• Land At Last – Africa – February – May 1943

2/21/43 Sunday           The harbor of Oran, I can’t describe it.  It’s beautiful, blue Mediterrainian water, brillant colored cliffs, the speechless and undescribable city built back from the harbor into the hills.  We docked at 10 AM debarked at 10:30 and after a mile walk we were loaded into GI trucks and hauled to the railroad station.  The Arabs at the dock fought each other for our pennies and cigarettes which we threw them.  Our hour stay at the railroad station was made pleasant by the French and Arabian children who we gave candy, chewing gum and cigarettes to.  The French children are very neat clean, beautiful and smart.  The Arabs are the opposite.  We rode Quaint French Trains to “Saint Barb”  we ate our “C” rations enroute and gazed with unbelieving eyes upon the luxurious green and well kept fields.  It is the most fertile valley I have ever seen.  The winter season is on and it is raining.  We hiked a distance of 7 or 8 kilometers in the rain, along well paved roads, by stone fences to our camp.  The camp is next to an Arab town lieing in a fig orchard that night we slept on the dirt floors of the chapel and day room.  We had a good hot meal of vienna sausage, potatoes, bread preserves and peaches.


2/22/43            Slept until noon.  Had some native wine last night.  No hand over.  Eureka!  The sun is shinning beautifully.  The moon last night was the prettiest I have ever seen.  In the center of the camp is the parade ground from which flies the “Stars and Stripes” and the “Free French” flags.  Very beautiful.  We eat damn good and live up by the cemetery in our pup tents.  We had a physical today.  Still have fresh water.  Will hate to start drinking chlorine water.  We are between our airdromes and the enemy and our attention is attrackted by the flights of our planes on their way to the front.  Across the valley is a large farm and a large lambing shed and grounds.  We sleep 4 to a pup tent within 75 feet of a walked cemetery.  French catholic.  It is very beautiful.  Wonders!!


2/23/43            my bed was to damn short last night.  Going to be some changes made.  Clendenin has the GI “Shits”.  11 times in one day.  “Cozy” and I slept until 11AM.. Bill and the rest of us dug a drainage system for the rain around our tents.  Had a pretty good dinner and wrote to Helen and mom.  Sun shone brilliantly after rising at 9 o’clock.  African nights are plenty cool.  See lots of air planes all times of the day.  We have the “tent” looking pretty homey.  200 yards below our tent runs a  swell paved road along which an endless procession of natives, sheep and troops pass.  Beyond the road is a large farm with a large no. of buildings on it. A large pea patch lies to our left.


2/24/42            after breakfast mercer cozart and Clendenin went back to bed.  The sun takes an aufull long time to rise.  We completed the drainage system around our tent.  Use my helmet for a wash basin.  The noon meal was fair.  We rode in a GI truck to “Tafaraoui” a distance of 18 kilometers to draw rifles.  The drive offered a offered a beautifull continuouis sight of green hills, natives, farms etc.  the donkeys are very small animals, but seem to do a lot of work.  Our arms are Remington rifles model 1903.  tafaraoui is an American airport.  Seen lots of B-17’s-B-26’s-24’s & 25’s, also P-40 pursuit.  Ships.


2/25/43            Rose at 5:30 AM to get the K.P.’s up.  Went back to bed and nearly missed breakfast.  We go through both mess halls to appease our large out door appetites.  We eat well today with our fellow on K.P.  took my first shower since leaving the states.  Certainly feels good.  Lt. Clearman issued our Franc’s.  played cards and got caught in Meachams tent during a rain storm.  Our barracks bags were uncovered and got awfull wet.  Bought a quart of wine and the four of us drank it in our tent.  Had an awfull rain storm last night.  Our tent leaked just enough to make it miserable.  Good thing it quit raining about 10 PM.


2/26/43            Made mess formation this morning.  As we were the first to eat, Cozart and Clendenin each received a letter. We stood in the P.X. line for several hours only to be told as usual that we were in the wrong place.  Had a bad storm in the afternoon.  Tent held better than last night.  A P-39 did a fancy bit of low flying over our camp just before the evening chow.  Cozart and I went after Vino to the French Quarters and saw a true American act in the form of a group of American soldiers and a GI kid (Joe).  An Arabian boy befriended by the soldiers.  Saw Boyer and Dunne in  “Love Affair” at the outdoor theatre.


2/27/43            CO. C of 20th infantry replacement took over this morning.  Relieves me of my temporary Sgt. Duties.  Lt. Latham of “cca” spread a big line of shit as usual.  Infantry Lts are the dumbest of any commissioned officers.  We eat an awfull lot of oranges.  Purchased from the natives (Arabians)  GI Joe has been officially adopted by the 19th replacement battalion.  Played basketball.  We can get a good team together.  Goodlin, Meacham, Matheis and Massey shipped out today.  Goodlin went to “La Sinnia” air base a few miles from “Oran”.  I got two quarts of wine from the natives and worked in the mail room until 11 PM  had a slight case of the GI shits.  An awfull dark night.


2/28/43            Sunday.  This last day of Feb finds me here at the end of my first week.  I sorted mail from 9 O’clock until noon read the daily war bulletin and a bit from the Readers Digest.  Eggleson and Haddad have annexed a gallon of strawberry jam from the mess hall, which tastes darn good.  The “morale” builders are still around.  Had a sports bull session down by Frank and Haddads tent.

3/1/43  Sorted mail until 1 PM in the afternoon.  A new bunch of troop transport men came into our area.  Kenneth Masters got feeling high on “wine”.  Several of the boys have gone to town and we want to go in the near future.  Bill is on KP much to cozart and Clendenins delight.  Washed good cleaned my rifle and played ball.

3/2/43  sorted mail until 11 O’clock.  Our group get’s few letters.  My mail duties keep me out of details, hikes, KP and Rifle inspection. Such as was had.   Arabs will give us $8.00  for a matteress cover and $30.00 for GI shoes.  Beautiful spring day today.  Wrote to Nell R. Bill M & I made up to a couple Arab kids.  It should result in a few bottles of good and cheap wine.  We use wine to drink in place of chlorine water.

3/3/43  Spent the fornoon fooling around at the post office.  Cleaned up at noon to go to town.  We walked all the way to Ste. Barbe, a distance of 4 miles.  Boy what a town.  Every thing stinks.  We drank wine from bars run by good looking French girls.  We sold a few GI articles and tasted nearly al of the drinks available.  Stores on pitifull in regards to supplies and cleanliness.  We purchased candy figs-oranges, tangerines, French bread-lemons-and wine.  We rode an Arabian Alcohol truck back to St. Lucian.  It was a good day but town in Africa is not like town in the states.  No drug stores, etc.

3/4/43  Sent a few letters off and talked to Ferrand who is drawing MP duty in Oran.  No mail today.  Played a little basketball.  Mercer and I drank ¾ of a quart of “vine Rouge” after retiring.

3/5/43  Meacham and I played 3 hours of basketball.  We work pretty good together.  He is the best defensive man I have ever seen.  Had a good shower and sorted mail all afternoon.  I had 3 letters.  Good old Graham.  Also heard from Lamon H.  we got PX supplies and saw a show Joe E. Brown in “the daring young man”.

3/6/43  played ball all forenoon with Meacham.  Sorted mail in the afternoon.  Had wine for supper.  Drank a good quart.  Stole some sausage from the supply room and had a feast.  Bill M. had a real time on four canteen cups of wine.  Clendenin and I made our beds together for the first time.

3/7/43  My 3rd Sunday in North Africa and I haven’t done a thing.  Getting pretty “P.O.”  looks like a lot of bull.  Sorted mail and talked to two French foreign legion soldiers.  They fought in Spain, France and here.  12 B-26’s with a P-40 escort passed over on their way to the front. Bombing mission.  We are shipping an awfull lot of men.  Had letters from Helen and Mom.  Sure boosts morale.  Cozart and Clendenin are on KP  played touch football in the evening.

3/8/43  After an enjoyable breakfast, I spent the forenoon playing ball and showering.  The afternoon was dull.  Wrote a couple of letters and had an extra good supper thanks to Sgt. Lincer.  The African nights with a bright moon and lots of stars are very beautifull and cold!

3/9/43  The day started off peacefully enough with the usual morning basketball games and a big hearty dinner.  Shipping orders!  Cozart, Clendenin, Eide, Brussart, Eggleson, Herod, Glen Larson Jaques Massey and I leave at 5:30 to join our outfit, the 82nd fighter control command.  Assigned after 9 months.  With regretfull memories we bid “adoi” to Mercer and Meacham and loaded into a GI taxis.  We took off for La Sinia.  We saw a wreck between an officers car and Arabian wagon.  We came on in the dark to pitch pup tents and spend a miserable night.

3/10/43            Had a swell breakfast to start off with my new outfit.  Our “CO” gave a small speech after wich I wrote a few letters.  Noon “chow” was fair and the afternoon was spent in playing poker.  We looked a “dF” van over and a French “Pill Box”  all types and sizes of planes are constantly flying overhead.  We requisitioned for new clothes and are to move up to the front by troop transport tomorrow.  After supper we walked over to the main flying line to see a show.  We had already seen it so spent the evening looking the various planes over.  We went all the way through a B-17.  boy those lucky flying operators!!.

3/11/43            Had a good breakfast and went back to bed until noon.  Fooled around all afternoon in the nice African susnshine.  We walked a few blocks over to “no. 1” hanger and saw Errol Flynn and Olivia De Haviland in “Santa FE Trail”  bought a 100 Oranges from an Arab for 75 Francs

3/12/43            Missed breakfast because we slept to long.  First of the fellows to fly to the front took of this morning.  Rest of us go tomorrow!  Cozy, Clendenin, Eggleson and I are bunking together.  Sun is shinning ice  we walked over to see the show but looked the airport over instead.  A Scott Field boy took us through his plane.  A B-25  we also saw the grave yard of the French planes.  No wonder the “Jerrys” defeated them so easily.  They are terribly old fashioned.

3/13/43            Raining like all hell!  We broke camp in cloud burst and was taken to out planes.  They are Douglas C-47 transports.  We sat in them all day, ate “C” rations for meals.  Weather won’t permit a  Take of.  Back to brks. At the airport of “La Sinia”  for the night.  Saaw Goodlin.  Guess Mercer and Meacham and the rest are all attached to the signal corp.  Had a dry bed for a change.  Saw a good stage show all French cast with good looking French girls.

3/14/43            Sunday, a “piss-poor” breakfast and back to our –planes.  The thrill of a take of.  Circling for altitude straighting out and we are on our way.  The country below is beautifull.  Pretty rough air.  Massey got air sick.  A three hour ride and we land at “youds La
Banc” a miserable field.  Cold and stormy  several wrecked planes are lying around.  An hour of waiting and we are picked up by some trucks.  A 3 hour ride takes us beyond “tebessa” 60 miles through beautiful mts.  The road on each side is a solid mass of U.S. men and equipment we rode to within 25 miles of the front and never saw 1 enemy.  We saw several destroyed tanks and trucks belonging to the German army.  We saw a mine blow up a jeep.  Tore the drivers leg of.  Yesterday we cussed the rain, today we bless it.  If we had come yesterday we would have been caught in the middle of a German stuka-dive bomber attack.  After a not meal with the engineers we move up in the mts to our base 30 miles from the front.

3/15/43            Rose at 7am Clendenin and Cozart went back to bed.  “eg” and I spent the forenoon in contributing to the bettering of our tent and living conditions.  We have our pup tent idealy camouflauged.  Our camp is in the Pines.  Beautifull scenery. I brown nosed and got we fours names on the same crew.  Should leave in the morning.  We have plenty of supplies.  Egg raided the mess tent.  We can hear the reports of the big guns.  Also plenty of plane activity.

3/16/43            Had good pancakes for breakfast.  Built a fire in a small stove.  It was in a large tent left vacant by some officers.  Heated water and we all four took a “spit” bath.  Sure feel better.  Played rummy to pass the time.  Rained a wee bit.  Just enough to make it uncomfortable.  Looks like we ship tomorrow.  Officers moved back to their tent.  Played catch with our football.  “Cling” is on guard much to the rest of our delight.

3/17/43            Had a good breakfast of French toast and sausage.  Received 6 letters today.  Also nice picture of my sister.  Slept all for noon.  Cleaned my rifle thoroughly and cleaned up a bit.  After chow we walked into the woods and fired a few test rounds in our guns much to every one else’s dislike.  We were told today that we leave at 7 PM for the German side of the Kasserine Pass.  Hot work!  Our colonel is talking an independent unit out to work!  Rather chilly all day.  Wrote a long letter home.  scouting spit fires play hide and seek up and down the valley below us.  Still no sign of G. planes.

3/18/43            Raining to beat hell!  Never fails when we are getting ready to move.  We broke camp and left at 9 AM.  We traveled the main road east and south towards Gafsa.  It is rumored that we have begun a big push and that we have taken Gafsa.  We turn on to a strike of white mud, called a road, and travel north and west until we are about 10 miles from the Kasserian pass.  On the way we opened a case of English rations. They are not up to much.  Along the road are remnants of Italian and German trucks and tanks.  Still in the rain and mud we scatter our vans on top of a hill overlooking “Sbeitla” utterly blown of the map.  We eat hot C rations and attend to set our vans up.  Giving up because of coldness and the dark.  We pitch a wet pup tent and roll in mud.  Clothes and all.

3/19/43            Rose at 7 PM.  Poar breakfast.  No supplies have came up yet.  Saw a relic of a plane flying around.  C.O. gave us the low down.  We wear our steel helmets and pack our rifles all the time.  Spent the entire day in setting up the van’s.  meals were all piss poar.  Our field artillery shot at “Jerry” for a while.  20 spitfires flew over on their way home.  we have an English “plane locater” outfit with us.

3/20/43            Rolled out at 6:30 to put the finishing touches on the units.  Went on the air at 7PM  I am assigned to the 1st receiver van.  We are using 3 channels.  Meals are “piss poar”.  We have a damn nice pup tent and fox hole thanks to Eggleson.  Nice beautiful sunny day.  Wrote two letters to Harris and Kimber Ricks.  Late afternoon 3 jerry planes bombed and strafed “talys”  our “ack-ack” went into action- to no avail.  Later two more drove us into our fox holes when we were fixing the first channel.  They didn’t bother us.  Strong flights of spitfires are crossing quite frequently.  We have 1 lewis 50 cal. Machine gun for aircraft protection.  I like the work we heard a fight. One English “spit pilot” got shot up pretty bad.  He had to have help to get back to our side.

3/21/43            Sunday.  This Sunday finds me in Africa exactly one month.  We are proving to be a worth while station.  I was handling channel B when the I.C. reported a lone messerschmidt strafing between Kasserian and Siblit.  Kitty Green was quick to the vicinity and Jerry was quicker in getting back to his small part of Africa.  Boy what a sensation to hear that Jerry is heading my way at about 500 ft. and doing a considerable amount of strafing.  Meals are still poar.  Yesterday at supper we received a pack of life savers.  A stick of chewing gum, a sack of “Dufees Mixture” and a pack of cigarettes with matches.  Our relays are acting up so we are operating by manual.  Beautifully day.  The country is not unlike Arizona.  Sun shine rows of olive trees, cactus and green grass.  Low hills rolling down from the Mt. Ranges.  German bombers were over last night.  Short mission they came back in half an hour.

3/22/43            Hot lazy day.  Slept until 7:30 and ate before going over to the van.  McHenry and I didn’t handle a thing all day.  Finished reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.  A magnificent story.  About 4 PM 36 spitfires came over headed for the front.  I have seen nearly 200 of our ships to 3 for the enemie in this past week.  Washed and shaved leaving a “cookie duster” and a chin patch.  Eggleson burnt a hole in the tent.  Bediseds looseing a $1.00 to Clenderin in 500 rummy.

3/23/43            ate breakfast and settled down with a book to spend another uneventfull day.  At this point the I.C. called to say Jerry is on his way in tanks.  Within 10 miles.  Roll up your beds and load the trucks.  Mine was ready in nothing flat.  Our tanks stopped them, and we are safe for the moment.  Chow is better.  We have American rations Cling-Egg and I walked in Sibiethla about a mile from us.  The city is utterly destroyed.  Six American soldiers (signal corps) are bivouacked there.  We returned with old brooms and a German officers hat an American grenade and a turtle.  Both Egg and I have live turtles about the size of my fist.

3/24/43            Had all day of yesterday.  Had had a good breakfast when our morning bombers were coming back.  We remarked how unusually heavy the fighter escort was.  Just then all hell broke loose.  Four of them were Jerry mess. 109’s.  frozen because of the short and uneventful dogfight we stood gawking as Jerry pealed of over our heads taking a burst at trans #1.  the vans were soon emptied of oper.’s I was in the English, twin lewis machine guns nest.  Their gunner was cursing because his guns were dismantled.  The next 20 minutes was as active as could be.  Jerry fought a game but hopeless fight against superior numbers of spitfires and P-40’s.  it resulted in the crashing of one Jerry about a mile from here and the rest beat a hot retreat for home.  the dead pilot was reported about 17 or 18.  the remains of his plane which burst into flame and burned rapidly along with his parachute etc was quickly picked up for soveniers by American and English soldiers.  Some other mother crys now.  Some Arab children promised to bring us some eggs and oranges tomorrow.  Traded with the English for a shirt and sun glasses.

3/25/43            Put out a hell of a big laundry.  Wind blew just enough to make the sun not quite warm enough.  Had our first mail.  Received letters from Mom, Helen and Dot.  Arab kids hung around all morning.  They are dirty, black, ragged little devils.  They pick up all cigarette butts, old biscuits etc.  Cozart and I played cards all afternoon.  Nights are black as ink.  As we have found out after closing the vans late.

3/26/43            Opened Rec #1 at 5:30.  cool desert wind still blowing.  Laundred my fatigues.  Had a good bath (in a  fox hole) and a good change of clothes.  Food is exceptionally good, we are getting American supplies.  Turned the turtles loose.  Egg’s took of. Mine hangs around.  36 B-26’s went over in a daylight bombing raid.  We go on a new shift tomorrow.  Drew PX rations to the extent of 6 packs of American cigarettes, 6 packs of life savers, 6 sticks of gum, a tooth brush, matches.

3/27/43            Slept until 8:30.  spent the forenoon in sleeping and reading.  No work for me today.  Spent the afternoon in talking to the English and putting a telephone up in Rec. #2.  I spent the evening in taking 261 Francs away from cozart playing 500 rummy.  Clendenin and I had a rough night last night.

3/28/43            Slept late and had a fair breakfast.  Chewed the fat and read all morning.  Worked Rec. #1 from 1 PM to 8:30 PM  Cozy kept me company.  Playing cards.  We cleaned up because a visiting colonel came along.

3/29/43            Jerry came over again this morning.  We saw a P-40 shot down.  Pilot was Charles E. King from south Carolina.  Things were really popping for awhile.  Reports are that the 8th army has taken the Marieth Line.  Rummy proved rather expensive today.  Rained in the afternoon.  Egg and Askren went round tonight.  We can hear the shells of the big guns as they are fired from the near by mts.

3/30/43            we have the rummy fever around here.  We play any place at any time for a franc a point.  Nothing unusual today.  We four closed Rec. #1 and boy what a crap game.  Egg and Cling took $30.00 from Cozy and I but I cut the rummy debt down $16.00 so lost nothing.

3/31/43            More Rummy. Rumor has it we will be paid tomorrow. “Gaspipe” really took the glory when they found a lost, lost plane.  Zujus’ thumb is much better.

4/1/43              I am going to quit my rummy studies abroad from Prof. Cozart.  His fees are much to high.  The wind blows every day.  The vans were really cleaned up. 1st sgt came and paid the boys of course we four didn’t.  all in all, rather a windy April fools day.  CL. Says the rest of the boys are suckers in a poker game.

4/2/43              Wind blew awfully hard.  Cold as a Feb. day.  We drew PX rations again, gum, candy, tooth powder and tobacco.  Cozy and I played Rummy nearly all day.  Rummy is getting expensive.

4/3/43              A better day than yesterday in that the wind went down and it is warmer.  Cozy and I are still playing rummy.  I shaved my beard and mustach of .  got mail from aunt Hazel, Olif, Bill and Helen and Mom, Eve L; also drew some PX matches.

4/4/43              Sunday.  Revenge came my way last night.  Evened up my rummy debt with Cozy and go in Frank for a 1,000 Francs.  Cold as hell when I opened up trans. #2.  17 B-25’s visited Jerry in the afternoon.  All came back.  We G.I.’d our guns last night.

4/5/43              Didn’t work today.  Read “The Album” by Mary Roberts Rhinehart.  Played poker with Cozy and Cling all afternoon.  A very lazy day.  Lots of sunshine and desert stillness.  Our bombers again raided Jerry in the afternoon.  Returning fighters, travel about 30 ft of the ground.

4/6/43              Opened Rec #2 mornings and nights, get cold as hell.  After chow, Cozy, CL and I  bummed over to a new airbase to see an A-20 that had been shot down.  The bombadire lost his foot.  Saw my first African camel.  Had a hair cut and a helmet bath.  Our bombers were in the sky all day.  Spits got at ack-woulf.  Orders are that we move again tomorrow.

4/7/43              Saw a small Arabian boy who had picked up a grenade which went of in his hand.  It was an awfull mess.  We packed preparing to leave.  “Good luck” takes over while we go up to the very front.  In the exchange of vans, there was a case of wholesale robbery.  Saw Gates, Eide and Larson and Broussart.  It being to late when we finally got ready to move we camped in the valley below the I.C. the Siebetla train is running again.

4/8/43              Wind blew awfull hard.  Nearly blew our tent away and buried our bed in sand.  Walked up to see the English boys again, also Gates, Eide.  Still didn’t move.  We really made a raid on the mess tent.  Candy cigarettes, peaches, cheese, apples, pickles, jam etc.  boy what a feast.

4/9/43              Pulled out early this morning about 35 miles north of Sibetla up messerschmidtt lane to Fyate pass.  Set up with anti-aircraft and went on the air in a big way.  We have a nice tent arrangement.

4/10/43            We have a EE-8A connected to our tent.  Slept late we are in a country not unlike the Rexburg bench.  Chow is fair.  Reported that we gave Jerry hell today1 worked Rec #1 in the afternoon.  Had mail from mom, Helen and Dot.  Dated March 16th.  They just had heard I was  here ok.  Had a little chat with two fellows who are with the Inft. Service group.  Boy it is hell on those boys.  Kinners will enjoy some of these tales.

4/11/43            Sunday.  My day of so I had a helmet bath and put out some laundry. A very warm nice day.  Our bombers and fighters are certainly giving Jerry hell.  Cling and I broke beds and slept by our selves last night.  We have a hell of a good time and just don’t know how lucky we are.

4/12/43            Move again.  Just like a bolt from the blue the orders came and the whole camp went into a state of chaos.  Through desert mts valleys, streams of sand and water we sped.  Past convoys over narrow French bridges through cities and villiages.  We saw downed Jerry planes.  Cling and his trans. Van broke down and was left behind.  We came past “good luck” and to the valley of Eden for a few days rest.  We raided the cook truck.

4/13/43            Boy what a spot.  Green trees running streams, grass and plenty of sunshine. Arabs are thick as fleas.  Chow is poar considering.  Had a mail call.  Had eight letters.  Cling came in about 4.  rested in general.

4/14/43            Still resting, trading with the Arabs and eating lots of fresh eggs.  Sure taste good.  Wee pay 5F a piece for eggs.  My eye has a blood spot due to a small hemorage.  We play ball a lot.  Colonel stunted for the boys.  Nearly took our mess tent down.

4/15/43            Boy a bed will certainly be a welcome addition after this war.  Sold mattress covers worth 98 cents to the Arabs for $10.00 + 12 eggs.  Was finally paid.  Sent $135  home.  Have had 8 letters here.  Heard from quite a few new people.  Anxious to move on.

4/16/43            Am using camouflaged van nets for a bed.  Still more Arabian deals.  Cling and cozy pulling guard.  We had a late snack of sausage, cheese, crackers, pickles and hard tack.  Cleaned vans for Inspection.  Capt. Echardant our C.O. piss poar!

4/17/43            Had a fair breakfast and shaved.  More deals with the Arabs.  Pulled guard from 12 till 4 pm.  Mislaid my pencil Helen gave me.  Certainly hopes it shows up.  If not I’ll kill a few Arabs.

4/18/43            Spent this Sunday in working with the EE-8A in our receiver.  A tiresome job but its results were ok.  Colonel Lydon had our crew up for interviews.  Supposedly for ratings.  The day was exceptionally warm.  Jerry came over in 1 plane about 30,000 ft.  our ack-ack kept him up and our fighters chased him home.

4/19/43            Practiced putting up and tearing down our antennas.  Curses on our C.O.. received eight letters and some pictures from Helen.  Took a bath in the Rec.  tommy has his receiver nearly ready-oh joy!

4/20/43            Our crew has the present record for antenna speed.  49 minutes.  Cpt Lumas was here.  Told us we four would be P.F.C.’s .  a dirty deal.  But we will get even.  Played a little black jack.  Lt says no more Arab deals.  Threatens to rain.

4/21/43            Dark clouds all day.  My eyes have been giving me hell.  Did a little work around the van and washed a few clothes.  Things look like we will move soon.  Made $30.00 playing black jack.  Had a small shower.  Arabs are still plenty thick.  They certainly would like more mattress covers.  See hundreds of planes a day.

4/22/43            Had my eyes treated and helped Egg gas the power units.  Took of in a 2 ½ ton for a ride.  Later got a recon car and we four toured N.A.  went to good luck, Sers and saw a jerry bomber shot down.  Got some souviners.  Had a hail storm in which hail fell as large as golf balls.  Creek rose about 3 ft.  washed fish onto the banks.

4/23/43            Still cloudy.  Played cards nearly all day.  Sent $135 dollars home.  Mom will faint.  Cling refused me a loan last night.  Can’t see it.  We put up our mosquito netting.  Helen’s picture was ruined by moisture.  I feel terrible.  C.O. bought a pig for Easter Sunday.  Wrote several letters.

4/24/43            A nice warm day.  Cozy and I took our guns and shot a few rounds of ammo.  Had a ice bath and clean change of clothes.  The boys killed the hog-skinned it!

4/25-30/43       Easter Sunday.  A beautiful day.  A swell dinner.  Egg, Cling, Cozy and I took our guns up in the hills.  Shot quite a few rounds.  Wrote several letters.  I went with out receiver van to Sers.  We junked a Jerry bomber, ate Arab cakes and had quite a day.  Had a letter from Helen.  Played some rummy with cozy.  Just read etc. to pass away the time.  Tried to no avail to get an auto but all to no avail.  Finally settled by referring a baseball game.  Yesterday we went up to Good Luck and played softball.  McH M.H.R. came in all liquored up.  Quite a time.  Beat Cozy and Cling in Rummy.  Walked a guard post from 4 tto 8 in the evening.  We are taking malaria pills.  Nearly all the boys have diarrhoea.  Boy what a case.  I’m lucky.  Time is certainly heavy on our hands.  We play cards, read and sleep to while time away.

5/1/43              May day!  And a beautiful day.  The weather is as hot as it is up home in July and august.  We practiced softball.  We are in a N.A.F. ball league.  Played football in the evening.  Boy an I sore.  Played a little black jack at night.  Bought some vino from an Arab.

5/2/43              Sunday.  Chow has reached the stage where it is utterly filthy.  We played a double header in softball.  Won one and lost one.  Was paid.  Our PFC’s failed to come out.  Dirt!.

5/3/43              Had a hellva night after a big midnight snack.  Had doc cut a sliver our of my leg.  One stitch.  French girls for CO. tonight.  Cling and I cleaned up in craps!

5/4/43              Won a double header in softball.  Cleaned up in craps again.  Put in for a $100 money order.  Read until late. Pretty stiff from ball game.  Had a bath.

5/5/43              Egg and I went on guard at 8AM we got in a jam when I fired my rifle at a turtle.  I guarded the only prisoner of our camp.  We lost a double header today.  Stiff and sore all over.  Put in for a $75 money order.

5/6/43              Won another ball game.  An Arabian horse tore down the colonels aerial.  Col Lydon helped give Jerry hell.  We are all packed , ready to leave here.  I will drive one of the Rec and a trailer.

5/7/43              Went to the post office for a $190.00 worth of money orders.  Rained like hell.  We threw a party in our Rec.  my first and last drunk in North Africa.  It was quite an affair.

5/8/43              Feel loggy as hell.  Had a typhoid shot.  Beat the officers in softball.  Went down to the air base.  We beat grubstake in softball. Saw a spitfire dive into a mt.  We took Bizerte and Tunis.  Everybody is happy.  Felt bad as hell.  A little fever and a sore arm.

5/9/43              KP today.  KP here is 10 times as easy as it is in the states.  We lost our second ball game of the league.  Had a bull session in our Rec.  ate peanut butter and peach jam.  Still a few Jerries left.

5/10/43            CL. Is on KP today.  Cays (?) are blue and hot.  African campaign is over.  Col Isreal congradulated us for fine work and the first Americans F.C.S. in Tunis.  We are playing volleyball and softball.

5/11/43            Slept through breakfast until roll call.  Bought PX rations.  First chocolate bars we have had since landings.  Boy they were good.  Lost a five inning ball game.  “Sally” is quite the gal.  Radio volleyball team is champs.

5/12/43            Put out my laundry and wrote several letters.  Won a forfeit ball game in the valley.  I got a qt. Of grape fruit juice.  Played volleyball.  Played pinochle during the evening.

5/13/43            An open date in softball.  Had French toast for breakfast.  Drew rations.  Had 4 letters.  Wrote a long letter home.  slept all afternoon and played volleyball in the evening.

5/14/43            lost a hard one in softball 6-8.  weather is not as hell.  Played volleyball up at Good Luck.  Drank a lot of scotch.  Raided the kitchen. A few fights between the boys.  Look to move.

5/15/43            Rose at 6 to go to Tunis.  After inspection, came a long but interesting ride.  All kinds of equipment strew the way side.  Talked to some Jerry prisoners.  Tunis is the town of NA. Met all kinds of people and troops.  Got pretty high.  Egg, Clancy and I got lost.  Had a wreck coming back.  Egg drove the rest of the way home.  a very eventfull day.  Had 3 letters.

5/16/43            Spent the entire day in recooperating from yesterdays trip.  Took a ride to La Sers.  Will move soon.

5/17/43            took our vans away from us.  We drove them up to good luck.  Going to give us new ones.  Can’t imagine whats up.  Packed our stuff.  Ready to leave in the morning.

5/18/43            Off again up past Tunis and out the Penninsula of bon.  Thousands of prisoners and equipment was passed.  We camp within 20 yds. Of the Medit. Sea.  Sand beaches.  Heard harrowing experiences from some Limies near by.

5/19/43            Egg and Cozy on KP.  Egg, Cling and I are life guards.  West and I made a tour of inspection.  Well worth our time.  Equipment all over.  Found several guns which we kept.  Went swimming in the afternoon.

5/20/43            KP for Cling and I not bad in Africa.  Had plenty of good things to eat.  The sea is beautifull.  Wonderfull swimming.  Lots of sandy beaches.