• Viva La France – August 1944 – December 1944
Viva La France
August 15,16-1944 D-day Southern France. Thousands of ships and planes. Uncountable airbourne troops. One Jerry plane over all day and night. Red and yellow beaches “push-over”. 88 and machine gun resistance on blue beach. Navy ships did wonderfull job of blasting shore defenses. Hundreds of dead “Krauts”. Some yanks. Heavily mined terraine. No Jerry Planes. He must be finished.
August 17, 1944 Found the 64th assembly area. French people are happy to see us. All women who had any relations with Germans are getting their hair cut off by free French.
August 18, 1944 We are operating above St. Tropez. Rather mountainis, but beautifull green country. Received some mail. Cozy and Haines are still in Italy. Egg and I are waiting for equipment to move up front.
August 19, 1944 1st Sgt. Legans and V.H.F. vans came in. egg and I looked the country over, found a house of English people and an American girl from New Jersey. Plenty of wine. People hate “Itys” like Germans.
August 20, 1944 Sick as 700 dollars. Took too much French “goodwill” wine. Played pinochle in the afternoon. Our V.H.F. site overlooks St. Tropez harbour and quite a bit of the coast line.
August 21-22, 1944 They are planning an E.M. club we went up hear Cannes to a German radar and S.A.W. site. Germans had everything underground. We collected quite a few souvenirs. Bar, mineral water and radio equipment. Went back again next day. Supper menu for August 14-1944 was still up. Last Supper.
August 23, 1944 Cigarettes are worth $20 per carton. Major Ready had personnel inspection. Doesn’t like the familiarity between officers and E.M.
August 24, 1944 Tom and Joe came off English communications boat. Five bombs from nine planes is the total German air opposition. We are going to have a show-down with the Major when he comes.
August 25, 1944 Had a nice letter from Cozy. Wish he were with us. Damn Valdez to hell anyway. Pinochle is the past time for us.
August 26, 1944 Miller and boys have French home they visit every night. Drink wine and talk to the people News sounds good.
August 27, 1944 Had first mail in a month. Sugar reports and letters from Mom. First I.C.S. lessons came also. Grubstake is rapidly going to the dogs.
August 28, 1944 Men are discontented. Our C.O. isn’t helping things either. Be glad when we can tell all these officers to blow it out their ass !!!
August 29, 1944 Usual day until evening chow. Six V.H.F. men pulled out for G.C.I. duty. Miller, Egg and I chose Capt. Davidson’s unit. Left St. Tropez and went along the coast to Toulane. Cold as could be. Lost my class ring.
August 30, 1944 Passed inland through Aix. Gas is very hart to get. Can’t catch the front! Qivi trucks gas instead of ammunition. Roads are good. People gave us eggs, melons, fruit, etc. lots of Marquis.
August 31, 1944 Dry hot valley for camp. English “Spit” crashed while we were in LaPoet. Had wine and melons. Girls are extremely good looking. Walked 5KM back to camp. Played touch football.
September 1, 1944 Sis’ birthday. My thoughts are for the best. Left Sister on air filed and journed in land. Passed over 1180M mt. Range. Beautifull country. People are nice. Very clean. Stopped near Valince. Rhone Valley.
September 2, 1944 On pass to Valence. 35,000 pop. We were 1st G.I.’s in town. All 35,000 came to look, touch, kiss and give us wine. Bars and cafes are expensive. Cesta Le Guerre! people are clean. Girls beautifull.
September 3, 1944 took Egg to town. Got “hog-ass” drunk “Fin le cherrie De tet-def” he went hog wild. Ran out of francs. Sold cigarettes for 100f per package. Cold and raining. Maqui’s are big French party.
September 4, 1944 Packed up to move. Sat around all day waiting for orders. Moved about two miles near Valence airport. Pulled K.P. played football. Stiff and sore. French have fresh eggs. O-Boy!
September 5, 1944 Set up Ops. Tent. Went into town. Took a nice French girl to a show. Hayes office would never pass French film. Egg is cocks-man. People are very friendly. Shot bull with P-47 pilot.
September 6, 1944 helped set up Ops. Tent. Egg and I went to town. Had dinner engagement at nice home. The woman of the home has a paper citation and a medal for a husband. World war 1.
September 7, 1944 Had some pretty nice champagne at $3.00 per bottle. Prices are terribly high. Stores seem well stocked. Lots of substitutes for real materials. Black market prices are very high.
September 8, 1944 We contribute to black market. Haven’t been paid in three months. Buzz and Salty are our medics. Raymond threw Egg out on his ear. I enjoy taking Aimee out. Her English is fair.
September 9, 1944 going to shows helps my French. Lots of bomb shelters in Valence. Maquis (FFI) were ok at first. Now they are arrogant as hell. Several cases of G.I.’s beaten up by French FFI’s. should have A.M.G.
September 10, 1944 Another bomb shelter night. Capt. Davidson “ate E.M.’s ass” today. Have a full work schedual that calls for one or two shifts per day. Lt. Fields is “prickish” as hell. Brought a plane home after dark.
September 11, 1944 Have been getting fresh potatoes and eggs for after dark ssnacks. Have terrible “night mares”! wrote mom a letter. Sent some films to her. Lost on airport for two hours. Guards brought me home.
September 12, 1944 finished work at noon. Bathed and went to town. Buzz and I got hog-ass. Had a nice dinner with champagne. Aimee-Buzz and I went to a home , drank wine and talked to the family. 6 girls-no boys.
September 13, 1944 Aimee invited Buzz and I to her home. Has nice home and folks. Had a lovely dinner. Went to an FFI dance. Was fun. Pretended to be French. Fireworks and many thanks to the yanks.
September 14, 1944 made a mission status board for Lt. Fields. Went to Valence with Dr. Turner. Cig’s only brought ten dollars a carton. Got “half-hog”. Saw an American film. Paramount picture.
September 15, 1944 Had my last night in Valence. Spent a lot of it in the bomb shelter. Nearly made an ass of myself. Many tears were shed. Passed the letter on.. buzz and egg came to town for me.
September 16, 1944 Left Valence for Ops. #2. about noon. Only place I’ve ever hated to Leave. Wish I could have stayed until the war was over. Damn fool that I am. Had quite a go-round with topkick from Illinois.
September 17, 1944 got in a lot of sack time. Rain and mud.. finally found some mail. Helen really worked me over for smokeing. Sis has nice job. Wish I could wirte some letters. Folks must be worried.
September 18, 1944 At Ops#2. In hills near Biol. Raining to beat the band. Mud knee deep. Fog is terrible. Egg, Miller and I talked to Major Lomax. Dug a big container of spuds. Visited with some of the old boys we knew.
September 19, 1944 Left Biol for Dole. All day convoy. Dole is 75 miles from Swiss border. Country is beautifull. Green rolling farm country. Alps for a back ground. Cottages and homes are Swiss style. Steep roofs for heavy snows.
September 20, 1944 Met Tom C. Joe O. and boys. Exchanged greetings and stories etc. reformed into sectional ops. Egg and boys had quite a party at the medics on 190 proof alcohol.
September 21, 1944 Chased around quite a bit. Found we were to go out with Virginia a G.C.I 3 V.H.F. men for two new vans. Bivoaced in pine trees. Leave for front tomorrow.
September 22, 1944 Several hour convoy trip brought us to Esperal. Two ME-109’s looked us over but left us alone. Worked hard getting 75 ft. of antenna up. Slept in open.
September 23, 1944 Rain and more rain. Our tent leaks to beat heck. Wet ourselves as is all our things. Camp is well dispersed. We’re in a meadow near a stream.
September 24, 1944 quite a bit of fighting in this sector. French sector. All bridges are out. Homes were damaged. We discovered fish in the river, three varieties, carp, mullet bass. French use grenades on them I prefer a line (if I can find one) we had fresh fish tonight. Boy was it good.
September 26, 1944 Esperal is small. But we can buy all the French bread, cheese and steaks we care to. Steaks are wonderfull. Major had promised money and mail this month.
September 27, 1944 Work all night. Roam all day. Met Ed 3rd Div. Inf. He is AWOL quitting the army. Can’t blame him. Feel sorry for him. He speaks good French.
September 28-29, 1944 Miller, Ed and I took off for Besancon after a hair cutting episode. Hitche-hiked all way. Nice town-large and well locted has many nice shops and stores. Ed knew a nice girl who spoke English. Her parents ran a tavern we had a nice room and Bed. “Public houses” are all painted red, yellow, green, blue etc. had senior dag-wood sandwich.
September 30, 1944 stayed around camp resting. Fished a little. No luck. Nice sun shining day. Two ME-109’s nearly got our antenna. Signal corp boys are really G.I. Barcus fault.
October 1, 1944 “Ed” left us this morning. Help him dear God-forgive me for aiding a deserter. Rained again today. Carbine for $70.00 cash + $10.00 bottle of Rum. Perhaps I’ll sell mine. Freezing at nights. Tough winter ahead.
October 2, 1944Slept until 11:30. fixed locker and cleaned up my clothes. Have only one locker now. Sold 3 suntan and 1 english shirt for $19.00. miller got terribly drunk. Gosh he is unagreeable when like that. Awfull cold.
October 3, 1944 Miller and I went to sectional Ops. Saw Joe and other old timers. Jerry threw big counter attack. “frogs” are erecting many road blocks. Poar soldiers. Garage woman had a nice fruit cake for us. Cold and miserable.
October 4, 1944 Rain and more rain. Have cold and rheumatism in left knee. Went with Egg and Clair to Vellesexel. Had wine and cake at garage. Arranged for milk and butter. Heard Browns beat Cardinals 2-1. no mail or money yet.
October 5, 1944 Very cold Rainy. Went to sectional Ops. Saw Legans. Believe we are now 9th T.A.C. hope not. Had milk-cake and fresh butter. What a treat. Had half a dozen letters my cold is still bad. Sure miss “Cozy”.
October 6, 1944 Slept until noon. Had visual on two ME-109’s. raining and cold. Had antenna trouble. Have to lower it tomorrow. My cold is breaking. Hope to stop smoking. Enjoyed fresh milk again.
October 7, 1944 Lowered 75 foot antenna and repaired co-axle. Nice and sunny day. Several Jerry planes drew ack ack. Sampsell brought shortages and money. $216.20 back pay. Some mail tonight. Fresh milk and peanut butter sandwiches.
October 8, 1944 Another Sunday. Sun shining-first for days. terribly busy. “Jerry” artillery and weather forced sectional ops to withdraw to new position. Egg and I had dinner at “Garage”. Rabbit stewed in wine flavored sauce.
October 9, 1944 Slept lake. Sectional ops. OK now. Wrote two long letters. Miller and I have colds. Have those “rambling blues” again. Don’t think I’ll ever be able to stay put. Rainy miserable day.
October 10, 1944 As usual worked night-slept late in day. Sort of puttered around vn to keep from going nuts. Asked Lt. Kingsland for pass to go back South. Miller gave his medicine to a sick French woman. Milk was sour tonight.
October 11, 1944 Sunshine all day-much to our pleasure and surprise. Went walking with a French girl from Paris. Capt. Davidson says no pass. Prick. Usual walk for milk. Frogs are bad soldiers to be back of.
October 12, 1944 More rain. Milk was sour today. Had chocolate and cake at French home. Miller and I have bad colds. Enjoyed reading “grapes of wrath” and “The great impersonation.” Home sick.
October 13, 1944 raining still. Left early for Ops. #2 has. They are in a beautifull chateau. Words can’t describe it. Saw ye old gang. Rebuilding chairs radio. Going to move because of high water.
October 14, 1944 have a terrible urge to tell the army to go to hell and take off over the hill. Restless and can only be eased by traveling. Plan to find Cozart very soon.
October 15, 1944 Jerry has a Spain to Berlin run that is driving us crazy. Using a P-47 trying to get an interception. Never have I seen such rain. Everything is wet.
October 16, 1944 Slept until noon. Had hamburgers for dinner. Read and played chess in afternoon. A regular “cloud-burst” all afternoon and night. Egg and I were soaked getting milk.
October 17, 1944 Flooded out! Waded water to our knees. Getting our beds, tents and equipment to the highway. Bivoc area became a lake. Paid Adio to our friends in Esperls with hit chocolate and “odive” oncore rain.
October 18, 1944 Moved beyond “Lure” put equipment up in drenching rain. Got better tent. Hope pneumonia stays away. Can’t keep dry. “frogs” are very glad to see us “Frog” women told of Germans.
October 19, 1944 Slept late. Made tent as comfortable as possible. Rained all day. Visited “Lure” bought some film. 30 francs a pack. Had some French beer. Fairly nice town. Got a stove from French civilians.. very nice to us.
October 20, 1944 Bad frame of mind. 3 of us are working 24 hours a day. Revolt is brewing. Complained bitterly but nevertheless worked. My French is improving considerably.
October 21, 1944 Went A.W.O.L. to see Cozart. Hitch hiked it in four hrs. was plenty glad to see Cozy and boys. Had a little wine for celebration. Talked long into the night. Had a nice spring bed.
October 22, 1944 Slept until noon. Saw some of the old fellows. Met “tiny” Long. Had some chicken dinner at a café. Drank Boche “snaps” crashed officers party. Beautifull cheateau. Hanes pretty tight.
October 23, 1944 Cozy went to Ops.#1 hq’s. I spoke to Major Lomax. Rather got an “ass eating” fro complaining. Cozy came back with me. Tickled pink to see Clair and “Egg”. Shot the bull looked the town over. Worked until midnight.
October 24, 1944 Caught up on my sleep. Clair and I went into Lure. Sweat the “French ticket line” out. Not bad performance. Went with “Egg” to his French friends house. Ate and talked. My English is half French.
October 25, 1944 Worked until noon. Shaved and cleaned up. Aired my bedding. Cold sunless day. Chopped wood. Much artillery action on both sides. Clair and I made some cocoa for our French friends. Enjoyable evening.
October 26, 1944 took some laundry to Susan. Spent an hour talking to her. Missed turner and “short-arm” worked until midnight. Clair leaves tomorrow. “Egg” and I took carbines and looked for him. He was thrown out of a hotel.
October 27, 1944 Clair left. Mighty strange. Stood inspection and lecture. Rec’d moccasin’s, hair oil and tonic from home. Cold, cloudy day. Hand grenade and F.F.I. gave 593rd signal boys quite a thrill. Played chess and wrote letters. Started raining.
October 28, 1944 A few letters and a package of eats from home. Cleared and brightened my day. Slept a little in afternoon. Got my laundry from Susan. Played Egg some chess. Front is stalemated. Heavy artillery duels on both sides.
October 29, 1944 First frost. Damnable cold! Our stove is so small its pitefull. Had quite a time tuneing the transmitter. Egg and I walked into Lure. “Jerry” pushed the frogs back. Hell of a war. Spent the evening talking with Piere and Susan.
October 30, 1944 Saw show “Little old New York”.. had a couple of French beers (Piss poar) No sun. continuous cold. Mail for 593rd but none for us. Chow is average. Work keeps me pretty busy. Certainly would give anything to get home. Nearly two years!
October 31, 1944 Egg and I slept late. Heavy frost. Plenty of aircraft and artillery action. Hope Jerry doesn’t Zero in on ammo dump around us. Had nice dinner and very enjoyable evening with Piere and Susan.
November 1, 1944 frost stayed until 9:30 this morning. War is so tireing and miserable. Wrote few letters. Played some chess. Fighters ran into jet-propelled Jerry A/C this morning. More rain this evening.
November 2, 1944 Slept the entire day. Didn’t realize I was so exhausted. Six hours on duty and twelve off. Eat sleep and work. Weather makes it rugged. Mail is my only consolation.
November 3, 1944 formation. 593rd is hell of an outfit. “Prick” for a C.O. you have no freedoms in the army. Egg and I gathered wood for our fire. Were refused a pass. Wrote long letter to Helen. Read quite a bit.
November 4, 1944 My thoughts on post war plans are driving me crazy. What to do! Where! When! And how! Worked all afternoon. Will we ever get home? We are doing great Eggbasket work.
November 5, 1944 Egg had two xmas packages from his mother. Candy and fruit cake. More rain. I’ve never seen such a mess. Wrote a little. Should start a “Big push” soon. Greatly concerned over de-mobilization.
November 6, 1944 two truck drivers moved into our tent. A big rain storm. Got a couple of books from the library. Had fruit cake and coffee at van. A new boy popped some corn. Very good.
November 7 , 1944 raining very hard. Egg and I went to town. Had a line to sweat for haircut. Took a book back to the library. Damn good book. Received identification bracelet from Helen. Very nice. I love it and her.
November 8, 1944 Presidential returns please all. Frog civilians are very pleased. Terrible rain. River overflowed leaveing us on an Island. 593rd Chaplin is here for any one wishing to see him. Had ruff and tumble over at Susans.
November 9, 1944 Had a bad run in with C.O. he and capt Hewlett are giving us hell. Bathed and cleaned up. Worked all night. Tired and very sleepy. Had our first snow. Didn’t stay. Going to be a very hard winter.
November 10, 1944 A very cold day. Went over to Ops. #2 saw all the old boys I knew. Had quite a bull session. Snowed in the afternoon. Pine trees were beautifull with snow. Went to Experls for visit.
November 11, 1944 Slept until noon. Took our laundry over to Susan. Large French celebration for 1914 armistice. Sampsell brought out pay. Made arrangements for a few bottles of wine for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
November 12, 1944 Woke up to find 3 inches of very wet snow. Beautifull but cold. Instantly thought of home, hunting etc. first snowball caught Egg! All hell broke loose. Acted like kids.
November 13, 1944 cleaned up and joined “Bull session” going on in our tent. New fellow is from Salt Lake City. Have Helens new address. Snow is keeping our planes grounded.
November 14, 1944 spent the intire day in bed. Only warm place in France. My day of but nothing to do. Egg plays damn good game of chess. Getting restless again. Melancholy!
November 15, 1944 beautifull sunny day. Very cold when I went to work at 5 a.m. slept all afternoon. Had xmas package from Jay O. Brinton and large mail call. Bathed and slept. “Frogs” are finally pushing
November 16, 1944 cold and wet. Worked all afternoon. Wrote to mother and Helen. Canned chicken for supper. Played chess with “Egg”. Spent evening at Susans. Planned Christmas party. Susan is going back of (f.f.I.) Jerry lines boy what nerve.
November 17, 1944 Egg and I bring meals to each other. Damnable cold in our tents. Slept until noon. Shaved and cleaned up. Read for self improvement. Decent meal tonight. First in weeks. Snow is gone.
November 18, 1944 got 5 qts of “Kish” for xmas. Had a few samples and wound up with a party in our tent. I had great time over at susans. Radar man was busted. Yank flown “Spit” pancaked in our area.
November 19, 1944 Quite a head this morning. Dr. gave us shots. Pierre left for officers school. Nice day. Frogs are finally moveing. Heavy A/C traffic. Wrote several letters. C.O. rode Egg for his correspondence.
November 20, 1944 Smallpox vaccination. Cold dry wind. 12th TAC red cross girl brought “doughnuts”. On duty when French broke through Belfort gap. Rain started in afternoon. Played Egg chess. Made popcorn. Hope to be in Germany soon.
November 21, 1944 Heavy frost this morning. Chow is straight “C” rations. Went on wood detail. Had a drink of good prewar red wine. Ed Mimick droped in. was glad to see him. Heavy rain again. Chatted with Susan.
November 22, 1944 Hard nights work. Slept until noon. Ed came back. We drove to Lure for a glass of beer. Took French wack to a small village where she picked up some army rations and clothes. Piere gave us pictures.
November 23, 1944 Heavy rain all day. Good thanksgiveing dinner. Had all we could eat. Xmas package from Lily and family. Cold salmon and tomato’s for supper. Are in danger of being flooded out again.
November 24, 1944 Very cold and rainy. Worked in afternoon. Chow is very bad. Played a little poker. Large mail call. 5 packages, 6 letters. Frank just learned of Marians Illness.
November 25, 1944 clear but cold. Lots of mud. Bathed shaved and cleaned up. Wrote several letters. Would like to find Leland. Think xmas will see the end of the war. Had cake and coffee.
November 26, 1944 worked all night. Went over to Chateu Ops. #2. all this sector of France has been under flood waters. Saw Dr. I goe to the hospital December 1. sawed wood. Chow is poar. Susan told of German autrosities.
November 27th. “spit” crashed 100 yards from our tent. Egg and I cut some wood. Sun shone today. Dr. and Buzz came out this afternoon. Dr. gave “short-arm” chicken for supper but nothing good with it. Hear lot of 64th boys going home.
November 28, 1944 Sky is clear, but mist hangs until late mid-day. Work long and often. Spent enjoyable evening at Susans. Played a little poker-son $12.00. egg and I are home sick for our own outfit.
November 29, 1944 wet, misty day. Won $47.00 in poker. Susan left for espinoge job. Our fingers are crossed. Takeing multi-vitamin tablets for food defecience. Worked all night. Have G.I. stove for tent. Need mail.
November 30, 1944 My day off. Caught up on my sleep. Played a little poker. Nice day. Egg nearly caught in kitchen by Lt. Currie. Had sandwiches in cooks tent. Shot bull.
December 1, 1944 went to Dr. Turner for dental apt. large mail call. Nice day! Mailed xmas cards. Stood inspection. Cut wood. Roger L K. Jr. chewed hell out of Egg and I.
December 2, 1944 Rainy cold day. Egg and I drank three quarters of a litre of “Kish” had quite a party at Susans. She is the bearded woman with hair on her chest.
December 3, 1944 Went into Lure on pass. Saw Viera and Johnson. On the way to Belfort. Saw a few G.I.’s at the public mason. Had a few French beers. Had some food at Susans. Worked from 12 till 7am.
December 4, 1944 some mail and a couple of packages. Kingsland handed back my letter to Cozy. Had hot chocolate and marshmallows at Susans. Laundry is done free of charge. Nice people.
December 5, 1944 Pork chops and roast pork were high lights of day. 36th inf. Boy hit us for chow. Kid is over hill. Scared still. Jr. Kingsland rode his ass. Kid took off. Got a new tent. Plenty of rain and mud.
December 6, 1944 Slept until noon. Worked till midnight last night. Additional cooks have made distinct improvement in food situation. Worked all afternoon. Rumor has it we move to Rhine River soon.
December 7, 1944 Worked all day and night. Get so tired of these radios I could scream and tear my hair. Bathed and cleaned up. Susan gave Frank and I bottle of wine for xmas present.
December 8, 1944 slept rather late. Put up new tent. Tents leak like hell. Had package from home. Spent nice evening at Susans. Won $4.00 in poker game. More rain and mud.
December 9, 1944 Slept all morning. Paid $30.00 for stove we borrowed and ruined. A hell of a lot for a stove! Went into town. Drank a few beers and some “O-Duke”. Talked with a cute French girl bartender.
December 10, 1944 worked all afternoon. Creamed chicken for supper. Geske, Nunez, Egg and I went to town. Drank some beer and ate some peanuts. Ye gods- I have crabs! Shot the bull at Susans. Drank a qt. Of good red wine.
December 11, 1944 bathed and chased crabs with crab powder. Rec’d picture frame from Helen. A cold and stormy day. Dr. was our for “short-arm” move to Rhine soon. Have a touch of “G.I.s” two lovely snap shots from Helen more rain.
December 12, 1944 A very cold and rainy day. Slept bathed and cleaned up. Poar chow to-day. Egg and I spent evening at Susans. Had a bottle of red wine, some candy and fruit cake. Not much of birthday. Lots to be thankfull for.
December 13, 1944 fair day-at least no rain. Went into Lure. Got damn good and drunk on beer-cognac-wine and aniset! Had good dinner at Hotel Commerce. Cheap too!! Picked up “Jerry “ tank medal. Geske is with me. Got Bomers (G.I.) a room.
December 14, 1944 Legans brought us our sleeping bags and G.I. heavy sweaters. Feel dopey as hell. Worked in afternoon. Am going to Rabbit Dinner this evening. Frank dressed up in “bearded” ladies clothes. He should be a girl.
December 15, 1944. Stood another inspection. Played a little poker. “Jerry” in a counter-attack took our new location. Cozy is up there-somewhere. Hope he is alreight. Have a pretty sore throat-minor cold. Worked all night.
December 16, 1944 cleaned up for town. Drank quite a bit of cognac-beer-wine. Had nice meal at Hotel DeEurope. Had nice talk with French woman and her boy. Both are refugees from Paris. Louie (Emile’s son) is home for 2 days.
December 17, 1944 Don’t care for the new “G.I.” fortsacks. But soldiers can’t be choosers! Had bath-cut crab eggs away. Cozy is now in Strasbourg. Good chow this evening. Worked untill midnight.
December 18, 1944 Don’t feel good. Wish I could get admitted to a hospital for check-up. New “Jerry” offense has us worried. Had paratroop alert. Hung nice one on in town with wine and cognac. Ops#2 had diptheria.
December 19, 1944 Bad head and throat cold. Nice mail call. Weather is very damp and cold. Liason with F.F.I. Susan lat night. Worked, slept and read. Usual days stuff. “Jerry” advances have given us concern. God will it ever end?
December 20, 1944 Cold is still bad. Worked noon till night. Went into Lure in evening. Drank some wine and cognac. Visited at the home of Gustoff Joffray. Explained American customs in exchange for a few bottles of wine.
December 21, 1944 25 letters in 24 hours. Morale up 100%. Spent the day in bed under medics orders. Worked from 5 pm until 2 am. There is not time off for sickness in this outfit. Have fresh eggs and some fresh meat. Sure helps.
December 22, 1944 Prices are high. Selections are poar and of cheap materials. Civilians can’t buy chickens, meat etc. ground frozen-terribly cold at nights. ME-210 straffed hell out of the roads around us.
December 23, 1944 “Egg” and I went Christmas shopping. Spent $10.00 each. Bought presents for Susan, Emile, “Dee-De” and Marie. Had a few drinks, Bishop, Price and I went to the show. Walked some girls part way home. Very cold-no snow.
December 24, 1944 Slept large part of the day. Cold is still bad. Had big dinner at Susans. Rabbit, beef, salad, potatoes, etc. lots of wine. They dried when we gave them our xmas presents. $10.00 well spend. Didn’t get to bed until 3 am. Very enjoyable time.
December 25, 1944 a cold-barren Christmas day. We have a xmas tree, decorated with “windows” in our mess tents. Had fresh-eggs for breakfast. Dinner at 2 o,clock. Turkey and trimmings. Have very bad cold. Medics can’t relieve me.
December 26, 1944 Very cold. We have been having trouble with the French Coloniel troops. Hand fights and of late with arms. Worked until midnight. Wrote letters and thought of home.
December 27, 1944 Paratrooper alert has brought a check on all vehicls and people. Road blocks are common. Work 6 hrs on and 12 off. Played some poker. Discussed new move to Colmar pocket. Could be “ruff”.
December 28, 1944 “Jerry” keeps our roads “hot” by strafing. Capt. Frazer and driver were caught. “Egg” and I went to a birthday party in Lure. Nice time, food, drink and dancing. Received large mail call. Damn tired.
December 29, 1944 Moveing again. Used Burning gasoline to loosen our antenna equipment from the ground. Said fare wells to French friends and moved south to Belfort (nice looking town) and on up to “Wolfesdorf”. Small village.
December 30, 1944 People speak German. Very cold. Got antenna up (lord only knows how) to artillery fire. Haven’t washed in two days. planes and artillery are our only fears. Living in tents. “Ungodly” cold. Can’t sleep for the cold.
December 31, 1944 worked in fornoon. Nothing up. Snow clouds and very cold. Walked into Dannimiere. Poar city. People seemed dazed! All bridges are wired with dynamite. Worked again at midnight. Happy New Year.