• The Last Year – January 1945 – July 1945
January 1, 1945 C.O. said “no New Years for you boys!” worked all day. Put tileing in our tent for A flooring tried to find a bar or a drink. None to be had. 4 inches of snow fell. Watched kids skate.
January 2, 1945 A-2 ordered us to evacuate to former position! Worked like hell to get antenna down and all equipment loaded. Back to Lure! Retreat! Slaved to put radio back on air in bitter cold. Had a bath at Susans.
January 3, 1945 Still very cold. Worked all afternoon. Duty hours for me are 12 out of 24. Nunez and I went into Lure. Drank a little and had dinner at Hotel La Europe. Had dinner, liquor with Hotel Matron.
January 4, 1945 Off work at noon. All went into Lure. Big party. Dinner at Hotel. Wine at the home of “Nicky”. Xmas and new years took nearly all the drinking material. Cold and hungry.
January 5, 1945 Cleaned my footlocker. Hope to send some “kraut” souviners home to Helen. Fresh weiners for dinner. Have several fever blisters. Still have snow and its very cold. Received mail.
January 6, 1945 “Jerrie counter-attacts give us much “food for conversation”. Using V.H.F.-H.F.-M.F. types of radio. Went into Lure with Durwood Phillips and “eggy”. Spent a nice evening drinking and talking with a french engineer at his home.
January 7, 1945 wrote several letters. Told Sis how much I didn’t like her leaveing the arsenal. Went to a dancing party at Mme Mossor’s. nice food, wine, champaigne and dancing via records. Snowed 3 inches.
January 8, 1945 Slept all day. Cold wind blowing drifted snow. Still snowing. Worked till midnight. Have most of my pictures in my new album. We are rationed 3 lbs of coal per day, per man. Tents are cold.
January 9, 1945 weather gets 5 below, zero at night. Goes to about 15 above in day time. Like my new album. Worked in afternoon. Played a little poker. Lost $6.00 keep fire all night. Radio vans are solid frost!
January 10, 1945 very cold night. Below zero! Bathed and cleaned up. Pork chops for chow. Went into Lure. Visited with Jossette (English speaking French girl). And her parents. Have quite a palm-reading reputation.
January 11, 1945 slept all day. Chicken and ham to-day!!! Invited to wild-duck dinner at Susies. Have to work. Fallon and 82nd driver hurt bad in auto accident. Driver killed. Ops. At Alt Kirch. Had tooth filled. Dentist at camp.
January 12, 1945 have a 30 hr. break. Slept and cleaned up. Brown received 2nd degree burns of face and hands. Crisp and cold. Saw “Buzz” and Zujus. No P.X. rations are money as yet. Went to Lure with “egg” . drank some wine.
January 13, 1945 worked the morning shift. Very cold. Played some poker. Won $31.00 took a couple of newspapers to Josette. Had some triple-sec-kish. Nice family. Nearly caught A.W.O.L. from duty. Chicken s—t army officers.
January 14, 1945 worked midnight until six. Ist LT. Kingsland chewed hell out of my ass. Slept most of the day. Egg drew P.X. rations for us. Two bottles of beer, candy and cigars. Frank and I have some good games of chess.
January 15, 1945 still cold and miserable. Hate to roll out at 5:30 A.M. food is pretty good. Rumor were C.B.I. bound. What do they thing we are? Moral is low. No mail in several days. dinner at Hotel De Europe.
January 16, 1945 won $4.00 in poker and $10.00 shooting craps. Egg and I red-lined this month. Pay is next if possible. Was over to Susies a short time. Prices in cities are terribly high. Shoes $40.00.
January 17, 1945 slept in forenoon. Was on duty in the evening when Frey and Seeley arrived. Egg and I packed our bags in a hurry. Happy to leave. Paid farewell to Susan and family. Reached Loonville (82nd Hqs) 1:30 P.M.
January 18, 1945 Slept in transportation with Dubbs. Saw all the old gang at Hqs. They live in buildings. Pop Devons gave us good P.X. Wilson says our rateings were overlooked. French girls serve the men at chow. Saw my service record.
January 19, 1945 Left Hqs in snow storm. Reached “baby” at Gugenheim via Sarrburg-Severne and Wasselonne. With Cozy Hanes and T.A.C. again. Ain’t never leaving again. Egg got “hog-ass” people speak German. Drink Schnapps and Beer.
January 20, 1945 worked 6-12 noon on Delmonicos Receiver. Given two hour evacuation alert. Blizzard. Snow drifted 3 feet deep. 12th armored Div. Came in. they have caught hell! We are to leave in the morning. Can’t see how “Jerrie” does it.
January 21, 1945 Very cold. Still slowing. We live in the city hall. In German “Rathous”. New orders keep us here. Armour keeps pouring in. played Pinochil, ate peanuts and drank beer at a German bar. Worked on the hill all night.
January 22, 1945 Tore radio down this morning. Loaded up and pulled down into town. 12th armored lost a lot of tanks and men. Had a good “look-see” from inside of a tank. Retreat again!! Back to Severne.
January 23, 1945 A cold ride back. Snow a foot deep. Kitchen in a sawmill. Officers and some men in an Apt house. V.H.F. men in a basement. Cold-dirty-and hungry. Snowed a foot today and last night.
January 24, 1945 put 75 ft. antennas up. Hills are snow covered. Cleaned up a basement room for Hanes, Egg, Cozart, Cotton and I. Have a nice place to live. Snow now three feet deep. Calegory has changed. A-A-A- guns all over.
January 25, 1945 Worked until noon. Bathed and cleaned up. Played pinochle in the evening. Had coffee and cheese sandwiches. Shot bull. Stove is “SNAFU” have warm place to eat. My back mail caught me. Town is “off limits”
January 26, 1945 Helped fix stove. Blizzard all day! Snow 36 inches deep!. Lot of kids skiing. Played some chess. Miller dropped in on us. Sure glad to see him. He looks good. Left us some rations. Men reclassified for Inft.
January 27, 1945 Snowing again. Used German washing machine and did some laundry. Played some chess. Spent quite a bit of time at the dispensary. Feet and this damp cold weather don’t mix. Fried steaks. Had several letters.
January 28, 1945 worked all morning. Joe Osborne dropped in. I went back with him. He is with the 103rd Inf. Division in Imbssheim. Lived a block from the C.P. have two good officers (pilots) with them.
January 29, 1945 ate all the fried chicken I wanted. Had some good bourbon and scotch. Had whipped cream and peaches and snow-cream chocolate flavored. 1st Lt. Fried my chicken and washed my mess gear.
January 30, 1945 Davis and Zarvisick are pilot forward fighters. Flew the Normandy show. 155 long toms shake hell out of the houses. Jack Allen brought me back to the outfit. All is well.
January 31, 1945 Did some laundry in a hand powered German washing machine. Bathed, shaved and read a little. Have a “chanook” that has taken half of the snow. Chow is very poar. Dr. says no to my circumcision.
February 1, 1945 Worked midnight to 8AM. Everything in our basement room is black-from soot-in burning gas stove. Fried potato chips. Col. Jackson have outfit “hell”! thaw has taken all the snow.
February 2, 1945 good breakfast-dried egg omlett-cereal-hash. Worked until noon. Had big “rowe” with tom C. did some laundry and cleaned up. Went to 6th Corp with Joe Q. saw Capt. Barr. Was payed for past two months. Had some mail.
February 3, 1945 Saw movie-“tall in the saddle”. Have chance to see one nearly every night. Boys really pack in to see them. My first in four months. Played some “Black Jack”-have daily inspection in quarters.
February 4, 1945 Have a 4 month old black and white puppy-named “Jackson”. Into all kinds of trouble. Ate six lbs of steak!! Have $150.00 in money orders to send home.
February 5, 1945 Egg got the “red ass” today! Cotton-Cozy and I really laid it on. Mail is poar. Rain is steady and hard. Rumor has two “buzz-bombs” hitting Saverne last night. Saw show “Lady lets Dance”.
February 6, 1945 Have “G.I.’s” but bad. Lt. Colonel Rega is new C.O. glad ready is leaveing. Played some poker. Tom C. is going to Paris. Lucky devil! Quit smoking! Haven’t touched a cigarette since the third! Expect to leave Saverne soon. Faulkner had gun accident.
February 7, 1945 Worked until noon. Helped move to new house. V.H.F. quarters! Nice home. Real bath tub!! First to take a bath. Two years over seas!! Chow is better. Still raining. Mud is very deep.
February 8, 1945 75 Ft. antenna droped. Took from 1AM to 5AM to replace it. Andy nearly made it up to see me. He was at my H.Q.’s. love to listen to Cozy play the piano. Had V.H.F. community sing.
February 9, 1945 fresh eggs for breakfast. Did a large washing took four hours to do it. Major Lomax dropped in for an inspection. Mop floors! Bastard! Chicken for chow this evening. Large mail call. Want to go home.
February 10, 1945 House cleaning for inspection. Rained all day. Played some table tennis in our day room. Chow was average. Saw grand show “Home in Indiana”. Egg picked up by M.P.- no gun!!
February 11, 1945 worked midnight to 8AM. Nearly saw Andy! Raining continuously. Saw picture “moonlight and cactus” pork chops for dinner. Played some poker. Lot of chicken inspections! Calegory’s brother missing in action.
February 12, 1945 Calegory came back from Paris. Says it is tops. Jack Allen and Osborne came in from 103rd Division. Some 82nd boys got bronze star. Lot o our outfit being taken for infantry.
February 13, 1945 got our new receiver vans in today. Muddy mess trying to locate them. Took a nice bath. Chow was good. Fresh pork. Dark clouds-high winds. We have mid-nite meal.
February 14, 1945 mopped and cleaned out our living quarters. Beautifull spring day. “Jerry” jet-propelled came over. Our A.A. couldn’t reach them. Large mail call. Triona and I took a “bag” walk. No “Dice”.
February 15, 1945 Applied for “OCS” as 2nd Lt. In infantry. Major Lomax said no!. big mail call. Beautifull day. “Kraut” railroad artillery worked us over. 14 rounds. 15 men hospitalized. 6th corp objective. Had some beer.
February 16, 1945 sorted and repacked my bags. Played some table tennis. Mopped stairs and hallway in house. Calegory is going from bad to worse. He used to be a damn good Joe. Saw show “When strangers marry”. Good chow.
February 17, 1945 Worked in the morning. Drove Lt. Colonel Rika on V.H.F. Inspection. Drove Lt. Brown to Gugenheim on D.F. Inspection. All roads are well checked and guarded!! Trips are being given to Paris and London.
February 18, 1945 Osborne came in for night. Brought some fresh meat. Worked in afternoon. Had argument with Calegory. Get fresh beer by the case from E.M. club. Took nice bath. Nice mail call.
February 19, 1945 Did big laundry. Ducked artillery all day. Cleaned living quarters up. Days have been nice and full of sunshine. Pussy-willows are out. C.B.I. rumor for us and very strong.
February 20, 1945 fooled with furnace in our basement. Tried to get hot water heating system to work. Cozart threw bacon grease on my clean clothes. Dark cloudy day. Rained in the evening. Repared tennis paddle. Had 64th wing & 6th corp. inspection.
February 21, 1945 Saw picture “Hail the Conqrering Hero” was good. M.P.’s are very strict on appearance and actions. Deliquence reports are infantry material. Large mail call. Railroad guns still shell us. Lot of “Jerry” jet propelled planes come over.
February 22, 1945 “Beez” is in Italy. Day is nice and full of sunshine. Roads are covered with quite a few refugees. We have hot water heater in our house working. Issued over-seas service stripes.
February 23, 1945 Did some sewing on new flight jacket. Played a little poker. Cleaned living quarters. 280mm railroad gun is still shelling us at hights. Food took a slump.
February 24, 1945 Joe Freeman and Leland Mccullock dropped in. looked like a million dollars to me. I went to Kaulhausen near Sarre- Union with them. Saw Hank Shirley. Shot bull-drank schnapps.
February 25, 1945 Went to 44th Div. Rear with Joe after 776 P.S. Drove to 776 T.D. “CP” and visited with Bud Stoddard and Merlin Liljenquist. Had nice visit with boys. Saw a lot of their section of the front.
February 26, 1945 Joe brought me back to Saverne. Cold windy day! Cat-napped all afternoon. Took bath, shaved cleaned up and wrote Helen. Food is pretty poar. Joe and I hope to go to England together.
February 27, 1945 Wrote a little enjoyed sunshine. Played a little softball. P[ulled guard at V.H.F. C.B.I rumors are heavy. Played cribbage and hit “fort sack”.
February 28, ,1945 Slept until noon. Worked in afternoon. Won $40 in poker. Drew pay and some E.M. rations on statement of charges. Have jeep back. Love you Helen.
March 1, 1945 Spring house cleaning. Have found laundry woman in Haugen. Hom-Bor is beautiful old castle. Drove Lt. Brown on V.H.F. inspection. Raining. Nelson and I hauled garbage.
March 2, 1945 Slept until noon. Work all night tonight. Chilly day played soft ball, ping pong, poker and black jack. Put some “Pin-ups” on the walls amid a livid discussion.
March 3, 1945 Night fighters had busy night. Some “Kraut” A/C and Alsace Alice. Weather has turned cold with snow flurries. Have hood and shoe tops from salvage dump. 593rd Plotters and H.F. replacing 582nd.
March 4, 1945 worked 1st shift. Wrote Helen. Played cards afternoon and evening. Shipley leaves for England tomorrow. Hope to go next. We figure high in this push. We give Jerry till 1st of July to fold up.
March 5, 1945 Quisodo up from Hq’s. says major is “ruff”. Nelson leaves for infantry the 8th. Search for combat material is getting to damn close to be comfortable. More rain.
March 6, 1945 With 7 of hearts to beat for a 27 day furlough to England- I cut the duce of spades!!. Rainy weather. We get beer by the case-24 qts for 1.40 francs. Received a letter of unit citation from General Devers.
March 7, 1945 Large lovely mail call. Sugar reports deluxe! Worked midnight till 8AM. 1,000 plane raids are directed and routed over us about every night.
March 8, 1945 Triona has given me his London furlough if C.O. approves. My fingers are crossed. Visited some civilians. Had tea and cakes. Sent $100 home. Rhine Crossed!!
March 9, 1945 No England this time. Received box of cigars from Note. Won $12.00 in poker. Weather is wet and cold. My rhumatism bothers me quite bad. Cozart made Sgt! Flying weather is breaking.
March 10, 1945 Worked afternoon and pulled guard shift against “Paratrooper alert”. Nothing happened. Jimmy Watson spent night with us. Says we go North into Germany with operations doubled.
March 11, 1945 Bathed and shaved. Spent the afternoon at some civilians. Steak for chow. Fighter and bomber sorties are heavy. Joe Osborne says Paris is great! Ground is drying out.
March 12, 1945 Play an awfull lot of poker. I’m able to stay ahead of the game. Worked until midnight. Looks like England deal will fall through. Trips to Southern France and Paris to be suplimented.
March 13, 1945 Worked all night. Nice sunny afternoon. Took a short walk into the mts above Saverne. Played a little catch with “eggy”. Read quite a bit. ME-262 was over. Will see Col. Tomorrow about O.C.S.
March 14, 1945 We move soon. Sarrebrunken is next stop. Back to tents and field soldiering. Vacation was nice while it lasted. Play softball and volleyball.
March 15, 1945 “Egg” had a relapse of temper. Received package from Helen. Glad to have my pen back. Definitely no England.
March 16, 1945 Days are nice and full of sunshine. 7th army jumped off this morning. War-here I come again. Will make Germany the next move.
March 17, 1945 Some “Limmies” have drifted to our section. R.A.F. is giving us close support at night. U.S. fighter-bombers do same in day.
March 18, 1945 Won our first softball game from some “jiggs” 17-0. played on 6th corp field. Had wonderfull bath. Days are nice. Lot of work. Lot of planes. Lot of dead “Jerries”. 7th is bringing truck loads of prisoners back..
March 19, 1945 6th Corp has left Saverne. Nice day. Did a little spading for a woman. McKenny and I spent evening with President and chief Magistrait of Savernes tribunal. Played chess-drank red wine-Alsaceian wine-schnapps.
March 20, 1945 Lost 2nd softball game 6-0 to 759 M.P.Biv. took a long walk down town with Triona. Had some schnapps and beer. Spent evening at some civilians. Nice day. Good chow. Lots of work.
March 21, 1945 Rained out our ball game. Woman barber cut my hair. Price 11 ½ fracs. Sent RCA Easter radiograms to Mom and Helen. Had some Bock beer. Read the Boomer. Worked until midnight.
March 22, 1945 Lost ball game to 759 M.P.’s 7-2. took bath package of candy from home. Bill and I spent the evening with Jost family. They gave me cigarette lighter and hand made picture frame. Worked midnight to 7:30.
March 23, 1945 Days are nice. 1st T.A.F. won Presidential citation. Went to Sarreberg to 94th EVAC Hospital for a check on my glasses. Everything was fine.
March 24, 1945 Package from mother with candy. “Egg” and I begged-borrowed and stole 31 eggs in Hagenu. Played a little volleyball. Chances are we move into Germany in the near future.
March 25, 1945 Refugees are leaving Saverne. All of France is Free!!. Worked in afternoon. First apple blossoms are here. “Egg” got all schnapped up. Have fresh eggs for evening snack.
March 26, 1945 “Jackson” our dog died of poisoning. Played poker in afternoon. Had “short arm” and sex lecture. Chow is good. AP says A.A.F. men not included in partial demobilization.
March 27, 1945 Shut down at 1500. tore down instillations and loaded up. Hate to leave best living conditions I’ve ever had. Hanes and I picked up 38 eggs in Hagenu for from 2.5Fs to 7.5Fs.
March 28, 1945 Left Saverne at 0730. traveled by way of Haganeau, Soultz. Entered Germany by means of an archway. Our first acts were those of urination. Passed through Siegfried. Most formidable.
March 29, 1945 Located on 750 ft. Mt. Overlooking Saar Basin. Very beautifull. German towns are pulverized. Have 50 ft. Antennas up. Live in tents. Draw and cook our own rations. I do most of the cooking.
March 30, 1945 Raining very hard. Damn cold at nights. Got a stove for our tent today. HQs and Oops is in a cheatau at foot of mt. Deer in the mts. German warehouse full of looted materials. Silk, clothing, etc.
March 31, 1945 Am “Chief cook and bottle washer” for our tent. Del Monaco and Cohen picked up 5 krauts. They were panzer grenadier troops. Boys are a little nervous. Lots of signal lights at night. “Cozy” took a couple shots at them.
April 1, 1945 Enjoyed Easter Services on radio. A little rain. Rations are very poar. Hard pressed to find enough food for the boys. Never leave area. Armed German resistance all around us.
April 2, 1945 Hanes is living with us. Boys complement my cooking. Mail is pretty regular. Very busy with radios. Planes are blasting everything open for our armor. Finished reading “Of Humane Bondage”.
April 3, 1945 wind is bad on this hill. Steven’s V.H.F. ran into 7 krauts with “burp” guns. He was shot in the hand. Colonel was damn mad. Rained a bit. Played some chess, bathed and changed clothes.
April 4, 1945 Had fresh roast pork and steak to fix for chow. Washed some clothes . rumor has HQs moving up here from Nancy. Danesky brought in a nice china set and glasses for our mess. Time passes slow.
April 5, 1945 worked early shift. Our kitchen starts functioning tomorrow. Played some cards. Argued and discussed what will happen to us after the war is over with Germany. Trimmed my beard.
April 6, 1945 Did some laundry and ironing. Nice mail call. Nearly got a shot at a deer. HQs are located near Edenbrucken. Infantry platoon is combing hills for kruts and werewolfes.
April 7, 1945 Rations are not the best. Finished my laundry. Dark cloudy day with showers. Read papers from home. Was paid today. Nice and cool in these mountains. Pines furnish plenty of shade.
April 8, 1945 Lt. Gibson-328th “Swede” Carlson are coming in as head of V.H.F. “Brill” rumor has us going home! Wrote a little-read some-500 men going to Wurzburg soon. Gets chilly at nights.
April 9, 1945 Beautifull spring day. Is very monotinus in these hills. Burn diesel fuel in our tent stove. Makes everything black. Play quite a bit of cards. Rations are very good-but very few of them. A/C activity very heavy.
April 10, 1945 Worked all morning. Sent $100.00 money order. “Beez” is M.I.A. over northern Italy. Had some mail. Give 4th of July for the war to be over. Took a helmet bath. Am growing sideburns and beard.
April 11, 1945 Kraut still sends 50 plus A/C out against us. Also bothered at night by enemie A/C straffing our convoys. Our hill top is a dreary place to be.
April 12, 1945 Writing letters-washing clothes-etc. takes up quite a bit of time. Boys play an awfull lot of poker. We have a florescent lamp in our tent. Rations are poor. (the following was added at the top of the page)1945-continued. Presidents death came as a great blow to all of us. Personally I felt dull and numb. Boys seem to think Truman isn’t going to be any good. Time will tell. My prayers are for and with him!
April 13, 1945 Drawing a lot of “Jerry” rations from G.M. such as pork and butter from Denmark. Rhiine Valley is beautifull. Farms are green and well worked and cared for. Read quite a bit.
April 14, 1945 Aired bedding put “sack” away and dugout my mattres cover sheets. Saw Osborne and Allen. Attended informal opening of E.M. club at castle. Lots of old and new faces. Frankel-“Egg”-Cozy and I were “hog ass”.
April 15, 1945 Days are very hot. Tents are like ovens. Lots of mmid-night card playing and round table discussions of war-when and how we will go home-aftermath-fellow-soldiers.
April 16, 1945 82nd will soon be across the Rhine. It will mean our 7th Battle star. Like to receive but am neglectent to write letters. Rations are 10 in 1 very poar. Planes gave “Krauts” pure hell.
April 17, 1945 Days are awfully long. My beard is doing quite well-but Red! Received liquor ration taken from “Jerries” work keeps me occupied. Hate having spare time on my hands.
April 18, 1945 Have 48 hour break. Washed some clothes rode down to the castle and saw A. J. Cronin’s “the keys of my kingdom”. Very good show. Made a dental appointment. Received Bettys and Daves baby announcement.
April 19, 1945 bathed and cleaned up. Wilson was up from Hq’s/ pretty tight. Says we’ll be army of occupation! Worked afternoon and evening building a volleyball court. Have to fall trees dig out rocks build up one side.
April 20, 1945 Had a wisdom tooth pulled. Other minor dental work done. Hitler 56 today. Hq’s very G.I. due to “Brass” 1st Sgt. Gave me a big shot of Rhum. Have a “Jerry” 4 cylonder “Opell” touring car too light for mt’s travel. 15 got JU 88.
April 21, 1945 Put board floor in our tent. Weather is cold with snow, rain and hail flurries. Had fresh chicken. Attended dance at castle. Had Polish and Russian girls there very big and ugly!
April 22, 1945 Wrote-mail reaches us in very good time. Was shocked at death of Bud Summers. Fresh chicken again. Colonel Jackson was up on inspection. Everything was fine.
April 23, 1945 Did a big laundry. Helped find wood for our stove. Played some volleyball. Drew P.X. rations, candy-cigars-two pints of beer. Shipley gave me a haircut. Played some poker-worked midnight till 7A.M.
April 24, 1945 Everything is fine. Too good to be true. Had bingo party with sandwiches and beer and wine at kitchen. Tuten is in Paris. Weather is cold and cloudy. All large “Jerrie” towns are complete shambles.
April 25, 1945 “Egg” and I off on “chicken shit” deal again. Left “Cozy” and Dick. Spent day and night at Hq’s. drew P.S. from “Pop” Devens. Hq’s live great. Dutch girl interpreter living with Major. Boys treated us nice.
April 26, 1945 Left Hq’s 9:20. rode 4 hrs. to reach M.E.W. station-20 miles north of Wurzburg. Crossed Rhine at Mannheim. Autoban is magnificent. Country beautifull. Pitched tent. Got transmitter job. Don’t like the set-up!!!
April 27, 1945 Bad thunder storms. Food is Lousy! Ride 2 ½ ton mile to chow. Read and got acquainted with new men. Official Russian-American hook up announced. Moussolini captured. French in Italy.
April 28, 1945 Valdes same old “prick”. Food is awfull. Rain, mud and cold. 3A.M. rumor “war is over” came as Swiss report. Several fellows fell for it. Have “Jerry” typewriter. Piss-poar op’s! Daily inspection.
April 29, 1945 More Rain. Very cold, miserable and muddy. Worked afternoon. Typed 4 v-mails. Milano raido says “Benito”-his mistress-and several cabinet members were put to death by firing squad. Hitler reported dead.
April 30, 1945 Found “Jerry” liquor cache. “Eggy” and I got 14 bottles of champagne. Really pitched a “bitch” called “Cozy” on f.m. and gave him an “ear-Job” “eggy” and I was up all night with transmitters. Off air at 6 a.m.
May 1, 1945 Packed up all equipment-ready to move-food is terrible. Champagne leves one very dry next day. Darclouds-rain squalls-snow “flurries” “Eli” and I had S.L.C. “Bull session” had qt of good wine.
May 2, 1945 Left early. Very cold. Rain squalls, went through Wurzburg, very beautifull country. All roads cramed with refugees of all nationalites. Spent night in hall with 82nd Hq’s. lot of souviner hunting.
May 3, 1945 Left Hall early. Through mt’s to crailsheim. Roads are very crowded. Crossed Dannube River at Donauworth via pontoon bridge. Very cold made Augusburg Autoban.. Slept in village of Neider. Told “Krauts to move out.
May 4, 1945 Had a bed in the hayloft. Off big barn. Put antennas and tents. Raining hard. Mud ankle deep. Have Polish refugees working for us.
May 5, 1945 Slept late. Chow is worst yet. Rain all day long. Make pancakes and dehydrated eggs in tent. Went on the air this morning. Mail finally caught up with me. No war news in 5 days.
May 6, 1945 A little sunshine in afternoon. Raided saw mill for floaring in our tent. Saw “Here comes the waves” in a German Barn. General Barcus visited us. War is over for us. Had 1st bath in two weeks!!
May 7, 1945 took 2 rolls of film. Col Jackson lit his L-5 on the autoban. Made inspection. War ended as of 01:45 this morning. Tomorrow is V-E day. No shouting or cheering!-more bewilderment and anxiety.
May 8, 1945 Looks odd to see P-47’s escorting “Jerry” planes to our bases. Heard radio broadcasts given by Truman, King George and Churchill. “Cozy” called from Eidencoben. Finished our own kitchen. Two more months of operations form show place.
May 9, 1945 took another roll of film. Mail is delayed. Have a nice kitchen-board floar-chairs and tables. Have outdoar “ping-Pong” and volleyball courts. Great loads of P.W. go by every day. Yanks are having a great time with captured “Kraut” equipment. Especially cars and motorcycles.
May 10, 1945 Days have been very hot. Still in O.D.’s. play a little chess. P.X. rations but no cigarette rations for a month.
May 11, 1945 Polish K.P’s used my carabine to have a farmer dig up 50 liters of “schnapps”. Paid 20 marks for a truck load of beer. Four New Zealanders spent night with us. Were captured in Greece in 1941. Big Party by all!!
May 12, 1945 Chow is very good. Plenty of it. Play a lot of ping-pong-take sunbathes-play volleyball and waite. Always a group of inspecting officers around. No more “black outs” or wearing of helmets.
May 13, 1945 Have a nice sun tan-burn combination. Have a beer and water cooler in the floar of our tent. Col. Jackson flew in in a “Kraut” reccon plane. Taking things easy.
May 14, 1945 Auto-ban crowded with equipment moving back to ports. Have lights on ping-pong table. Did some laundry oiled bodies of radio vans. Things are getting very G.I. have air strip in fields near radar. Aired bedding.
May 15, 1945 weather is very hot. Autoban is heavy with traffic and refuges. P-61 (black widow) “travel 42” gave us a nice “Buzz” job. All G.I. conversation is how many points and discharge. Lt. Baretts sister-red cross- passed out donuts.
May 16, 1945 Drew Bracket system for singles in ping-pong tournament. Very hot day. Have all the beer we can drink. About 1% very cold. Is hauled from Munich. Have volleyball league about ready to start. 4 V.H.F. teams.
May 17, 1945 “egg” Saltzman and I hitched into munich. Autoban all the way. Took some pictures. Had noteable experience in show shop. Saw “two down and one to go” at 45th Division theater. Munich badly destroyed by bombs.
May 18, 1945 Very hot. Had two bad nose bleeds. Spent an hour at medics. Dr. used costic pencil to sear my nose veins closed. Lost 1st ping-pong match. Had terrible headache. “egg” worked my shift. All fellows have dark tan.
May 19, 1945 Very violent thunderstorm. Plan trips to “Berchestgarden” Nice mail call. Wrote several letters while on duty. Read tragic ground by Erskine Caldwell and Martin Eden by Jack London. Oiled floar.
May 20, 1945 Have some good volleyball games. Chow is very good. Life is very easy and comfortable at the present. 45th Div boys are bootlegging German Cognac at 30 marks a bottle.
May 21, 1945 Pressed a pair of O.D.’s had P.X. ration 7 candy bars-7 cigarettes-writing pad-two cigars can of budwisier. Some of the fellow went to Berchestgarden. We had a chicken to fry.
May 22, 1945 Went to Hq’s with Stratman. Cold and rainy. got pretty inebriated on the way down. Saw “Cozy” and all the boys 82nd has “Clendenin Memorial Stadium”. Had good visit with all the fellows.
May 23, 1945 Stratman and I came back from 82nd Hq’s at hall. Found $65.00 question in Donauworth. Rained at times. Roads aren’t the best. Not much traffic took “Burning Pro”! beat officers in volleyball. Hqs is G.I.
May 24, 1945 “Egg”, Saltzman, Polish K.P and I hitched into Augsburg. Visited Polish Refugee Camp. Went to 2nd aux. Surgical group dance. Katherine nearly got me in trouble. Walked 18 kilometers home.
May 25, 1945 Very tired and give out. Slept all day. Only got up for meals. “john” Prisoda is here to give us a physical. Had a little mail. Nice day. Worked until midnight.
May 26, 1945 Passed physical with flying colors. Tried not to. Weather is nice. Wrote several letters. Boys take off a lot. Go to swimming holes, catch rides up and down autoban-visit cities-etc.
May 27, 1945 signed for 96 points. 5 more for last star to be added soon. Negroes raped two polish girls. One dead. Sure makes hell on the rest of us. “egg” and I was at red cross in Augsburg.
May 28, 1945 Dominic Sciotto is getting discharge. He is 56. damn good cook. Comes from Mansfield Ohio. Trying to get his boy from Italy to the states. Went swimming for first time. Still lots of refugees.
May 29, 1945 Wing “Photog” took some pictures for wing history. Did some laundry. Volleyball league has started. Saw U.S.O. show. Very good! My first since Sicily. O’Shaunesie is new Cook.
May 30, 1945 Egg’s and Pancakes for breakfast. Chow has been good. But very little of it. Played volleyball and ping-pong. Went to Augusburg for water. Stopped at 7th Army rear. Found out where boys from home are.
May 31, 1945 Rained all day. I worked last night-slept all forenoon. Steak for dinner. Played pinochle all afternoon. Cold with the rain. Dried clothes in transmitters. Worked until midnight. Wrote letters.
June 1, 1945 Did some reading and writing. Played volleyball. Had nice mail call. Pckg. From mother. Had a couple of drinks-cognac-schnapps. Movie broke down. Turned in salvage. Weather broke to sunshine.
June 2, 1945 Worked morning. Pressed set of O.D.’s. shaved-got ready to visit 776 T.D. boys going AWOL. 200 mile round trip. No boys. 100th Div boys really helped me out. Ulm-Ehinger-were places of note.
June 3, 1945 Saw “the suspect” at A.R.C. club in Augsburg. Had shrimps and beer. Wrote mother. Hutchlip 15th Corp. new 7th Army C.O. weather is good. “Egg” Tex and I visited near by village.
June 4, 1945 Have large lake and A.R.C. do-nut stand near Augsburg. Lots of civilians and G.I.’s go daily. Won $10.00 playing poker with “Distill.” Legans says we will be home by August 1-45!
June 5, 1945 Doing quite a bit of writing. Weather is good. Won league volleyball game. Caught up on my sleep. “Egg” stayed in Augsburg. After going swimming I worked his shift. Played poker.
June 6, 1945 Got hair cut-2 marks-took bath and cleaned upu. Played lot of volleyball. Worked supper to midnight. “Egg” said fraulin stunk! C.O. said we could be in operations for 3 more weeks.
June 7, 1945 Another long dreary days. very hot “Egg” went to Hq’s. “Cozy” runs P.S. sent box of candy bars up. Like and oven in our transmitters. Chow is very poar. Had some good volleyball games. Played lot of Pinoch!
June 8, 1945 Worked all morning. Went to lake swimming. Lots of “Fratranizing” going on. “Eggy” snafu’ed best deal had dance at the village. Russian girls. They come to my waist. Danced once and left. Poar orchestra.
June 9, 1945 Went to Salizburg, Austria with Stratman. Took Lonie to 15th Corp. showers all day. Fixed buick for one star General from 20th Corp. No “frat” luck. Tried all way back. Plan on setting up housekeeping “Dro”-“Strat”+1.
June 10, 1945 Had nice package (candy) cigarettes from Miss Burns. Rumor has 60% of 82nd being transferred!!! Played pinochle with boys. Getting in lots of sleeping time. Weather is bad.
June 11, 1945 Bad day. All clouds and rain. 3 “Sugar reports” today. Played pinochle, volleyball and wrote letters. Drew P.X. two cans of beer 3 candy bars, 13 packs cigarettes, 3 cigars and gum.
June 12, 1945 Worked 4A.M. to 7:30. Also 5:30 P.M. to midnight. Enjoyed “omnibook-feb45” filled out war atrocity and education scheets. “Classic” going back to Hq’s. “Cozy” called. Got 90 eggs from “Krauts”
June 13, 1945 Cold, Rainy Day, sleep is main objective. Worked all afternoon. Am reading “You can’t go home” by Wolfe. Very deep-but briolliant novel. Noon meal is always good. Others are poar. Saltzman transferred. 358th FlZ Sqdu.
June 14, 1945 Rainy day. Did laundry. “Egg” and I trying to get vack to Hq’s. no mail form home in a long time. New A.F.N. Munich station is very good Stratman and went for ride. Later to the village.
June 15, 1945 Re-Saw “2 down-1 to go” also “Brazil” day was over shadowed by rain, clouds and squalls. Played league volleyball game. Won easily. Mail isn’t coming in at all. Chow is fair. Draw rations in “Augsburg”.
June 16, 1945 Big Dance in our new dance hall. Have cleaned and decorated loft of German Barn. Polish girls came down from Munich. Very nice dance. Wine, beer, cake, coffee, “Pop” Tex and I saw “Cross eyes”.
June 17, 1945 Co. B 593rd is being broken up and transferred. Day is nice. Saw picture “Saratoga truck” very good picture. Goosed “Kraut” girl in spud patch. Everyone got a laugh. Played volleyball. Nice day.
June 18, 1945 Triona came up with Sampsell. Got new “Ike” Jacket [40-L] beautifull thing. Also new 9th A.F. Insignia. Jimmy and I went to villiage. Couldn’t get over. Creek was fooded. P-47’s gave us real “Buzz” jobs. (yes fooded and villiage were spelled by him that way, Scott)
June 19, 1945 Triona went back to Hq’s Legans took everything on way to England. Expect to go back to Hq’s soon-ourselves. Saw picture “Devotion” life of Bronte sisters. Hot day. Wrote Wilma worked Receiver.
June 20-22., 1945 Things are beginning to shape up. All 593rd was transferred to 582nd. Boys are working little-doing lot of swimming and chasing around. I have been spending a lot of time with Stratmans D.P. Crew. We go fishing nearly every day. Use carabines and had grenades. Get carp-pike-and mullet. They make nice fish frys over a wood fire. Spent a nice day and night in augusburg with Sinkiewicz.. Polish people mix cocoa and schnapps. It is awfully hard to take. (These days were run together by Dad)
June 23, 1945 Had a nice barn dance. Polish gils-popular dance records. Day room has German Beer all of the time. Evenings they have wine and orange-aide.
June 24, 1945 Several of the fellows have been to England and Paris. Say it is heaven! Sure hope we get a chance to go. We have been alerted for Hq’s.. taking “Egg” and I in to play ball.
June 25, 1945 Now, Stratman and I have to break our fishing date with Miss Barrett. She is a red cross girl. Lt. Mike Barretts sister. Drove into Augsburg to tell her no!
June 26, 1945 Have seen several good shows. A very nice and educational one “fury in the Pacific” doesn’t look like we will get home in the near future. Etsel is home.
June 27, 1945 Ready to leave for Hq’s drew P.X. from 593rd Co.B. drew shortage and salvage. Stratman-Glackin and I went to “Alpine hut” had hell scarred out of us when G.I.-2S.S. troops put slugs at us.
June 28, 1945 Five of us left M.E.W. for 82nd Hq’s. brought two V.H.F. vans in. drove autoban to Stuttgart thence N.14 to Hall. Nice to be back !! live in nice house with “Cozy” and gang. Lost volleyball game to Estonians.
June 29, 1945 Renewed old friendships at Hq’s. drew P.X. Cotton and Cozy have charge of P.X! took care of a few things such as supply etc! 82nd lost softball game to wing 7-2. Lt. Chapman wants me to play volleyball.
June 30, 1945 Guard duty caught up with me this evening from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. it is very “ruff”. Have had some bad nights of rest. Too many “night-mares”! mail is fair. Forced my self to write mother and Helen. Chow is fair.
July 1, 1945 “Egg” left for Nancy. Major Lomax is putting pressure on us to sign for Pacific. 9th Air Force sent hhis “volinteer” back. Needs 50% of E.M. signatures. Major is lower than a “Snake” Can’t believe him.
July 2-5, 1945 (No entry)
July 6, 1945 Worked on service records. Adding “over-seas” bars and campaign stars. Rained the ball games out. Pulled some guard for “Egg”. He and Miller were schnapped up. “Egg” has crabs!! Came from Nancy. Play quite a bit of hearts. A very nice game at a penny a point. Have a few “Rumatics” wet weather.
July 7, 1945 Rain and cold. Went to Stuttgart. Got ice-saw Devens and Crspregi. 82nd history (Book) looks swell. 27 men from 82nd (points 140-112) prepared for states!! Hanes and Cotton included. Tended E.M. bar. Break finally arrived!!