May 1962

WRH May 1962 Diary

May 1, 1962-Slept the sleep of an exhausted man.  Bet Helen collapsed when she reached home.  Cool today.  Wore a winter suit.  Was at the office at 8 AM.  Put out a lot of work.  Be glad when I am fully organized.  Glen Gillespie, Central Branch, YMCA dropped by for a nice chat.  Interviewed a young lady from Braniff Airways.  She has a strong background in music.  I hope to have her apply for the job of Librarian.  Bill McHugh a retired man, was in to see me about helping out at the boys’ club.  wants to be a volunteer.  Took a quick break about 10:30 AM and picked up a salary check and some expense checks at Ed Shafton’s office.   Caught a quick sandwich and a hot chocolate at Northrop Jones.  Back to the eleventh  floor of the Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.  The bank is doing a lot of remodeling on that floor.  A lunch room and other facilities are going in.  Did quite a bit of checking on one Mrs. Clare Phelan Harris who is a strong candidate for my secretary position.  She appears to check OK.  Will call Sorensen tomorrow about her.  Picked up some groceries and arrived at the hotel to find an annual horse player wanted his old “lucky” room back.  I moved at the request of the manager to 320-better room, TV etc. I attended the YMCA board meeting at the new Schimmil Hotel.

May 2, 1962-Beautiful blue skies, white clouds and brilliant sunlight.  No wind-now that Helen has left.  She wouldn’t believe it.  The wind blew everyday while Helen was here.  An early start at the office put me through a lot of paper work by 10:30 AM.  We receive several checks each day.  I took them over to Ed Shafton’s office (he acknowledges all receipts).  Was chatting with Ed when his secretary (Penny) came in and said a man was out front who had been sent over by the telephone co.  Imagine my surprise to find Bill Cullum grinning at me!!  (Bill worked for me for six years as Phy. Dir. In Locust Valley at the boys’ club).  He is driving an English built car to San Francisco for a Long Island gold coaster.  He blew a hole in his #6 piston.  No parts available in Omaha for an Austin-Martin ($10,000 car).  Best the local foreign car people can do is weld the hole and say it will hold until he reaches San Francisco.  I stashed Bill away in my hotel room and attended the Optimist luncheon at the Hotel Fontenelle with Joe Stark whom I met at church last Sunday.  Bill dropped by the office and we visited all afternoon.  He checked on his car about 4:30 and I got upset talking to Mr. Sorensen about housing.  We went out and showed Bill the Leo A. Daly’s building.  Went to Sam Nisi’s for dinner.  A man from Florida dropped dead of a heart attack while we were there.

May 3, 1962- Bad night! Was it the death of the man in the restaurant last night or my having been upset in talking to Mr. Sorensen about a house?  Didn’t sleep.  Was up at 20 minutes to five AM.  Quiet, so as not to disturb Bill Cullum.  Showered shaved and dressed.  Breakfast was of ½ grapefruit and a glass of orange juice.  Read from To Kill A Mockingbird for ½ hour and then walked to the office.  Was there by 7:30 AM.  Bob Burns, a realtor dropped in for a few minutes. Paul Wright, Byron-Reed realtor called.  He has a 3 bedroom home next to the Swanson School.  He convinced Al Sorensen taxes and small homes were a part of Indian Hill.  First thing I know I had a 2:30 appointment to see the home.   Was guest luncheon speaker at the Omaha Chamber of Commerce’s business and professional woman’s division.  Lunch in the Elk’s bldg.. I showed the Boys’ Club short film and talked.  Questions and answer period followed by one lady giving me a check for $35 for the boys’ club.  Picked up Bill Cullum and drove out to Indian Hills.  8614 Harney Street.  In one hour I had seen, like, called Helen in New York and contracted to buy a home.  I payed $32,950 for a 3 bedroom home.  Split level-double car garage, family room, 2 bath, basement, L shaped living-dinning room and large modern kitchen.  Boys’ Club bids came in higher (about $100,000) than was expected.  Mr. Sorensen feels very bad.  We are going to be slowed down by about six months.  Bill and I had a chicken dinner.

May 4, 1962- 6:30 AM and a beautiful day. Dressed and had breakfast with Bill Cullum.  Juice and melon.  Headed for the office with a lot of details to care for.  Worked my way through the morning mail and two notes to Mr. Sorensen.  Gee but he feels let down after opening yesterdays boys’ club bids.  Had a press conference in my office.  Pictures of A.V. Sorensen receiving the Concord Club’s Man of the Year award.  Moved on to Radio station KQAM and Al and I each cut two tapes to plug the boys’ club story.  I had lunch with Bill Cullum at the Fontnelle’s Golden Nugget.  A Rueben sandwich!  Picked Bill’s car up at the garage.  They welded the hole in the top of the #6 piston.  $87.50 job.  Bill drove me out to the airport and headed west toward San Francisco.  I called Mr. Sorensen.  I wanted him to know how sorry I was that he had been so disappointed in the boys’ club contracts.  I am glad I did.  I think he really appreciated it.  Caught United’s flight #720-Jet to Chicago and Idlewild airport.  Arrived in New York at 9 PM.  Good flight.  Woody and Ron met me at the airport.  Sister Howell was there to meet Dr. Howell.  Good to be in Locust Valley.  Helen beat me in Indian wrestling.

May 5, 1962

Good to be back in the old sack.  Relaxed and had a wonderful nights sleep.  After Omaha, my yard full of trees, shrubbery, flowers, etc looks like a million dollars.  No regret about changing, just know the work I have ahead of me in things of putting in a lawn and landscaping in Omaha. 

Caught a ride to the village with our new neighbors-Mr. Gilardi.  Stopped at the barber shop to get my hair cut ala George Zylnavick.  Met several people I know.  Locust Valley is enjoying that famous weather and spring for which it is worldly known.  All of its many and varied flowering trees and shrubs are in beautiful bloom.  It is a veritable garden spot!  From the barber shop to the Depot garage.  An estimate from Perry Smith as to the value of Mrs. Pratt’s Chrysler-for computing taxes relative to her giving it to the boys’ club, then to the boys’ club for a visit with Woody and Mr. Pratt.  I gave Mr. Pratt a $1,000 check for the 1958-9 passenger Chrysler station wagon.

 My first car!  Finally made it after 38 years and nearly six months!!  Farm boy from Hibbard finally earned enough to buy a car.!!!!!  I am very thrilled because I bought it for Helen,  wish I could have done so long ago.  I hope none of my children run into a cement truck with it when they learn to drive.  Using the old boys’ club Chrysler to run around in.  Took Helen shopping and finished signing the official documents for the car.  Wrote out a $200 check as a gift to the boys’ club.  home to a wonderful lasagna dinner and cherry-cream cheese dessert.  Drove Helen and the girls to the annual Locust Valley art show.  Very poor show I thought.  Too many modernistic paintings.  Boys did the dishes.  We drove to Glen Cove for a Carvel and then to the Dick Deuels.

May 6, 1962

Still tired when the alarm went off at 6 AM.  Foolishly re set it for 7:30 and was five minutes late for priesthood meeting at 8:45.  It was enjoyable being back in Queen’s Ward for the day.  Sunday School was followed by Sacrament  service.  Good testimony meeting.  I told the value of 1 introduction as it related to the missionary program in so far as it happened to Friends Academy and their 300 students.  We left early.  While Helen prepared dinner I packed.  Enjoyed lasagna again.  Cheese strudel for dessert.  Woody was at the house at 2 PM sharp.  He – “Bird”- Lou and I shoved off for Philadelphia.  Long hot drive that I didn’t enjoy.  Have driven so much that I don’t enjoy riding with someone else.  Made one stop for coffee and a Mormon beer (root beer).  Had a devil of a time finding the Bellevue Stratford Hotel.  Tiny narrow and one way Philadelphia streets contributed to a lot of it. Registered, unpacked and had the air conditioning checked.  Ran into all sorts and kinds of Boys’ Club people I know.  The fun of a convention is renewing friendships.  Had dinner with Callahan and a lot of midwestern people.  Good sea food at Bookbinders.  Visited all evening.

May 7, 1962

Woke at 6:30- re awoke with a start at 7:20.  Shower helped.  Too late for breakfast.  I registered at the convention headquarters and picked up luncheon tickets for Helen and Gert.  Philadelphia is a unique city.  Very old and very historical.  Full of charming buildings and quaint narrow streets.  The weather has broken clear and lovely for this 56th annual boys’ club convention.  The keynote session was not up to the usual standards.  The message “Be doers not spectators” was not quite in the quality of previous years.  Our national committee meeting on Citizenship and Education was quite well attended.  We had to pull a few teeth to get the reaction we were looking for, but it was productive.  Spent a lot of time at the booths looking over merchandise on sale.  BCA has come up with a pretty good assortment of material.  Good session by Dr. Ackerman on prejudices and children.  He suggested that boys’ clubs try to work with the whole family in as much as prejudices are most family oriented.  Callahan, R.P. from the Omaha Board is here.  Glad he is.  He had a nice chat with Andy Semansco.  Andy and I visited in my room for over an hour.  Stopped by Al Abrascato’s room for a visit and ginger ale with all the Jersey crowd.  Enjoyed the Boys Clubs Professional Association dinner dance.

May 8, 1962

I get to bed late-after 1 AM and then wonder why I get up -6:30 AM so darn tired.  Shower and a shave sure help a lot.  Never get down in time for a decent breakfast.  It is wonderful to meet and talk with all of my old friends from all over the US and Canada.  This boys’ club fellowshipping is a great institution.  Had a wonderful session in youth-school drop outs and unemployment.  Eli E. Cohen of the national committee on the employment of youth and Judge Mary C Kohler of the president’s committee on youth employment did a magnificent job of statistical analysis of the youth unemployment problem and then proceeded to encourage us to proceed with boys’ club programs to help fight this malignancy caused by automation.  I talked to both Eli and Judge Kohler afterwards soliciting help for our Omaha problem.  Both were most receptive.  Bought lunch for George Faulkner and Dick White and had a wonderful 3 hour session talking about boys’ clubs, their buildings and their programs.  Wrote a few short notes and mailed some conference programs back to a few board members in Omaha.  Met Tom Moore of crew cut sports apparel and Ed Kelly and Joe Ginsburg of baseball catcher fame-recently of the Mets-and had a wonderful dinner and visit.

May 9, 1962

Up for that refreshing shower by 7 AM sporting the finery of my recently purchased clothes in NY-new slacks and sport coat.  I was on the 18th floor by 7:30 AM.  Worked with the national games room committee setting up the “Used Idea Lot”.  We handled several hundred people in a double session lasting until 12:30.  I handled the area “don’t forget to remember”.  Had to take a quick break to give Helen and Gert their luncheon-Fashion show tickets.  I caught a sandwich and had a nice visit with Chuck Lawley at the same time.  He certainly is restless and seems very discontent.  I know what he is going through.  He seems very disappointed with his new San Diego job challenges.  I hope he will find contentment.  Politicized a bit and attended the annual meeting of the BCPA.  Helen and Gert went out to look Philly over.  I was waiting for Helen to return.  We laid down for a while-couldn’t resist a wrestling match- but she beat me.  I showered and we met Gert at 6:30 and caught a light supper.  Met Shum Pratt at the hotel and we enjoyed a bit of entertainment from a Philly memoir band and then heard a stimulating lecture by Ethel J Alpenfels-nationally recognized authority on anthropology and social behavior.  Caught a soda at the Harvey House.  retired at 11 PM.  Another convention is nearly over.  Gee but time does fly.

May 10, 1962

Bushed!!  But was up and dressed and ready to have breakfast with Gert and Helen by 8:30.  Enjoyed a nice breakfast in the hotel’s coffee shop. I went on to attend very good sessions of the convention while Helen and Gert went sight seeing to Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, etc.  I met them at the Old Bookbinders restaurant and we had a delicious lunch.  I enjoyed red snapper chowder and Spanish mackerel with mustard sauce.  Helen and Gert had large shrimp cocktails and scallops.  We returned to the hotel via cab.  I attended afternoon sessions and did some Boys’ Club politicking.  While Helen and Gert drove about Philadelphia.  They intended to see the Lynwood gardens but became lost and just drove about seeing such things as Temple University.   Napped showered and dressed for the 56th annual convention dinner of the boys’ clubs of America.  Presided over by Alfred Cole, Chairman of Reader’s Digest.  We had Locust Valley, Omaha and Andy Semansco and Bill Lowery at our table.  Sure nice to be with Shum again.  He is a grand man.  Wonderful musical entertainment by boys from various boys’ clubs.  Admiral Strauss, prominent American and statesman gave a very stirring and patriotic address to our group.

May 11, 1962

6:30 call shook Helen and I lose from the deep slumber of fatigue.  Showered and packed.  Called Gertrude-called for her car, a bell boy and moved downstairs.  We had to wait 30 minutes for the car.  Dark and overcast and light showers.  We made good time.  Stopped on the New Jersey Turnpike for breakfast.  Gert had us home by 11:30.  New York City traffic was terrible as usual!!  I drove Helen to Mineola where she applied for a beginners permit to learn to drive.  She ran smack into a written test and an eyesight test.  The written test really shook her up.  She had twenty minutes to prepare herself.  Passed with flying colors.  She was happy as a lark!!So was I!!  I want her to have her drivers license by the time I return in June so she can help me drive across country to Omaha.  We had a sandwich at a diner.  Home to the kids.  Scott was getting a haircut.  Drove Ron back to the Voriseks and spent some time talking to Mike and the kids.  Can’t remember ever seeing the North Shore of Long Island-particularly the Locust Valley area looking so lovely.  Magnificent blooms, Azealas, dogwoods etc.  Quiet supper with the kids and to bed at 9 PM  Helen too-Both exhausted.

May 12, 1962

8 AM before an eye peeped open.  11 hours of luxurious sleep.  Helen and I played the “back-door game” and I was up and about.  Old clothes for the chores at hand.  Scott was off to a ball game.  Ron, Debbie, Teri and I washed windows, took down storm windows and put up screens.  Helen washed the inside windows.  Talked to Jay N.  He says Jonsey  has quit school and is working in a grocery store.  His brother Tyke is in a Cleveland High School-having been expelled from a private boarding school for Cribbing.  Jay wants me to help Tyke get into college.  Ron rode into the village with Jay and I paused for a bit of brunch-scrambled eggs and toast.  Moved on to do some work around the yard.  Weeded several flower beds and worked the soil in the flower beds and around several trees.  Beautiful day-soil seems very dry to me.  So I dug out the hose and sprinkler and watered for a couple of hours.  Bro. Hand came to give Scott and Teri their music lessons.  He wants to use the recorder for their music lessons.  I took the girls shopping for a mother’s day gift- a blouse from Vera’s,  then we drove to Glen Cove to get a carvel ice-cream.  Helen and I and the Voriseks attended the Rotary club’s ladie’s night dinner dance.

May 13, 1962

It was pleasant to attend church with the family.  Lovely day.  Children on their best behavior.  Helen was thrilled with the blouse and a special card from Ron.  Following church services we drove out 25-A to East Norwich and Rothman’s Inn.  Turned away because we had no reservations.  I was disappointed.  Drove on to Oyster Bay and Joe Dee’s American-Italian restaurant.  We had a very fine family dinner.  Ron-roast beef-Scott-turkey-Teri-spaghetti and meat balls-Helen-shrimp scampi- Debbie chopped sirloin-“Hink”-veal parmigiana.  All the trimmings from shrimp cocktail and anti-pesto to soup and parfaits for dessert.  $20.40 bill ($2.25 gratuity).  Drove on to Locust Valley and home.  Relaxed for a few hours with the family.  Visiting, reading Sunday papers, etc.  Jay N came along with a resume of Tyke’s grades etc.  invited Teri’s friend Picket Post to return to church with us.  Enjoyed the services.  Helen and Ron picked up a bishop’s recommendation for a patriarchal blessing .  As soon as they have a member of the stake superintendency (not my error) interview them they can arrange an appointment with the stake Patriarch.  We picked up bread, rolls, potatoes and macaroni salad at the delicatessen to go with our cold cuts from lunch.  Called Woody and Mr. Martin.  Retired early.  Always tired.

May 14, 1962

Slight rain during the night.  It was certainly needed.  New York’s cool weather, lush greenness and abundant flowering shrubs and trees is certainly easy to take. Three off to school with Teri going on to the American Museum of Natural History.  Scott fails a French exam.  Ron moves on to Friends Academy for basketball with Lee Grosscup and the missionaries.  Debbie is home with a cough and bad head cold.  Took the old photos I had exhibited in the art show and left them at Corkers to frame.  3@ $5 = $15.  Hurried home full of alarm when Debbie didn’t answer the phone-we found her asleep!!  Back to the village for groceries.  Stopped at Mr. Pratts and he gave me two lovely trout fresh from the Southside Club.  Helen prepared one for our lunch.  It was delicious!!  Packed- bid my precious wife a “fond farewell”, kissed Debbie and dashed.  Picked up Ron at school, transferred my bags to the Pontiac and we were off.  Dropped Ron at Friends Academy and hit Idlewild at 1:30 PM.  Bought a pocket book and was off on United Jet to Cleveland and Chicago and finally Omaha.  Lot of wind.  No rain since I left and hot, dry, warm air.  Unpacked and went out for a bit of dinner-Liver and Onions-and had a nice talk with Mr. Sorensen.  Building must hold at $500,000.  Big job cut out ahead of us.

May 15, 1962

Crazy changes in time zones plus daylight saving time has me all fouled up.  I woke up at 6 AM-Omaha time and couldn’t go back to sleep.  Showered and shaved, cooked some breakfast-grapefruit, eggs and bacon.  Read for a while-crazy filthy cockeyed book of a best seller-Harold Robbins “The Carpetbaggers”.  Was at the office at 8:30.  New secretary Mrs. Shirley Hickey was waiting for me.  I think she will work out OK.  Mail was deep.  About $2000 in gifts to the boys’ club was awaiting me.  Begin to move-tough problem ahead- building a $500,000 boys club that was bid a fat $740,000.  Caught up on desk work and telephone calls following a sandwich break at Northrop Jones.  Left the office at 2 PM.  Very hot and dry.  High wind, tornado warnings our in Northern part of Nebraska.  No rain to speak of for a month.  Everything is very dry.  Wind feels like a hot blast from a smelter furnace.  Picked up a package of candy samples at the post office-via the boys’ club national convention.  Stopped at Al Sorensen’s office for some letterheads and a package from BCA.  On to 8614 Harney street (the Hinckley’s new home) to meet Ellison Van Pelt the builder of the home– talked at great length about finishing off the 4th bedroom and putting in a 3rd bath.  Also spoke about sodding and a patio.  Now pray and wait for the estimate to come in.  on to Leo A Daly’s and a sad afternoon with Jack Savage and Charles Wilsam.  I have a big job.  I have to redo this entire boys’ club.  Now the work begins!!

May 16, 1962

Nebraska heat is still with us.  Read and “doodled” with boys’ club plans until midnight last night.  Up at 6:30.  Hate to leave the comfort of my air-conditioned room for the hot dry winds (high 80’s) outside.  Not since Africa in 1943 have I felt hot dry winds like these.  Pleasure to move into the air-conditioned offices of the bank.  Took off in high gear to settle my responsibilities concerning the ground breaking ceremonies next Sunday.  Spoke to Warren Buffett-Board member who is working with me.  Talked to Wally Provost of the Omaha World-Herald regard the former triple weight champion, Henry Armstrong.  Henry currently lives in St. Louis but is willing to move to Omaha if he can work with the Boys’ Club of Omaha.  Put out invitations to church and school people on the near North side of Omaha for Sunday’s ceremonies.  Inserted and stamped 250 invitations for contributors.  Joe Sharp and Jack Dufford dropped by to sell me some insurance for my car and for my new home.  Home owners policy @$107.10 per year. Aetna automobile insurance @ $144 per year until Ron starts driving-then it doubles!!!  Left the office at 6:15.  Picked up the car and drove out to the crossroads.  Stopped at Sears to get hose but they were closed.  Drove on to the chicken house and surprise-met and had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen.

May 17, 1962

Awoke at 5 AM.  Back to sleep until 6:30.  Appreciate that morning shower.  Scrambled some eggs and left for Leo A. Daly’s.  Was there by 7:45.  Beautiful morning in Indian Hills.  Went right to work with Jack Savage.  Had a new approach to sell Jack.  Half way through when Leo Daly joined us.  For the first time I met a strong, firm Board member who could lay down the ground rules for building the Gene Eppley Boys’ Club.  He objected to my changes, called Sorensen and told Jack and I this was it.  And, there would be no future expansion money put into it.  The next move would be to South Omaha.  With that Jack and I went to work.  By 11:30 we had a building designed with about 19,000 sq. ft. of space. Pool, gym, games rooms and a “chopped up mess”.  I am not satisfied.  We find ourselves in a rush with time because of poor planning and lack of coordination between those in the know.  Had lunch with Mr. Gordon and Mr. Sorensen (Board Members) and Dr. Wittson at the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute.  Dr. Wittson is a fabulous person.  What an operator.  He really beats the foundations, government and state in his quest of funds.  And he gets it.  He wants space in the boys’ club for which he will get dental chair, furnish a lab and supply technicians and doctors to help us work with our membership.  Back to the office-signed some letters and wrote out a check to save Mrs. Hickey $17.50 on her employment fees.  Dinner in my room and a PTA meeting at the North Side YMCA.  Mrs. Geiger’s Lake School.  Good program.

May 18, 1962

A little late with my scrambled eggs.  Didn’t leave for the office until 8:15.  Weather is changing.  A few slight showers, tornado warnings have moved into the Omaha area.  I think I like New York’s hurricanes better.  Things begin to tighten up relative to the ground breaking ceremony on Sunday.  Put out quite a bit of dictation and made lots of telephone calls.  Walked a check over to Ed Shafton’s office and visited with him for 15 minutes.  Walked down to the new Diplomat hotel and had a lovely sea-food platter for lunch.  Only a $1 very hard to believe.  Food is so inexpensive here and yet real estate is so high compared to New York City .  A call to Jack Savage and I was on my way to Leo Daly’s.  Stopped at the hotel.  Found a nice letter from Helen and a note to call the church people- Bro. Cochran.  He wanted to meet with me but I couldn’t. Set up Sunday.  I smell a job coming up.  I don’t mind. Spent two hours with Savage and Co.  we finalized plans for floor space and location.  No more changes.  It isn’t good, it isn’t bad.  If we can get some life in it in decorations and decor we will do OK.   We will have a good staff.  Drove to Ed Borchers apartment and had dinner with Ed and his wife.  Was with them from 6 to 9 PM.  Two and ½ hours was spent talking Mormonism at their request.  2nd copy of the USA magazine spurred it on with its article.

May 19, 1962

Good nights of sleep seem far and few between.  After waking at 6 AM I went back to sleep until 7:30.  Read until 9:30.  Regular shower and shave. Took the car out of the hotel parking lot and visited the Post Office looking for a package from New York with T-shirts for tomorrow’s ground breaking.  Visited the office on the change that it might have been delivered .  No luck.  Drove out to Sears at the Crossroads shopping center.  Spent $30 for two 50 ft sections of hose and two water sprinklers.  Stopped for a hamburger, French fried onion rings and a large root beer.  Drove on to the new house.  Picked up a key from Van Pelts son and spent several hours at the house.  Put the hoses to work watering the new sod that is the front lawn.  Measured all of the rooms and drew sketch out lines and noted colors etc. to mail back to Helen.  Had a lot of fun.  Took pictures- a 20 roll exposure to send back to Helen.  Caught a sandwich mid afternoon at the little shopping center near Westside high.  Shoved off at 5 PM, checked the office but no T-Shirts.  Picked up a bag of groceries.  Tired, wind and sun burned.  Shafton had called.  He wants white T-shirts.  I will have to get them tomorrow.  Called operator 21 in San Diego and found Grace Gonsowski on the other end.  Wants another letter to help Vinnie get into college.  Showered-cooked sausage and eggs and stayed in for the night.

May 20, 1962

Up at 6 AM and calling the post office.  Nearly dropped when Parcel Post called me and said they had two packages at the Burlington station.  I picked them up and was grateful that one of them was T-shirts.  Started for church.  Stopped at the Pancake House for a breakfast of cakes and eggs.  Drove on to Priesthood meeting.  During Sunday school class I was interviewed by a member of the Stake Presidency-Bro. Cochran.  He works for the Union Pacific Railroad.  He approached me about a position in the Stake MIA.  We had a nice visit.  I think my evening hours put a stopper on that.  But who knows.  Stopped for a steak sandwich and drove on out to the property at 20th and Burdett where the ground breaking is due.  I had the back of the station wagon full of portable sound equipment.  Set it up using car battery for power.  We had a very good turn out of very important people.  Invocation by the Salvation Army.  Dedication by one of the Negro ministers.  Al Sorensen did his usual splendid job.  Mr. Prince turned the 1st shovel of dirt.  I introduced the summer staff-Shrader, Rose, Johnette and Boozer.  Then the boys in boys’ club T-shirts turned the soil.  About 25 of them.  TV and paper people had a ball.  Then it was all over.  Hot, dusty and sweating!  Caught a ice-cream shake and sacrament meeting.  Visited with the Read’s after church.  The John Lawsons were there.

May 21, 1962

Slept until 7:30.  Dozed for another twenty minutes and then didn’t make it to the office until 8:30.  Relaxed a bit following yesterday.  A bit upset at the office.  A letter from Sorensen about a friend who called the Boys’ Club and was mad as hell about not reaching me without first giving my secretary his name!  it was Ed Shafton and I was disappointed that he would call Al Sorensen rather than come directly to me.  Also, I was questioned by Mr. Sorensen about paying Helen’s plane fare to Omaha after he had been the person to say “Sure Bill, go ahead” during a talk with him in his office last March.  I don’t want to get off on the wrong foot.  It is nothing but a misunderstanding but I am so sensitive about those things that it really and deeply hurts me.  A word of prayer about it and a night’s rest should square it away.

Mrs. Hickey, my secretary, and I were at Shafton’s office at 10 AM.  We went over the various work his office has been doing and transferred all records, receipts, checkbooks etc. to the boys’ club office in Omaha National Bank Bldg.  Stopped at Jim Lipsey’s office to pick up the new colored boys’ club film print we purchased from BCA.  Had lunch at the Omaha Athletic Club with Frank Wilson of the Omaha Public Library.  I spoke to the “Good Fellowship Club” a division of the chamber of commerce.  Felt the speech didn’t go too well but had a very fine stimulating question and answer period afterwards.  Drove out to the church.  Met with Hardy and Rogers of the stake presidency.  Took a job in the stake Sunday school Superintendency.  Had a steak dinner at Ross’ to celebrate.

May 22, 1962

Working on letters and material to help Tyke N get to college.  He has been in a cheating scrap and was expelled from school.  His honest and forthright attempt to correct an error has won me to his cause.  Started by writing Jerald Holley at Calif. Poly.  Closed on my new home at 8614 Harney St. in Indian Hills-Omaha Nebraska.  Total cost $32, 950 +taxes, loan expense, title examination of $230.77 makes a total of $33, 183.77 for my home.  But before I can close I must pay $107.10 for a years home owners policy-fire, hurricane, contents etc.  My home has now cost me $33,290.87 and in addition to the $24,700 I borrowed from Met NY life to finance with I have a second mortgage from A.V Sorensen in the amount of $5,300.  5 ¾% on the former and 3% on the latter.  To satisfy the former I must pay $215 every month for twenty years.  I haven’t worked out payments to Al Sorensen yet!!! After 10% tithing for the church-guess what I will do with my money?  But thank God for the blessings that permit me to buy a house.  Had a consultation-interview with Buddy McCrea.  This 54 year old Negro is a fantastic individual.  He has always been interested in boys.  I am tempted to hire him.  Quick wind slashing down pour hit downtown.  Dropped the temperature 20 degrees.  Spent two hours at Leo Daly’s going over blueprints.  Did quite a bit of refining.  Helen called from New York.  Sure miss her.  Cooked sausage and eggs for dinner.

May 23, 1962

Sleeping better.  At least later.  Haven’t been waking prior to 7 AM in the past few days.  Weather dropped to a more comfortable level, low of 59-high of 75 today.  From a morning at the office to Mr. Sorensen’s office for an hour then had to run.  Out to 42 and Dodge to Calandra’s to pick up a projector and screen.  On out to Benson area to Kay’s restaurant where I showed the Boys’ Club film to the Benson Commercial club- about 25 businessmen.  But, they were a pretty much down in the mouth for a group of businessmen.  Didn’t feel as though I made much contact with them.  Hauled the projector and screen back.  Took a lot of pieces of boys’ club literature to my office to mail for Mr. Sorensen.  Pretty quiet afternoon.  I stayed close to the desk and Shirley worked on the financial records.  Left about 5:15.  Wanted to buy Teri Ann a bracelet for her birthday but the jeweler was closed.  Did some grocery shopping.  Carried the groceries to my hotel apt and prepared dinner.  V-8 juice, cheese, crackers-spaghetti and meatballs.  Walked downtown to buy razor blades, pocket book, toothpaste and bath powder.  Went on over to the office for a staff meeting with the summer staff.  Had an ice cream with Callahan and Shrader.

May 24, 1962

Awoke to find Scott Carpenter 30 minutes away on his 3 orbital flight of the earth.  He had the world really sweating him out on his re-entry.  He lost contact and it took 35 minutes to locate him and his capsule-riding a one-man dingy.  It was a dramatic ending to a fantastic ride.  Had a real hard jolt.  The builder of my house wants $3000 to finish the 4th bedroom, install a bath and put a patio and sod the back yard.  It was a real blow for a guy who wanted to do the job for a grand or not more than $1200!!!  Had lunch with Barbara Johnson a former Girl Scouter who is now the group work and recreation leader of the Omaha United Community Service.  A probing, cautious lunch at the Regis.  Put out the follow up letters to my speech at the Benson Comm. Club yesterday.  Picked up the car and drove to Al Sorensen’s office for some Boys’ Club cards.  It is a lovely day.  Warm but without humidity.  Clear blue skies.  Cooked my own dinner.  Read the paper.  Walked around the town.  Went in to see the film version of Sweet Bird of Youth.  I like the picture.  Still upset about my 4th bedroom.

May 25, 1962

Shirley was waiting for me in the lobby of my hotel at 8:45 AM.  We drove to the Kiewitt Plaza offices of Peat, Marwick and Mitchell.  Sheldon Brodsky of their offices is going to handle our auditing and accounting program.  We spent a couple of hours with him in establishing our book keeping system and agreeing to titles of accounts etc.  Our next stop was the US Check Book Co. where we purchased the necessary ledgers, etc to set up the book keeping records.  Back to the office by 11 AM and a good session at the mail etc.  I wrote a series of letters, memos, etc until 2:15 came around.  Shoved off for the hotel-grabbed a few things in a bag, stopped at Calandra’s to pick up a 16 mm projector and screen and was at Callahan’s by 3:30 PM.  We drove West out of Omaha on Route 30A past Boys Town.  Then we proceeded North to Fremont, Nebraska on Route 275.  Picked up 30 and drove West to North Bend, Nebraska.  Picked up some groceries and drove to Wolf Lake where Callahan has a very lovely little summer home.  It was pleasant to be out in the country.  Temperature was cool.  Birds were in abundance.  Lake was calm and serene.  Cal cooked a lovely baked potato-steak dinner.  We visited, took a delightful walk through the woods and went to bed by 11 PM.

May 26, 1962

Up at 7:30 AM but Cal was already out on the lake with his pontoon boat.  He uses a very clever little electric motor powered by a 6 and 12 volt battery.  Remarkable motor.  By the time I was washed and dressed Cal had caught and cleaned two large mouth bass and was preparing a delicious breakfast of bass and potatoes.  Gee it was good.  The only thing Cal will be me do is wash a few dishes.  We took a trip around the lake in the pontoon boat, casting a bit as we did.  No fish but an interesting trip.  Bird life and lake life was in abundance.  Couple of fearless water snakes challenged the boats right of way.  Great numbers of red headed woodpeckers are about.  Beautiful birds of red heads-black bodies and white bands with black tail feathers.  I look forward to more trips here with my Roger Tory Peterson’s “Western Guide to Birds” and my binoculars.  Took another long walk, loads and loads of cedar trees in this area.  Clover already in bloom and wheat already in the head.  They have an early season.  A bit of lunch and another fishing excursion.  I hooked and lost a bass and Cal caught a ¾ lb one.  I showered and shoved off for Omaha.  In town by 8 PM.  Drove to a private residence at 1816 Creighton Blvd. and spoke and showed the Boys’ Club movie to a social and civic club comprised of about 19 Negros.  A very interesting experience-served good food.

May 27, 1962

Weather is delightfully cool.  I am enjoying it.  Helen would say it was too cold.  Sure miss her and the kids. I walked up to the Jewish Community Center at 20th and Dodge.  Attended a swimming pool conference.  Poorly attended but an excellent staff from state, city and private businesses. It lasted until noon.  I gained a lot from it.  Met some fine people.  Paul Veret Ex. Dir. Of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Sherman Poska, program director of the JCC, who took me on a tour of their facilities.  Returned to the hotel and fixed knockwurst and scrambled eggs for brunch.  Read through the Sunday paper at my leisure.  SOS day in Omaha (Sabin Oral Vaccine Sunday)  over 300,000 people took the first oral dose of vaccine.  Two more to follow.  I took one at the Swanson School.  Thoroughly enjoyed listening to the hour long news conference of Scott Carpenter.  It was terribly exciting.  Very stimulating.  Attended to church services.  Very fine spirit.  Excellent program.  Two very fine talks by young girls and a beautiful song by a young boy.  Visited for a while with ward members and returned to the hotel.  Put through a call to New York.  Spoke to Teri and Ron and talked for 20 minutes with Helen.  Sure miss them.

May 28, 1962

Omaha finally received its just reward.  The rain started last night and continued all day long.  A real steady soaking rain.  After April- Nebraska’s driest Aril on record- this is mot appreciated.  Many wheat farmers were losing their entire crops.  This may be too late.  Current Nebraska story.  “two farmers meet in front of a bank in a small rural town.  One has just come out of the bank after negotiating for a large loan.  His friend says, If it doesn’t rain I’m going to rob that bank.  The first one says, if it doesn’t rain I have already robbed it.”  I stayed in the office all day.  Shirley brought me sandwiches when she went out.  It rained hard all day and into the night.  Good day for getting correspondence out.  Left the office at 5 PM.  Soaked getting back to the hotel.  Changed to a suit, dry shoes and a fresh shirt and dashed to the Sheraton Fontenelle Hotel.  Set up a projector and had dinner with the Omaha Zonta Club- an international service club of business and professional women.  I told the boys’ club story, showed the boys’ club movie and thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  Miss the family.

May 29, 1962

Bottom dropping out of stock market was yesterday’s big news.  Lot of people worried.  If they were like Bill Hinckley they wouldn’t worry.  No stocks, no worries.  However, I feel out of place buying real estate when the market is coming down.  Guess that is why I don’t have any stock.!!   (As an aside, it was known as the Kennedy Slide of 1962 and on May 28 the market had its second biggest % one day loss in its history.  Wealthy people with cash went on a buying spree and those on margin calls took a beating).  Temperature dropped with the market.  I put on a winter suit for temperatures forcast for the day of 60-75.  Stopped at the office-driving the car.  Quick look through the morning mail.  Took some printing to the printers-Western on Howard street.  Visited with the people in the addressograph office and introduced myself to a Mr. Smith who has a film distributing agency.  Knows Hoffath and the other New York distributors.  Interesting conversation!!  Over to Mr. Sorensen’s office.  Talked for an hour.  He said to forget his loan for a year and that there would be no interest-not even the 3% called for on the note.  I just want to get the mortgages squared away as soon as possible.  Dropped a projector off at Calandra’s and went on out to Jack Savage’s at Leo A. Daly’s office.  Visited Jack’s home.  Met his mother and wife.  Enjoyed seeing his house.  Contemporary redwood, made by Jack himself.  Lunch at the country club.  Back to the blueprints with a sad side trip to my new home.  The basement is underwater.  Called the contractor.  Back downtown.  Nice chat with John Johnette.  Haircut-shower and down to Sam Nisi’s for a good steak dinner.

May 30, 1962

Horrible nights sleep! Full of foolish dreams.  Up at 3 AM.  Bushed when the switchboard operator called and said it was 5 AM.  Sun tans, sport shirt, army socks and moccasins were the dress of the day.  Beautiful morning.  Drove out to the Omaha 2nd ward church house.  About a dozen others showed up and we broke up a piece of sidewalk using 5 lb sledge hammers.  Walk was 5’ by 35’ and 6 “.  Hauled the broken chunks of cement into a large wash.  Formed the new walk (higher and with a culvert to accommodate water)  and laid up reinforcements for the new concrete.  Took Bro Pallas and Bro Neilson over to look at the house and talk about doing some work on the 4th bedroom.  Dropped by Mac Read’s heading for home.  Just his kids there.  Left a can of candy for them.  Drove over to the laundromat to do my garments.  Mac followed me over to invite me to a picnic at his place at 4 PM.  Took the laundry back to the hotel.  Wonderful shower and shave and drove West on Dodge.  Stopped at the house to close the windows.  The Reads had the Farr’s, the Lawsons and the Smith’s and Bill Hinckley.  Enjoyed some volleyball and some good beans, salads, hamburger, frank and water melon.  Talked about the church and its programs.

May 31, 1962

Slept better.  Exhaustion helped.  I was up and at the office at 8 AM.  Beautiful day.  Soft cool wind, low temperatures, blue skys and white scuddy (sp?) clouds.  Had a hectic morning.  Worked hard to get through the mail but it wasn’t for me to accomplish today.  Ed Shafton walked in unannounced.  He couldn’t have picked a more hectic and busy time.  I was deep in the pitch of a salesman who was selling me a 360 model mimeograph machine with complete accessories.  Shirley was banging away on her typewriter and a Negro lady was waiting to see me.  I am sure he was quite impressed. Moved through the morning and into a luncheon date at the Diplomat hotel with Jim Lipsey of Universal Advertising Company.  Went over a lot of advertising and promotion ideas with Jim.  We were tied up until 1:40 PM.  Walked back to the office.  Today was payday.  Endorsed my check over to Helen and fired it on to her via air mail with a note to think of me as she spent it and not to tip too large.  Called New York to order some T-shirts for our summer program.  Talked with Tom Moore of Richard-Smith Corp.  I like Tom.  Out of office at 5:20.  Did some grocery shopping.  Cooked my own dinner.  Knockwurst, scrambled eggs, coleslaw, cottage cheese and strawberries and milk.  Took a long walk and went to a movie- Yul Brynner in “Escape form Zahrain”-  enjoyed it.