March 1962
WRH Diary March 1962
Mar 1, 1962
Dropped by Britton’s hardware store and Frank Corkers photo shop to sell a few Rotary tickets to the annual talent night show. Usual morning routine of mail and desk labors. Bill upset Woody when he called from Ohio to say that he would only take the Boys Club job if he were offered $6000 and not $5500. Woody doesn’t feel he is worth it when supplemented by about 20% fringe benefits. Attended Rotary luncheon at Bayville’s Log Cabin. Did a lot of letter writing including a long letter to Mr. Martin relative to the current budget and our fine 12 year association.
Helen had one of her outstanding baked chicken dinners. The Hinckley’s clearly love chicken and especially the way Helen prepares it. Three chickens are always hit hard by six Hinckley’s. Operation democracy had a meeting in preparation of its annual art show to be held in the Boys’ Club gym in April. I worked with a lot of the senior members in the boys’ club gym.
Mar 2, 1962
Spent the morning sorting out 35 mm slides. Put three trays together for the Elder’s quorum party tonight and finished the division of the boys’ club and the Hinckley’s slides. Weather still is cold and damp. Temperatures go down into the teens at night. Pushed hard at the paperwork in order to finish early. New plans from Omaha arrived and were a delight to behold. Few minor changes and we will be ready to go. I’ll go over them over the week-end and call Omaha on Monday.
Last basketball game of the season for Ron and his high school. Ron scored 4 points and took a bad spill on his right elbow numbing his whole arm. Ice packs brought it around. L V beat Jericho by about 19 points. Helen and I took a casserole, 6 dozen hard rolls, two lbs of butter and took off for the church. We had a very delightful evening hosting an elder’s quorum social. Uniondale group furnished music (Ross and Dorothy Lynch were great) and I showed some colored slides.
Mar 3, 1962
Fast day for the Hinckley’s. So with no breakfast and no lunch break I put a lot of effort in at the club. we run a large attendance on Saturdays. Basketball, shop and games room are always loaded. I washed and dried the linen table clothes we brought home from the church and picked up two pair of new stretch tights for Debbie from our friend Lou Rabkin’s dept. store. Ran some car prices down at Paddison motors. A 1962 Pontiac 9 passenger wagon listing for $4154 can be picked up in Detroit for $3288. This by way of preparing a letter to Mr. Sorensen in Omaha who had written to ask what kind of car to get for me.
Electrifying news swept through the boys’ club when Mr. Peiffer stopped by to say that Locust Valley had won over Oyster Bay for the right to enter the Nassau county high school basketball tourney by a flip of the coin. Both schools had been tied for second place. Helen and I had a most enjoyable dinner at the Rev. and Mrs. John Dykstra’s home. Bob and Gert and Mel and Lucille Leubke were also guests.
Mar 4, 1962
Most difficult to get up and get out this morning. Consequently I had the entire family about five minutes late for priesthood meeting this morning. Our priesthood group was very small in attendance this morning. But, there was a large number of people in attendance at Sunday School and Sacrament services. Lee Grosscup of the New York Giants football club was in attendance with his wife and two young daughters. He had his youngest daughter named and blessed. One convert and two children were confirmed members.
Rod Eyring was back to church for the first time in a month since taking his father’s car and running away to the west. He and another boy were apprehended in Ogden. Home for an afternoon. Helped prepare lunch. Met Woody at the boys club to interview an applicant for physical director. He is from Philadelphia and currently works for the Big Brother association Hugh Mooney by name. A very impressive young man.
Mar 5, 1962
Rain with prediction for snow. I called Omaha and talked blue prints with John Savage for 40 minutes. Airmailed the 4 double pages of notes I had taken in going over the latest set of prints to John and handled my morning mail. Wrote extensively to Al Sorensen of Omaha who is president of the board of governors of the boys’ clubs of Omaha. Gee but he is doing a great job. Took the car in for a grease and lube job. Stopped for shirts at the laundry and after a stop at the bakery returned home for lunch.
I took over and finished making a pot of soup Helen had started. For lack of a better name I call it pork and cabbage soup-a recipe given me by Mike Palermo-our family butcher. Put a hole in the basement playroom ceiling to find a leak. Cold water leak. Between the bathtub and our bedroom bathroom. Going to be a hard one to get to , to repair. After getting the family fed Helen and I drove to Glen Cove to see the movie Sergeants 3- Lousy!!
Mar 6, 1962
Wind and rain marked the beginning of the day. I took Helen’s laundry to be dried at the boys’ club. the plumbers came to the house-knocked a hole in the plaster in our bedroom bath and fixed the leak. Now all I have to do is patch a couple of 2 foot holes left in a wall and a ceiling. Because I left the house without breakfast I really enjoyed a lunch of ham and eggs, toast, current jelly and milk.
We searched all afternoon for a baby sitter. Finally found one in Glen Head via Elanore Deuel. Ron-Scott-Helen and I and Rocky Familetti drove to Valley Stream South to watch Calhoun and Locust Valley in the first game of the Nassau County Basketball tournament. Good game. Locust Valley lost by 9. Ron had an opportunity to play 1 minute 59 seconds. In that short time he stole one pass, made an assist, scored a field goal and committed two fouls. So ends his LV basketball career.
Mar 7, 1962
Up bright and early-6 am- and into the face of a bad storm. Winds up to 50 mph with 70 mph gusts. High tides, rain and snow. Picked up Bird-Del and Woody and hustled into New York Stattler Hilton hotel to attend the American Camping association’s national convention. Today was kindred group day so I ran into a lot of boys’ club people whom I knew. A very fine program ensued. After lunch I had the opportunity of moderating a panel session with truly outstanding camp people on the panel. Later we reviewed 3 boys’ club camp movies. I was very impressed by the quality of boys’ club camping as evidence by the movies. Gathered the staff and invited Ted Moore to come along and headed for the Stockholm and its famous smorgasbord. We did it up brown and after a delightful two hour dinner put Bird and Del on the train and sacked out.
Mar 8, 1962
Woody and I spent the night at the hotel. Up at six, showered, shaved and downstairs for an early and leisure breakfast. Stewed prunes, wheat cakes, sausage and hot chocolate. Had a wonderful opening general session. Dr. Martin of the Children’s Aid Society was the speaker. This was followed by a small session on camping standards.
While Woody left to keep an appointment with his plastic facial surgeon, I had a conference with Howard Gibbs followed by a very delightful luncheon with him. We ate at “Shines” a famous New York restaurant with sky-high ala cart menu prices.
Short conference with Dr. Ken Benson and Dr. Milton Gabrielson. Met Woody and we left New York to become lost in Brooklyn. Finally found our address on Jay street and transacted business with Award Incentives for our banquet of champions. Had dinner in Glen Cove and hit the offices for three hours before returning home.
Mar 9, 1962
Shower and a shave put me in good shape to start through a mountain of mail that accumulated during the past few days. Total number of houses washed away in last week’s storm and unusual high tides was 96, all on Long Island. Helen and I and Lisa went shopping. Groceries in Locust Valley and banked my New York state refund check ($132.27). Picked up sheets, sox, shorts etc for the children in the family. It is amazing what four children can wear out and out grow.
Weather-temperature wise-has suddenly jumped into the high forties and the boys’ club front lawn is a sea of mud. Half of which is packed into the club every day to create a real housekeeping problem. Debbie and Teri attended the movie presented at the boys’ club by the “Jr, Citizens”. 3 Stooges comedy that had them all in stitches. Ron attended a “Sweet 16” birthday party for Jo-Ann Stimola.
Mar 10, 1962
Scrambled Teri and I some eggs for breakfast. She is all excited because of the Brownie-father Girl Scout dinner tonight. Scott’s transistor radio is back from the repair shop. Had to replace it with a new one. He sure has bad luck with his radio. Picked up mail and a tank full of gas. Men’s club members worked several hours in the library to get their mailing out for selling tickets to their annual theatre benefit April 3, 1962. We are showing a German film-with English dubbed in-that is being distributed by Paramount pictures. It is entitled “Forever my Love.” (you can read dad’s review on April 3)
Mother’s club doing a land office business in the boys’ club kitchen. French fries, pizza pies, hot dogs, hamburgers and milk. Bro. Hand gave Scott and Teri their music lesson and then Teri and I attended a delightful Brownie-Father dinner in the school cafeteria. Program followed. Teri did well!!
Mar 11, 1962
Weather has a good touch of spring in it today. Temperature in the high 40’s is melting what is left of North side ice banks. Ron washed the car yesterday so we were off to church with a special freshness. The 3rd elder’s quorum presidency met with our group during this morning’s priesthood meeting. We held a joint business meeting during Sunday School.
Trip home was made amidst heavy traffic on the Long Island Expressway. As soon as the sun comes out great hordes of people start to take Sunday drives. We had a big (3lb) spaghetti feed. Helen had made the sauce yesterday. We had baked Italian sausage and extra fresh seeded rolls to go with it. Topped off with a piece of Helen’s cherry cheese cake we had a feast. Two missionaries had dinner with us and then took Ron and Scott to a youth program.
Paul and Chris Koos stopped by for a moment. Paul had been west for two weeks. He said Helen’s dad was in good health and fine spirits. Dick Deuel called and said that his daughter Lanie (Lisa’s sister) had died at 4 PM.
Mar 12, 1962
Dick Deuel’s little girl’s death had cast a sad shadow across our family’s usual radiant outlook. Teri and Debbie are not quite old enough to understand death. Rain started about midnight. Over two inches fell in a 12 hour period. Ground is frozen so there was no place for the water to drain except on surface areas. Boys’ club basement was flooded the worst I have ever seen it. Mr. Alpy and I pumped about 100 gal of water by noon. I mopped for another two hours.
Missionaries worked out in the gym and the games room for a few hours. I worked out for about an hour. Ron came down from school and worked out. He loves basketball. Real wet miserable day!
After dinner Helen and I drove to Glen Head to visit with Dick and Elanor Deuel. They were not at home se we stopped in Glen Cove to see the Rock Hudson-Doris Day picture “Lover Come Back”. It was a riot!! One of the cutest and cleverest satires on the human race I have seen.
Mar 13, 1962
Have waited for a finished set of blueprints to come from Omaha. Thought I might have to make a trip prior to reporting April 15. Letters from Mr. Sorensen leave me a bit confused. He is currently researching mail appeal fund drives. I spent the morning with John Johnson of E.E. McIntyre who is going to call on Mr. Sorensen in Omaha on April 10. Wrote a lengthy letter to Omaha. I don’t enjoy handling a job by mail. Will be happy to be on the site.
Helen is coming around to doubt that all of the Jean-Joe P. divorce trouble was Joe’s!! Jean’s behavior is most peculiar. Took the invitations to the printers for the banquet of champions. Helped Woody work out the petty cash slips and bills so we can mail checks. Dropped the checkbook off at Carter’s for signatures. Spent the evening at the boys’ club attending a Board of Directors meeting of the Locust Valley Rotary club.
Mar 14, 1962
Shave-shower-shampoo-shine and off to the boys’ club. Sun is shinning brightly but the wind is cold. Pleasant behind the glass of a car or house window.
Checked the morning mail. Wrote a couple of letters and shoved-off to get ready for little Laurie Deuel’s funeral. Filled the gas tank at Perry Smith’s Depot Garage. Picked up some groceries at Paul Martello’s Superette Market and have to lunch alone. Helen was down helping at Sister Barton Howell’s. She is sick and has a new 10 day old baby. Helen took Tommy Howell for the day.
Sad to attend a funeral where so tiny a casket is present. Rev. John Dykstra did a warm, compassionate, sermon. Dick asked me to sit with the family. I drove Leslie and Ruth Foss and Lear Kasper to Pine Lawn National cemetery where she was buried. Back to Locust Valley and dinner with the family. Hurried to the club and met the men’s club group-about 15-and we drove to Glen Cove to attend the wake of Bill Ceglia. Bill was a loyal volunteer coach at the Boys’ Club. He died at age 43-Pneunomia and spinal meningitis.
Mar 15, 1962
Pay day!! No matter where or when it is always an exciting event. We put our federal income tax return in the bank ($380.57) along with our paycheck. Being a full tithe payer certainly helps when it comes to tax refunds. Groceries at Bohacks $45.12, meat at Palermo’s $10.35, quarters and dimes for the kids lunch money at school$15.00- and that is where the money goes.
Rotary luncheon. Shrimp with chocolate eclairs for dessert. At 255 lbs. I needed dessert like a hole in the head. Spring is really on its way. Days are longer and brighter. Lot of buds forming on early spring flowering shrubs.
Time draws close to leave for Omaha. I’ll be glad to go-hate running a business by letter. Mr. Carter submitted his figures for 1962-1963 budget. It is like waving a flag in my face. So, I with Woody’s assistance spent until 11 PM drafting a new budget to fire to the Board of Directors.
Mar 16, 1962
Turned cold again. Temp for tonight is forecast in low 30’s. Mike said Bill Kinnear is really shook up at my going away. I didn’t realize that I was that close to Bill. Morning routine was mail, sign contributor’s receipts and go over items with Mrs. O’Connor (Mike) my secretary.
Picked up Helen’s vacuum cleaner parts she had left at Park East appliance to be repaired. Home for a bit of lunch and a bit of Helen’s dessert specialty!!
Staff worked on getting the club newspaper out while I worked at getting my Queen’s ward group elder’s roster mailed. In fact I gave my entire afternoon to church work. Quiet night at the club. Basketball game and dance at the school drew most of the crowd. Ron moved off to the school function with a group of boys. Scott played basketball at the boys’ club. Strange both Helen and my sinus filled up and gave us head colds overnight
Mar 17, 1962
Ron, Scott and I were at the boys’ club by 9 AM. The big item of the morning was the pizza stove I bought yesterday. With the mother’s club present we had an opportunity to stage a pizza clinic. We sold two dozen large pies in two hours.
With things squared away at the club we had lunch and I serviced the bus and picked up the L.V. high school varsity and J.V. basketball teams and coach Peiffer and Coach Anderson. Drove to New York City. Had dinner at Mamma Leone’s and caught the night double header of the 25th annual National Invitational basketball tournament at Madison Square Garden. We saw Dayton, Ohio defeat Houston, Texas and Loyola of Chicago, defeat Temple U of Philadelphia. I was bothered by stomach gas, cramps and felt very lethargic . home and in bed by 1 AM.
Mar 18, 1962
Found it difficult to get up. But the family made it with nothing to spare. Family prayer-dash for the car-hurried 15 mile drive to church and we walk into priesthood meeting just as it starts. Bro. Charles Gallagher is going to succeed me as group leader of the Queen’s ward elders. The Quorum presidency and I met with him for an hour this morning.
Baked sausage and spaghetti for lunch. Scott is at the Eyrings, Debbie and Teri brought one of the Tuerpe girls home for the afternoon. Woody called an I met him and a George Newman at the B.C. Newman flew up from Georgia to interview for our job as Phy. Dir. He is in need of a lot of polishing but I was very impressed by his sincerity, frankness and wonderful attitude. A homogeneous country boy with a lot of potential.
Mar 19, 1962
Stopped at the club for an early hour’s work. Had to mail some comments to Omaha regard their having sent me the final plot plans.
Picked up some screw drivers and was at the Queens’ ward chapel by 9:30 AM. The chapel is being cleaned and decorated. The missionaries removed the drapes. Others removed certain sections of the pews.
Finished-I returned via Glen Cove. Picked up bread and buns at the bakery, laundry and lunch meat. Back at the club by noon where I met the missionaries. While they played basketball I did their laundry and washed half a dozen throw rugs for Helen. Also fixed sandwiches and had a bite of lunch with them. Did some office work and held a conference with Woody regard telephone conversation on budget with Mr. Pratt.
Ron and Sandy Barclay came by after school and we dressed and played basketball with the missionaries. After dinner with the family I went back to the office for 3 hours.
Mar 20, 1962
Finished a quick early hour at the club. Talked with Woody regard new Phy. Ed Dir’s application-Geo Newman. Think Woody will hire him. Grabbed the good wife and dashed to NYC. Met Mr. T. F. Sallie and spent a delightful two hours looking at furniture for the home and for furnishing the Omaha Boys’ Club. saw a delightful assortment of furniture in all styles and periods.
Picked up two tickets for tonight NIT basketball games and took Helen to lunch at a little German Restaurant called Mueller’s. Good Knockwurst and sauerkraut!
We had a $1.19 steak dinner. Both were delighted at the pleasant quality. Saw Duquesne U. beat Bradley by 3 points and St. John’s clock Holy Cross. 1st game was excellently played. Picked up 6 tickets for Thursday and was home by midnight. Whenever!!!
Mar 21, 1962
I remember the old saying “He who would dance must pay the fiddler”! For yesterday’s day on the town I had to work like a demon today. I moved loads and loads of paper work. Sandwiched in between were such things as
1-a frantic call from Mrs. M. Her son John C had ran away. He was now gone a day and a night. He called a girl in Bayville to relay a message to his mother that he was ok. I left a message with the Bayville contact to have John call me. He called from the public library in NYC. I tried to talk him home. He showed up in the Boys’ Club at 11 pm. West and cold and I took him home.
2-Mrs Zorski’s son had had his bicycle stolen from the Boys’ Club. I suggested she notify police immediately.
3-Board members called about the budget and the board meeting. Jim Egan was very upset. He referred to one board member as have been “ chicken shit”!
4-Dick Deuel resigned from his position as front office attendant at the boys’ club.
5-Mrs. Faber and Mrs. Posch were down to go over Banquet of Champions.
Mar 22, 1962
New set of plans arrived from Omaha. Right on it’s heals came a telephone call from John Savage. The result an awful lot of work for me. It comes at a bad time with a board budget meeting scheduled for tomorrow night, a meeting with the city desk editor of N.Y. Times for Sat., a speech to prepare for Sunday night and the usual order of work and commitments!!! Helen came to the club. she had been shopping in the village. I picked up her groceries, drove her to the butcher shop and dropped wife and groceries off at the house on my way to Rotary.
Excellent Rotary club program. Jack Harris-a Scotchman from New Jersey who sang songs, told Scotch jokes, played the concertina and in the clever way of a polished showman made every one comfortable and carefree for a half an hour. Took Ron, Scott, Carmine and Victor Abate and Rocci Famumicetti to the semi-finals of the NIT basketball tournament in Madison Square Garden. Saw two very good games in watching Dayton beat Loyola of Chicago and St. John’s come from behind to beat Duquesne of Pittsburg.
Mar 23, 1962
The big job is to catch up after goofing off one day and one night this week. So, I really concentrated on clearing my desk. Among other things was a letter of recommendation for Vincent Gonsowski of San Diego, Calif. Vinny hopes to get a scholarship to Fresno State. Home for a late lunch. Enjoyed looking over a Saskatchewan, Canada fishing folder. Helen was upset that even before I had established myself in Omaha and earned a vacation I was already looking at folders.
The afternoon was hot and furious as Woody and I prepared for a board budget meeting. Agendas, financial reports, annual appeal reports, budgets, etc. Boy what a board meeting. Things were real tight. Give and go-take and give!! When the smoke cleared we had a $56,000 budget plus $9500 to expend from our portfolio. I won my point but felt very bad-I hope and pray that I haven’t hurt Mr. Martin’s feelings. I love him too much for that.
Mar 24, 1962
Ron and Scott and I did some shopping for Helen. Hauled back a batch of empty bottles to the grocery store. Beautiful weather. Lovely spring day with the temperature up in the 60’s. Hit the club with the morning mail. Men’s club turned out to put the football bleachers in shape. Replaced about a dozen seat planks and put in a new walk in the front of the bleachers.
One of the outcomes of the board meeting last night was the decision to put a ceiling on the membership. So it was set at 650. Above that we take a waiting list. This is going to come as a great shock to some of the parents. Met with Mr. Durso, city editor of the New York Times. He is going to help me with the publicity for the American-Korean foundation award that is being presented to the boys’ club of Locust Valley. Happy to see Dayton defeat St. Johns in the NIT finals. We had the entire Vorisek family and Rod Pellet of Friends Academy over to the house for dinner. Lovely lasagna dinner and 35 mm colored slides.
Mar 25, 1962
Getting dishes done-notes made for tonight’s speech and to bed took until 2 am this morning. Up at 7 am- rouse the family and did some more on speech work. Released from my position as group leader of the Queens Elders. Bro. Charles Gallagher was set apart to replace me. Hurried home after Sunday School. Ron and I made a quick trip to ward teach the Howells’.
I put the finishing touches on my welfare speech and we enjoyed a very delicious lunch- the remains of last nights supper party. Left at 3:30 to stop at the Dick Deuels for a few minutes. Enjoyed seeing Lisa again. Elanore gave us a memento of Ada’s, a royal Dalton “the apple girl”. It is charming. We were also given a picture of Lisa.
Had cake and milk and hurried to church. My remarks seemed to find their way into the congregation OK. Came home and spent until 2 am getting plans ready to mail to Omaha in the morning.
Mar 26, 1962
Dead tired. Slept right through the kids getting up and going to school. Helen had to come up and call me. Didn’t object. Stopped by Mr. Pratt’s and asked his opinions on setting up the dark room in the Omaha boys’ club. saw Ethel Pratt whom I haven’t seen in several months. New high school is certainly changing the face of the land next to the Pratt’s and Colgrove’.
Picked up the mail-another set of Omaha blue prints! I can’t get one revised before they have a revised one back to me. Worked all morning putting the finishing touches on one set of plans. Caught a quick lunch, wrapped the prints and mailed them via air, special delivery.
Woody was in for a while. Archie Anderson dropped by. Ron and Scott came by from school, dressed and worked out for a while in the gym. I gave up on paper work and brought them home for dinner about 5 pm. It has been a beautiful day. The sun has shone brilliantly and the temp must have reached 60. After dinner Helen and I drove to Glen Cove to see Arthur Miller’s “View from the Bridge” movie.
Mar 27, 1962
Weather has really been nice. High 60’s. Spring will be early if the weather stays this way. I spend a lot of my time in conference with Woody. Dick Deuel has given notice. He will leave April 15. I think Dick is finally on top of all his problems. His mother’s death and his daughter’s death have been major problems. I hope and pray so. Had a two hour meeting with John Dykstra and Woody. Subject was Pratt’s camps. Tried to give them as much data and information as I could.
Long distance call from Omaha. John Savage wants me out as soon as possible. Worked out a wed flight plan with Locust Valley travel service. Six PM by the time I picked up tickets. Took an old bag back to the club and packed 38 lbs of files, correspondence, etc for Omaha. Will take it out and leave it until I come back April 15.
Mar 28, 1962
Did a little early morning shopping for Helen. Bread and meat. Checked out the morning mail and shoved off for Idelwild’s International airport. Nice drive. Beautiful day! Parked and checked the bag of files through to Omaha. Bought a pocket book, Valhalla. Turned out to be a cheap filthy volume of trash.
Boarded an American Airlines 990 courvair jet. Beautiful plane. 2 hrs and 10 minutes to Chicago’s O’Hare airport. But, like the army, Hurry up and wait. Waited 25 minutes for a gate and jet ramp. “If you have time to spare then go by air” has a lot of truth in it.
From a jet to a DC-6 prop job! Sublime to the ridicules!! We bounced and jolted our way on to Omaha. Late by 40 minutes. Called Savage, took a cab to the Leo A. Daly Company out at 8600 Indian Hills Drive (West Omaha). $3.05 cab fare. Checked in at the Tower Motel and went out to the Charlie Wilscam’s (architectural team captain) home for dinner. Lovely family. Wife and two darling girls, enjoyed every minute of it.
Mar 29, 1962
Spent a few late hours going over a set of blueprints last night so that I would be ready for today. Breakfast at the motel. My transportation arrived by 8 and by 8:15 we were hard at it in a series of conferences with specialists in the field of architectural work. John Savage of design, Charlie Wilscam, team captain, Bob Carrol (sp?) project engineer and myself.
The four of us ground it out and then we went to work on the experts, lighting, PA, fixtures etc were gone over with an electrical engineer. Equipment was handled with an equipment expert. Exterior grounds were gone over with a Landscape architect and so on right down the list. Lunch at the Happy Hollow Country Club was a big business luncheon with V.P.’s, PR men etc then back to the grind.
Conferences until 5 PM then to dinner with Bob and Jack Savage. First a drive around town to look at homes and then to Ross’s for a delicious steak dinner. Back to the motel and a night session on blue prints.
Mar 30, 1962
Early breakfast. In Leo A. Daly’s office by 8 am and back in the conference room for another to. Finished by 12:30. Plans are to be let by April 5 for bidding. Construction to start by May 5.
Caught a cab and rode to Al Sorensen’s office. It was good to see him. He was very warm and cordial. We drove to the Omaha club for lunch. Met Fred Louder, a board member who joined us. Fish Fillet was good. Interesting conversation about Boys’ Clubs, their goals, purposes, etc.
Back to Al Sorensen’s office-1614 Izard street, (Midwest Equipment Co) where we had a good talk. Covered a lot of ground. Car to be furnished me by Boys’ Club. Housing accommodations and financing by Boys’ Club. Trip to Philly with B.C. convention and Helen’s return to Omaha with me. Abe Lincoln Boys’ Club. Personnel, etc. Caught a 4:20 jet to Chicago-a 6:15 jet to New York. Met 2 very interesting people-Antoine Tedescko and Jacob Feld consulting engineers. Good dinner and home by 10:30 pm.
Mar 31, 1962
Took the girls to help me shop. We picked up meat, laundry a girl scout handbook etc. dropped the girls off at the house with the groceries. A lot of mail covering my desk. Telegram advising that Bill Posch was selected Boy of the Year for New York state region. Play-offs in basketball leagues for turkey dinner invitation. Kids are all keyed up. Very exciting games.
Mailed expense account and set up of telephone and game room equip. to John Savage. Pressure to get the bids out is on. Worked my way through the mail. Rounded up the boys, Scott’s basketball team won a thriller for championship. Picked up ice-cream and hurried home for Scott’s music lesson.
Lovely dinner party at the J. Kyle Fabers. We were guests of honor. Sold house to the Boys’ Club. had closing at Mr. Millhaus’s. Selling price $29,000, Hinckley’s equity $7000. Rotary club’s talent night program was very good. (the home today (2019) would sell in excess of $600,000)