lunch together at the Regis hotel.  June 6-D-Day for Europe.  Shonsey was on Omaha beach 6 hours after the first wave.  Knows Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and Colorado well.  Has a place in Colorado.  Near Fort Collins.  Teaches his 14 year old boy to use nothing but a dry fly.  Purest of the first sense.  It is going to be easy to know and like him.  He readily accepted some boys’ club work.  Eager and interested.  Badgered by salesmen who want to sell me an office copying machine and typewriters.  After $800 for a Gestetner with the works I am not rushing into it.  Although we do need them and will get them.  Nice letter from Helen about Debbie’s school play and Ron earning a varsity letter in basketball as a sophomore.  Drove out to the house.  five carpenters worked all day-boy what progress was made.  Going to be a nice job.

June 7, 1962

Sack felt good.  Dozed back at 6:15 and suddenly it was 8:30.  Office by 9:00 AM.  Felt guilty with all the Nebraska office people going out for their 1st coffee break.  Day is pleasant enough.  Host of graduation and commencement exercises.  High schools, Universities and colleges.  Weather has been nice to them.  I hope the world that awaits them is equally as kind.  Walked over to the Fontenelle Hotel.  Met Arthur Z. Gray, executive director, Union Pacific Railroad foundation and Mr. A. W. Gordon. One of the fathers from Creighton University.  We posed for World Herald photographers and for TV news reel cameramen.  About a dozen organizations showed up to have lunch and receive foundation checks.  The boys’ club received one for $2,500 !!  walked with Mr. Gordon back to his office in the Omaha Loan and Building Association.  He is a dear man.  Elderly and retired.  But so kind and considerate.  Al Sorensen called from Colorado Springs.  Senator Roman Hruska called from Wash. DC and offered the boys’ club a premier of “Advise and Consent”-Hollywood’s version of the best seller.  Hot conversation and some quick follow ups!  Will set it all up tomorrow.  Drove out to the Benson area and had dinner with Bro. and Sis Glenn Farr.

June 8, 1962

Wonderful letters from Helen and Sherman Pratt.  Shum’s letter was all about the Canadian trip.  He also sent some wonderful pictures of the new camp we started last year and of the new fireplace that is being built.  Made me homesick for Holmes Lake.  Early morning meeting with Jim Lipsey regard the Otto Preminger picture -Advise and Consent.  Did all right in the papers today.  Three picture stories and one column story in two editions.  1-Union Pacific Foundation-Arthur Gray presenting A. W. Gordon and W. R. Hinckley with check for $2,500. 2- Repeat on above in evening paper.  3-John Johnette and boys forming 1st basketball team. 4-Story on the “Advise and Consent” premier.  Had lunch with Ralph Kiplinger, a BC board member and Chairman of the Board of Guarantee Mutual Life Ins.  Really enjoyed meeting him.  We had lunch at the Omaha Athletic Club.  alph is willing to work on our Endowment Fund.  He tipped me off about the Sabine vaccine-possible gifts.  I called Dr. Wittson to make the B.C. pitch-use the money to furnish the medical equipment for our program.  Afternoon was full of sales people-staff-visitors-telephone calls-jobbers- printers-etc.  after Shirley left the office at 5 PM I stayed until 6:30.  Wrote personal letters to Helen and Jim Egan.  Helen had said in her letter that Ron was on a medication.  Heavy chest congestion/ walking pneumonia.  I agreed to spending $50 (outlandish sum) to put a floor drain in the basement.  (having lived in the basement it was needed most rain storms) 

June 9, 1962

Chance to sleep late but couldn’t.  Took a leisure shower and shave.  Fixed a colossal breakfast.  ½ grapefruit-orange juice bacon and eggs.  Drove to the office.  Mornings mail had a charming letter in it from Scott.  He is truly a wonderful kid.  Writes the neatest handwriting of any of the family.  Very cute the way he spoke of passing French tests and getting a good English mark and then slyly saying- “Do you think we could think about getting a horse?”  Took some T-shirts out to Omaha University.  We had 17 boys sponsored in the AAU track and field meet.  Looked good to see a bunch of kids running around with Boys’ Club of Omaha and a big keystone on their chest.  Very fine meet.  I stayed until 3 PM.  Enjoyed it very much.  Had lunch in the Omaha University student union building.  Very much impressed!  Drove on out to Creighton Prep and watched one of the Boys’ Club baseball teams.  Boys were about Ron’s age.  Drove over to the house.  I can spend hours walking through it and just looking and imagining.  Basement looks good.  It will finish out OK.  Picked up some groceries and returned to the hotel.  Light dinner and walked downtown.  Saw a movie “Colossus of Rhodes” Good!

June 10, 1962

Up at 5:30 AM.  Found my wrist watch in bed with me.  Up to some of my old nightmare tricks again.  2nd time around I was up at 7:50.  Hurried like mad through my shower and shave.  Beautiful day, high 80’s-blue skies and white clouds.  Hurried out to church.  Made it on time.  Most unusual Priesthood meeting.  Sore point of lawn mowing, etc discussed.  More and more it is apparent that the Winter Quarters Stake and its Omaha 2nd ward is far from being refined and functioning as smoothly as it should be.  I am appalled.  Yet I recognize the job to be done and that I must help do it.  I am willing and hope the Lord will bless me in my calling.  Thank goodness for the example set by Bishop Guest.  “Love ‘em into it”.  From Sunday school I drove to Bro and Sister Maurice Smith’s home for dinner.  T-bone steak.  Bishop (his wife is on vacation in Utah)  was also there.  Nice dinner and lovely visit.  Hurried downtown to the Orpheum theatre for a meeting with Don Shane, Jim Lipsey and an Otto Preminger public relations man.  A-OK and go, go, go on Premier.  Hurried back and gave a short talk in church.  Drove over to the Lloyd Redd’s and with a host of church people had fruit and conversation.

June 11, 1962

Not feeling up to par.  A little queasy in the stomach.  Air conditioning acting up a little.  Beautiful day.  High in the 80’s.  entire day spent at the desk putting out.  Lots of correspondence to get out.  Broke away at lunch time.  Walked to the Omaha club and met Warren Buffett.  He is with an investments firm.  We had lunch together.  He is younger than I.  Three small children.  His father was a congressman in Wash. D. C. for a while.  He attended high school in Wash. While I was at George Wash. University.  Young but full of good energy if it can be directed.  Afternoon was full of typewriter demonstrators, printers, etc.  wrote a long letter to Scott.  Mr. Pratt is planning to stop and spend a night in Omaha.  Hurried to the hotel and fixed a couple of sandwiches and a salad.  Dashed off for a church meeting.  Stake Sunday School people meeting with a Elmer J Hartvigsen of the General Sunday School Board.  He is supt. Of schools-Granite school district.  Jay O. Brinton, M.D. friend of mine in Magna is Vice -President of Granite School District.  We talked a lot of the Brintons.

June 12, 1962

Stopped at the United Air Lines office on my way to the boys’ club office.  For the sum of $67.95 plus $6.80 tax ($74.75) I get to ride one of United’s jets (coach) non stop from Eppley Field to New York’s Idlewild International field on Friday, June 29.  I will leave Omaha at 10 AM and be in New York at 2:25PM.  Seem to be writing an awful lot of letters.  Personal, boys’ club and church wise.  Had no trouble keeping busy.  Bob Schrader of the summer program staff dropped by.  Joe Kelly of Western Printing.  Slipped out for a sandwich and then had a nice long chat with Henry Armstrong.  Henry is the only professional fighter to hold three recognized world titles at one time.  He fought in the same years as Joe Louis fought.  I was his fan when I was a kid.  We discovered that our birthdays are both on Dec. 12th.  He was born in 1912 and I was born in 1923.  He is a very devout and deeply religious man.  He has a 23 year old boy-Adolph Pruitt- who fought in Omaha tonight.  Won by a knockout in the second round.  I saw the boxing card at the civic arena auditorium.  Henry wants to work with boys.  He might make the grade.  Met a young and attractive telephone gal at the house.  She took an order to put three telephones in the house.  Real “stone gullions “.  Miss Helen and her wifely comfort.  Be glad when we get moved out.  Beautiful day.

June 13, 1962

Weather still holds fair and beautifully.  Returned to the hotel from the fights last night to find a message to call home.  Helen’s sleepy voice answered.  She was just feeling good and missing me and wanting to spend our money.  We did a good job-talked for nearly half an hour.  Teri isn’t well.  Scott is upset over exams coming up.  Ron is still under the weather.  Helen took her driving test yesterday.  She said that she knows she did one thing wrong.  Afraid she cannot pass the test the first time around.  N.Y. usually has them take two cracks at it.  Just to get the cockiness out of you.  I hope she made it.  If so, she can help drive to Omaha.  Left Shirley free to address envelopes for the movie premier.  She did over 500 plus some letters, etc.  Good girl.  She will develop into a top notch secretary.  Took some boys’ club stamps to Lipsey office.  Stopped at the Diplomat and had lunch with Jim and Bill Ramsey.  Corral room in the Diplomat hotel is very good buffet lunch.  Drove out to the Fontenelle park.  Met Bob Ackerman and Bob McKinnon-city recreation and parks.  Enjoyed good visit and a chat about Omaha in general.  Corned beef hash and eggs for dinner.  Very good.  Long walk after dinner and I caught the Orpheum movie-Kirk Douglas-in “Lonely are the Brave”.  Good movie.

June 14, 1962

June weather has been lovely.  Stock market has everyone in a tither with large drops and small gains.  Usual morning routine at the office.  Papers, mail, etc and then shoved off to have a look at some of Omaha’s near south side.  Drove around the area of the Mason street school- 24th street south of Leavenworth-looking for possible building sites for future boys’ clubs.

Stopped at the Mason school and visited with Roger Erickson and some of his boys who were working on craft projects.  This is one of the boys’ club’s summer programs project centers.  Met Herb Armhurst, youth director of the world-herald at the center and gave him some boys’ club story material and helped him set up a couple of pictures of boys and craft activities and BC t-shirts.  Back to the office by 4 pm.  Stayed and worked at my desk until 6:45 pm.  Wandered through the sport shop and men’s section of Brandies Dept. store.  Found a Chinese restaurant had a fair dinner-but nothing to compare to New York’s Chinese foods.  Caught the Orpheum movie “Merrills Merauders” and “the Couch”  enjoyed both.  Returned to the hotel to find a wire form Sherman Pratt saying he will arrive tomorrow.

June 15, 1962

Mad house at the office all morning.  Shirley and I working feverishly to get envelopes stuffed with invitations to the boys’ club benefit premier.  Salesmen in and out in a steady stream to demonstrate office copying machines.  Staff in and out to pick up membership cards  and t-shirts.  Place beginning to shape up like a boys’ club.  Took Shirley to lunch-finished mailing and caught a 4 pm Board meeting in the Regal room of the Fontenelle hotel.  Al Sorensen ran a real sharp Board meeting.  Very large number of the board were present.  Fine group of men-happy to get to know them better.  They were enthusiastic about the BC premier.  Each member took 50 theatre tickets to sell.  We discussed the building program and a proposed “lay-off” on fund raising during the U.C.S. drive for funds.  Hurried out to the airport and met my buddy S. Pratt.  His plane was 30 minutes late and it worked out just right.  We took a tour of the city.  Visited the Leo. A. Daly office and the Wm. R Hinckley home.  Down to Sam Nisi’s Sparetime café for a wonderful steak dinner.  Shum really enjoyed it.  I was pleased that he like it.  We had a wonderful visit.

June 16, 1962

Showered and shaved while Mr. Pratt slept.  Slipped out and picked up a morning paper and a pot of coffee for Shum.  Had a nice visit with him while I was preparing breakfast for us.  Grapefruit, orange juice, bacon and eggs.  Did some more driving about Omaha.  Visited the area of the boys’ club building site and the Omaha stock yards.  Put Shum on a plane for Los Angeles and packed my gear to move out to the house.  Sorensen called and we moved into high gear.  Called Shirley and I drove to Al’s home.  Met Shirley at the office at 3:15 and by 4 we had put out a special memo to Board members who missed Friday’s meeting.  Mailed them 50 tickets.  Dashed to the house with my clothes.  Dashed to Bro. Smiths to pick up a roll away bed and he helped me get it over to the house.  Hurried to Sears and just got in before closing time.  A nice lady agreed to stay late and let me buy sheets, pillow, pillow case, towels etc.  caught a sandwich for dinner.  Made up my bed and unpacked my clothes.  Cold water shower and had a restless first night in my new home.

June 17, 1962

Family mailed me a nice family pix and shirt for Father’s Day.  One of the kids drew a picture of me that is remarkable resemblance.  I was amazed.  After church I took Bishop Eskelson to lunch. (his wife is in Salt lake on the temple tour) after lunch we spent the afternoon making ward teaching calls on my list of names.  I was very much appalled at the poverty in which some of the Saints live.  It made me very thankful for the blessings my father in heaven has bestowed upon me.  I pray that I may always be worth of them.  We had a real thunder and lightning storm during church.  Lights went off several times.  Rain poured and large hail really pelted the church roof.  Did my laundry at a coin op laundry.  New church member Ferrel Maybin-a cowboy- made an appearance.  I like him.

June 18, 1962

First day to the office from the house.  Worried about over sleeping.  Woke at 3:30, 5:30 and 6:30 AM.  Cold water shave and I was on my way.  Stopped at the House of Pancakes for breakfast.  Good pancakes-lousy service!  Was down at the hotel by 7:45.  Waited for Bob Schrader.  He is going to start using the wagon to transport boys to the swimming pool.  Office was chaotic because of Premier work.  People in and out all day.  Paul Veret called to say “nice job on boys’ club newsletter”.  Wanted an extra copy and said we could use his mailing list to help push the movie premier.  Shirley and Mildred were in and out all day.  Hauling supplies back and forth to offices, Jewish Community Center etc.  had lunch at Diplomat Hotel.  Had a haircut in the Florsheim Barber shop.  They have some beautiful shoes.  Good job on my hair.  Wrote Eleanor D. in reply to her heart breaking letter about Dick drinking again.  Tough letter to write but I suggested she think about leaving him-perhaps this will shock Dick.  Wrote a few things to Helen.  Had a letter from her. 

Lovely Father’s day gift of a family picture is on my desk.  Telephone people put the telephones in.  I stopped to visit the Maybin’s.  She was just home from the hospital.  Looked very bad.  Dinner-pot roast and to bed.

June 19, 1962

Wore my new shirt for the first time.  It was a gift from the family for Father’s day.  This theatre mailing is getting to be a mad house.  It is running us crazy.  Shirley is in and out picking up signs, delivering posters, dropping off tickets.  We hired a Kelly Girl to help us all afternoon.  I drove Shirley all over Omaha during the afternoon as we dropped off tickets, poster, signs etc., to places who were selling tickets for us.  Hested’s, Brandeis, Younkers, Calandra’s etc.  Gee but it is lonely.  I miss the hustle and bustle of a boys’ club (staff and kids).  Walking alone thinking alone, eating alone, sleeping alone is not for me.  Yet if it were the solitude of a quiet spot like Holmes lake, I couldn’t be more happy.  Drove to Sister Sharp’s.  She is Omaha 2nd ward’s Relief Society President.  Told her of my feeling that some women should visit.  Sister Maybin (learned later that the missionaries were called to administer to her).  Took Ben Fitcock out for a chicken dinner and then attended mutual.  Enjoyed it very much.  Class discussion was based on “Is science compatible with religion”.

June 20, 1962

The mornings are beautiful.  The sun is my alarm clock and I get up between 5:30 and 6 AM.  I have to have the station wagon downtown by 8:15 so Bob Schrader can use it to haul boys to the swimming pool programs.  Hot water at the house makes living like a king.  Luxurious showers and shaves.  Weather has been warm and beautiful.  Temperature pushes up in the high 80’s during the day.  Drops into the low 60’s at night.  Zero humidity makes it a dream.    I was amazed at the damage done last Sunday in South Omaha by hail.  If I hadn’t driven out and seen it I would never have believed it.  Every window and neon sign gone.  Tried the Chinese cafe again for lunch.   No better results.  The food certainly lacks New York’s quality.  We pushed about 7,500 more mailings out to help saturate the Omaha market with information and invitations to attend our boys’ club premier.  Shirley and I spent all afternoon straightening out our ticket records.  We have sold out of golden circle tickets.  Just 2,500 $2.50 seats left to move.  I stayed late at the office and was picked up by Ben Fitcock and Dave Lawson.  They drove me to the stake house in Council Bluffs.  Was surprised to see a gym and people working out in basketball.  I was privileged to be a spectator at “Tabs” baptism and confirmation.  He was ready for baptism within a month of the time he contacted the church.

June 21, 1962

A light misting rain greeted me this morning.  Morning papers carried a picture captioned story on the “Advise and Consent” premier.  Our office is all snarled up with ticket requests.  We have sold out of the $5 Golden Circle tickets.  Have sold about half of the 2,000 $2.50 tickets.  Our office is still plagued with office machine salesmen.  We purchased a photo-copy machine today, “Green Marvel”.  We are still knee deep in the typewriter salesmen.  Had a lady’s diet-luncheon at the Regis hotel.  What a mistake that was!!  Especially with no breakfast.  Two tablespoons of cottage cheese-half a strawberry-prune-lettuce-fig-peach half-three cherries.  Worked late at the office.  Have to get ticket bulletins out to the Board members at the close of each day.  Drove Shirley home.  She lives two blocks from the ball park.  First time I have been out that way.  Stopped at Sam Nisi’s Sparetime café on the way home and made up for that diet-lunch by having a New York cut tenderloin.  Hot garlic bread, hash brown potatoes, spaghetti, salad and a big steak.  House defeat of Kennedy’s agriculture bill sure made headlines.  Major Dem setback.

June 22, 1962

We are running behind in our office ability to keep up with the demand for tickets.  Demand for Golden Circle tickets has forced us to take a choice section of the main floor and to call it Golden Circle.  Meeting at the Orpheum theatre. World Herald shot a picture of Al Sorensen and I in the empty theatre.  Ran a five column spread of it in the evening paper.  I dashed to the Sheraton Fontenelle Hotel where Jack Savage of Leo A. Daly architectural firm and I showed the boys’ club film and talked boys’ club to the Sertoma luncheon club.  Hope we reached them.  Will follow up with letters to each individual.  Worked late getting out tickets orders and memos to the Board and theatre patrons.  Drove Shirley home about 7:30 PM.  I stopped at a drive in for dinner- sandwiches and root beer.  Then drove back into town and caught the Orpheum picture “Hell is for Heroes.”  Omaha temperature reaches high 80‘s in day and drops to low 60’s at night.

June 23, 1962

A new luxury-not enjoyed enough.  Slept until 8 AM.  Garage is full of Thonet furniture Helen bought in New York and shipped to Omaha.  Did a quick check of the office mail.  Elanor D is sure having a time with Dick.  She has written 3 letters in 10 days.  Alcoholism!!!  KOIL-Boys’ club picnic at the Civic Auditorium.  Estimated 4,000 boys between 8-15 years of age.  Mad House!  Near Riots!!  They threw pop cans cutting the heads and hands of two attendants.  About 23 stitches in one fellows head.  Fights were frequent. One ten year old was kicked pretty hard in the head.  We served hot dogs, ice cream, pop, potato chips and put on a variety circus with such acts as Offet air force drill team, Shriner’s cars, Judo exhibition, police dogs, Indians etc.  and concluded with $1,000 worth of athletic prizes as door prizes.  Played softball with the church.  1st time in a year.  Enjoyed a real good dish of Evans ice cream.  Visited with the Sharps who leave on vacation tomorrow.

June 24, 1962

Again slept late.  Caught breakfast at a drive-in and was in Tech High School auditorium at 10 AM enjoying the opening session of the Quarterly Stake Conference.  Elder Preston Nibley of the church’s historical office and Elder Soni (sp)  Assistant to the quorum of twelve were present from Salt Lake City.  706 saints were in attendance.  Weather was hot 93 degrees and so was the auditorium.  So was the spirit of the Lord.  Lunch break found me driving Bro. and Sister Mac Read to the “Golden Spur” at the Blackstone hotel.  Enjoyable lunch-my opportunity to treat.  We were back and ready for the second session at 1:30.  To my pleasure Bro. Read was sustained as a counselor to the stake priesthood.  It really warmed up during the afternoon session.  Good thing the humidity doesn’t get to far out of balance.  Caught my second drink of Sabine oral vaccine at the Swanson School.  Read the Sunday papers full of ads on the “Advise and Consent” Premier-and soaked the lawn for a few hours with the sprinklers.  About 8 PM I drove out to Cliff’s Chicken Inn and ate a lonesome but very good chicken dinner.

June 25, 1962

Evenings the temperature drops to mid 60’s.  Haven’t spent a night in Omaha but what a blanket has felt good prior to the coming of dawn.  Downtown early.  Fired a telegram to the Locust Valley high school by way of congratulating the 1962 graduating class.  We hired a Kelly Girl to help us get our Premier tickets out.  Today is the last day we can use mails and be certain the tickets will arrive.  I walked some tickets down to the Orpheum for Don Shane to sell as box office seats.  Caught a sandwich and returned to the office just as the power failed.  Learned later that all the cities in major portions of Nebraska and Iowa were without power for 3 hours. Electric typewriters and all electric office machines were Ka-put.  We switched to a hand addressing program and made the deadline.  Real hot again today.  Drove home and took a defective sprinkler back to Sears and Roebuck.  Store was air-conditioned so I stayed and looked around.  Had dinner at the New Tower motel.  Good barbeque spareribs.  Lovely evening.

June 26, 1962

Air-conditioning in the Omaha National Bank building is out.  People sure gripe when their luxuries fail them.  Good thing they were not with the Mormon Pioneers at Winter Quarters.  Cheerful note and package from Mike O’Connor, Lou Alpy and Fred Mancuso in Locust Valley.  An ash tray that says “Life is empty without you”  I am using it for my paper clips.  Disappointed salesman (Remington man) showed up to pick up his typewriter after Shirley selected and ordered an IBM machine.  He talked and talked to no avail.  It was 1:30 PM before Shirley and I could eat the sandwiches we brought in for lunch.  Still pushing theatre tickets.  We are down to where we have 543 left to sell.  Today’s paper carried a story of the death of Charles Petersen.  I met him in New York in 1950 when I was helping with the Boys’ Club national billiard contest at the Commodore hotel.  I shall always cherish the “8ball” stick pin he gave me.  He was dedicated to billiards and kids.  Stopped at Roffman’s Jewish Delicatessen for a sandwich, Pickle and Root Beer.  Stopped at the house-plumbers had installed toilet and lavatory in the downstairs.  Van Pelt said I will get a complete set of new screens.  Attended Mutual.  Enjoyed being there and the fine chat I had with Brother Forsha.

June 27, 1962

Sure miss the air-conditioning in our office.  All of the heat rising to the 11th floor puts us in a regular furnace.  I am trying to make it through the day with one shirt.  Starched collar stood up pretty well but the body, sleeves and cuffs were gone by 3 pm.  All details of last minute premier showings were attended to.  I killed some time reading on a park bench and took food at a cafeteria and was at the Orpheum theatre by 7 PM.  Gathered up my dozen boys’ club boys and dressed them in T-shirts.  We had a real crowd.  2,600 people piled in.  Boys passed out theatre programs until we ran out.  And still the crowd came!!  We had a direct telephone hook up to Detroit and Otto Preminger.  He and Mr. Sorensen carried on a two way conversation which was amplified to our audience.  They were most appreciative.  We had a responsive audience, they seemed to like the picture.  We should make about $7,000 from this venture.  I was bushed by the time I drove home and fell into bed.

June 28, 1962

Had an early morning “coffee break” with Dan MacDonald of the United Community Services and Mac Read of the church and General Electric.  Mac and I had a root beer.  Talked shop.  Have a feeling MacDonald is worried about the boys’ club and its strength.  For what it was worth I told him the boys’ club was knocking off for the summer while UCS conducted their campaign.  Mac and I walked back to the office.  He had some literature and prices for me on some G.E. appliances.  They look very good.  Will check them out in NY.  Had long lunch with Judge Hart of juvenile court.  He has two boys-age 11 and 13 who have a history of lots of trouble.  Thefts, vandalism, etc.  he is in a quandary as to what to do with them.  Doesn’t want them in the state training school because of their age.  We walked to his office.  I read the court records-sad boys!!  He held court and I attended.  Worked out a temporary solution.  I took them on probation for July and August.  If they get into any trouble they go directly to the state training center.  Had a lovely evening at Bishop Eskelson’s home.  Cook out and religious discussion.

June 29, 1962

Folded my blanket-put my dirty linen away.  Packed my briefcase and small hand bag and headed for the office.  Rain clouds were hovering.  I just beat them and the rain started.  Joe Kelly came in and we dashed over to Ed Shafton’s office between the rain showers.  Got Ed’s approval on a founding members card I am going to do.  Back to the office.  A quick 15 minutes of dictation and off to the airport.  Bob Shrader drove me out.  I left him with the boys’ club car.  Caught a United Jet to Idelwild-New York-airport-  2 ½ hours, non-stop.  Barely had time for lunch.  Helen and all the kids and Archie Anderson met me at the airport.  They were a sight for sore eyes.  Nice visit on the way home.  New York looks green and lush.  My lawn is beautiful.  Best I have ever seen it.  Changed clothes called the garage and had a road call made.  Battery on the Chrysler had gone dead.  Also leaked out a quart of automatic transmission oil.  One valve stuck and banged dry for a while.  Finally squared away and spent a wonderful two hours visiting the Voriseks.

June 30, 1962

Dr. Vorisek and his family left today for 3 weeks.  They are driving to Minnesota to take a 10 day canoe trip.  Hope to see them in Omaha later this month.  Shopped in Glen Cove for some clothing articles the boys needed.  A few groceries and half a day was shot.  Took some throw rugs to the club laundry and dried them for Helen.  Visited with the staff and Mr. Pratt at the boys’ club.  Did a lot of errands such as paying bills at Dairy, drug store, etc.  Changed forwarding address at the post office.  We observed a fast.  So, by the time evening rolled around and Helen had chicken dinner ready we really went to work on it.  The Hinckleys can really eat chicken.  After getting the children to bed Helen and I drove over to Mike O’Connors home in Glen Cove.  Had a lovely visit.  Her brother in law (Timmery O’Consels father) dropped by and we had a wonderful visit.  He is going to give the Boys’ club some day camp property and help them get squared away.  Mike has a lovely Irish cottage dream house.  We enjoyed the visit.  Really hashed the boys’ club problems.  Seems Woody is running too tight of a ship.