Diary 1939-1941
January 1 Sunday-Enjoyed dinner at Olif’s. played cards and went to Riverside Gardens. Danced first time in my life with Easther Cottle.
Got up, did chores went down to Hazels. Got ready and went to the dance at Riverside. Took Katie Lufkin “some girl”.
Arose at 7:40. Got dressed and went to school. Stayed after school to practice ball. Came home with Andy.
Arose and went to school. Stayed after school and practiced ball. Went to the show “The Texans” with Andy.
Had the first real snow today. It snowed 8 inches. After ball practice I came home from school with Andy.
After school went to Idaho Falls in Hibbard bus. We played two games of basketball. Lost 19 to 38 and 15-37.
Wasted the day untill six o’clock. Went to Riverside with Sheldon and Lawrence. Had good dance. Come home at 3am.
Went to Sunday School then went to the show in Rexburg “Out West with the Hardy’s”. Came home with Harmon.
Went to school. The bus was 20 minutes late. Practiced ball after school. Came home with Hans.
Went to school and practiced ball. After school rode out to mutual with Howard Widdison. Defeated 8th graders 17 to 2.
Went to school then to Ashton to play ball. Lost both games by 1 point. 20-19 and 19-18. Met Alma Carlson.
Went to school practiced ball. Waited untill show was out and rode home with Andy. Heard the new car radio.
After school went to Sugar City to play basketball. Lost both games 47-10 and 38-26. Stayed all night in town with Widdison.
Went to ball practice at 11. at 6 went to St Anthony to play ball. Lost both games 22-21 & 29-28. I have infection in toe.
Slept till 9′ O’clock. I stayed home all day and slept..Mother and Wilma went to Sunday School. Toe much better.
January 16 Went to school but felt the shits all day I didn’t stay for ball practice because I didn’t feel very good.
Stayed from school. Was ill. Read most of the day didn’t leave the room. Was feeling a little better when I went to bed.
Didn’t feel to good but went to school any way. Practiced new ball plays. Went to show. Stayed all night with Widdison.
Got up 20 to 9. Was nearly late for school. Practiced ball and went up town. After while came home with Andy.
Nearly missed school bus. Got average mark in tough science test. Beat Edmands in ball 32-29. Revenge is sweet.
Went to town with aunt Hazel’s. walked around town and got some new clothes. had already seen show in Rigby.
Went to Church. Had on new shirt and shoes. After church went down to Aunt Hazels. Played poker. Lost 7 cents. Uncle Lees came up.
Was excused from school at noon. all registered Boy Scouts got to see the show “Angels with Dirty Faces” Practiced ball and came home.
Didn’t do any chores. Saw picture show in General Science. Practiced ball. went up town to find a ride home. After 3 hours Wate came with Hans.
Nothing unusual happened in school. Practiced ball so as to defeat Rigby on Parents Day Came home with Andy.
Filled out application in school so parents would know where to go. Took light work out all set for game tomorrow.
Today is parents day at the high school. Mother went to school in my place. I did chores and at 4 o’clock went to school to play ball.
(Saw show “Kentucky” Fri We lost the preliminary game 16-17 fri night. Won the main game 34-11. We played Rigby.) Stayed home all day. Stayed home all day. Went to Widdisons and made Chinese checkers board.
did all chores and went to church. came home ate dinner. Spent the day at home agervating mom and Wilma.
Nothing unusual happened in school today. After school played the aggies in ball. we won 15-10. Came home with Claud.
Nothing unusual happened in school to day. Practized ball and went to mutuial with Howard. Beat 8th grade 12-9 in basket ball.
February 1
killed one spug in general science with nicotine from 1 cigerette. Went to school vuadavile at 7:30. Had big dance afterwards.
Nothing unusual in school to day. Didn’t practice ball. Came home on bus and went to Harweis farwell dance with girl. Had good time
Had two pep assemblies in school to day for big basketball game. Madison 27 Idaho Falls 31. Ricks 36 southern Branch of Poc 29. Good games.
We went to town to day with Hans. I saw my eye doctor and got my glasses lens changed. Went to the show and came home with Andy.
Went to Sunday School. After church went down to aunt Hazels. Awful blizzard on. Helped Andy make Chinese checkers board.
Stayed all night down to aunt Hazels. Caught bus and went to school. Practiced ball and came home with john McCulloch.
Went to school in for noon. After noon went to Charly Sauery’s funeral with Shell. practiced ball and came home with Claude.
Nothing unusual happened in school today. After school played ball game with St. Anthony. Main five won 44-31. We lost 31-29. Home on bus.
Nothing unusual in school. After school practiced ball and went to show “Devils Island” and “the girl downstairs”. Came home with Dick.
Same old routine in school. After school went to Shelly to play ball. Won both games 16-17 and 14-34. Came home with Dick and Shell.
Slept till 11:30 and went to town with Hans. At five o’clock practiced ball and then bummed around town till I came home with Andy.
Did chores so ma and sis could go to genealogical convention. I went down to Olifs and got a hair cut. Spent the afternoon there.
Nothing unusual happened in school today. After school played Ashton two games of ball. Won both games 28-11 and 30-15.
Went to school in an awful snow storm. At noon school was let out so students could go to leadership meeting.
Nothing unusual in school today. Was planning on playing Idaho falls ball but had to play agg. We won 28-20.
Coach Stowell had me carry a Mrs Call’s suitcase to the railroad depot. She tipped me .25. Practiced ball and went to dance at Hibbard. Had big time.
Nothing unusual happened in school today. Didn’t practice ball tonight. We are resting up for a big game tomorrow night.
Did chores and went to town at noon with Hans. Went to show “The Dawn Patrol” At 7 O’Clock played Shelly two games of ball. Won both 15-20 & 35-21.
Went to church in big snow storm. After church went down to Sheldons. Played cards and went to Sunday evening church Pretty cold weather.
Pretty cold this morning. Nothing unusual happened in School untill 3:30 when the second team beat Archer 25-21 in ball game. Home with Claude.
Nothing unusual in school today. The snow in the center of main street is piled 12 feet high. Came home on bus Tonight and went to Mutuial.
Feb 22 Ashton Dog Derby and Washington’s birthday. Cecil Bauren now dog race. Went to school till noon then went to Archer to play ball. Won the game 22-20
Bud Hinckley has been operated on for appendisides. He is doing OK. The snow is about 5 ft deep. Nothing unusual happened today. Came home on bus.
Nothing unusual in school. After school played Sugar City ball. Lost first game 20-31. Won second 48-42. Some game.
Went to town with Hans in awful blizzard Saw show “Heart of the North” and “Youth takes fling”. Played St Anthony ball. Score 28-23 and 56-28.
Didn’t go to church stayed home and did chores and chopped wood. In afternoon went skiing with Warren Widdison. Was alone all day.Hard day in school today. Practiced ball after school and then came home with Andy. Heard “Ceiling Zero” over Lux theator program.
Same old routine in school today. Had hard ball practice and came home and went to Mutuial. Played 8th grade ball and won 29-9.
(Under date of February 29 he wrote “From here on untill Sunday march the eleventh the date is one day behind Schedule”)
(The real March 1)
Nothing unusual in school today. came home on bus. did chores and sat up untill 10:30 P.M. to hear gang busters. Was good program.
March came in like a lamb but 24 hours after it came in we had a real blizzard. Lamb changed quick. Same old routine in school. I came home on bus shovelled path, dressed up and went to school opera. Afterwards came out on bus to Seth Sauery’s dance. Big time.
Every thing went smooth in school driving for noon. (?) Rigby high put on assemble this morning. took to 6 week exams and did good. Nose bled 4th period.
Did chores and went to town with Hans. Saw eye doctor had glasses straightend. Saw show Duke of West Point and youth.
I forged a note today and sluffed 6th period to see pool champion at Bill’s. Went to Mutuial and played around. Came home with Howard.
Same old routine in school today. Had home room period in Mr. Petersons room. Heard record on fall of Jericho. Played ball with F F A and won 22-14.
Went to school untill noon then came out to Hibbard church with Stant Johnson and helped put on play “White Collors”.
Sluffed school and went down to Hibbard to see basketball tournament. Big conflict between Edmunds and Lyman about a game.
Went back to tournament. Edmunds won. Plano sportsmanship, Hibbard second. Lavere, Gordon, Furis placed on first two teams.
Wasn’t any church. Went down to Shells. Leland went with sheep. I and Shell saw show Honolulu. Came home and read.
Same old routine in school came home on bus and went to Rigby with Hans to see sacred Pagaent “Alone in Heaven”. It has run 4 days and nearly 400 people were turned away every day.
Nothing unusual in School. After ball went up to Widdisons to ride to mutuial. Howard didn’t come so started walking. walked all the way but 1 mile.
Heard Bill Sutherland talk on aviation in home room. In G. S. had to get a fuse plug to make experiment. Came home and listened to Radio.
Went to school untill 2 o’clock. Came out to ward reunion. came home changed clothes and went back to dance. Had a big time.
St Patricks day. We had a matinee dance at school. I didn’t stay. Came with with Stant. I called Fern Beattie up on phone and asked for dance date tomorrow night.
Did a few chores and went down to store. Asked Glady’s S for a date Got one. Went to Riverside. Had a real good time. Things didn’t turn out to good.
Slept untill 1 o’clock. ate and went down to Hazels. ate again and went to town saw show “They made me a criminal” Came home with Han’s.
Spring is here snow is melting and the days are nice. Sure hate to go to school. The same old routine in all periods.
Tue night went down to Mia. Afterwards went over to Mrs Larsens for sunday school party. Got stuck. Never got home untill 2 o’clock in morning.
Nothing unusual in school today. Heard President Ricks in home room period. Came home and made back board for basketball.
Saw a movie picture on “Yellow stone” Park by Leon Evans and Mr. Biddolph. Went down to Clintons and got basketball.
Sugar City put on assembly in school today. pretty good. came home and played basketball. All the snow is about gone.
Blackfoot won state basketball title from boise 25-23. Went to town bought grociers (lost 75 cents somewhere) saw show “adventures of Huckleberrie Finn”
Went to church was asked to be teachers “president” Brought pep home and played basketball. It rain a little today.
Nice sunny day had to go to school. Renewed book the three Musketears. came home and played ball had tournament.
Went to school longing to be outside. Had nice work out in gym. Came home and played ball. Didn’t go to MIA.
President Stuki talked to us in home room period. Went outside in Phys Ed period. came home and cleaned lilliac bushes. Went to big supper given for MIA and all play characters. Had lots of fun.
Same old routine in school. Came home and worked on yard. Had to stay home with Wilma while Ma went to party.
Went to School half a day. the second half, Shel, Hazel, Dick and I went out to Mud Lake to see Leland. He came home with us.
April 1
April fool. Tried to play couple april fool pranks on Mom. went down and got hair cut. Went to april fools dance with Velma Larsen (Shels car) had fun.
Didn’t go to church. Went down to Uncle Lee’s with Olif Johnson. Had good dinner. Came home about 7:30
Didn’t go to school today. Earned dollar and half by helping Widdisons dock sheep. Got through at 8:30.
Started back to school. Got excused admitt to classes. After school came home and went to M I A Had a good time.
Had an awful windy day as past two days have been. After school read a while and listened to radio.
Heard a band concert given by a Utah band. Same old routine in school. Came home and listened to radio.
Got out of 4th period to go and see eye doctor. eyes are improving. Had a good day at school.
Cleaned yd. Fixed pig pens. Went down to Shels and helped him a while. Sure a windy day. Bathed today.
Went to church. Had a special program. after church went for a ride down to I Falls. Roberts and aunt Leavernahs.
Regular routine in school. Sent to K S I for hand loom. after school went over to Hans and fooled around for a while.
Regular in school. At night went to dance for M I A explores and junior girls. Had a good time (went stag)
All eighth graders visited high school today. We had an assembly. 8th graders went to free show and dinner. afternoon classes regular.
Woke up this morning to see 5 inches of snow on ground. It snowed nearly all day. all snow gone by night. Heard major Bowes.
Snow all gone but a little muddy. Juniors put on assembly. Came home and collected $1.50 for working over to Widdisons.
Weather good, sun. Cleaned yd got mail, ate dinner and went down to Shels. Came home and went to dance with Dorthy S. Had big time.
Went to church untill 1:45. Went down to Shels ate dinner. Latter I and Pep went to show “I’am from Missouri” good show. sun is shinning hate to go to school.
Had an assembly at 11 o’clock a man and a woman who lives with Indians put it on. Had track work out and came home.
Drew two books from public library. Worked out in track. Went to M I A and then to free show given for basketball players.
In home room today I was voted in as song leader. Tried to start mom’s washer but couldn’t make it go.
After school had an international school track meet. Madison won by 1113/4 points. I entered throwing the javilan. didn’t place.
Worked on float in forenoon afternoon went to M H S carnival. Won box of biscuit flour. Went to dance got on a big tar.
got up at 8 and went over to Widdisons to work. Did odd jobs. when I got home mom and sis was up town.
got up at 6:30 so as to go up with sheep. Got up above Rexburg by 10. That night I stayed up to Widdisons all night.
Came home to find last sow with 14 hogs and cow gone. Went back to school on bus. It rained today. Came home listened to radio.
Nothing unusual happened in school today. After school went down to Olifs got hair cut and then to M I A.
Garr Widdison had a baby girl today. Makes two. Doesn’t no weather to rain or not. Had a fair day at school.
Didn’t go to school today. Took cow down to pasture. Went fishing caught 7 suckers. Oscar rand out of gas. Grade school party. Did Garrs chores $.35
April 28– Alice Sommers died today. Nothing unusual in school. Went down to relevio party at Tucketts. all the gang was there. Had lot of fun.
Got money from Abners $3.00 balance. After working around home went down to Shels. Helped him build head gate and put it in. Went to town played snooker.
Went to church then down to Shel’s. Hazel and Dick went to Pearls. I and Shel saw show “Dodge City” I spent 75 cents.
May 1
got out of school at 2 o’clock to see health parade. fooled around town took books back and came home with Claude.
Went to school untill noon then went down to Alices funeral. couledn’t get in. Had big time with M I A party. (R S)
Got excused admitt. Spent a long day in school. Went down to primary festival. I and Shel had Mary G and Ruth P.
Had an election assembly. Cast ballots had no fourth period class but had matinee dance. Listened to radio.
Girls day at high school. Got out of school at noon. Sluffed 4th period played snooker. Didn’t get a date for the dance. Came home on bus and finished book.
Attended youth conference Heard Pres Grant. Attended two free shows , Stage Coach and Double Pasture at Elk. They fed 22 hundred people. Met 4 gals from Idaho Falls. Went two dance got on a tair with Leland, Lorin and Sheldon. Oboy.
Got letter from Lenora Rhodes. No mutuial. Had big track meet, I won. Aunt Lonie is still here. We have 3 sows with 27 little pigs. After school listened to radio.
When I got home from school Aunt Viola and Uncle Roy was here. Aunt Lonie went back with them. We had a track meet.
Answered Lenora’s letter. Had a fair day in school. after school came home and fooled around. Heard a good program on the radio.
Mom was going to Pocatello today with Catherine and Mr Eardley. She got fooled. After school I went to find Wilma who had gone to a party.
May 13-Special orchestra (Gene Coy) Wasted the day then went to town with Beatrice. Met Lewis Johnson and went to the dance. Smacked his car up. Had fair time. 6K1445 number of car who hit us.
Went to St. Anthony park on Mother’s day outing. Gave mother a picture of a robin and little ones. 25 people were to the dinner.
Went to school but sluffed last period. played snooker with Lawrence. Came home on bus a fooled around with Farris.
Stayed out of school and helped mother house clean. We varnished, calsomined, painted and cleaned up the house. Joined 4 H Pig Club.
Went back to school. Got excused admitt and had a good talk with Mr. Stucki. Took back library books and came home.
Went to school but was awful ill. Road home with Roland. Heaved all over. Didn’t go to 8th grade graduation exercises.
Went to school and tried to check my books in. They wouldn’t let me. Stayed after school to do some studying. Came home with Dick.
Went fishing. Caught one trout and one sucker. Came home bathed and went to town. Sold automatic fishing reel for $1.25.
Went to church then Shel and duff and I got Doris and Carola and went places. I drove from Heisie (Believe this to be the hot springs resort) to the falls and back to church at home. Warm.
Didn’t go to school worked in Ed Sommers beets. Earned $3.80. Forgot to eat breakfast ate dinner at aunt Lavern’s. It rained.
Went to school and took final exam in sem. algebra and general science. Checked in books and saw eye doctor. Went to pig club. Rained.
Am all through with school. Went over to Johnsons and helped Perry and Lenard get a load of spuds. went to Heisie with Home Room. Windy.
Worked in Joe’s beets Had a tough day. Aunt Zinie and Lizzie helped mow. Went to show “Union Pacific”. Got home at 3 AM. awful hot.
Beets are to small to thin. Worked around the place and planted garden. Fooled around with Wilma and Ray. awful hot.
Went down to Sheldons. Went out to store played mumble peg. Went to town with Beatrice. Saw show “Booloo” “Outside of Paradise”. awful hot.
Went to ten o’clock conference. Saw show “Confession of a Nazi Spy” Carrol Evens took I Leland Francis P to Heisie. Spent $3.25. awful hot
Went to work in beets at 6:30. Hot weather nearly all did us up. Was awful tired after doing 11 rows.
Decoration. Went to work in beets at 5:30. Slept from 1-3 o’clock. Quite at 5 o’clock and went to dance with Shel and Lawrence. windy.
Went to work at 5:30. Quit at 5. Came home and saw Lee’s. Saw Esthers engagement ring. Went to dance had good time.
June 1
Hated to get up but want to work. It rained in afternoon. We quit early and I went to show “Freshman year” “Our trial”
Didn’t get to work untill 9 because Stant had to get water and I and Perry slept nearly all afternoon. Only got 5 rows. Hot.
It is cool and nice working. Had a good day in beet field. Came home bathed and went to show “Racketers of the Range”. Cloudy
Slept untill 10:30. after church mother went with Hans and Olif’s up to Ponds. Sis and I went over Johnsons. Windy
Finished Joe Jensens beets about 3 o’clock. Went to Teton looking for more couldn’t find any. Lost dad’s pocket knife.
After dueing up the chores I went down to Shels. Got my beet money and caught 6 chubs. Went hunting beets. Went to pig club and for a ride in Torpy’s new Plymouth.
Went over to Lenards and went fishing. Caught 105 chubs. Gave all of them away but six. Pep came up and fooled around.
Got up at 5:15 to see ma off for Salt Lake conference. Helped Hans get his pigs shot. build a pig pen Olif cut our pigs. cloudy
I and sis are staying down to aunt Hazel’s. got up at 6 to come up and do chores. Helped Shel build pig pen. Hail, rain
Pep came up with me to do chores. Helped H Morris plow. Saw show “King Kong”. Took Gladys Stripy to dance at warm river. Windy
Didn’t get up iin time to go to church. Duff, Shel and I came up to do chores. I helped Shel water all day. Warm
Finished building Shells pig pen. came up and got the pigs. Went to town got fish pole, line and hooks. Mom came home. Hot
Got up helped aunt Hazel do chores and went fishing Didn’t catch any. I and Shel got planks and logs to fix a raft. Windy
Fed hogs and went to town. Got new shoes, overalls, gloves. Saw ball game, Rexburg 8 and Plano 4. Saw show “Society Lawyer” ” Hound of the Baskervilles” Hot
After duing chores and eating breakfast I saw Gar W about starting in beets. Went down to Shels and helped make a raft.
Did chores and turned water on lawn. Went up to Dean P fish trap and over to Lenords. Johnsons came over in evening. Showers
Exchanged shoes. Saw show “Thundering West” “First offenders” Went to dance at Riverside. Tinky wrecked. Got home at 3 o’clock. Rained
Went to church. Had father’s day program. Aunt Lonie, Viola and Roy came over. Shel and Hazel came up. Went to Rigby to see train. rained.
Got up at 6:15. Aunt Lonie is staying with us. Went fishing with Shel. no luck. talked to Clinton for a while. rained.
Saw Alvin Lusk about a job. Went over to Johnsons. Went to Pig Club down to Peps and had good club. rained
After duing up chores went down to Shels. got in a spudfight. Nevills came up and we had a card party. warm
Fooled around trying to get mom to let me go to the show. Went to scout meeting and played gangster. Had fun. Warm.
June 23-Grandmother Mathews 85 died about 9 this morning. Uncle Lees came up. Aunt Stell and Ida to. I went with Pep. Windy
Mom and sis went to town. I went to Albretsons and won 10 cents in a poker game. Went to the dance with Tinky. Good time.
Kids from Pocatello came up. Went to church then to show “Only Angles have wings”. I and Pep got 1/2 gal beer. Pep got drunk had to stay all night at my place. Warm.
Attended granma’s funeral as pall bearer with Gail, Elmer, Willis, Bill H and Ray B. Had lovely services. Went out to Viola’s after. warm
Got up at 9:30. After dinner I went down to Shels. Caught a sucker and fed it to his hogs. Came home and went to secret club.
Went in swimming in the morning with Ray. Worked in afternoon in Garr’s beets. Went swimming again. Hot
I and George worked all day in Abner’s beets. Went swimming in middle of afternoon. Got a hair cut and a new job. Hot
Left at 7:30 to go to work in hay. Ate dinner at Florabell’s. We had five bunchers in the afternoon. Hot
July 1
bunched hay a half day for Si and nearly finished. Pitched hay in afternoon for Olif. Saw shows “Fisherman Warf” “Kid from Texas” Hot
Got dissapointed and didn’t get to go to Yellow Stone. Saw uncle Lrip up town. Saw show the Kid from Ko Ko Mo. cloudy
Helped George and Albert Zollinger haul two loads of hap. Went swimming. Went to town to settle with Widdisons. Windy.
We went for a ride with aunt Hazel and Andy. Up new road into Jackson Wyo. Back over pass and into Sugar. Hot
Went and saw Alvin about a job. Went to town with Misses and took raidio up. Saw ball game Rexburg 6 Rigby 4. Show “Code of the Secret Service” and “Charlie Chan in Reno”. Rained
Fooled around with Kay and Wilma in forenoon. In afternoon Ray and I went to town . I saw eye doctor. showers
Ray and I had a wrestling bout then went swimming. I went fishing with Vernon. Also back swimming again. Sun burned. Saw show Hopalong Cassidy in “Sunset Trail” Rexburg 8, Sugar City 8 in 8 innings. Hot
I and Wilma worked in garden. Stayed home in afternoon. At night went to Poc with Reed M Saw Uncle Willies. Had car trouble. Hot
Uncle Lee’s birthday. Got home at 9:30. Mom and sis were just going to church. Slept untill noon then went to Heisie with Hank and Lees.
July 10- Mom’s Birthday. Read awhile in forenoon then went down to grandma’s Morris. Went swimming then got a good night’s rest. 94 in shade hot.
Went to work for Alvin L. Helped string derrick and hauled hay with tractor out fit. After work went swimming and to pig club. Hot.
Went back over to Al’s and hauled hay untill 5. Got stuck with tractor. Saw ball game Rexburg 7 St Anthony 5. Saw shows “Sweep stakes winner” “Swing sister swing”. Hot
Didn’t go to work for Alvin untill noon. After work Seth ricks and I got a gallon of wine and had a real time at Lenor’s dance. Hot
Boy what a hangover. Worked all day for Alvin but was plenty sick all day. Went Swimming. Hot
Didn’t have to work so I slept untill 9:30. Got sticks for the beans. Went to the dance with Dee S. got new pants. Had good time. Hot
Went to sunday school. Saw show ” you can’t cheat an honest man”.. Went to Pincocks helped drink 1 gal of beer. Hot
Worked over to Alvins hauling hay. I and Ray H went swimming. read for a while then got a good nights rest.
Finished in Al’s hay this morning. Hoed garden and irragated. Went swimming with Reed Mortimer.. warm
Irrigated hay and grain for Alvin Lusk, Didn’t quit until 6:45. Had a good swim and read for awhile. Warm
Left about 8:30 for a 4H judging tour. I placed the highest of any other member. 835-1000. Saw show “Inside story” and “Romance in the Dark” windy
Aunt Pearl N and Lyle came up last night. I and Lyle walked down to the river fishing. Caught 50 chubs. Went to Wilma’s swimming party. Warm
Fooled around home in the forenoon. Went to town met Lorin and Leland. Had a can of beer. Saw show “Return of the Cisco Kid” “missing daughters’ and Louis vs Galanto (maybe boxing match report) Warm
Am batching. Mom and Pearl have gone over to Roy H. Went to church then to show “Sergent Madden” and “Topper takes a trip”. Hot
Went to St. Anthony with Lorin and Leland. Helped drink 4 gal of beer. Went to dance and got drunk again. Hot
Went to Milk Al’s cows then went to summer range. Rode about 25 miles hunting sheep. Got sick and got a very sore ass. Warm
Got up about 8. Went to cook shack for breakfast. Read for a while then rode down the canyon to the sheep. Took the radio down to the teepe. Cool
Got up at 4:30. helped count the sheep. Listened to Radio. Went over to cook shack. Mr. Widdison came up in Loren and Leland’s Car. cool
Got up at 4:30 to move the sheep to no 1 unit. I and Leland made two trips about 30 miles to move cook tent and teepees by pack horses. Cool
got up about 7:30. Caught the horses and went to cook shack for breakfast. Read then mixed sour dough for dinner. I and Leland took a bath in the hot springs . slept at the cook shack. some night. cloudy
After breakfast I and Leland went to Pincocks. took a swim. Came home with Robinsons in new car. Stopped and fished in canyon creek. Caught 1. rained
Had a good trout breakfast. Didn’t feel good. Leland brought mom up some mayberries. I went down to his place with him. Si finished paying me $1.75. Cloudy
August 1
Was sick all night. tooth ached. Had cold. Peps and Shisys came up. Fooled around but didn’t feel good. went to bed early. Warm
Went to Idaho Falls with 4H club. Road motor boat. Rented row boat. I and Lenord saw show “Spirit of culver” “Tip off girls” Saw a good dairy farm with gurnsey cows. Gail was married. Hot
Awful sick. Started over to al’s to sharpen ax. stopped at Hansens for 1/2 hour with nose bleed. After dinner went over to Widdisons. Had another nose bleed.
Keep quiet in forenoon so nose wouldn’t bleed. After dinner went over to Widdisons and went to town. saw eye doctor. Came home with Barney. Cloudy
Arose and fed hogs. After breakfast read untill going to town. Saw show “Susanna of the Mounted” “the man who dared” Got radio working. Hot
Had cantelope and weiners for breakfast. went to Sunday School then to show “Captain Fury”. Corinne Curtiss is staying with sis. Cold windy cloudy
After doing chores finished reading a magazine. then went up to Vernons and traded for some new ones. Fooled around over to Widdisons. chilly
Had company in the forenoon of Thelma Gilmore and girl friend. The first time I ever saw either of them. Aunt Viola came to. Went to pig club at Parks. Had water melon. Warm
Went to work for Alvin. Shocked grain. I have rheumatisum in my knee, can hardly walk. Got a hair cut after work. Listened to radio. windy cloudy
My knee was two stiff to go to work. I stayed around the house all day a reading. Teased Wilma and Corrine C. fair
Stayed around the house all forenoon. Bathed and went to town. Got a football bulletin from the coach. Came home played ball. warm
Built tackling dummy. Went to town with Minny. Saw show “Life of Alexander Graham Bell” The Renegade trial” got a rollin pin for Gail. hot
Went to church. Road down to Shels with stant. Road up town with Shel, Duff, Bill. Ate two ice cream cones. Went to St. Anthony. Hot
Went to work for Alvin. Shocked grain a half day then hauled hay. Was pretty tired at night. Nevills came up. warm
Finished hauling all the hay Alvin had down. Spend rest of day shocking grain. Came home and went right to bed. Warm
Binder broke down. Shocked grain in morning. Cut hay afternoon. Went to gails wedding dance with Stant. Had a good time Hot
Did a little grain shocking, nearly up to binder. cut hay in afternoon. Went to town got football suit from coach. Hot
Mowed hay all day. Got on one peace were dead skunk was. Nearly overcame us. Came home and played football with Ray. Hot
Hauled hay all day. Put 3 loads in barn. Went to town with George H saw show “King of the turf” “Calling Dr. Kildare”. Got football shoes. Windy
Went to church. Gave $1.50 tithing. Went to Shels then to town with tink. Saw show with Shel “Dark Victory”. Cost $100 to have car fixed. Hot.
Shocked grain all day at Alvins. After work played football with Ray. Went swimming and left ball at canal. Someone took it. Warm
Followed John all over shocking grain. Came home and hunted all over for football. Nobody knew anything about it. Warm
Alvin. Lynn and I hauled hay alone. topped out stack and got another started. Read paper while mom sewed a quilt. Hot
Bud and Ray N are shocking the grain. We run two wagons in hay and got done on south side about 5:15. Went to bed early. Hot
Threashed for Al. I and Stone had a real time. found football over to Garr’s. Mexican had taken it. Didn’t want to give it back. Warm
finished all alvins grain on south side. Went over to Rocks and helped threash. Saw show “Man about town” got new W. S. Have rheums. Windy
Didn’t go to church because of knee. Uncle Henry’s came up and we went down to aunt Hazels. they were hauling hay. Helped a little. Hot
Rained about noon. didn’t get up untill 10. Ray came over and played football. At night I and Ray saw show “Juarez” Good picture. showers
After breakfast went over to Verns W to see about a job. Went to work for Rick’s helping Seth on grain truck. got home about 7:30. Fair
have Rheumatism in both knees and dr. forklit. finished threashing Seith R today. Pulled on Verns. Walked home with Seth S. cloudy
Finished threashing over to Verns about 10:30. Seth paid me. Hane brought hay. I and Seth S and LaRue Dawson saw show in rigby “Sweet Hearts” “Saint in London”. Fair
September 1
Read and slept in fornoon. Went to work bunching hay for Si. Wilmas birthday she is 13. Germany began war on Poland. I gave Sis a box of candy. Windy.
Worked all day for Si. After work caught a ride to town. Saw show “Forbidden Adventure” pretty good. Came home with Hans. Windy
Worked a half day for Si. Went down to Ardellas then to show “Stanley and Livingston” saw prize fight picture Ambers vs Armstrong. Ma, sis went to Poc. Warm
Worked all day bunching hay for Si on Peck place. Got through early. Mom and sis got home from Pocetallo at 7:45. Everybody OK Fair.
Worked a couple hrs for Si. had to quit hay to green. I stacked . come home and slept. Mom and Wilma went to LaVerns for School B. Windy.
To windy to haul hay. Helped Arnold haul us two tons hay. Slept a while in afternoon and Read. Windy.
To wet to haul hay. Mill M Olif, Ray and I went to Falls to pig sale. After doing chores went back to town with Olif and saw show “Quick Millions” “The flying Irish” cloudy
Hayed all day for Si. Olif cussed so loud by the stack he bothered Stones school classes. Mom worked all day at Lusks. Fair
Finished hay on Si’s lower place. Started on upper place. Went to town with Hans saw show “The cowboy quarterback” “Boy trouble”. hot
Finished Si’s hay today. Worked nearly all day. Was plenty tired when I got through. Am helping Stant threash tomorrow. Hot
Helped Stant threash. was working on grain truck. Sowed sacks. Didn’t get home untill 8. Geneology opening party tonight. Mom and Sis went. Fair.
Registered at High School. Am taking biology, Geometry, English, Study, Econ and Soc Prob, church History. Sluffed afternoon and went to Canyon Creek with Stone. Rained.
Spent first full day in school. I like it. After school we scrimmaged with the college. I and Ross C came home together. Road most of way. Rained
Had a good day at school. Had skull practice for half and hr. at noon. Had good work out in football. Plenty stiff. Came home with Cecil C. Rained.
Won first football game of season. Sluffed afternoon classes and went to Driggs with gordon S to see game. Sluffed football practice. Brinton went to Utah. Madison..7…Driggs-0. Fair
I and Shel hauled to loads of straw from Olifs and Dicks up to our place. We went hunting I got two ducks. Mom and Sis went to town. Rexburg Fall Festival. Warm.
No church. Went down to Shels after cow. We went hunting, Shel shot a duck and a chicken. Fooled around home during afternoon. Fair.
Sure is a temptation to sluff school and lay around in the shade. Had a biology test-72%. Had good work out came home with Tink. Warm.
Got out of school at 2:30 to play Rigby JV football. We won 7-6. I played about half the game. Came home with Blain G. Hot
It’s sure hot the sweat runs off from me in every class. Had good football work out. Big snake dance etc. Home with Sellars. Hot.
Big football game. We got out of school at 2 to see it. Caame home on bus did chores at supper and went to bed. Madison-0 Idaho Falls-9 Rain and warm.
Got mom’s check, bicycle , shotgun shels up town in morning. Went hunting got 3 ducks. Went to town at night saw show “the rookie cop” Fair.
Went to church then down to Shels. Went to town in Plymouth and saw show “the Rains came” good show. Did school work. Fair.
Had a fair day in school. Practiced football. Ross C got his two ribs cracked. Rode from Bell’s corner with Pete McCulloch. Fair.
Had another so called fiar day in school. After football practice rode home with Jone’s. Went to M I A with Mom and Sis. Fair
Another day of school. More football practice a couple games of pool, hitch hiking home. Eating a cold supper, a hell of a life. Windy.
Got out of school at noon to play St. Anthony J.V. football. got took 14-6. Duane gave me a free pass to see “Blind Alley” “Sorority House”. Warm.
Got a hair cut down to Olifs. Went to town saw football game. Rexburg 19 Firth 7. Went to peanut prom stag. Helped Duane, Widdison B kill 2 qt wine. Fair.
Got up with a hang over. Cleaned my sow’s pen. Went to town with Perry. Saw show “Each dawn I die” Came home with Clarence Fisher. Fair.
October 1
Went to church. Settled up with Si. Went to town with Stant, Lenord, Perry, LaVere saw show “The Wizard of Oz”. Lee’s had a baby boy born about 9 A M Showers
Didn’t go to school. I and Perry wet to find work. Fooled around with Pep. Had chickery and mush melon pant (?). perty good stuff. Fair.
Went to school in forenoon. I Came home to go to work. Didn’t work. Went to M I A took part in opening exercises. Sunshine
Stant, Perry, Grant Sorensen and I started in Bill Sanery’s beets. We sent out five loads. Was dam tired when I got through. Fair
Hell of a back ache, a sore wrist and lots of sugar beets. Sent in 7 loads today. Didn’t go to Lucas Sellar’s farewell dance. cloudy
To wet to work. Grant Sorensen bought 12 guage shot gun for 38 revolver. Went hunting. 1 duck. Got awful wet, sure miserable. Rained.
Still to wet to work. Went hunting again didn’t get anything. I and Perry saw show “Pride of the blue grass” “Hidden stair case”. Went to dance with Earl Bird. FN Rained. AN sun shone.
Went to church, down to Shells and back home. Went over to Perrys. Got a chicken. Bill Saurey was drunk. got 25 Cents each for doing chores. Fair
The weather gets pretty cold at nights. I, Perry, Grand S are working in Widdison’s beets. We have a pretty good time. Had final 4H meeting down to Rolands. Fair
Still slaving in sugar beets. Tink helped us finish part of Bill’s beets. Leannah came up to Hazels. Went to M I A. Cool.
Put in a hard day in the beets. Was plenty tired. Went right to bed after eating and doing chores. Fair.
Spent a hard day in the beets. After work did chores then Leland, Perry and I went to Lorin’s sheep camp. Had C&B. Fair.
Awful sleepy in beet patch after last night. After another day in the beets Leland, Garr. Lorin and I saw show “Coast Guard” and “Career” Lusk’s had a baby boy. chilly
Nearly gave out after working days and running around nights. Resolved to stay home but couldn’t. Leland, Lorin and I saw show “Lawless Valley”. Regular autumn weather.
Mom went to work at Lusks. Wilma went to church. I slept. Went hunting with Shell. Lees came up to Hazel. Had a fair day.
Went back in the beets. Put in a fair day making pretty good. After work I went with Lorin to deliver a mutton to Wrights. Fair
Loaded out all the sugar beets we had topped. I and Perry are going back to Sawrey’s. Lorin, Perry and I went to M I A then to show “Stop Look Love”. “Winter Carnavil” Chilly
Went back to Sawrey’s beets. Lorin came down fooling around. Came straight home after work and went to bed. Cold
(That was his last entry for 1939. Oct 18. In 1940 and 1941 he entered lots of work and pay events. Example is October 18, 1940 “Paid $3.55 1 day—Sheldon Morris topping beets” I will not enter all of those but being in a farm country they refer to cutting, scatter raking, turning, stacking and hauling hay, thinning and topping beets, bucking potato sacks and sorting potatoes , herding sheep, cleaning ditches and fixing fence. Most of his pay was between $2-3 per day. He did enter a few more entries and I will put those in by date)
July 12, 1940-Stant J and I are working for Ed Chapman at Sand Creek. We are the only ones to run J Fork.
Oct 29, 1940-Little Bill Holcomb is visiting us. Has been raining past 3 days. Am practicing football. Gladys S is married. tough for me.
Nov 8, 1940-Cold wind blowing. Rains every little while. Practiced football in cold. Have part in 1 act play: Make room for Rodney.
Nov 9 1940-First snow storm. Mother is picking turkeys at Mud Lake. Still playing football. Like school fairly well.
Nov 21, 1940 One year ago Pres Roosevelt set thanksgiving one week ahead. I hunt a lot of ducks. We are having a big dinner.
July 4, 1941-Rexburg celebrated. I had Helen Harris. Saw rodeo. Went to Riverside with Frank . Beesely had gal of whiskey. (First mention of Mom)
July 8, 1941-Didn’t work because of storm. Weather is hot. We are living by store. Bernice is staying here.
Aug 11, 1941-It is raining. Perry bought a car. Mom is in Poc. Helen and I are doing OK took day of to go to town.
Aug 17, 1941-Open house at Shines. Gordon B, Byron H and I went over to Ross H. Helen cooked chicken. Big Party.
Aug 28, 1941-It has been raining of and on for two weeks. Pigs are selling at $12.60. Byron helped me pick out new clothes.
Sept 18, 1941-I have two sprained fingers from football. Howard Schab is new coach. Our team looks pretty good this year.
Sept 19, 1941-Helen has gone to Salt Lake to go to the M. Big open house at Byrons. Seven quarts of whiskey. I had Donna Ann Beesely.
Sept 20, 1941 It has rained all today. I got a haircut at Olifs. Shell, Stant, Tink, Duff are in Calif. Mom is with Dick Mc.
Oct 3, 1941-We beat Driggs at Driggs 19-0. Had party after the game. I met Wanda Flamm. Coaches mother died.
Oct 10,1941-We beat rigby 7-0. Went to Idaho Falls saw ball game. Still unbeated or untied in football.
(This ends his five year diary book)