Religion: Conversions, Missions, Spiritual Experiences

Conversion Stories

The following are short facts on the conversion stories of my Ancestors.  They reflect the first in their family to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  1. Alice Myrtle Holcomb—Her parents Charles Ingersol Holcomb and Mary Ross Mathews were married in Furnas County Nebraska on November 25, 1896.  They lived in Nebraska and Kansas where their first three children were born and they moved to St. Anthony, Idaho where Alice Myrtle was born in 1902.  Land had opened up for homesteading in the area.  Anthony is 15 miles Northeast of Rexburg.  St. Anthony’s first churches  were Episcopalian and Methodist.  Family records and Mary Ross’s burial information show the family as Methodist.  Alice Myrtle met William Vance Hinckley at a wedding of two of their relatives (His aunt and her uncle) and a few years later June 1921 they married. In late summer 1932 she was asked to work in the ward Primary organization and became the secretary.  In December of 1932 she chose to join the church her husband belonged to and her son Russell had recently been baptized.