Trip To Salt Lake City – prior to 1937

This was found in a small Diary Atlas Manual dated 1929. I do not know the date of the entry I am typing. It is the only one I have found where his dad is still alive. There are other entries covering work done in 1937 but this handwriting is clearly from a younger child.  It is written in pencil and quite faded.

“My First Trip to Salt Lake”


We left for Salt Lake Nov. 13 at 10:30 A.M.  after traveling to Idaho Falls we ate dinner at my uncles place.  Here my uncle joined us and we precceed (sp) on to Malad where after eating supper we stayed all night.


After a terrible night at the hotel we ate our breakfast and journeyed on to Salt Lake where we arrived at 11 o’clock.  Here we saw Brigham Young monument and the egeal (sp) street. Here we went and found ????? after dad saw the doctor. We went out to our cabin and ate supper then stayed there for the night.


Next morning we ate breakfast and went down town again.  Here we saw dad’s doc again, did some shopping and saw Artense Johnson.  We went to a show and then to the LDS museum and then went back and saw dads doctor again.  From here we went back to our camp ate supper then went to bed.


Next morning we got up about 7 and ????? and ate breakfast.  Then went back up town and saw dads doc again.  There I saw the temple again and the statue of angel Moroni on top of the temple.  Next we saw the capital building and then most of the largest building in town.  Then we went and got Artense Johnson and went back home (which I think is the cabin/camp).  Artense stayed with us that night.


Next morning we got in the car and went through the ???.  On our way back into town we went through the store center ??? then back through Liberty Park.  Next we went out to the airport.  Then we saw the railroad station.  Next we went over the viaduct then we went home took a shower bath and went to bed.


Next morning we went up town and went through the temple and then we went and saw dads doctor.  He pulled ??? of his teeth.  Then we returned to our cabin and spent the evening.


Next morning we went downtown again and then we went home and did some washing then we spent the evening at the cabins.


Next morning we saw dads doctor again and then left for home.  We travelled over Sardine pass and up to Logan here we spent the night.


Next morning we journeyed on to Pocatello where we ate our dinner.  From there we proceeded on home.”