1946 Trip Diary
Mileage 48811
Left home 10 o’clock Wed. Nov. 13. Was delayed at Uncle Roy’s while plumbers drained their water pipes. Didn’t get started from there until 11:45. Ate dinner in Rigby. Stopped in Idaho Falls and did some shopping. Stayed all nite in Pocatello ate supper and breakfast at Willis. Ed and I slept at Pearl’s.
Thurs. 14. Lost an hrs time at Leah’s this am hunting Uncle Roy’s glasses. Finally found them in the car after deciding to go on without them. Left Pocky at 9:00 a.m. in a steady rain that started during the nite. Left hyway 91 onto 30 at McCammon, ran into heavy snow storm before we got to Montpelier at 11:30 and on to border at Wyo. Ate dinner at Cokeville, went thru Kemmerer 2:30. Stayed over nite at Rock springs had good modern cabins. Shopped in several stores. In café where we ate supper waitress told us of strike that would go into effect at midnite and surly enough we had a little hunting to do to find breakfast. Talked to young couple who camped at Rainbow Cottages with us. They were from Missouri and going to Vancouver.
Fri. 15th Got started again toward Laramie at 9:45 a distance of 227 miles. Ate dinner country style with coal miners in hotel at Hanna 3 o’clock. Didn’t have any trouble finding folks at Laramie. Drove to Mae Widners, she and aunt Louie were looking for us. Ruby had written them that we were coming. Mae and Elmer live side by side. We stayed here until Sunday morning. Dave and his family came in from ranch. Harland came over too and we really had a wonderful 2 evenings visit.
Nov 17. Stopped at 10:30 in Cheyenne at Marion Gilmore’s, didn’t find anyone at home. To Marion Gilmore-We drove by and stopped to see you no one at home. Roy Holcomb and Viola. Myrtle and Ed. Sorry we missed you. Headed on toward Elsie Tilman’s at Southerland Nebr. Ate dinner at Kimball Nebr. Had supper up town before hunting Elsie. Didn’t enjoy eating our meal. Fed us horse meat so we thought. Anyway it wasn’t beef. Stayed 2 nites visited Monday at Keystone with 2 more of Aunt Louie’s children. Came back to Elsie’s for chicken supper.
Tues 19th. Left Southerland 9:10 and stopped at Effie Lawyer in North Platte. Was there 2 nites. Aunt Edith and Tom came from Missouri that evening and next day Wed Nov 20 we all went out to Alice Gilmore Dillon’s at (blank space) and spent the day, had dinner and supper.
Thurs 21. Effie and Claud decided to take their folks and go with us over to Uncle Berts at Holbrook a distance of 125 miles. Phoned ahead that we were coming and she had a lovely chicken dinner waiting for us. Stayed 1 nite at Uncle Bert’s.
Fri 22nd. He went with us on over to Atwood to Uncle Wills. Phoned Uncle Wills that we were on the way. Stayed with them 2 nites. Attended Sun services with them at Christian church. Left Uncle Wills after dinner for Aunt Sophia Sunday Nov 24. Arrived there at 3:40 had a lovely chicken supper. Ed and I stayed all nite with Alta. Next day Edna and her daughter and baby came. Also saw Albert his wife and baby.
Monday. Stayed in cabins at Fort Morgan, visited evening with Mayme and Doc Griffith. Went back and ate breakfast with them and left at 8:30 going towards Denver. Ate dinner at mt. café 14 miles East summit 11317 (I assume that is altitude) and found cabins at Tremmling Colorado for nite. Left 8:10 ate dinner Elk Creek Color. Did a little shopping at Craig. Stayed all nite at Heber. De Luxe Cabins. Met a young couple in the hills off the road. Gave girl ride into Heber to get a wrecker. Left Heber at 8:30
On a separate piece of paper in the same handwriting.
I don’t know what relation Henry was to grandmother. (underline in original)
Copied from Effie Lawyer’s dates. (see above Tuesday the 19th)
The Matteson family originated in Denmark using such names at Matteson, Mathewson, Madison, Matson and Matteson.
Henry Matteson was born Oct 1646 in Ulster Co. Ireland of Danish parents and emigranted to Rhode Island in 1666 during King Phillip’s War. (I have that book and Hinckley’s fought in it.) In 1685 he was a deputy. At the age of 44 yrs in 1670 he married Hannah Parsons, daughter of Hugh and Elisabeth Parsons of England. She married a 2nd time to Charles Hazelton Aug 9, 1693, after Henry had been dead three yrs. Henry and Hannah had seven children.