November 1962

Transcribed by Scott Hinckley March, 2020

November 1, 1962-Thursday

Hadn’t arrived at the office more than two hours when Helen called to say that her Brother Byron had called to inform her at her father had died.  Helen’s father (Cyrus Arthur Harris) and his 2nd wife, Jean, had left Salt Lake City yesterday with Ross (his oldest son) and wife Madge to make a motor trip to Las Vegas and California to visit Paul Harris another son who is a practicing doctor in Calif.  They had motored as far as Heber City and Art had died in his sleep-apparently a heart attack.  This is the last parent-all three of our other parents having preceded Art in death.  Helen is a very brave and courageous girl and once over the initial shock she pulled herself together and started a plan of action that would prepare her for the trip.  I slid into a meeting at Peter Kiewit Plaza and soon was shrouded in the details of Blue Prints.  1st real productive meeting we have had relative to gymnasium apparatus.    Weather is wet, raw and cold.  Al Sorensen dropped by the office about 1 PM and we spent a couple of hours going over report data gathered by Johnette and Erickson relative to a near South side survey.  We are going to pursue this to a further extent- perhaps a South Side club can be developed.  It was a sad house that welcomed its occupants this night.  We all loved Art very much.  We shall miss him.

November 2, 1962

Helen had a busy day planned with an appointment to do her hair, some personal shopping etc.  Consequently I got up and out from under her feet and was in the office at 6:45 AM. after a couple of hours at the desk I drove out by the boys’ club to visit the principal of Lothrop School-Eugene Skinner- a very important Negro leader in the community.  I am seeking his council on suggested names for the Gene Eppley Board of Directors.  Following the visit I stopped by the Christ Child Settlement building and introduced myself and was conducted on a tour of the facilities.  A settlement house program using the small group approach. Stopped by the boys’ club and checked out a locker problem.  Resulted in strong emphasis and removal of locker room problem by Johnette and the architects office.  Met with Al Sorensen and Jach Shonsey to lay the plans for the boys’ club 1963 financial drive.  Helen dropped by the office.  I attended a United Community Services meeting and then took the family to see Westside High defeat Central 20-13 in a cold wet football game.  Ron played and was generally pleased with the overall season.

November 3, 1962

Put Helen on the Union Pacific’s “City of Portland” train- just a few days shy of a month from my riding the same train to Reed Williams funeral.  It is a long coach ride for her but we happen to have more time than money right now.  We slept late getting up just in time to take the girls to primary.  I stayed at the church until they had finished.  I gave two of the missionaries $2.25 and arranged for them to deliver the book “The Mormon Story” to Dr. Stimpson- the minister of the Dundee Presbyterian church.  I put some water and meat on to start a broth and after brunch Ron drove all of us to get his YMMIA monthly reports signed by June Forshea and Ray Summers.  From there he drove us out to the Malms (Roger Erickson’s cousin) where we picked up a tether-ball standard I had  made for the kids birthday.  The concrete was still “green” but we managed OK.  We were back home in time to catch the last half of the Nebraska-Missouri game on TV.  We are a very sports oriented family.  Scott, Debbie, Teri and I and 3 neighbor kids engaged in some fun with a soccer ball.  The kids even had a full soccer game going.  TV became the evening program for the children.  We all pitched in to get dishes straightened away, beds made, floors swept etc.  In just 24 hours our appreciation for Helen has jumped 100%.

November 4, 1962

It took a lot of running but we did manage all of our meetings.  I left early for an 8 AM ward teacher meeting.  Was back to pick up the boys and girls and return to priesthood meeting.  The bishop gave me the opportunity to ordain Scott to the office of a teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood.  I was very thrilled for the opportunity.  We had a fine sacrament meeting.  Ron, Scott and myself had the privilege of bearing our testimonies.  Today is Scott’s 14th birthday.  So when we left church I drove straight to KINGS restaurant and we celebrated Scott’s birthday with French fried onion rings, potatoes, hamburgers, hot dogs and sundaes.  Scott and Debbie stayed home in the afternoon while Ron and Teri and I returned to church for a special Primary program.  Teri sang a solo and did a very fine job.  Had a very uncomfortable night.  Al Sorensen called to say that “a very unethical thing had been done by George T Sullivan-juvenile court judge- when he reproduced the boys’ club form card-citizenship and ran it as an ad of endorsement in the World Herald.  I was very upset.  Al got the ad withdrawn.

November 5, 1962

Sweated out the delay caused by getting the girls off to school at 8:15 and getting to the office at 9 AM.  Thought the telephone would be jumping off the wall as a result of the Hart-Sullivan battle.  Surprise- all was quiet.  Al Sorensen called later in the day to say that a story was a must and to just sit tight.  When I make “bone heads” such as this I really feel terrible.  I have a tremendous guilt complex about these mistakes.  A tremendous amount of inner anguish builds up and I feel like running away.  Not unlike combat experience during the war.  Discipline, self-control and training take over -thank goodness- and I survive.  Not however without many hours of self-persecution and “Hell on Earth” spent in mental review.  Worked my way through a good amount of desk work and after dictating a lot of letters I left early to prepare dinner for the children.  Was home by 4:30 PM.  Scott had come home early from school and supervised the girls.  I see a lot of change in Scott.  Good things are happening to him.  He is taking on quite a bit of maturity-something he has needed.  (maybe he forgot what he wrote last month S.H.).  Supper was spaghetti- my own version!  But well received by the children.  Housework, dishes and getting the girls to bed was a full job.  Helen called at 12:30 to say that she was very fatigued.  Funeral for Art had been well attended.  She and her brothers and sisters had met with the family lawyer to read Art’s will and she was now exhausted and ready for bed.  We agreed that with the business she had to do that she should stay in Idaho another day and return to Omaha early Friday morning. (November 5 was a Monday)

November 6, 1962

A very cold day.  Raw wind-20 degrees temperatures.  A good citizenship response to elections.  Very heavy turnout for non-Presidential election year.  Voters did strange things but after all the smoke had cleared away it appeared to me that the Democrats had pulled more surprises than the Republicans.  Nebraska elected a Democratic Governor (Morrison) for a second term but for the second straight time elected all Republicans for all other offices.  I was very relieved to see Judge Hart get re-elected.  With my rescheduling New York for the last week of November the boys’ club business is tightening up.  Many projects in the fire and quick deadlines to meet.  Dinner was hamburger steaks with the remains of last night’s spaghetti.  Mrs. Van Pelt sent over a lovely dessert-complete with a candle- for dinner.  The candle was for Ron’s 16th birthday.  We had enjoyed presenting him with his birthday gifts.  Helen and I had the wristwatch given me by Helen- a very fine Wittnauer watch- cleaned and repaired to give him.  I had retired it with a broken main spring after the boys’ club staff had given me an Omega wristwatch when I left Locust Valley.  With it went a nice card (Helen had written on it prior to going to Idaho) from mother and dad.  Scott had purchased a very fine necktie to give him and the girls had purchased three pairs of sweat sox (worn by all high school boys on all occasions) to present.  We all sang happy birthday and let Ron blow out the candle.

November 7, 1962

John Johnette and I wrapped up the boys’ club outside athletic field plans with a final conference at Leo A. Daly’s office.  Drove John to Benson high and watched their basketball team workout.  John’s boy is a sophomore who plays with the team.  I met him for the first time.  Dinner was a pleasant surprise.  Mrs. Van Pelt sent over a meat-vegetable casserole, baked potatoes, cold slaw (his spelling) and we enjoyed a change of pace from my efforts.  Ron made it to the dinner table and then collapsed on the couch and slept for two hours utterly exhausted.  He has lost 10 lbs in a week playing basketball.  He really wants to make the basketball team.  80 started out.  Twenty are left!   Eight must go.

November 8, 1962–Left Helen’s car to have Prestone put in and washed and ready for her arrival back in Omaha.  The house is getting a bit seamy.  It is impossible to run a boys’ club and be a mother at the same time.  I pray that nothing will disrupt our family until such a time as our children have had a chance to be raised.  You first couldn’t find a substitute that would replace a mother.  We pray for her safe return to us.  Yesterday in Rotary, FBI agent Geraghty really gave the boys’ club movement a testimonial.  Unsolicited and of five minutes duration.  No amount of money could have bought it.  Picked up travel tickets- some cash- and after a trip to the boys’ club building site I set out for home.  Scott and I did dishes ala the dishwasher- 1st time since Helen left.  It is wonderful- should have done it long ago.  No wonder Helen loves it so.  Ron is still on the ball club and the coach has cut to 17.  Five yet to be cut.  Vacuumed the carpeting.  Boys washed and ironed some clothes.  They are very good about doing for themselves. 

November 9, 1962

I was up at 12:30 AM dressed and drove to meet Helen’s train.  She was exhausted but happy to be home.  We were home and in bed by 3 AM.  It was good to have Helen home.  I was happy to turn the house and children back over to her.  She drove me to the airport to catch my 7 AM flight to Bismarck, North Dakota.  It was a DC-3 flight that was up and down like a yo-yo!  We made stops at Sioux City, Iowa, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Aberdeen, South Dakota and a couple of other places prior to arrival in Bismarck.  I had time to walk around a couple of downtown blocks and eat lunch- a very good one at the Grand Prairie Hotel steak room, before Bob Coleman met me at the Patterson Hotel.  We drove around the North Dakota State capital building and then North and East to McClusky and D. L. “Dett” Wahl’s ranch.  Dett is a CPA who has made a better than average fortune in Minneapolis.  He is putting his money into the old family farm plus additional acres(total now of 1800) and converting it to a cattle ranch.  He wants boys’ club boys to use it as a summer ranch.  We took a tour around the area- mile after mile of prairie land and nearly all unfenced.  We ran into car trouble- nearly out of gas and burned up all the oil in the automatic transmission.  Had to get a wrecker to pull us in.  Very cold waiting.  Beautiful fall moon made a vast lonely picture of prairie land.  Had dinner in town and back to the ranch for a conference.  Dead tired by the time I hit the sack.  Sleep came like the open doors of Heaven!!

November 10, 1962

Dett fixed a good country breakfast for the three of us.  Took a walk around the barns, yards, pastures, etc.  followed this with a hike around the pond and over the old WPA dam and made notes and plans to handle boys for the summer of 1963.  Bob drove his car and we motored 40 miles West to the Garrison Dam- A large earth filled dam on the Missouri River.  A spectacular thing.  Lunch was in the little town of McClusky.  Sandwich, ice cream and some fabulous fresh homemade oatmeal cookies.  More planning and discussion went into the boys’ ranch project.  we finalized some sketches for bunk and dinning space.  Dett was quite pleased with my drawings and asked me to sign the drawings.  We had dinner in McClusky again.  Large T-bone steak for $2.65.  visited with several people in town.  Full moon really made a beautiful sight as the prairie lit up like daylight.  Again, bed came easy.

November 11, 1962

We were up at 4 AM and enjoyed another of Dett Wahl’s fine breakfasts.  Bob and I were on our way for Minneapolis by 4:45 AM. Fog and night driving was the challenge.  South on route #10 and thence East toward the North Dakota Minnesota state line.  Interstate highway around Jamestown really helped.  I drove an 87 mile stretch in a period of one hour.  Never saw another car.  One lone red fox ran across the road to give a small sign of life to the area.  Past the statue of the world’s largest buffalo and on to St. Cloud and Detroit Lakes.  Gas and a quick look at the boys’ club in Detroit Lakes was sufficient to carry us to Minneapolis.  A quick stop at Bob’s home and then we took his 3 daughters to a church bowling function.  Bob and I went on to spend an hour or so going through his boys’ club.  (A large palatial residential home with a gymnasium addition).  I was not impressed with the functional plans of the building.  Dinner at Bob’s home- a shower and a shave- and over to his board president’s home- Chester Mac Arthur- for the night.  A palatial $150,000 home on one of Minneapolis’ lakes.  Beautiful home.

November 12, 1962

Again early rising.  Chester fed his ducks (wild Mallards) a bucket of corn and they walked up on the lawns to eat it.  Beautiful sight!  Chester at age 57, is enjoying a second marriage to a 30 year old woman and has a 23 month old son-his first child.  What joy the man has.  At the Minneapolis airport we were told our Ozark flight was cancelled.  We were place on a Northwestern flight into Chicago.  After a three hour delay in Chicago we caught a noon flight to Peoria, Illinois and the Boys’ Clubs of America’s regional area council meeting at the Jefferson Hotel.  Afternoon meetings moved on into the night banquet.  Nothing special but good discussion groups.  I took the evening as an opportunity to visit the Peoria boys’ club.  Ed Johanson is the executive director.  It reflects one good man and a weak board of directors.  His mother’s club is painting the building.  I am very thankful for the blessings that have led me into the Boys’ Club Associations where there are outstanding people to work with.  This in turn has developed outstanding boys’ clubs with fine facilities and very excellent staff members.

November 13, 1962

Awoke to a 5:30 AM call from the hotel switchboard.  Showered and started to shave when a telephone call came up to my room.  It was Ozark airlines.  Pea-soup fog was all over and they were not flying.  They suggested that I catch the Rocket Train to Chicago.  A cab took me to the depot and $5.28 bought me a ticket from Peoria to Chicago.  A long foggy ride was broken by a good breakfast in the dining car.  From the train depot in Chicago I took a cab to O’Hare airport. $5.55 cab fare!!!  More than a 150 mile train fare-crazy world.  Called Omaha but wasn’t in time to keep Helen from driving to the airport to meet me.  Called the office and had Shirley page her and tell her of my delay.  Finally got out of Chicago and arrived in Omaha at 3:30 PM.  Roger Ericksen met me.  I dropped off at the Florsheim Barber shop and received a much-needed haircut.  Roger and John drove me home when they left the boys’ club office.  It was good to be home and to find everyone in good health and good spirits.  Weather has shown a beautiful change for the better and is full of sunshine and 70 degree temperature.  It was pleasant re-discovering the comfort of my wonderful wife- sure love her.

November 14, 1962

Another ideal day.  One of those rare Indian summer types.  Of short duration rain and cold is reported moving in.  Rotary was a pleasant break in the day.  My desk is high with a backlog of work.  Were it not for Rotary I would work through the lunch period.  Ron has survived all varsity basketball cuts and is a member of the varsity squad for 1962-1963.  Scott started with 80 freshmen trying out for 14 berths.  He survived until the last cut but couldn’t quite earn that final spot. (ok, time for the truth.  I was cut on the first day but stayed each day to watch practice and waited until the last day to tell dad.  This was harder on him than my grades).  Ron is complaining of poor circulation and a sense of cold in his hands and feet- especially at the end of very extensive work outs.  We will get him checked out at the doctors real soon.  Scott has been suffering from a sore throat.  He missed a couple of seminary classes to try and catch up on his rest.  Helen had a pre-payday dinner.  She was busy selling home made bake goods at the Crossroads Shopping Center for the Relief Society.  I had the children all feed ala hot dogs (?) by the time she came home.  Scott took some dinner rolls down to Mrs. Van Pelt who has been under the weather.

November 15, 1962

Back in the old rut of getting up and getting out.  Weather is cold-20’s.  Moved from a desk full of work to a meeting with Jim Lipsey and Al Sorensen.  Several things were kicked around but too many loose ends were left in the air.  Jim has developed a very fine mailing piece for soliciting $30 gifts to support a boy on a yearly basis.  Made a visit to the club and was very disappointed to find the mechanical work most unsatisfactory.  All pipes, heaters, sheet metal work etc. is hanging from the ceiling and is very low and very obnoxious.  I felt like hell.  After all the precautions I tried to stress to the architects this mess crept in.  With bitter cold feelings and bitter cold weather, I was a sad sack!  Just sick at heart.  It makes the building look like hell on the interior and it is a beauty on the exterior.  One of those days when you feel so low you could go home and beat the wife and kids.  Helen had a roast beef (chuck) for dinner.  The kids brought home report cards.  Pretty good for the 1st round in a strange school program.  Scott is working in the mid 80 percentiles and Ron is pushing the 90 percentiles.

November 16, 1962

Very upset about the mechanical aspects of the fresh air intakes and heating units of the games room.  Monstrosities of a Rube Goldberg contraption.  Called Jack Savage and met him and the mechanical engineer Charlie Davidson at the club.  we were all a very sad group.  Savage was really dragging his chin-he knows that this is a very big goof.  I worked at my desk but my heart wasn’t in it.  All I kept thinking about was that games room monstrosity.  Stayed late at the office dictating to Shirley.  Stopped by Mr. Sorensen’s home and spent an hour or so talking about the building problems.  Finally resolved to go out to the building Monday and re-evaluate it.  I babysat while Helen went to a stake MIA meeting.  Drove Scott to a school dance at one of the neighborhood churches.  Ron walked down to John Van Pelt’s 16th birthday party.  That party really turned out to be a whiz!!  Brawl on our front lawn!  Some party crashers.  A quick blow with a piece of pipe and one boy had several stitches in his head.

November 17, 1962

Very cold day.  Most of Western Nebraska is already under the cover of winter snow.  I drove the girls to Primary after taking Ron to practice and watching some of the Westside varsity basketball players work out in the gym.  Returned to put a closet rod in the downstairs closet and put a few things away into our emergency supply storage.  Then it was time to pick up the girls.  Debbie was invited to Sister Forsha’s home.  She likes to play with David Forsha.  Helen fed us all a bite of lunch and we were off once more.  This time to the Hobby Shop for balsa wood to make Teri a plane and some fruit punch for tonight’s YMC party.   We then picked up the Jr. basketball team at Omaha II ward and Ron drove us to Council Bluffs.  His 1st experience in driving with a full load and then through downtown Omaha.  I think he learned a wee bit.  In a ding-dong dilly of a basketball game (with Hinckley boys looking good) Omaha II defeated Omaha I 41-40!!  In the senior game (with the Hinckley father looking old, fat and forty, Omaha I defeated Omaha II 52-32!!  Back home for a shave and a change of clothes and off to the Sunday School convention at Omaha II.  Brother Garrit De Jong of the church Sunday School Board was present from Salt Lake City.

November 18, 1962

I had an 8 AM senior Aaronic priesthood advisors meeting.  Took the boys with me.  Several new faces and families put in an appearance.  Visitors and those passing through.  Enjoyed Maurice Smith’s Sunday School class.  He always does a good job.  His preparation is outstanding!  We drove our two cars from church to Kings restaurant.  Helen treated all of us to a lunch-dinner.  Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, chili, root beer, sundaes French fried onions – in all $8.50 worth.  Helen-Ron and the girls returned home while Scott and I did some ward teaching- all of our list is Senior Aaronic.  We visited two Indian families living in terrible conditions over a bar.  One was having word of wisdom trouble the other was locked up in jail.  Real sad.  She wanted the Elders to go to court with her.  We visited four of six families.  I am so grateful for my re-activation because their but for the grace of God go I!  reported to the Bishop and attended sacrament service.  Had a hard time keeping my eyes open but made it.

November 19, 1962

After a couple of early morning hours at the office I met with Karl Joens VP of Electrical Utilities in Omaha and we had a milk and do-nut break and then drove out to St. Rose elementary school where we met Sister Mary Estelle and talked to her seventh and eighth grade classes.  We were there as Rotarians speaking on the subject of Rotary and its Honor Roll Program.  Karl took Rotary and I talked about the Honor Roll program.  We prefaced our remarks with a few facts about ourselves.  The kids all laughed when I told them that my name as a youngster was “stinky-Hinky”.  Returned to town and drove out to the boys’ club building site.  Met Jack Savage and Al Sorensen.  We decided to remove the Rube Goldberg contraptions from the games room ceiling.  We will just have to eat the expense and come up with something else.  None of us hated to spend the money for a change but we all wanted the crap out of there.  Lunched with Al and Jack at the Omaha Club.  Drove Al back to his office and spent an hour or so with him.  Came home and drove to Westside High to play basketball and work out with the adult recreation program.  Enjoyed it- played with Ron’s physics teacher.

November 20, 1962

One of those pour it on at the desk days!  Never took a break even for lunch.  Grind is on to get out our equipment bid sheets.  Shirley has been coming back at night to work-Roger has been helping her.  Made a trip to the building site to change the location of a wall.  Need a full 10 feet in which to park trucks of wagons and chairs in a storage closet.  You would think the world had come to an end the way the electrician yelled about having to make an 1 ½ hours worth of work change to move some conduit.  Upsets me no end to have them carry on in this manner.  Came home to join the family for dinner.  Very fine meatloaf and spinach and hot roll dinner prepared by Helen.  Scott stayed home with the girls while Ron, Helen and I attended MIA.  I took the boys’ club projector along and showed the telephone company film on Telestar.  Very education and interesting film.  Big council of the MIA heads to discuss the problem of teenagers and the MIA fireside and YMC programs.  Not much progress.

November 21, 1962

Slept until 7:30 AM.  Had an 8 AM meeting at Leo A. Daly’s office with Jack Savage.  We went over the new plans for heating and ventilating the games room.  Finally approved somethings.  OK’ed the wall change.  Drove out to the building site to inform the construction engineer of the changes.  Spent an hour in going over the building carefully.  Went on to a 10:45 AM appointment with Father Killoren at St. Benedicts School.  Toured his facilities-very good!  Visited with him about people to name to the Board of Directors of the Gene Eppley Boys’ Club.  very interesting man.  I asked him to serve as a Director- I think he really wants to!!  Hurried on to a luncheon meeting with Mickey Landen (Board member) and a Jim Spellman of IBM.  We discussed a programed research project to commence with the inception of the boys’ club opening to measure and evaluate the program and value of the services to youth.  Good lunch at Ross’ Steak House!  I am very excited about the prospects.  Especially when Mickey says he will back up the project with a full-time staff member to handle the research aspects.  Helen fixed pies, stuffed turkey, etc getting ready for the big day tomorrow.

November 22, 1962

Helen had a beautiful 21 lb. turkey in the oven by 8 AM.  Ron and I put up the last storm window and did such Thanksgiving day jobs as putting an extra table leaf in the dining room table.  I took Teri and Debbie bowling.  It was a lot of fun.  They each bowled 3 lines while I bowled two.  45 cents a line plus 15 cents for renting a pair of shoes.  I bowled a 187- first bowling I had done in 8 years.  Teri wanted practice for when her Sunday School class goes bowling.  The Roy Summers family- a new church family from California came over for dinner.  They have 4 young children.  Helen really put on a feed-turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, almond green beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, strawberry salad etc..  We visited all afternoon.  I showed the kids a movie on Africa I had picked up from Joe Sharp.  After the Summers left we prepared for bed and I packed my bags in preparation for tomorrow’s flight to New York City.

November 23, 1962

Down at the office at 6:30 AM.  Worked on copy for the executive newsletter until flight time.  John drove me out to the airport.  Caught a United Jet-non-stop to Idlewild airport.  Wonderful flight.  Sat next to a George Hansen whom I had met in Omaha Rotary.  Wonderful conversation, light lunch and pleasant stewardesses.  From Idlewild to downtown Manhattan- bought two suits @$60 each from Park Kenney clothing co.  my friend the owner, Irving Weiner, said they were $100 suits at retail price.  Black and brown of imported worsted English fabrics.  Caught the Long Island railroad to Locust Valley.  Walked up to Gert and Bob Vorisek’s from the station.  Wonderful to see them again and all of their fine boys.  Rod Pellet was there and we enjoyed a very fine leg of lamb dinner.  Visiting was pleasant.  Food was great and company terrific!!  After dinner Bob drove me to the American Legion building where the Lawlers were having a sweet 16 birthday party for Katy.  Big crowd of boys and girls whom I knew.  It was very pleasant to see all of them.  Enjoyed the visit.  Hit the sack about midnight.  Bed felt good.  I was a little tired.

November 24, 1962

I have Ken Vorisek’s room.  It was real cool last night-verge of being uncomfortable.  Had breakfast with Gert and using her car drove to the village.  Mailed a letter at the post office and drove to the club to watch the finals in the Big Ivy League football intramurals.  Saw lots of old friends and very familiar faces.  What a warm greeting was given me.  How nice it made me feel. Love, warmth friendship etc are very wonderful ingredients of living.  More people should have more of them.  Boys’ club staff are dragging their chins a bit.  Mostly kid stuff- pouting, petty, jealousies.  Woody is up state for the holiday.  Drove down and had a wonderful visit with Mrs. Faber.  We talked families and boys’ club.  she is sure a peach of a woman.  Next was a wonderful visit with Mr. Pratt.  Together with Gray Colgrove we took a long walk through the woods and over by his pheasant pens and sheep lane property.  Back to the Vorisek’s for TV football and a fine visit with Joe Durso (Sr and Jr). Dinner with the Voriseks- roast beef and special company in the form of Robbie’s girl.  A nice long visit with Gert and Bob followed.  To bed by 12 midnight.

November 25, 1962

Another cool night.  Up about 8:30 AM.  Didn’t go to church.  Had breakfast and walked down to visit Frank and Florence Rowsom.  Really surprised them.  Their home was full of children and grandchildren.  Charles and Mary Jane (Rowsom) Lee were there with their children and Frank and Florence   had George Rowsom’s boy.  George’s wife having just given them a 3rd grandchild by George.  On to a wonderful visit with Jim and Edna Egan and the thrill of listening to Jimmy’s success with the Marine flying program.  Back to the Voriseks for a big lunch and then down to the boys’ club for the midget football game.  They lost to Malverne by two touchdowns but showed lots of hustle and scrap in getting two hard earned touchdowns for themselves.  Like old home week to see all the familiar faces of parents and the mothers and dads, club members.  Whytes-Barclays-Birkins- Lombardis-Fabers etc.  what warm greetings.  To the Hahn’s aunt (McCans) for cocktails with Mike O’Conner and to Woody’s for dinner.  We talked through a lot of things- good for both Woody and I.  On to John and Hazel Dykstra’s  for an hour and then to Archie and Florence Andersons and Herb and Evelyn Edwards home and Henry and Kay Roslunds.  All visits were most enjoyable.  By the time I returned to the Vorsiseks it was 10:30 PM.  Air was crisp and nice.  Smell of burning leaves permeated the air.

November 26, 1962

Up at 6 AM.  Breakfast with the Voriseks and off to NYC via Long Island Railroad.  From Pennsylvania station to National office of Boys’ Clubs of America (Beautiful new Herbert Hoover building directly across from the United Nations building).  Had a sub committee meeting of our Citizenship Education group.  Al Maliski chaired the group.  Bob Noman from Connecticut and Bill Harris from Philadelphia attended.  Lunched with Van Billiard, Bill Lavery, Walter Hall, Homer Hansham and a few others of the boys’ club clan who had gathered.  All afternoon was spent in a meeting aimed at planning the format of the 1963 National Convention in Toledo, Ohio.  It was slow plodding work with lots of opinions and incidental talking taking up time that should have been used to better advantage.  We broke up about 4:30 PM and I walked to the Belmont Plaza Hotel at 49th St. and Lexington and checked in.  Spent some time making telephone calls and then had dinner in the hotel Royal Scott’s dining room.  Walked across town to the N.Y. Times building and had a nice visit with my good friend Joe Durso, assistant city editor.  Joe took me on a complete tour of the times.  Fascinating!!

November 27, 1962–A good morning-rich in productive thinking.  We moved along a course of reasoning and sifting of facts that should result in a very qualitative convention in Toledo in May 1963.  We all had lunch together at Johnny Johnsons steak house.  A magnificent piece of beef steak was served for lunch.  Absolutely the tenderest, tastiest piece of beef I have ever had.  Back at the boys’ club we wound things up and took an hour to evaluate- off the top of our heads- the whole structure and approach to the way things are being done relative to convention planning.  Some good ideas came out of this type of thinking.  Everyone dashed for planes, trains etc.  However, I met with Ed Van Billiard, my regional director, and Walter Hall, chief of field services about the status of the boys’ club of Omaha.  We agreed that we would proceed on a status quo basis.  But that the official charter of the Boys’ Clubs of America would be presented to the Omaha club during National Boys’ Club week- the time we hope to dedicate the Gene Eppley Boys’ Club.  Ask Homer Hansham to go with me to Madison Square Garden.  Joe Durso arranged for tickets.  1st came a delightful bowl of oyster stew!!  Saw Celtics defeat Detroit and Cincinnati defeat New York in professional basketball.  Talked to Bob Boozer and Oscar Robertson.  Bob and Oscar play for Cincinnati.  Bob worked for me this past summer in Omaha boys’ club program.  Omaha is Bob’s home.

November 28, 1962

Started the day off with a 9 AM meeting with Walter Guzman of Acme Visible Records.  Walter has helped me finalize a record from with pertinent details necessary for keeping qualitative records in a boys’ club.  looked like we will have it all ready to go for the Omaha Club.  Next came an enjoyable time with my old friend T F Sallie.  Visits to showroom of furniture places, lunch and the discovery of the history of the Hinckley’s dining room set that was acquired from the old Appleby Estate in Glen Cove.  It was proven to be original Thonet work finished in Austria and imported to the United States.  Next meeting was a serious discussion with the Boys’ Club of America program staff concerning Mickey Landen’s interest in doing a research evaluation of the Boys’ Club of Omaha’s value and efforts to change a community.  A big challenge- one I didn’t receive much help with.  Personnel dept. told me that my best outlook for staff to do the job would be by going to a university    Met the Voriseks for dinner.  We had a good seafood dinner at the King of the Sea.  Wonderful opportunity to visit with them and tell them of my hopes and aspirations for Omaha and the Hinckleys.  Hated to say good night to them.

November 29, 1962–Up at 6 AM.  Shave-shower and checked out of the hotel.  Taxi to airline terminal and a bus to Idlewild airport.  An Eastern flight to Richmond, Virginia.  Met by Bill Haskins- Ex. Dir.  of the Red Shield Boys’ Club.  We visited his club and then drove to the new Boys’ Club of Richmond.  What a plush job.  Plushest decorated boys club I have ever seen.  Wish our board of governors could have seen it.  Attended a Richmond Virginia community council meeting.  They were taking a look at the site of a city problem.  Bill Haskins spoke to the issue.  I was very much impressed.  We talked boys club for an hour during which time I had a good opportunity to size him up and do some evaluation.  I would like to have him on our staff.  I have a feeling he could do a good job.  Back to the airport and a final chat before boarding a flight to Wash. D.C.   Called the Hams family.  Dick wasn’t home but I had a nice chat with Louise before flying on to Chicago.  Sat next to an archeologist from the University of Virginia.  Very stimulating conversation.  In and out of O’Hare airport.  Placed a telephone call to Lincoln Blakeway who is hospitalized.  He is a strong candidate for my Omaha job opening.  He will let me know next week.  Omaha by 11:20 and out to the house by 12:30.  Good to be home and to see everyone safe and sound.

November 30, 1962

Was at office early.  Stayed through until noon.  Helen dropped by to pick up her household and grocery money from the regular end of the month pay check.  I made Rotary at the West Dodge Club.  Saw a film of the John Glenn Space Orbit including pictures of John, made inside the capsule.  From there I drove out to the building site.  Spent an hour going over the building.  It is amazing how many changes took place while I was gone.  Good to see such progress.  Things are really beginning to shape up.  Looks like a finish date of about February 1—6 weeks ahead of schedule.  Drove out to Leo Daly’s office for a quick conference with Jack Savage.  A few last minute changes suggested by my visit to the Richmond, Va. Boys’ Club.  was home at 3:30 PM in time to drive Helen and Teri to their Girl Scout rendezvous.  They joined Teri’s troop and journeyed by bus to the Girl Scout Camp.  17 miles out of Omaha on the Platte River to spend a weekend of troop camping.  I prepared dinner for our family.  Boys , Debs and I and then we all hit the sack early.  I was very tired.  Bushed from travel.